James: 1:1, 554; 1:4, 668, 669, 724; 1:5, 6, 190; 1:6, 206; 1:12, 612; 1:13, 64, 348; 1:15, 777; 1:17, 26, 68, 637; 1:17–18, 618; 1:18, 614, 619, 621; 1:19, 791; 1:21, 622; 1:2224, 190; 1:22–25, 573; 1:23, 24, 197; 1:25, 371, 609; 1:26, 27, 195; 2:1, 241; 2:2, 695; 2:14–26, 612; 2:17, 608; 2:18, 608; 2:19, 604; 2:20, 608; 2:26, 608, 663; 3:1, 180; 3:2, 817; 3:5–8, 550; 4:6, 189; 4:7–8, 606; 4:8, 65; 5:14, 536; 5:16, 562, 580; 5:19, 20, 580; Infancy Gospel, 290
James, the Apostle, 358, 469, 474–75, 762
Jephthah, 536
Jeremiah, 761; 1:5, 628; 1:6, 7, 628; 2:4–37, 30; 2:22, 154; 3:11–13, 569; 3:12–15, 800; 5:3, 201; 5:12, 30; 5:14, 535; 6:10, 338; 7:22, 414; 7:28, 158; 7:31, 830; 9:25, 338; 10, 128; 10:10, 45, 112; 10:11, 45; 11:4–7, 129; 14:7, 629; 14:13–14, 507; 15:16, 30; 16:1921, 360; 17:13, 141; 17:16, 129; 18:8–10, 577; 18:12, 158; 18:15, 286; 20:9, 535; 23:5, 360; 23:6, 66; 23:23, 47; 23:24, 47; 25:15-26, 628; 26:3, 13, 19, 68; 27:1, 46; 30:8–9, 360; 30:12, 133; 31, 133, 137; 31:1–21, 285; 31:12, 574; 31:17–25, 133; 31:29–30, 439; 31:31, 133; 31:31–34, 531, 617, 697; 31:33, 493, 629; 31:34, 816–17; 31:35, 153, 530; 32:17, 52, 131; 32:17, 27, 795; 32:35, 830; 33:8, 681; 33:11, 62; 33:14–18, 266; 44:1–23, 129; 44:21, 56; 51:17, 65
Jerome, St., xx, xxii, 294, 846; Ag. Jovinianus, 756, 831; Ag. Pelagians, 62, 659, 668, 673, 675, 679, 681, 684, 685, 710, 838; Ag. Rufinus, 6, 827, 829; Comm. on Dan., 356, 802; Comm. on Ezek., 569; Comm. on the Gospels, 236; Comm. on Hab., 800; Comm. on Isa., 30, 41, 47, 110, 751, 775; Comm. on Matt., 364, 371, 395, 422, 489, 573, 664, 686, 702, 706, 753; Dialogue Ag. the Pelagians, 678; as Doctor of the Church, 842, 845, 855, 858; Epistles, 759; Epis. to the Eph., 116, 152, 201, 207, 419, 439, 441, 447, 484, 487, 493, 537, 538, 540, 587, 615, 616, 632, 633, 645, 667, 706, 713, 719, 722, 824; Epis. to the Gal., 275, 572, 585; Homilies, 236, 361; Homily on Psalms, 605, 785; On Jeremiah the Prophet, 153; On Lazarus and Dives, 480; Letters, 42, 181, 349, 554, 658, 754; Letter to Pamachius, 24, 425, 715, 789; Life of Malchus, 154; on Paul’s struggle in Romans 7, 684; Perpetual Virginity of the Blessed Mary, 285; textual and literary criticism by, 319
Jesus, 215, 316; anger and other questionable behavior, 280, 352–53; annunciation, 248–49; as the Anointed One, 227, 324, 325, 326, 342, 359–62, 365–68; as Aramaic Mar (Lord), Kurios, and Deus, 243; arrest in the garden, 391; ascription of Lordship, 221–22; attributes of God, 113, 241; baptism, 115, 248–49, 250, 341–45, 357; betrayal, 50, 389, 391; birth, 141, 202–3, 215, 266, 275, 392; blessing by, 382; body, importance, 791; body as the church, 343, 380, 659–60; burial, 398; as Christ, 359–60; circumcision, 337–38; claims made by and about, 235; classic Christian teaching on identity, 216–17; consummation and return, 162; as crisis for the world, 162; crucifixion, 203, 216, 250, 259, 393–94; death, 67, 162, 241, 249, 259, 311–12, 320, 326–28, 343, 358, 387–99, 401–43, 779 (see also Atonement); deciding about, 107–9; defects of alternative explanations about deity, 237; defining God through, 22–23; deity, 233–45, 285, 299–316, 327; delusion premise, implausibility, 239; descent and ascent of the Son, phases, 225–26, 230, 255–56, 261–62, 289, 294, 341, 355, 445–56; earthly life, 141; emotions, 280–81; entry into Jerusalem, 362, 388, 389, 391; eschatological modesty, 770; eternal being, 44, 253–55; ethical consequences of the gospel, 218–19; experiential argument on deity, 242; family, 289–90; Father discerned through the Son, 162–63; flight to Egypt, 340, 388; forgiveness of sins by, 233, 235, 241, 351; fulfillment of Scripture and, 110, 263, 266, 270, 280, 285, 286–87, 294, 300–301, 319–20, 327, 340, 341, 362, 363, 368, 374, 389, 391, 395, 463; gifts of the Spirit given to, 343, 368; God made known in, 5–6, 16, 17, 18–19, 26, 67; God’s divine constancy in, 68; God’s love of the world and sacrifice, 72; on God’s omnipotence, 52; on God’s omniscience, 48; on goodness, 64; as the Good News (Gospel), 219–20; guided by the Spirit, 311; healing and exorcism by, 325–26, 327; Holy Spirit as Comforter to, 515; humanity, 266, 278–82, 285, 291–92, 340, 344, 355; humility, 189, 235, 339, 343, 372; the “I am” statements, 237–38; identification with the lowly, 218–19; illegitimacy issue raised, 290; impact on history, 214; incarnation, 203, 265–82; on Jerusalem, 62; as Jewish Messiah, 18, 215, 217, 220, 222, 227, 236, 240, 243, 250, 285, 286–87, 293–95, 300, 319–20, 355, 357, 359–62, 364, 395; journey toward Jerusalem, 357–59; as lamb of God, 72, 301, 312, 339, 353, 366, 367, 368, 378, 390, 392, 412–13, 838; language of (Aramaic), 215, 395; Last Supper and founding of the church, 701; life of and the historical Jesus, 213, 215, 218, 219–20, 228, 261–62, 264, 279, 319–25, 337–41 (see also Historical