“Just finished this book and can’t stop talking about it to whomever will listen to me. It is fantastic. Colin Campbell’s latest masterpiece on whole food, plant-based (WFPB) nutrition is a must read for anybody interested in understanding health, cancer, and how a proven lifestyle has become so controversial. Campbell sets the tone for how WFPB can guide us toward optimal living.”

—David Feinberg, MD, head of Google Health

“Dr. Campbell serves up a sweeping historical survey of the literature on diet and health, brilliantly exploring the institutional biases that have long confused consumers and subverted the science as to the power of evidence-based nutrition to prevent and treat disease. Couldn’t put the book down!”

—Michael Greger, MD, bestselling author of How Not to Die

“T. Colin Campbell is legendary when it comes to nutrition. His six decades of scientific work and advocacy changed the world’s understanding of how what we eat can cause or prevent cancer. In The Future of Nutrition, Campbell prophesizes a healthier planet populated by healthier people eating a whole food, plant-based diet. To get us there, Campbell reveals a long-standing opponent: a confrontational nutrition establishment that must evolve to embrace modern science and move beyond its outdated thinking. Through his eyes and acerbic wit, we learn about the fascinating and, at times, outrageous academic, political, and industrial intrigue that has tripped up efforts to improve our nation’s diet for more than one hundred years. Campbell delivers decisive directions on what needs to be done to move our communities towards a healthier, evidence-based way of eating. The Future of Nutrition is Campbell’s magnum opus and will leave you rethinking how you discuss healthy eating, what you hear about dietary guidelines, and what’s in your next bite. This is a must read for everyone who is serious about nutrition and wants a unique behind-the-scenes understanding of a foe-ridden field through the eyes of a pioneer.”

—William W. Li, MD, New York Times bestselling author of Eat to Beat Disease and president and medical director of the Angiogenesis Foundation

“Dr. Campbell, the pioneering researcher whose earlier published findings in The China Study on the benefits of plant-based versus animal-based foods ‘fired the shot heard round the world,’ does it again in The Future of Nutrition. This book is a must-read for many reasons, the main one being that our health and our lives depend on us acting on the tipping point evidence that Dr. Campbell provides. He exposes the bribery and graft that occurs hidden from us and uses our own tax dollars to deliberately mislead us, the American public. He tells it like it was and, unfortunately, how it still is. It is obvious that Dr. Campbell’s towering intellect, (plus his wry humor), and dedication to dig into the archives and expose the purposely hidden information and corruption related to the power of food—and money. He reveals this by naming names complete with citations. We are in the midst of a human-caused mass extinction which can be reversed by following the logical steps of halting the damage being done to our environment. All is not lost YET, but only if enough of us implement the calls to action that Dr. Campbell outlines that will help us recognize where we are going wrong, how we can reverse course, stop fighting Nature and get back in tune with her. I’ll add my call to action: Get as many others to read this book as you can because we must act now.”

—Ruth Heidrich, PhD, WFPB Ironman triathlete and author of A Race For Life and Senior Fitness

“As a cellist, I know that true music is much more than the parts. An inexplicable magic occurs when there is harmony between the physical and spiritual. After reading this book, the truth of wholism and living at one with nature became much more than well documented science. Everything came together as a whole and made music. This book had a huge impact on me. I think it will change many lives for the better.”

—Daniel Domb, cello soloist with the New York Philharmonic, Boston Pops, Chicago Symphony, National Symphony, Cleveland Orchestra, and The Three Tenors, and recitalist at Carnegie Hall, Concertgebouw, and Wigmore Hall

“Dr. Colin Campbell, the quintessential scientist and nutrition researcher, steps us through the radical controversy and confusion surrounding nutrition and cancer research. Dr. Campbell eloquently unpacks the science of nutrition and its far-reaching potential to prevent, reverse, and treat chronic disease. The Future of Nutrition is a critical read for those seeking to improve their health, their community, and the planet!”

—Michael C. Hollie, MD, FACLM, speaker for Dinner with the Doctor

“In The Future of Nutrition, Dr. Colin Campbell delivers yet another masterpiece! The Future of Nutrition elucidates the many intricate nuances between the complex interfaces of the nutritional and medical sciences. Pertinent historical narratives form an important backdrop to this insightful discussion. Dr. Campbell walks us through much of the salient scientific evidence that has clearly shown the benefits of a whole food plant-based diet against chronic illnesses. At the time of this writing, the United States and most of the world is in the midst of a viral pandemic that has exposed our general poor health and disrupted our way of living. The time has come for the medical community to acknowledge the indisputable evidence of the power of plant-based nutrition in removing the grip that chronic illness has on our lives. This book is a must read for physicians, medical scientists, and the general public.”

—Baxter Montgomery, MD, FACC, Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Cardiology/Cardiac Electrophysiology, University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston

“Colin Campbell is a scientist specializing in nutrition. So what? Well, he also happens to be one of the world’s leading experts in his field, but there’s more. As he explains in this book, genuine nutritional scientists are surprisingly rare nowadays, because the entire edifice of food science is thoroughly corrupt, from top to bottom. The main reason for this is the Western world’s addiction to meat. The signs are all there: like any other drug addict, the Western nutritional establishment have woven a web of lies over centuries to rationalise their behaviour, which has deeply harmful effects on others. It’s a major factor contributing to the current global environmental crisis, it’s ruining our health and our economies, and it’s the reason why so many animals—at least 70 billion land animals per year—endure short, tortured lives in factory farms. Tellingly, when Campbell was once giving a presentation about food, he received a self-pitying, emotional complaint from a fellow food researcher, an MIT professor no less: ‘Colin, you’re talking about good food. Please don’t take it away from us!’ But Campbell is a genuine food scientist, and it’s his job to hold up the mirror of truth to the ugly face of our meat addiction. In this, his latest book, he lays out the basic facts, clearly and understandably. Will it be enough to encourage people to ‘go cold turkey about cold turkey and other meats’? That remains to be seen; he can do no more.”

