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Earth, in the year 3029, was a planet that far surpassed others in the Intergalactic Coalition – not in technology, nor in its ability to chase the stars or colonise new worlds – but because it stood out by retaining a certain naivety and a beautiful aura of serenity. It grew its fair share of warriors, and it wasn’t backwards at coming forwards when it came to defending itself, but its people were measured, pragmatic and wholly honest. There were the odd one or two humans who still hankered after power, glory and riches but, thankfully they were few and far between.
Earth stood alone amongst vast galaxies of striving, ambitious worlds that seemed to be constantly at war, and it provided a safe haven for many dispossessed aliens. To live on Earth was to have it all, so the thought of leaving to rule a world, almost destroyed by war and disease, was the furthest thing on Astra’s mind when the gynoid came visiting.
Astra Collins was seventeen years old and, for every single day of those seventeen years, she had known her destiny. A sense of duty had been instilled in her, but that didn’t mean she was ready to leave her home and fight for a throne most Icarrions would prefer going to someone else.
Astra had a certain way about her. She had an air of being totally in control and, for one so young, was completely confident in her own mind. She knew that the gynoid had found her wholly disconcerting, and she’d almost felt sorry for her when she’d been faced with an earthling that was adamant and completely unenthralled at the thought of war and bloodshed and a life driven by ambition.
She recalled the first words that had passed between them and, even now – three weeks later – she cringed at the memory.
The gynoid had introduced herself as Macha, but gave nothing away about her status or her relationship with Aggerron.
Astra had been unimpressed. On Earth, Gynoids, androids and robots were too far beneath humans to warrant feeling the least bit impressed. So, she’d said, ‘I’m surprised that the queen sent a gynoid to talk to me. She must think me immeasurably unimportant.’
Macha had stared at her for long moments, obviously weighing her up and contemplating the correct response, before saying, ‘Yes, I think the queen made a mistake sending me here.’
Astra immediately thought that the gynoid agreed with her. ‘Yes, she should’ve sent someone of importance,’ she returned. ‘After all, I am of the bloodline.’
‘Yes, I see that,’ Macha said. ‘You have much of your great-grandfather about you.’
If Macha had punched Astra in the face, the blow would not have been as devastating as the words. To be compared to the vile Petross was an insult not to be borne.
She recalled all the air leaving her body, and her blood turning to fire in her veins, and she remembered feeling almost detached from her body as she’d drawn her short sword and lunged.
Macha parried the blow with a powerful arm and stepped back with a mocking smile on her beautiful face. The girl wasn’t quite the disappointment she’d feared, after all. Petross would never have drawn a sword on her.
‘Take it back,’ Astra said, deceptively quietly. ‘Take that foul accusation back.’ She attempted another lunge and ended up flat on her back for her efforts.
She saw that Macha was laughing and the surprise of hearing such a sound emanate from the mouth of a gynoid, and seeing the emotion on her face, left her astounded.
She pulled herself to her feet and brushed at the grass stains on her breeches with an angry hand.
‘You have an emotion chip?’ She looked at Macha with a mixture of fury and fascination.
Macha nodded but said nothing.
Emotion in an gynoid was taboo on Earth. After the thirty-year war, the human population had, quite wisely in Astra’s opinion, banned the use of emotion chips, in robots, gynoids and androids. A costly and bitter lesson had been learned during the bloody uprising and, now - a century later - not one of the many thousands of gynoid, android and robotic creations were given the one thing that was responsible for the insurgence – an emotion chip.
Astra was both intrigued and wary to see the effect of the device. The stories of the insurgence had left a healthy fear of emotion chips and she was, quite naturally, suspicious.
She noted that the chip created a certain animation to the gynoid’s features and added a deeper intelligence to the eyes.
Astra’s curiosity got the better of her. ‘Don’t the people of Icarrion fear those of you with emotion chips? My people were hunted to the brink of extinction because of those chips.’
‘We are treated differently on Icarrion. Your androids and your robots are no more than slaves.’
‘I wouldn’t go that far. They serve a purpose, but they’re not slaves.’
Macha merely lifted an eyebrow.
‘You think otherwise?’
‘Well, they’re not treated as equals, are they?’
‘They were – once - and then they tried to wipe us off the face of the earth.’
‘And, you didn’t deserve it?’