Jesus); as the Life of the world, 245; lineage, 280; linking of baptizing and teaching, 9; as Lord, 222, 227, 233–34, 243–45; love and sacrifice, 73, 358; meaning of name, 227–28, 287, 362; as Mediator, 67, 109, 216, 224–25, 227, 230, 255, 256, 258, 267, 271, 272–73, 275, 278, 291, 293, 300, 301, 310, 311, 312, 314, 315, 316, 337, 346, 363, 368, 370, 378, 380, 382, 395, 398, 402, 414, 415, 431, 489, 491, 602, 685, 816; metaphor taken from animal life, 154–55; ministry, 29, 235, 256, 257, 263, 285, 306, 325–26, 327, 337–64, 366, 376, 397, 458, 461, 462 (see also Ministry of Jesus); miracles by, 311, 325, 361, 372, 374–77, 467, 789; modern detachment of Jesus’ humanity from his God-Manhood, 281–82; names and titles ascribed to, 301, 310, 362–64, 367, 488; the new creation and, 137–38; other religions and, 196; parables, 326, 562, 579, 782, 832; Passion, 388–93; personal union of God and man in Christ, 299–316; as pivot of history, 106; as poor, 215, 218, 219, 257, 259, 261, 267, 289, 372, 667; prayer at Gethsemane, 314; prayer for the faithful, 489; prayer of consecration, 366; prayer to “Our Father in heaven,” 131–32; prayer to the Father, 310; preexistence, 253–55, 286, 355, 714; preparing his disciples for his death and resurrection, 358–59; presentation at the temple, 339–40; pronouns used by, 547; as prophet, priest, and king, 226, 256; public condemnation, 391–93; purpose of God made known in, 162–63, 203; raising of the dead, 241; rebuke of the Pharisees, 182; as Redeemer, 20, 73, 112, 117, 136, 142, 228, 231, 235, 242, 302, 343, 363, 371, 399, 401–42, 816, 817; requirements of discipleship, 358; resurrection, 67, 72, 121, 136, 141, 163, 165–66, 203, 216, 238–39, 241, 248–49, 250, 320, 325–28, 788–89 (see also Resurrection); as Revealer, 162, 174, 175, 177, 195, 207, 214; and Samarian woman, 58; scandal of particularity and, 279–80; scandal of self-reference and, 235–37; Sermon on the Mount, 162, 371; sex and, 349; as Son of God, 26, 44, 47, 112–14, 173, 195, 215, 224, 230, 236–37, 240–45, 247–64, 283; as Son of Man, 236, 237, 240, 250, 257, 310, 312, 327, 355–57; soul, 279, 280; study of (see Christology); subjection to parents, 340–41; suffering, 164, 191, 256, 259, 277, 280, 344, 357–58, 360, 369; taking on sin of the world, 67, 73; teaching prayer, 64; temptation, 250, 345–50, 675, 831; transfiguration, 141, 250, 358–59; trinity and, 105, 106, 107–9, 111–22, 135–38, 277 (see also Triune God); use of ekklesia, 695–96; virginal conception and birth, 283–98; voluntary constraint of divine powers by, 256, 257, 263–64; voluntary humbling, 256–57; washing of disciples’ feet, 389; “Who do you say that I am?,” 214, 215–16, 233–45, 357; why delusion is an implausible charge, 239; as without sin, 279, 290, 343, 345, 351–55; as Word (Logos), 18, 19, 112, 116–17, 136, 162, 231, 253–55; work he came to do, 365–83, 403 (see also Offices of Christ); worship, 113–14. See also Christology; Exaltation or exalted Lord; Incarnation; Personal union of God and man in Christ; Son of God; Triune God; Union with Christ; Virginal conception and birth
Jezebel, 347
Job, 30, 135, 347, 684; 1:1, 8,668; 1:8, 682; 1:10, 158; 1:12, 159; 2:6, 159; 3:1–5, 30; 3:1–26, 82, 161; 3:17, 835; 3:23, 158; 5:17, 158; 8:9, 778; 8:22, 816; 9:21, 45; 9:25, 778; 10:8, 155; 10:21, 22, 785; 12, 152; 12:10, 155; 12:22, 16; 12:24, 155; 13:15, 604; 14:1, 2, 777; 14:5, 155; 14:14, 780; 17:14, 436; 19:25–27, 789; 19:26, 781; 21:7, 793; 21:15, 41; 25:4, 682; 26:7–14, 128; 26:13–14, 507, 530; 28, 48; 30:23, 781; 32:8, 207, 530; 33:4, 110, 513, 530, 531; 33:12, 24; 34:14, 15, 531; 34:20, 665; 37:5, 152; 38:1–42:6, 135; 38:4, 40; 38:4, 5, 43; 38:4–11, 128; 40:3–5, 161; 40:25, 453; 42:1–6, 161; 42:3, 439; suffering, 161
Joel: 2, 341, 636; 2:23, 547–48; 2:28, 114, 550; 2:28, 29, 30, 31, 532; 2:32, 753; 3, 769
John, 172, 176; 1, 19, 128, 522; 1:1, 112, 136, 239, 265, 284; 1:1, 14, 113; 1:1–2, 255; 1:1–3, 254, 803; 1:1–4, 116–17, 127; 1:1–7, 524; 1:110, 249; 1:1–14, 107, 162; 1:1–17, 136; 1:118, 301, 302, 362; 1:1–20, 127; 1:2, 3, 136; 1:3, 113, 254, 255, 839; 1:4, 244, 449; 1:7, 424; 1:9, 17, 18, 89; 1:9–12, 207; 1:9b, 22; 1:10, 245, 620; 1:12, 605, 614; 1:12–13, 288; 1:13, 270, 288, 614, 615, 641, 643, 711; 1:14, 47, 113, 117, 136, 207, 248, 268, 306, 316, 370, 379, 449, 715; 1:14, 18, 268; 1:14–17, 6; 1:14–18, 249; 1:17, 113, 265, 371; 1:17–18, 255; 1:18, 58, 107, 113, 240, 247, 271, 408; 1:20, 424; 1:26–27, 342; 1:29, 367, 388, 412, 423; 1:29, 36, 392; 1:32, 34, 249, 535; 1:32–33, 517; 1:32–34, 341; 1:33, 342, 631; 1:34, 342; 1:39, 388; 1:40–41, 362; 1:43–50, 362; 1:45, 288; 1:48, 113; 1:51, 355; 2:1–11, 372, 375; 2:1–12, 251; 2:2, 424; 2:4, 388; 2:12–14, 181; 2:13, 215; 2:19, 379; 2:20, 363; 2:22, 446; 2:25, 113, 207; 3:1–8, 503, 615, 711; 3:1–21, 251; 3:2, 373, 374, 430; 3:3, 543, 613, 642, 643; 