—Gordon Mackenzie, first-class degree in philosophy from Durham University (UK), English teacher in eastern Europe, and translator in France and Belgium

“Buckle up for an incredible ride! The Future of Nutrition gives the reader an unvarnished front row view of the forces that have had profound influence, for better or for worse, on the food we literally place at the end of our forks. Controversy, vested interests, ostracism, and bias—the stuff typically reserved for soap operas—took center stage in shaping something much more fundamental: the food we eat. Dr. Campbell, an ethical pillar with a seat at the table, has been immersed in this space for decades. Unapologetically upending orthodoxy and prevailing norms, this incredible adventure concludes with powerful calls to action.”

—Robert Ostfeld, MD, MSc, FACC, professor of medicine and director of preventive cardiology for the Montefiore Health System

“Since 1960, Dr. Campbell’s work has cast an ever-brightening light into the darkness of nutritional science—and his sixty-year journey is documented in this meticulously referenced book. Largely based on knowledge garnered from him on this crucial topic, it ultimately became obvious to me that if we cannot take the animal out of the equation when it comes to feeding ourselves, we will never learn to live in harmony with nature—thereby placing the future of our civilization (and our species) in serious jeopardy. As such, if we Homo sapiens somehow manage to save ourselves from extinction—much of the credit should go to T. Colin Campbell.”

—J. Morris Hicks, author of Outcry, Healthy Eating, Healthy World and the 4Leaf Guide to Vibrant Health

“Reflux, a too common medical malady, creates significant suffering and concern for millions. Like most chronic diseases, reflux is diet based. Diet alone can prevent and reverse symptoms and prevent complications, including esophageal cancer. The problem is with misinformation and lack of information much like the myriad diseases discussed in this book. In The Future of Nutrition, Dr. T. Colin Campbell synthesizes a comprehensive overview of the difficulty in disseminating nutritional information to the public in a manner that they can listen, hear, and change. His personal experience and knowledge of the influence of industry and politics in the realm of nutrition provides many answers as to why the science of nutrition lags behind the adoption of dietary change in preventing and reversing chronic disease.”

—Craig H. Zalvan, MD, FACS, Chief of Otolaryngology and Medical Director, The Institute for Voice and Swallowing Disorders at Phelps Hospital, Professor of Otolaryngology at the Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell

“In detailing his 45 years of experience as a student, researcher, and professor at Cornell University, Dr. Campbell reveals his experience navigating the complex political landscape of academia, wherein universities all too often exclude life-saving information from curricula to protect their bottom lines. Over the course of my Cornell education, I was repeatedly confronted with the fundamental truth that academia is beholden to outdated traditions, dogma, and stakeholders which influence and filter information taught by credible institutions. The context provided by Dr. Campbell allows students of all disciplines to think critically about the information they consume, with recognition that industry-led parties stand to benefit from the dissemination of certain forms of knowledge.”

—Chloe Cabrera, Cornell University, BS 2019, Cornell University (graduate studies, exp 2021)

“In The Future of Nutrition, Dr. Campbell draws upon his six decades of pioneering scientific research, navigating a complicated history of the impact of powerful institutions on food, health, and ultimately disease in our society. Opening the curtain, he sheds light on the growing cancer of corporate influence in academia, which has metastasized throughout our societal system. As a millennial and passionate plant-based educator, there is an increasing urgency to fight for nutrition justice now and for generations to come. Dr. Campbell’s research about how food can heal, paves the way.”

—Ella Stephens, Cornell University, BS 2017 (Nutritional Sciences), Wageningen University, Netherlands (graduate studies)

“Dr. Campbell has shed light on the lack of integrity in the medical and nutrition fields, arguing that individual shortcomings reflect a systemic, societal issue; when faced with solutions benefiting society in the long term, those in power actively choose to make capital and individualistic gains for the short term. As a graduate of Cornell University’s Nutrition program, the evidence presented in this book both affirmed my undergraduate experiences and shocked my understanding of the healthcare fields. This book not only presents the truths behind the prevailing ideas and confusions surrounding nutrition and medicine but unmasks the ultimate perils of hundreds of millions of human lives, and future changemakers, will endure if we do not take actionable steps towards some tangible hope for the future.”

—Isabel Lu, Cornell University BS 2020 (Nutritional Sciences, Inequality Studies), University of North Carolina, Stillings (graduate studies, MPH, RD)

“Academic freedom is virtually sacred, and without it, students are denied the privilege of harnessing powerful information on nutrition that saves lives. In The Future of Nutrition, Dr. Campbell tells how institutional power, bias, and a reductionist system have resulted in a dangerously misinformed public on nutrition and health. It is vital we heed Campbell’s call to continue to fight for the unobstructed freedom of science.”

—Jessie Stahl, Senior Policy and Program Coordinator, PlantPure Communities, Cornell University, BS 2017 (Nutritional Sciences), Duke University (Nursing Studies)