
I was reminded recently of the old German proverb, “To start is easy, to persist an art.” People who have practiced the art of persisting with me, throughout the writing of this book, and to whom I owe a debt of gratitude:

Editor extraordinaire Lara Asher at Globe Pequot Press, for saying a big yes to Julia. Also, her top-notch crew: Lauren Brancato, Shana Capozza, Jessica DeFranco, Meredith Dias, Janice Goldklang, Kate Hertzog, and Ann Seifert. At Inkwell Management: David Forrer, Nathaniel Jacks, Richard Pine, Hannah Schwartz, and Kim Witherspoon, without whom … well, they know.

Others who offered insight, wisdom, and support, sometimes all three: Elizabeth Benedict, Leslie Bilderback, Kathy Budas, Lynne Bollinger Christensen, Hannah Concannon, Marcelline Dormont, Kim Dower, Debbie Guyol, Deb Nies, Randy Rollison, Danna Schaeffer, Lisa Spiegel, Abby Bliss White.

A special merci beaucoup to Kathie Alex for sharing La Pitchoune with me.

To Jerrod Allen and Fiona Baker: Paul said it best, about Julia: You are the butter to my bread, you are the breath to my life.