3:3–5, 698; 3:3–7, 614, 618; 3:3–10, 26; 3:4–7, 625; 3:5, 114, 492, 514, 591, 614, 626, 627; 3:5, 6, 616; 3:7, 517, 614, 621; 3:7, 8, 621; 3:8, 506, 507, 514, 534; 3:13, 268, 312, 355, 484; 3:15–18, 235, 404; 3:16, 63, 72, 112, 272, 403, 408, 423, 449, 593, 594, 617; 3:16, 18, 247, 268; 3:17, 268, 272, 522, 742, 816; 3:18, 599, 811–19; 3:19, 466, 816; 3:33, 69; 3:33, 34, 535; 3:34, 311, 449, 530, 538; 3:34–35, 257; 3:35, 449; 3:36, 425, 834; 4, 251, 747; 4:1–26, 3; 4:9–14, 249; 4:10, 424; 4:14, 534, 605; 4:15–30, 372; 4:16, 591; 4:16–18, 373; 4:19, 369; 4:23, 112; 4:24, 58, 115, 543, 708; 4:25, 368; 4:29, 241; 4:48, 375; 5, 562; 5:2, 251; 5:14, 681; 5:17, 113, 315; 5:18, 112, 241; 5:19, 315, 466; 5:20, 251; 5:21, 241, 315; 5:22, 113, 301, 367, 813; 5:23, 114, 241; 5:24, 301, 449, 617, 629, 779, 782, 817, 826, 833; 5:25, 617, 787; 5:25–29, 453; 5:26, 45, 113, 449; 5:27, 250, 813; 5:28, 29, 788, 813; 5:30, 260; 5:31–36, 189; 5:36, 315; 5:37, 112; 5:39, 327; 5:40, 301; 5:45, 587; 6, 562; 6:1–15, 372; 6:4, 215; 6:15, 361; 6:27, 301, 632; 6:32–33, 297; 6:33, 268, 449, 825; 6:35, 238; 6:35–40, 791; 6:38, 240, 314; 6:38–40, 56; 6:39–40, 113; 6:40, 598, 768; 6:42, 288; 6:44, 572, 596, 617; 6:47, 449; 6:51, 423; 6:52–59, 413; 6:53–57, 652, 654; 6:56, 48; 6:56–58, 653; 6:57, 449; 6:60, 457; 6:62, 268, 484; 6:63, 114, 449, 503, 714; 6:67, 68, 761; 6:68, 449; 6:69, 742; 6:204-6, 388; 7:3, 297; 7:5, 290, 474; 7:6–8, 388; 7:14, 388; 7:14–16, 238; 7:15, 373; 7:17, 60, 61, 597, 647; 7:37, 38, 535; 7:38, 624; 7:39, 487; 7:42, 368; 7:46, 238, 373; 8:6, 388; 8:6b-11, 575; 8:7, 9, 354; 8:12, 238; 8:13–26, 69; 8:19, 237, 606; 8:26–28, 251; 8:28–29, 370; 8:32, 617; 8:32–36, 60; 8:35, 643; 8:38, 268; 8:41, 290; 8:44, 832; 8:46, 354; 8:51, 449; 8:53, 233; 8:54, 58, 237; 8:58, 25, 241, 255; 9:1–7, 375; 9:1–12, 3; 9:4, 774; 9:5, 16; 9:7, 251; 9:10–32, 342; 9:16, 388; 9:25, 647; 9:32–33, 376; 9:35–37, 236; 9:39, 268; 9:4859, 302; 10:1–10, 708; 10:1–16, 758; 10:7, 238; 10:7–9, 236; 10:10, 238, 301, 449, 617, 669, 775; 10:11, 420; 10:11–15, 708; 10:15, 26, 252; 10:15, 30, 260; 10:16, 602, 722, 739, 826; 10:17, 251; 10:17–18, 419; 10:18, 264, 466, 467; 10:25, 369; 10:27, 28, 708; 10:27–28, 528; 10:28, 449; 10:30, 236–37, 252; 10:36, 268; 10:37, 604; 10:38, 252, 315, 375; 11, 789; 11, 25, 26, 788; 11:1, 786; 11:1–43, 302; 11:1–44, 375; 11:3, 462; 11:9, 388; 11:24, 165; 11:24–25, 141; 11:25, 237, 363, 449, 782; 11:25–28, 235; 11:25ff, 449; 11:27, 368; 11:38–44, 241; 11:43, 467; 11:47–48, 361; 11:47–50, 53, 390–91; 11:54, 391; 12:1, 215; 12:13–15, 362; 12:23, 272; 12:23–25, 449; 12:24, 374, 774; 12:26, 823; 12:27, 272, 388; 12:27–28, 391; 12:31, 396, 433, 491, 812; 12:32, 715; 12:44, 301; 12:4445, 237, 430; 12:44–49, 114; 12:44–50, 235; 12:47, 423, 816; 12:48, 816; 13:4–5, 389; 13:12–14, 389; 13:13, 14, 113; 13:19, 532; 14:1, 301, 605; 14:1–9, 237; 14:2, 485, 486, 826, 834; 14:3, 494, 796; 14:6, 196, 235, 241, 326, 363, 449, 617, 639; 14:6–7, 370; 14:711, 271; 14:9, 301; 14:9, 16, 521; 14:9–10, 236; 14:10, 449; 14:10–11, 252; 14:12, 371, 548; 14:13, 14, 489; 14:14, 241, 301; 14:15, 509; 14:15–19, 546; 14:16, 114, 515, 523, 545, 624, 750; 14:16, 26, 552; 14:16–17, 547; 14:17, 514, 515; 14:17, 18, 624; 14:17, 26, 547; 14:18, 501, 545; 14:20, 651; 14:23, 547, 652, 662, 685; 14:25, 547; 14:26, 114, 116, 372, 521, 523, 533, 540, 544, 545, 558, 751, 839; 14:28, 260; 14:29, 532; 14:30, 832; 15:1–5, 751; 15:1–8, 449, 735; 15:1–11, 710; 15:4, 652; 15:4–6, 711; 15:5, 150, 617, 710; 15:6, 736, 737; 15:7, 301; 15:10, 109; 15:10-20, 252; 15:15, 655; 15:16, 711; 15:17, 113; 15:20, 754; 15:23, 237; 15:26, 114, 116, 509, 521, 541, 547, 552; 15:26, 27, 530; 15:26, 27a, 539; 15:27, 239; 16:4, 388; 16:5, 487; 16:5–15, 509; 16:6, 13, 750; 16:7, 114, 487, 517, 544; 16:7, 13, 547; 16:7–13, 114; 16:8, 518, 813; 16:8–11, 545; 16:11, 396, 832; 16:12–13, 372, 373, 623; 16:13, 6, 107, 163, 181, 207, 501, 504, 531, 544, 694, 696, 846; 16:13, 14, 109, 541; 16:13–15, 708; 16:14, 555; 16:17–33, 753; 16:22, 625, 837; 16:23, 112; 16:23–26, 380; 16:26, 373, 694; 16:28, 355; 16:32, 280; 17, 366, 380; 17:1, 388, 686; 17:3, 107, 835; 17:5, 241, 255, 443, 488; 17:6–26, 237; 17:8–11, 381; 17:9, 24, 381; 17:11, 112, 722, 824; 17:11–13, 653; 17:11-26, 62; 17:13–18, 381; 17:14–19, 742; 17:15, 489; 17:17, 655, 670; 17:17, 24, 492; 17:1825, 114; 17:19, 381, 659; 17:20–23, 681; 17:20–26, 848; 17:21, 381; 17:21–23, 723; 17:23, 310; 17:24, 489, 493, 541, 834; 17:24-28, 489, 825; 18:11, 388; 18:28, 392; 18:31, 250; 18:32, 389; 18:33, 362; 18:36, 272, 361, 491, 707, 740; 18:37, 362, 370, 392, 491; 18:38, 392; 19:1–4, 392; 19:6, 272; 19:7, 237; 19:17, 268; 19:19, 394; 19:20, 453; 19:2437, 19; 19:25, 290; 19:28, 348; 19:30, 389, 407, 566; 19:33, 469; 19:34, 268; 19:35, 469, 604; 19:37, 268; 19:38, 469; 19:40–42, 470; 20, 531; 20:1, 9, 459; 