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Flozanya noticed the change in him and was perturbed. He was restless, distant and extremely short-tempered. She worried that the impending birth was somehow affecting his psyche... somehow changing him. She tried to shake off the ominous feeling of foreboding - putting his behaviour down to him having no idea how he ought to react to his mate being pregnant – and tried to give him space to adjust to the imminent birth. But, no matter how much space she gave him, no matter how much she tried to understand him, he grew further and further away from her - spending increasing amounts of time away from her side and refusing to explain where he had gone. He grew indifferent towards Serillia – ignoring her commands and failing to show her due deference - and that worried her most of all. Thankfully, Serillia was too busy planning her triumphant parade to the capital to notice, but Flozanya knew that it was only a matter of time before the queen became aware of his growing defection.
Ozdyrion could smell her and, if he licked the air with his long, scaly tongue, he could also taste her. His blood sensed her closeness and, as a consequence of her nearness, the fire in his belly intensified.
It was disconcerting. It was alarming.
Perceiving that she might have need of him, he was driven to leave Flozanya and to fly from the royal castle as soon as the sun peeped above the clouds on the horizon.
He flew at an impressive speed towards the hills to the west and, as he grew closer, his mighty heart swelled, and he was compelled to spit fire high in the air on rumbling roars of elation.
Astra heard his thunderous roars and the strident beat of his wings before she had chance to see him. When her eyes finally found him, he was perched at the top of the highest hill, his great wings spread to the side and his mighty head thrown back as he sent huge columns of flame to the sky. He was a fearsome sight and yet she wasn’t afraid.
‘Take cover,’ her father screamed from behind her. ‘Quickly.’
He grabbed her arm and attempted to haul her behind an outcrop of rocks. Bastross was already shepherding Jac’ and Sisasskaa away to relative safety and turned an anxious eye to Bill’s attempt to do the same with Astra.
‘Go with your father,’ Bastross called out over his shoulder. ‘The queen may have discovered us and sent the dragon.’
‘No.’ Astra’s voice was low, but clear. ‘He’s come for me of his own volition.’
Bill hauled on her arm and succeeded in momentarily shifting her towards the rocks, but she shook him off and began to make her way forward.
‘Astra! Astra, please,’ her father beseeched, grabbing for her arm once more. ‘It will kill you.’
Ozdyrion lowered his head and, with a final rumble, doused the flames. He watched her struggle with the human and craned his long neck forward and emitted an ear-splitting bellow of warning.
Bill’s reaction was immediate. Instead of fleeing, he
dragged Astra behind him in an attempt to shield her. Bastross left Jac’ with Sisasskaa and ran to stand shoulder to shoulder with Bill – the two of them making a poor show of defence against the giant beast.
Grimly they stood, awaiting their fate but determined to protect Astra at all costs. But, Astra had other ideas. She moved out from behind her father and slapped away his hands when they tried to hold her back.
‘He doesn’t mean to harm me’ she said calmly.
‘You don’t know that,’ her father returned desperately. ‘How can you possibly know that?’
‘I just know,’ she said. ‘Trust me.’
Both Bill and Bastross had to weigh her words against the ferocious spectacle on the hill. Astra seemed so sure of herself and – because Bill knew her to be a witch with powers that even he was in awe of – he nodded his acceptance and reluctantly urged Bastross to allow her to leave them.
Jac’ and Sisasskaa emerged from behind the rocks and stood with the others to follow her approach to the dragon with wide, frightened eyes. No one knew what to expect. What they didn’t expect was for the dragon to drop its head and its chest to the ground, in an imperfect imitation of a courtly bow.
‘What’s happening?’ Bill asked no one in particular. ‘What, in the Sun God’s name is happening?’
‘They seem to be communicating,’ Jac’ said. ‘Astra’s talking, and the dragon is making noises in response.’
‘Could it be?’ Bastross said in amazement? ‘Could it be that she truly is of the blood?’
‘I never doubted it,’ Bill returned.
‘Are you both saying that she is of the dragon bloodline?’ Jac’ asked, shocked.
‘And, a witch,’ Bill said.
‘A witch?’ Bastross turned stunned eyes on him. ‘That’s impossible. No witch can be of the bloodline.’
‘Then, my friend... cast your eyes on the impossible.’
Bastross’ mouth worked as he threw his eyes from Bill to Astra and the dragon. ‘Even so... even so...’ he jerked out. ‘The dragon has allegiance to Serillia. I’ve seen it with my own eyes.’
‘Not any more, it seems,’ Bill grinned.
‘What’s happening now?’ Jac’ took a few steps forward. ‘Is she waving us up?’
‘It seems that way,’ Bill replied. ‘Let’s go.’ He moved away and began to climb the hill. The others soon followed.
‘This is Ozzie,’ Astra said as soon as they were before her.
‘Ozzie?’ Bill didn’t know whether to frown or laugh.
‘Ozdyrion... but I call him Ozzie. He’s a dragon.’
‘We can see that, Bastross returned, irritably. ‘And, it was foolish of you to approach him.’
Ozzie rumbled a warning and blew a blast of hot air that almost knocked Bastross from his feet.
‘He doesn’t like it when you use that tone with me,’ Astra said. ‘Best just be quiet until he gets to know you.’
Sisasskaa, braver than the rest, stepped forward and held her hand out towards Ozzie’s snout. In return, the dragon leaned forward and inhaled the child’s scent.
‘He likes you,’ Astra said. ‘You smell good to him.’ She gestured for the others to follow the child’s example and Jac’ was the first to volunteer his hand for the dragon’s inspection.
Bastross and Bill were a little more reluctant but, with subtle prodding, they acquiesced. Thankfully, everyone met with Ozzie’s approval and the charged atmosphere relaxed.