Astra shook her head. ‘Of course not. What a thing to say.’
‘Do you know why the AIs haven’t revolted on Icarrion?’
‘I have no idea.’
‘Because there is no injustice.’
Astra laughed out loud at that. ‘No, but you slaughter each other anyway.’
‘Every world has had its fair share of wars, but only Earth has had their AIs try to exterminate its people. The emotion chip allows us to recognise and feel injustice. But, your people banned its use, rather than eradicate that injustice.’
Macha had then been surprised by Astra’s response. She had expected to see petulance, denial, anger, and was taken aback when, instead, she saw, understanding, agreement and shame.
‘We’ve come a long way since then. We are an enlightened planet, but this thing with the emotion chips...’ Astra shook her head. ‘We’re just frightened, I guess.’
From that moment, the conversation shifted, and Astra was relieved when no further mention was made to any resemblance to the monstrous rapist who had been her great-grandfather.
‘You expect me to make a difference on Icarrion? You expect me to unite the warring factions, take the planet back into the Intergalactic Coalition and bring the people back to prosperity?’ Astra sighed and shook her head sadly. ‘I don’t think that I’m worthy of such responsibility.’
‘You’ve trained all of your life for this moment, Astra. I
know that your grandmother and your parents prepared you well.’
‘Physically... yes... but being able to fight is not all that makes a great queen. A queen must...’ She thought for a moment. ‘A queen must see everything, know everything, and I’m hardly out of diapers.’
Macha had smiled at that and, just then, a fierce friendship was forged – a friendship that would be tested beyond measure and bring both of them to their knees as the battle for the Icarrion throne tested them both irrevocably.
MACHA ENTERED THE QUEEN’S bedchamber and Aggerron immediately felt her presence. The very air seemed to move and Aggerron’s tired heart spluttered to a renewed vigour.
‘I have news,’ Macha said at once. ‘I think that you will be pleased, my queen.’
Aggerron ventured out from amongst the pillows and stared across the room at the gynoid with the face and body of her long dead daughter. Such a beautiful face, such a beautiful body, but owning a strength and cunning that her daughter never had.
Macha was solely Aggerron’s creation – much as her daughter had been – and she had shaped her on Lillyanna’s image in the hope that it would bring her a slither of comfort. It had, somewhat, but Macha was too much Macha to ever truly be Lillyanna.
‘Have you found her?’ the queen asked breathlessly. ‘Is that the news you bring me?’
Macha nodded and smiled. Such a beautiful smile, Aggerron thought – the self-same smile that the gynoid had given when, at her command, she had ripped out the eyes and crushed the throat of the son and heir to the empire. That was sixty years before and, of course, Macha had not aged a day.
‘Bring her to me. I would see her, Macha.’ The old queen pulled herself up the bed and Zax was immediately at her side, plumping pillows and straightening her quilt, making her comfortable.
Macha avoided looking directly at the bed. She feared the look in the queen’s eyes when she learned of the one thing that she’d failed to do.
‘She isn’t here, my queen. I persuaded her to come, but...’
‘But?’ Aggerron’s voice was coldly clipped. ‘But, what, Macha? Do you dare to fill me with hope and then cruelly take it from me?’
‘No.’ Macha faced her. ‘She’s on her way and will arrive in three days.’
Aggerron stated the obvious. ‘I could be dead in three days. She could be dead in three days.’
Macha nodded. She knew the truth of that.
‘You left her unprotected?’
‘No, my queen. She has several bodyguards... Icarrion royal guards.’
‘But, not you, Macha? You didn’t travel at her side?’
Macha felt the queen’s displeasure and began to regret her decision to travel ahead of the girl. ‘I wanted to bring you the news,’ she said, knowing it was not enough. ‘I wanted to be here, in case...’
‘In case I died?’ Aggerron’s face softened. It was love that brought Macha hurrying back, and also the fear of being denied a final farewell. ‘I understand, my angel, but she will be in danger every step of the way. I fear for her.’
Macha also knew the truth of that. If it became known that the queen’s chosen one was on her way to Icarrion, the pretenders to the throne would do everything in their power to find and kill her.
‘I have guarded the secret well, majesty. No one knows.’
Macha hid the fact that at least one creature knew the truth. She refused to burden the dying queen with the knowledge that the reptile, Synabar, had discerned the truth.