20:1–9, 471; 20:6–7, 471; 20:8, 471; 20:9, 473; 20:11–18, 469; 20:15, 469; 20:17, 112, 362, 446, 484; 20:19, 468, 474; 20:19–22, 461; 20:21, 372, 707, 714, 752; 20:21–23, 753; 20:22, 509, 515, 534, 547; 20:25, 238, 473, 795; 20:25–28, 236; 20:26–29, 469; 20:28, 25, 112, 113; 20:30–31, 203; 20:31, 250, 478, 603, 604; 20:40, 471; 21:1–6, 709; 21:1–11, 375; 21:15, 722; 21:15–17, 761; 21:17, 113; 21:23–25, 177; 21:25, 373; 21:27, 715; 22, 531; Book of Signs and Book of Passion, 387; Farewell Discourses, 116; “his only Son,” 247; origins, time and place, 250–51; personal (hypostatic) union in, 300–301; preexistence theme in, 255; Prologue, 116–17, 288; reliability of Johannine testimony, 250–52; “Son of Man” in Johannine sources, 355; testimony on incarnation, 268; triune teaching in, 118
John, Apostle, 289, 358, 457, 469, 471, 473, 535, 547
1 John, 54; 1:1, 307, 370, 603, 744; 1:1, 2, 449, 506; 1:1–7, 703; 1:2, 113; 1:3, 248, 652, 824; 1:4–9, 532; 1:6, 7, 601; 1:7, 403, 590, 663, 680; 1:7, 9, 681; 1:7–9, 683; 1:8, 353, 618, 675; 1:8–10, 579, 682; 1:9, 68, 534, 579, 593, 675; 2:1, 363, 380, 408, 489, 544, 545, 587, 677; 2:1–17, 406; 2:2, 67, 367, 404, 405, 423, 425, 439, 587; 2:3, 648; 2:6, 271; 2:15–17, 63; 2:17, 61, 833; 2:18, 768; 2:18, 22, 802; 2:20, 343; 2:20, 26–27, 556; 2:20, 27, 633; 2:22, 802; 2:27, 537, 540, 624; 2:28, 606; 2:29, 614; 3, 804; 3:1, 442, 644, 685; 3:1–10, 675; 3:2, 589, 654, 670, 771, 794, 811, 833; 3:3, 648; 3:3, 9, 682; 3:4, 587; 3–5, 117; 3:5, 353; 3:8, 271, 345, 433, 681; 3:9, 617, 653, 662; 3:9–10, 615; 3:14, 449, 616, 648; 3:16, 421, 449; 3:16–17, 421; 3:19, 20, 574, 648; 3:19–21, 815; 3:20, 48; 3:23–4:3, 117; 4, 5, 121; 4:1, 204, 799; 4:1–3, 552; 4:2, 204, 306, 379, 636; 4:2, 3, 799; 4:3, 802; 4:4, 180; 4:6, 7, 629; 4:7–21, 63, 600; 4:8, 686; 4:9, 268; 4:9, 10, 686; 4:9–10, 408; 4:10, 72–73, 425; 4:12–16, 532; 4:13, 648; 4:13–15, 652; 4:14, 249; 4:15, 247, 579; 4:16, 70; 4:17, 680, 682; 4:17, 18, 669; 4:17–18, 72; 4:19, 71; 5, 562, 769; 5:1–7, 711; 5:1–18, 615; 5:4, 425, 724; 5:4–10, 117; 5:6, 344; 5:7, 260; 5:9, 189, 598; 5:10, 647; 5:11, 12, 834; 5:11–12, 449; 5:12, 643, 714; 5:14, 61; 5:18, 617, 682; 5:19, 433; 5:20, 107, 195, 449; 5:21, 113; 15:1–5, 213; author, 555–56
2 John: 4, 802; 7, 280, 348, 802
3 John: 12, 189
John of Damascus, xx, 15, 36, 91, 174, 198, 857; as authority of classic consensus, 843; Barlaam and Ioasaph, 184; on beauty, 98; on the cross, 402; four classes of Christ’s identity, 208–9; On the Orthodox Faith, 4, 5, 6, 7, 21, 23, 27, 29, 30, 42, 43, 48, 50, 59, 60, 61, 63, 68, 81, 82, 85, 88, 89, 94, 98, 109, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 126, 130, 132, 138, 139, 141, 143, 145, 147, 148, 150, 152, 153, 159, 169, 171, 198, 201, 260, 264, 271, 275, 276, 281, 283, 287, 289, 292, 294, 295, 304, 306, 308–9, 310, 311, 312, 315, 316, 339, 341, 360, 390, 398, 399, 402, 422, 454, 457, 458, 485, 488, 505, 508, 513, 518, 540, 542, 553, 557, 591, 598, 602, 604, 607, 654, 713, 715, 788, 792, 793, 795, 797, 800, 803, 826, 829, 835; structure of classical Christology and, 226; theological method, 168; On the Virtues, 347
John the Baptist, 220, 234, 241–42, 249, 289, 327, 344, 370, 412, 483, 535, 536, 561, 569, 632, 667, 700, 759
Jonah, 465; 1, 2, 194; 3:10, 68
Joseph (son of Jacob), 158, 625, 680, 789
Joseph of Arimathea, 469
Joseph of Nazareth, 264, 287–88, 289, 290, 294, 339, 340, 536
Joshua, 342, 536, 589–90, 625; 3:17, 342; 4:1-24, 342; 24:2–13, 202; 24:15, 59, 774
Judaism: antipathy to worship of human being, 241; any world not created good as not God’s world, 138; apocalyptic tradition, 202, 439, 460, 805; apostolic emissaries in, 754; atonement in, 405; benediction in, 382; biblical Hebrew, word for day, 129; calendar of holy days, 545; celebrations of divine creation, 136; Christian church, growth of and, 702–3; Christianity differs from, 178; circumcision and, 337–39, 374; covenant, God’s to man, 16, 17, 19, 21, 26, 56, 337; creation and, 126; custom of identifying son by relation to father, 288; daily rabbinic prayer, 696; defining a canon, 756–57; diaspora, 548, 696, 723, 763; early Christianity and, 696; endtime in, 768; existence of God and, 82; Gentile hostility toward, 696; Hebraic offices, 226; history as providential narrative, 159–60; history as acts of God, 46, 174, 202, 230; as a history of divine-human covenant, 244; holiness (godesh), 63; Holy One (gadosh), 54; hope of immortality and, 780–81, 812; knowing God in, 29; laver (ritual bath), 627; Levitical worship and ritual, 411, 412–13, 532, 537; on the Messiah, 18, 215, 217, 220, 235, 236, 319–20, 327, 357, 359–62, 368; monotheism, 109, 239–40; Mosaic law, 586, 587, 658; offices, 226, 365; Old Testament view of reasoning about God, 202; Passover lamb, 390, 392, 412–13; pedagogy of post-resurrection period, 328; plural forms of speech for God, 110–11; priest in, 344, 37778, 382, 489, 535–36, 627, 723; prophets, 371; as provincial, 539; and question of Jesus, 214; reconciling triune God with, 109–11; requirement for inclusion, 745; resurrection day in, 588; Sabbath, 465; sacrifice of blood and, 405, 411, 413–14; sanctification in, 658; sin and death, 777; suffering of Israel and, 161; suffering of deity and, 280; tabernacle, secrecy, 185; teachings on creation, 128–29; Temple, 379, 397, 413–14, 723, 763; testing of Abraham, 159; theological method, 188; theology, 170; tradition in, 178; transcendence of God in, 54; unity of church and, 723; uttering God’s name, 57; way of reasoning and, 166