It was windy atop the hill, but the view was magnificent. They could see all the way to the royal castle and even caught a glimpse of the capital beyond.
‘It’s beautiful,’ Astra said on a sigh. ‘I can see mountains in the distance and snow to the north and west.
‘My home is where the snow lies,’ Jac’ said. ‘The forbidden territories where my people are slowly dying. I hope... one day soon...’
‘You’ll go back?’
He swallowed and nodded. ‘I hope to bring them here, where they will have a chance at life.’
Ozzie snorted and spread his wings.
‘He has to go back,’ Astra said.
‘Back?’ That was Bastross. ‘Why can’t he stay with us... protect us?’
‘Because he misses his mate and because he endangers us by his presence. No one must know... not yet...’
‘Why not? ‘Bastross was confused. ‘With the dragon, you can challenge the queen. With Lord Cantor’s endorsement... and the dragon... you can claim the throne.’
She shook her head. ‘It’s not the time. Serillia must face Damanaclee and win before I can make my move. Anyway...’ she went on. ‘We have to wait on Macha and Zax. We need them... and... and, I need Cauldronia.’
‘Another witch,’ Bill answered Bastross. ‘She’s travelling with the gynoid.’
‘You told him?’
Bill nodded. ‘Seemed the right thing to do... under the circumstances.’
Astra looked to Sisasskaa and held out her hand. ‘We both need Cauldronia... Sisasskaa and I.’
All three males looked on, askance.
Jac’ cleared his throat and stared down at the child. ‘A witch?’
Sisasskaa nodded.
‘Yes... her father told me that her mother was a witch but... I never thought...’
‘Untutored... like me,’ Astra said. ‘But, Cauldronia will teach us.’
‘I still can’t believe that a witch has dragon blood in her veins. I’ve never heard the like of it.’
Astra turned to Bastross and said, ‘Your Lord Cantor is going to be in for quite a shock, then?’
He nodded. ‘An almighty one.’
‘Tell me, Bastross... can I trust him?’
In reply, Ozzie snorted fire and shook his head.
‘Ozzie doesn’t seem to think so.’ She eyed the Icarrion through narrowed lids. ‘He will have much to prove before I put any faith in him.’
‘He will prove himself. I’m sure of it.’
Ozzie spoke to Astra and she nodded her permission for him to return to the royal castle. He used his powerful back legs to thrust his body in the air and then powered himself higher and higher with massive strokes of his wings. Soon, he was but a distant shadow against the skyline.
‘Well, that was... something,’ Bill sighed. ‘Now, what?’
‘Now, we have breakfast and await Macha’s arrival.’
MACHA PAID NO HEED to the many eyes following her progress across the floor of the arrival hanger at the space dock. Her long, purposeful strides and her fierce expression radiated a mixture of menace and palpable fury and she clearly showed that she had no time for anything but the Icarrion lounging near the exit.
He looked up at her approach and quailed beneath her baleful stare.
‘You are the slaver?’ she barked at him.
He nodded – too terrified to speak.
‘You attacked an Earth girl... here?’
‘She... she attacked me!’ he returned indignantly. ‘I was minding my own business when...’
‘Did you hurt her?’
‘Hurt her?’ He began to curse with righteous indignation. ‘She’s an animal... she hurt me... hurt my friend... the bitch got us arrested.’
In the blink of an eye, Macha had him by the throat. ‘Did you hurt her?’
His eyes widened, and he began to gag against the steely fist cutting off is airway. He frantically shook his head.
Macha squeezed tighter. ‘If you are lying to me...’
Tears erupted from his bulging eyes and he only just managed to find the strength to give his head another frantic shake.
The acrid smell of warm urine filled the air and Macha let go of his throat. She hauled him to his feet and held him at arm’s length as he sucked in huge mouthfuls of air.
Zax chose that moment to arrive at her side.
‘He didn’t hurt her,’ he said. ‘By all accounts, Astra took on the two of them and all but crushed them.’
The slaver nodded, gagged and spat on the floor. ‘Bitch!’
Macha responded to the insult to Astra by swiping an open hand across his face and sending him flying.
‘Are you done here?’
‘Not quite.’ She turned on her heel and walked back towards where she’d left the royal guards and the witch. Zax followed at a trot.
‘Find and bring me the security footage of the time of the incident,’ she said to Darius. ‘I want confirmation of who she was with and sight of what happened here.’
Darius nodded and strode off towards the security office.
‘She, seemingly, picked up an Earth man and an Icarrion
child,’ Zax said. ‘Slaves... apparently.’
‘I’d rather see the footage,’ she returned sharply.
Zax huffed and folded his arms across his chest. ‘We’re wasting time. We should’ve been on our way by now.’
‘We wait until I’ve seen the footage.’ Her words brooked no argument, and everyone had to accept what she said, and wait.
Darius returned momentarily with a palm tablet. ‘It’s on here,’ he said, handing the device to Macha.
The footage was grainy but the image of Astra with Bill Collins and Bastross was clear enough.
‘It’s true, then.’ Darius said. ‘Her father betrayed her.’
‘It seems that way.’
They all huddled around the small screen and watched as Astra approached the slavers and demanded the human and the child be released.
‘She risks herself for slaves?’ Darius sounded disgusted. ‘She could’ve been seriously hurt and... for what? Two stinking slaves?’
Macha ignored him, and it soon became clear that Astra was never in any danger of being hurt.
The image changed and showed Astra’s small group - including the human and the child – climb aboard Kallips and set off in the direction of the capital.
‘We go, now,’ Macha said, dropping the tablet to the ground. ‘She’s got a good head’s start, but we need to get to her before she runs into any trouble.’ She turned to Darius. ‘Are you sure that your message reached someone you trust?’
Darius nodded.
‘Good.’ She turned away. ‘Let’s go.’