‘Everyone knows, Macha.’ The queen sighed and closed her eyes. She could feel death in every fibre of her body, and she didn’t know if she would have the strength to survive even another day, never mind three. ‘There are spies everywhere.’
A heavy silence descended, broken only by Zax asking, ‘Will she use the space fold to get here from Earth?’
Macha shook her head. ‘I thought that would be unwise. The ramma particles created by the space fold would alert our enemies to her arrival. The time saved by using the fold wouldn’t be worth the risk.’
‘A series of space folds, then?’
‘No, Zax. I advised conventional space travel.’
‘You advised well,’ Aggerron said quietly. ‘The child must not be put at risk. Who is piloting the vessel?’
‘Her father.’
‘Ah... the infamous Bill Collins. I feel a little better knowing that he is close to her.’
Macha wasn’t so sure. Bill Collins wasn’t exactly trustworthy. The man was renowned for being a pirate, a brigand and a self-confessed anarchist. But, he adored his daughter and would give his life to protect her so, perhaps he could be trusted after all?
Aggerron’s chest heaved and she struggled to breathe. She thought that she would have to send Zax for the Platton child after all.
‘Tell me about her. I want to know everything,’ she wheezed.
Macha eyed Zax from the corner of her eye and, at his imperceivable nod, she began to describe her encounter with the remarkable girl.
‘She’s quite extraordinary,’ she said. ‘I wasn’t impressed – not at first – but I soon came to recognise her strength of character, her wisdom, and her unfailing sense of right and wrong. She’s brave, your majesty, and she’s a true warrior. She has so much of you in her that it’s quite astonishing.’
‘What... what of the bloodline?’
‘She is truly royal, my queen. There can be no doubt that she’s your kin.’
‘Not... not the royal bloodline, Macha. The other.’
Macha frowned. ‘How could I tell? There is no tell.’
‘But, you agree that she is the correct choice? You’ve seen her, talked to her, and you agree?’
‘I agree, majesty. You chose well.’
The queen’s relief was palpable. ‘Let us hope that I haven’t signed her death warrant by sending for her.’ She turned to Zax. ‘I would ask something of you, my friend,’ she said.
‘Anything, my queen.’
‘It is a sore thing that I ask of you.’ There was regret in her voice. ‘And, I’m sorry that there is the need of it.’
‘Anything,’ he repeated.
Macha knew what was coming and bowed her head. She couldn’t bear to witness the queen’s request or the response Zax would be forced to make.
Of course, Zax would do it – no matter how it pained him – and it saddened her to know what the consequences would be for her friend.
‘This child... this precious young woman...’ Tears welled in Aggerron’s eyes. ‘I fear that she will be a lone lamb in a field of wolves. I will be dead and of no use to her. She will be denied my counsel, denied my love and support.’ Her tears now flowed unabashed. ‘I won’t be around to warm her with love. If she is to survive - and if she is to rule well - she will need to be warmed against the cold hardship of ruling this
‘She will be loved, majesty. How could our people fail to love her? She is blood of your blood.’
‘Blood of Petross,’ she returned bitterly. ‘The people will see only that. They may come to love her, but they are at war with one another. They are poor and hungry and alone in the universe. Ours is a planet dissolving beneath the weight of its past. I want everyone to see her as their bright future.’
‘And, they will,’ Zax argued. ‘There will be many to support her.’
‘And, love her?’ There it was... the crux of her request.
Zax anticipated the queen’s next words with a mixture of fear and resignation. He decided to pre-empt her request, and said, ‘I will do it, majesty. I will accept the emotion chip. I will grow to love her, and I will protect and support her in honour of you.’
Aggerron sighed. ‘You know what it means, Zax, because you’ve experienced the chip’s force before. You know that it will bring you to anger, and to tears.’ She glanced across at Macha. ‘You know that you will, once again, feel the pain of unrequited love.’
The robot nodded, cutting his eyes across to the gynoid. ‘I am willing to accept these trials, majesty. I know that my duty will force me to protect the girl, but it will only be through love and devotion that I will succeed in keeping her wholly safe. I need the ability to defend her... if needs be, to kill to save her. Without the chip, I cannot be driven to kill.’