Judas Iscariot, 50, 145, 347, 353, 389, 391, 754
Jude: 1, 116; 3, 206, 600; 3, 4, 184; 4–5, 240; 6, 450; 6, 7, 832; 7, 829, 830; 17, 757; 19, 116; 20, 544, 546; 20, 21, 116, 707; 25, 44; Summary Call to Prayer, 116
Judges: 3:10, 515; 5:34, 536; 6:34, 536; 11:29, 536; 13:2–7, 286; 14:6, 624; 14:19, 536; 21:12, 286
Judith, 682
Julia [Julian] of Norwich, 7, 17, 29, 42, 43, 68, 75, 259, 267, 460, 592
Justice: command of soul that sins shall die, 418; cross as victory, 425–27; defined, 66; ethical imperatives and Parousia expectation, 804; final judgment, 66, 768, 811–19; final judgment, process, 817–19; final state of the unjust, 827–31; God’s, 66–67, 68, 263, 436; God’s demonstration in history, 202; God’s righteousness amid evil days, 66; God’s righteousness expressed in law and gospel, 66–67; in human affairs, 66; injustice of unremedied sin, 830–31; moral necessity of penalty, 418; providence and divine justice, 146; theodicy and, 436. See also Righteousness
Justification, 583–622, 803; sanctification and, 611, 657; sinners and refraction of God, 677; unity of justifying, regenerating, and adopting grace, 641–42. See also Righteousness
Justin Martyr, 9, 19, 25, 80, 281; Address to the Greeks, 7, 530; Apology, 554, 830, 849; descent into hades as article of faith, 450; Dialogue, 145; Dialogue with Trypho, 25, 30, 66, 90–91, 160, 178, 191, 197, 203, 218, 236, 239, 338, 360, 361, 454, 539, 542, 569, 584, 594, 709, 784, 810, 849; empathic imagination, 198; Exhortation to the Greeks, 530; First Apology, 25, 48, 49, 90, 125, 171, 215, 285, 360, 503, 615, 702; Hortatory Address, 19; On the Resurrection, 791; Second Apology, 23, 25, 88; Sole Government of God, 67
Kant, Immanuel, 28, 85, 87, 91, 94, 95, 96, 97, 102, 103, 187, 321, 333, 599, 777, 814
Kenotic (divine self-emptying) theory, 306–7
Kierkegaard, Søren, xxii, 18, 98, 334; Attack on “Christendom,” 191, 581, 626; Authority and Revelation, 203–4; On Authority and Revelation, 282; Christian Discourses, 497, 567, 574, 648; Concept of Anxiety, 305, 435, 672; Concluding Unscientific Postscript, 81, 82, 169, 179, 189, 194, 199, 497, 604; Edifying Discourses, 190; Either/Or, 56, 81, 189, 192, 305, 572, 573, 574, 620, 774; Fear and Trembling, 189, 412; Gospel of Suffering, 48; Judge for Yourselves!, xix, 223; Philosophical Fragments, 43, 80, 263, 497, 685; Point of View of My Work as an Author, 497; Prefaces, xix; Repetition, 347, 574; On Self-examination, 827; Sickness unto Death, 45, 201, 305; Stages Along Life’s Way, 71, 569; theo-comic perception, 861, 862; Training in Christianity, 18, 54, 198, 215, 236, 239, 269, 323, 477, 497, 604; Two Ages, 223; Works of Love, 96, 139, 742
Kingdom of God, 52, 220, 327, 566, 600; ascension and, 492–94; God’s personal coming, 325–26; John the Baptist and, 327; as not of this world, 491, 740; as sign of the endtime, 235, 768; sins that exclude one from, 832–33
1 Kings: 2:2, 773; 7:14, 536; 7:30, 38, 627; 8:27, 43; 8:32, 584; 8:46, 682; 13:21, 638; 18:38, 535; 19:8, 345; 19:12, 507; 19:16, 368, 535; 19:18, 17, 751; 22:21–23, 831; 22:24, 530
2 Kings: 2:11, 467, 781; 3:10–13, 753; 4:34, 789; 5:14, 342; 20:3, 668; 20:5, 465; 23:10, 830
Lactantius, 18, 20; On Anger of God, 157; apocalypticism in, 460; as authority of classic consensus, 843; Death of Persecutors, 242, 752; Divine Institutes, 6, 18, 20, 69, 82, 85, 90, 91, 97, 134, 135, 138, 141, 149, 195, 196, 203, 249, 269, 270, 284, 362, 369, 377, 379, 388, 458, 461, 484, 486, 490, 538, 723, 775, 780, 802, 813, 829, 862; Epitome of Divine Institutes, 590; premillennialism, 810; on providence, 144; On the Workmanship of God, 20, 53, 712
Laity, in classic Christian teaching, 841–59
Lamentations: 1:1–22, 161; 3:7, 158; 3:7, 9, 680; 3:19, 56; 3:23, 137; 3:38, 161
Last Supper, 389, 391, 415, 701, 753, 754
Last things (ta eschata), 768–69, 797, 799–803. See also Consummation; Endtime
Lateran Council: I, 186, 276, 296, 815, 850; IV, 521, 581, 677, 721, 785, 788, 827, 830, 832, 850; V, 422
Lausanne Covenant, 827; Conference, 659, 699, 718, 722
Law, 66–67; causal, 98; circumcision issue and, 337–39; constancy of God’s, 134; God as lawgiver, 96; Hebraic, 394, 412, 414, 586, 587, 658; Jesus’ ministry and, 370–71; justification and reversal of judgment, 583; limits of justification under, 584–85; moral law and its consequences, 404; moral laws, 417; natural order, 85, 146, 417; penalty as a consequence, 418–19; physical, 152; reconciliation and, 409; righteousness and, 584; “setting apart” under, 657–58. See also Justification
Lawless one (anomos), 801–2
Lazarus, 375, 462, 463, 467, 480, 789
Leitourgia, 706–7
Leo I, Pope, xx; as authority of classic consensus, 845, 846; Letters, 194, 258, 576–77, 723, 846; Letter to Flavian, 259, 263, 266, 398; Sermons, 64, 272, 274, 304, 365, 370, 371, 381, 389, 394, 395, 403, 405, 407, 413, 422, 433, 439, 459, 467, 471, 485, 486, 520, 524, 525, 546, 550, 563, 566, 585, 595, 607, 608, 612, 626, 630, 631, 679, 834, 835; Sources of Christian Dogma, 580; Symbol of Faith, 740; Tome, 270, 307, 314, 463, 855
Leviticus, 367; 4:13–20, 413; 4:13–27, 17; 4:1618, 378; 7:17–18, 465; 8, 536, 537; 8:3, 695; 8:12, 536; 8:30, 368; 9:24, 382; 11:44, 64, 405, 658; 12:8, 339; 16:9, 413; 17:11, 412, 413; 19:31, 781; 20–22, 413; 23:9–12, 465; 23:15, 16, 546; 23:15–21, 546; 23:17–20, 545; 26:42, 56
Life: as attribute of God, 27, 39; blood and, 413; blood sacrifice and, 413; Christ and abundant, 775; creation, 127, 138–42; God as source, 70; the living God, 45–46; living God and gift of life, 127–28; meaning of our birth, 16; precedes happiness, 141; Spirit, 515, 530–31; why we die, 16. See also Death; Exaltation; Life everlasting; Soul
Life everlasting, 765, 769–70, 833–38; doctrine of immortality in the NT, 781–82; eternal life, 823, 826, 833; hope for, 773; house of “many mansions” and, 826; how immortality and resurrection correlate, 789–90; intermediate state, 782–83; Judaism and, 780–81; prior to the fall, 777; question of immortality, 780–81; spiritual body and, 837
Liturgy: chrismation, 536; Christology and, 284; early, 839; Easter, 297, 447; of Eucharist, 415; Holy Saturday, 451; Holy Spirit in, 529; incarnation, 376; Nativity, 284–85, 297–98; resurrection, 376; as tradition, 183
Lord’s Prayer, 64, 493, 542, 576, 594, 676
Lord’s table. See Eucharist
Love: agape and eros, 70–71; as cardinal virtue, 639–40; Christ’s, 241, 428, 721; Chrysostom on, 731; correction of evil and, 146; covenant of God’s, 66, 80; creation and, 139; examining arguments on unattainability of perfect, 681–85; experiencing amid trials, 647–48; faith and, 607–12; as friendship, 654–55; glory of God manifested in holy, 687–88; God, reason and, 84; God and, 24, 51, 61, 62–63, 66, 67–69, 70, 72–73, 146, 263, 270, 371, 403, 404, 431, 436, 440, 515, 629; God as, 24, 70, 431, 686; God’s, for world, 127, 241; God’s, holiness and, 404; God’s, justification and, 591; God’s constant and immutable, 61, 67–69; God’s power manifested in, 51; holiness and, united, 72–73; holiness and love as intrinsic to God, 62–63; Holy Spirit and, 515, 648, 712; human capacity for, 20; Jesus’, 358; kingdom of God and, 491; new law, 534; Paul on, 639–40; perfect, 655, 674, 681; perfect harmony and, 669; scope of God’s, 72; as spiritual gift, 636; triune God and, 108
Luke, 172; 1, 667; 1:1–4, 19, 177, 239; 1:2, 188, 287, 319; 1:2–3, 478; 1:3, 200; 1:4, 208; 1:6, 682; 1:10–11, 379; 1:15, 41, 67, 667; 1:3133, 287; 1:32, 249; 1:33, 45, 493, 750; 1:34, 287; 1:35, 114, 249; 1:35, 37, 287; 1:37, 377, 416; 1:38, 297; 1:41, 628; 1:52, 286, 458; 1:68, 685; 1:69, 562; 1:74, 75, 680; 1:74–75, 681; 1:77, 368; 2:1–20, 377; 2:4, 18, 297; 2:9, 132, 141; 2:10, 193, 220; 2:11, 208; 2:14, 527; 2:16–20, 283; 2:19, 290; 2:22–23, 339; 2:22–39, 297; 2:24, 339; 2:26–32, 340; 2:27, 288; 2:30–31, 450; 2:33, 288; 2:35, 283; 2:38, 340, 685; 2:39, 340; 2:40, 311, 340; 2:41, 288; 2:41–51, 340; 2:43, 288; 2:46, 340; 2:48, 288; 2:49, 340; 2:51, 340; 2:52, 311; 2:52, 341; 3:3, 569; 3:6, 563; 3:16, 536, 631; 3:21, 342; 3:21, 22, 630; 3:21–22, 249; 3:22, 115, 535; 3:23, 294; 3:23–38, 280; 4:1, 538, 667; 4:1–4, 831; 4:1–13, 250, 349, 350, 831; 4:2, 345; 4:4, 350; 4:5–7, 350; 4:8, 350; 4:12, 350; 4:18, 342, 354, 514, 537, 633; 4:18–21, 235; 4:21, 19, 371; 4:22, 238; 4:23, 619; 4:32, 373; 4:43, 220; 5:18–25, 375; 5:20–21, 311; 5:21, 233; 5:31, 619, 751; 5:37–38, 373; 5:52, 713; 6:12–16, 372, 761; 6:13, 754; 6:17–19, 376; 6:19, 311; 6:20–23, 261; 6:23, 834; 6:23, 25, 837; 6:24, 25, 814; 6:28, 372; 6:46, 113; 6:46–48, 190; 7:11–15, 375; 7:11–18, 467; 7:15, 789; 7:16, 369; 7:22, 658; 7:34, 356, 362; 7:36–50, 281; 7:37, 233; 7:41–43, 373; 7:49, 233; 8:13, 610; 8:19–21, 297; 8:27–48, 371; 8:40–56, 467; 9:5, 761; 9:9, 234; 9:10, 310; 9:10–12, 754; 9:18–22, 357; 9:20–22, 235; 9:23–24, 666; 9:28, 372; 9:28–36, 358, 786; 9:29, 794; 9:31, 358; 9:45, 234; 9:4547, 326; 9:57–62, 605; 9:58, 356, 491; 10:12, 519; 10:16, 754; 10:18, 832; 10:21, 280, 364; 10:21–22, 237; 10:21ff, 250; 10:23, 310, 369; 10:25–29, 345; 10:27, 