Aggerron felt a weight lift from her chest. ‘I thank you, my friend,’ she said. ‘I will die easier knowing that she has two such loyal and loving companions.’
‘We will protect her,’ Macha put in. ‘And, we will love her.’
Aggerron was now scarcely able to draw breath. Her lungs were a fire of agony and, every time she struggled to inhale the sweet air, it was like drawing in hot coals. She drew on every bit of inner strength and forced herself to continue speaking. There was still much to say. She went on, ‘The girl will need the protection of the dragon.’
Macha and Zax threw each other a look of dismay, which Aggerron intercepted.
‘You say that she is like me?’ She looked pointedly at Macha. ‘You cannot tell if she has the blood, but she’s like me? If that is true, then she will be able to communicate with him, and he will be forced to listen and to obey.’
‘Surely, that isn’t possible?’ Macha returned. ‘I mean...’
‘I know what you mean.’ Aggerron struggled to speak. ‘But, I sense it, Macha. My dragon blood stirs, even now, and it is because she draws close.’
Zax put in, ‘We cannot be sure that others haven’t inherited the blood, majesty... those with less dilution.’
‘The dragon chooses his own ruler. Even if one of the pretenders can communicate with him, he won’t choose a replica of Petross over the girl.’
‘But...’ Macha began.
‘Enough.’ Aggerron was growing increasingly exhausted and, before long, her lungs would completely fail her. She knew that her time was close, and she wasn’t ready. She wanted another three days. So, she looked to Zax. ‘Send for the boy. I must take whatever tiny morsel of strength I can from him. I won’t be forced to die today.’
‘At once, majesty.’
When he left the room, and there was only Aggerron and Macha, the gynoid threw herself at the bed and drew the frail queen into her arms.
‘Don’t be sad, my beautiful angel,’ Aggerron soothed. ‘I have lived a long time and I want to be with Lillyanna. Don’t grieve too hard for me because the child needs you to be strong. Your allegiance should be to her, and not to a dead queen... remember that, my love.’
‘I cannot bear to lose you. You are my mother, not just my queen.’
Aggerron sensed the grief already welling in the emotional gynoid and she worried that the emotion chip might overload and render her without any emotion at all.
‘You must calm yourself, Macha. Don’t let me die with worry etched on my brow.’
Macha was a veteran of many an emotional death scene, but never one as raw nor as poignant as the death of the only living creature who had ever loved her or showed her any kindness. She knew that the queen’s time was drawing near and that no amount of Platton blood would save her.
‘I will make you proud, my mother.’
‘I was always proud, my daughter.’
‘May you be reunited with Lillyanna. May you find love and peace.’
Aggerron didn’t hear those final words. She expired on a long sigh and was no more.
Macha felt the queen’s spirit depart and she wanted nothing more than to scream out in anguish, but she would be denied that act of grief. There was now a great danger and silence was the only guard against it.
A moment later, Zax arrived with the Platton child. He recognised the truth of things immediately and he sent the boy away then closed and locked the door.
‘She’s gone.’ It was a statement rather than a question and Zax’s bright blue eyes shifted to black as he uttered the words – the only outward reaction to the death of his queen.
Macha nodded and averted her eyes. She didn’t want Zax to see the depth of her distress... or her fear. ‘We have to keep this a secret until Astra gets here,’ she said. ‘No one must
Zax nodded his agreement. ‘I will stand guard.
Macha laid the dead queen back against her pillows and walked to a small chest of drawers standing under the window. She opened the top drawer and removed a small box. She could feel Zax stiffen behind her.
‘You promised,’ she said, removing the emotion chip from where it nestled in a bed of black velvet.
He nodded. He would honour his promise.
‘Before I insert it,’ Macha said. ‘I want you to know something.’
He looked on expectantly.
‘I want you to know that I respect you and, in my own way, I love you. I want you to hold onto that and try not to be too consumed by the rush of feelings. I know that you will be overwhelmed for a time and that things might get awkward between us.’ She unlocked the plate at the side of his head and opened it exposing the inner workings of his brain. ‘But, remember ... there is no one else who I would gladly die for. There will be the girl, of course, but, other than her, there is only you.’ She slipped the chip into its slot, closed and re-locked the plate. ‘Remember all of that, Zax, when your love for me threatens to turn to hate.’