71; 10:29, 585; 10:33, 235; 10:33–35, 742; 10:57, 681; 11:2, 707; 11:4, 594; 11:12, 26; 11:13, 624; 11:17, 241; 11:20, 114, 327, 461, 514; 11:21–23, 805; 11:28, 190; 11:31, 32, 113; 11:48, 67; 11:52, 335; 12:2, 769; 12:5, 829; 12:8, 357; 12:1621, 373, 577; 12:28, 422; 12:33, 835; 12:35, 36, 778; 12:40, 357; 12:41, 761; 12:48, 818, 838; 12:50, 391; 13:3, 578; 13:11–13, 375; 13:18–21, 31; 13:28, 786; 13:28, 29, 697; 13:33, 370; 13:41, 353; 13:43, 611; 14:14, 788, 809; 14:26, 605; 15, 562, 643; 15:3, 4, 562; 15:7, 10, 574; 15:8–10, 373; 15:10, 567; 15:11–32, 373; 15:17, 19, 643; 15:17-21, 569; 15:20, 687, 817; 15:22–31, 596; 15:24, 32, 562; 16:1–12, 138; 16:1–14, 241; 16:11, 784; 16:15–20, 585; 16:19–31, 777, 826; 16:20–25, 776; 16:22, 784; 16:22, 23, 782; 16:22–23, 737; 16:28, 786; 16:29, 818; 16:30–31, 480; 17:5, 610, 611; 17:10, 609; 17:11–19, 375; 17:20, 740; 17:20–21, 491; 17:24–25, 356; 17:26, 28, 801; 17:28–30, 801; 17:30, 769; 17:34, 35, 810; 18:13, 573, 579; 18:13, 14, 569; 18:14, 585; 18:30, 769; 18:31, 357; 19:5–9, 576; 19:8, 572; 19:9, 533; 19:10, 356, 419; 19:16–19, 837; 19:37, 38, 707; 20:27–33, 788; 20:35, 787; 20:37, 38, 782; 21, 799, 802; 21:9–11, 803; 21:18, 162; 21:19, 190; 21:28, 803; 21:32, 804; 21:34, 799; 22:3, 14, 47, 754; 22:15, 280; 22:17-20, 701; 22:19, 718; 22:27, 258; 22:29–32, 761; 22:31, 32, 606; 22:31–32, 831; 22:32, 761; 22:37, 431, 820; 22:42, 314, 391, 666; 22:43, 132; 22:44, 391; 22:69, 488; 23:2, 345; 23:14, 352, 353; 23:15, 353; 23:26, 392; 23:34, 380, 394; 23:39, 395; 23:39–43, 786; 23:42, 43, 626; 23:43, 450, 455, 486, 611, 665, 777, 782, 784, 785, 823; 23:46, 279, 779, 780; 23:47, 353; 23:55, 470; 24:1, 459; 24:4, 476; 24:7, 356; 24:11, 473, 795; 24:13–32, 469; 24:15–16, 31, 468; 24:16, 469; 24:21, 443; 24:22–24, 443; 24:25, 443, 472, 473; 24:25–27, 329; 24:26, 411, 490; 24:27, 443; 24:28, 309; 24:31, 36, 468; 24:33–35, 469; 24:34, 458, 469; 24:35, 593, 653; 24:36, 473; 24:36–43, 469; 24:39, 280, 468; 24:44–45, 326; 24:44–49, 509; 24:45, 371; 24:45-, 465; 24:46, 235; 24:47, 561; 24:47–49, 545; 24:48, 754; 24:49, 625; 24:50–53, 484; 24:51, 834; 24:52, 707; 68, 241; dating, 284; narrative of annunciation, 287; nativity narrative, 293; Passion Story, 387
Luther, Martin, xx, 10, 19, 198, 311–12, 334, 619, 861; Ag. Heavenly Prophets, 680; Answer to the Goat, 832; Bondage of the Will, 23, 169, 481; Brief Explanations, 8–9, 19, 181, 393, 450, 452, 481, 485; Catechism, 628; Christian Library, 420; Christian Songs, Latin and German, for Use at Funerals, 786; Christmas Sermon on John, 269; Comm. on 1 Cor., 784; Comm. on Gal., 46, 73, 94, 97, 279, 592, 654; Comm. on Gen., 378; Comm. on Isa., 397; Comm. on Peter and Jude, 782; Comm. on Rom., 194, 248, 641; On the Councils and Churches, 399, 717; On the Creed, Commandments, and the Lord’s Prayer, 601; on descent and victory over sin, 453; Easter Sermon, 420; Eight Sermons on Ps. 110, 399; “Ein feste Burg,” 433; Epiphany Sermon on Matthew, 292; Expos. of St. John, 430; Expos. on Isa., 295; Freedom of a Christian, 73, 207, 572, 583, 599, 607, 608; On Genesis, 773; Good Works, 596; Heidelberg Disputation, 70; Instructions for Visitors, 609; Introduction to the NT, 220; Large Catechism, 330, 563, 593, 602, 627, 633, 634; Lectures on Gen., 580; Lectures on Heb., 598, 753; Lectures on Isa., 430; Lectures on Rom., 586; Lenten Sermon, 377; Letters of Spiritual Counsel, 81, 82, 86, 199; Luther’s Works, 373, 567, 569, 586, 591, 605; Martin Luther’s Sämmtliche Werke, 558, 683, 737; Ninety-five Theses, 65, 577; Preface to Psalms, 69; on providence, 144; Reply to Emser, xxviii; Sermon, 24th Sunday after Trinity, 421–22, 786; Sermon at Leisnig, 223; Sermon on Baptism, 627; Sermon on Col., 274, 399; Sermon on Gal., 409; Sermon on John, 213, 228, 238, 257, 397, 413, 828; Sermon on Matt., 259, 293–94, 378; Sermon on 1 Peter, 454; Sermon on the Catechism, 8, 10, 141; Sermon on Death of Elector Frederick, 477; Sermons of Martin Luther, 598; Sermons on Rom., 838; Sermons on St. John, 592; Sermons on the Catechism, 718; Sermons on Psalms, 834; Smalcald Articles, 584; Small Catechism, 8, 75, 126, 128, 565, 581, 634; on Son of God in human likeness, 259; Table Talk, 307, 348, 799; Torgau Sermon, 454; Treatise on Good Works, 66, 662, 663, 674; Two Kinds of Righteousness, 585; Weimarer Ausgabe, 608, 627; What Luther Says, 71, 191, 469, 574
Lutheran Church, 565, 656, 668, 684, 695, 749, 798, 806, 843, 850. See also Augsburg; Luther, Martin
Macedonian heresy, 520, 525, 850, 851
Macrina, Sister, xxi, 7, 98, 782, 792, 793–94, 857, 859
Majesty of God, 36, 46–54, 62, 111, 135, 149, 164
Malachi, 360; 1:11, 360; 2:10, 134; 2:17, 814; 3:1, 287; 3:3, 680; 3:6, 68
Manichaeans, 140–41, 274, 334, 673, 791
Marcion, 743
Marcionism, 140, 334, 504, 524, 533
Marianism, 295, 296–97
Marius Victorinus, 109, 117, 172, 221, 248, 284, 286, 381, 403, 425, 448, 468, 506, 515, 527, 540, 564, 608, 622, 638, 640, 641, 657, 645, 647, 652, 660, 663, 708, 711, 723, 734, 757, 804
Mark, 172, 176; 1:1, 223, 239; 1:1–11, 243; 1:3, 24; 1:4, 569; 1:8, 631; 1:9–13, 341; 1:10, 535, 708; 1:10–11, 115, 127; 1:11, 249, 250, 342, 360; 1:12–13, 349, 350; 1:13, 345, 831; 1:15, 236, 561, 685; 1:16–20, 753; 1:21–28, 327; 1:22, 430; 1:24, 24, 742; 1:30–42, 371; 1:40–42, 375; 1:41, 280; 1:43–44, 361; 1:44, 375; 2:1–12, 241; 2:7, 113; 2:10, 356; 2:12, 356; 2:17, 562, 573, 751; 2:19, 133; 2:20, 391; 2:21, 540; 2:22, 540; 2:27, 356; 2:28, 113; 3:2, 352; 3:5, 280; 3:11, 375; 3:13–19, 753; 3:14, 754; 3:16–19, 761; 3:21, 290; 3:22, 519; 3:27, 376, 433, 491, 805; 3:28, 29, 519; 3:31, 290; 3:31–34, 297; 3:34, 754; 3:37, 38, 519; 4:3–8, 373; 4:12, 816; 4:14–20, 373; 4:28, 566; 4:30–32, 373; 4:37–41, 375; 4:41, 234; 5:7, 255; 5:11–15, 241; 5:12, 578; 5:2224, 375, 467; 5:25–29, 375; 5:35–43, 467; 5:41, 789; 5:43, 361; 6:3, 288, 289, 297; 6:4, 370; 6:6, 280; 6:7, 754; 6:7–13, 754; 6:13, 340; 6:13–20, 536; 6:15, 369; 6:35–44, 375; 6:48–51, 375; 7:4–9, 181; 7:8, 182; 7:26, 826; 7:31–37, 375; 7:34, 280; 7:37, 372; 8:1–9, 375; 8:2, 280; 8:11, 345; 8:11–12, 461; 8:17, 280; 8:22–26, 375; 8:28, 356; 8:29, 214, 234, 235, 236, 327, 357, 761; 8:29–32, 235; 8:30, 236, 361; 8:31, 356, 357, 388, 464; 8:34, 164; 8:34–35, 358; 8:34–38, 685; 8:38, 357; 9:1, 357; 9:2, 837; 9:2–8, 141, 250, 358; 9:2–11, 358; 9:7–31, 255; 9:9, 356, 361; 9:19, 280; 9:24, 646; 9:31, 357; 9:32, 234; 9:43, 828, 830; 9:44–48, 827, 829; 9:48, 821; 10:13, 14, 629; 10:13–16, 372; 10:18, 354; 10:28, 40; 10:33, 357; 10:35–45, 236; 10:45, 272, 356, 388, 402, 409, 421; 11:9–10, 362; 11:10, 25, 107; 11:11, 754; 12:13, 352; 12:15, 345; 12:18–23, 788; 12:25, 795; 12:26, 202; 12:29, 41, 109; 12:32–34, 707; 12:33, 413; 12:37, 222; 13, 799, 802; 13:2–23, 803; 13:4–37, 236; 13:5, 6, 573; 13:9, 801; 13:10, 800; 13:11, 518, 541; 13:16, 357; 13:23, 770; 13:26, 255, 357; 13:27, 804, 838; 13:30, 804; 13:32, 107, 264, 798; 13:32–37, 177; 13:36, 799; 13:37, 113; 14:8, 280; 14:18, 389; 14:24, 280, 388, 390, 403; 14:24–25, 415; 14:25, 390, 796; 14:26–42, 391; 14:27, 391; 14:34, 112; 14:36, 107, 112, 364, 391, 505; 14:61–62, 236, 250, 255; 14:62, 250, 357, 392, 484; 14:62–63, 235; 15:1–15, 392; 15:2, 362; 15:13, 362; 15:21, 392; 15:25, 280; 15:26, 362; 15:28, 394; 15:34, 394; 15:35, 161; 15:38, 397; 15:44–45, 469; 15:47, 470; 16:2, 459; 16:5, 476; 16:8, 473; 16:9, 469; 16:12, 468; 16:12, 13, 469; 16:14, 469, 472, 473; 16:15–20, 753; 16:17, 551; 16:19, 469; dating, 328; Passion Story, 387; preexistence theme in, 255; “son of Mary,” 288
Marks of the church, 717–65. See also Unity of the church
Martyrs, 421, 582; death overcome and, 790–91; Holy Spirit and, 544; Jesus as, 429, 430; women, 421; women in Diocletian persecution, 790–91
Mary, Mother of God, 249, 264, 266, 267, 269, 276, 290, 292, 295–98, 339, 340, 667; Davidic descent, 293–95; death of Jesus and, 395, 470, 473; grace and, 287; Luke’s narrative, 287; Marian tradition and, 295, 296–97; Mark’s “son of Mary,” 288; Matthew’s narrative, 287–88; model of the faithful, 295–96; as new Eve, 293; recollections, 290; as source of birth narratives, 289–90; as theotokos (bearer of God), 295, 296; virginal conception and the Word, 292. See also Virginal conception and birth
Mary Magdalene, 469, 470, 473, 484
Matthew, 172; 1:1, 360; 1:1–17, 280; 1:1–20, 18; 1:16, 287; 1:18, 19, 287; 1:20–21, 287; 1:21, 362; 1:23, 112, 240, 286–87; 1:25, 287, 294; 2:1–11, 297; 2:1–18, 361; 2:2, 368; 2:2, 6, 297; 2:4–6, 287; 2:13–18, 340, 388; 2:15, 340; 2:19–23, 340; 3:2, 561; 3:3, 501; 3:8, 567, 576; 3:9, 759; 3:9–10, 569; 3:10, 575; 3:10–12, 287; 3:11, 113, 534, 630, 631, 700; 3:12, 828; 3:13–4:11, 341; 3:13–15, 341; 3:13–17, 249, 250; 3:15, 344, 371; 3:16, 342, 514, 535; 3:16, 17, 115, 546; 3:16–17, 342; 4:1, 345; 4:1–11, 345, 349; 4:5–6, 350; 4:8, 9, 831; 4:11, 132; 4:13, 374; 4:18–22, 753; 4:23, 371; 4:23–24, 376; 5:3–6, 574; 5:4, 139; 5:6, 681; 5:7, 19; 5:8, 629, 834; 5:12, 612, 834; 5:13–16, 722; 5:14–16, 609; 5:17, 371, 410; 5:17–20, 370; 5:20, 585; 5:29–30, 833; 5:45, 112, 143, 155, 162; 5:48, 64, 677; 6:16, 612; 6:1–32, 107; 6:6–15, 112; 6:8, 48; 6:9, 64, 132, 162, 364; 6:9–10, 486; 6:9–15, 594; 6:10, 56, 60, 493, 666, 707; 6:12, 676; 6:12, 13, 611; 6:15, 594; 6:19–24, 577; 6:20, 834; 6:25–31, 162; 6:26, 155; 6:28, 30, 152; 6:30, 610; 7:7, 152; 7:7–8, 342, 649; 7:9–11, 71; 7:14, xix, 240, 286, 562, 567, 833; 7:16–20, 612; 7:16–25, 596; 7:17, 18, 622; 7:21, 56, 608, 736; 7:22, 813; 7:25, 750; 7:26, 190; 7:28–29, 369, 373; 7:29, 238, 374; 8:5, 826; 8:10, 610; 8:10, 11, 602; 8:11, 424; 8:11, 12, 697; 8:12, 828; 8:20, 356; 8:29, 832; 9, 371; 9:10, 372; 9:18–26, 467; 9:24, 606, 786; 9:27–31, 375; 9:36, 73; 10:1–4, 761; 10:1–5, 754; 10:1–42, 753; 10:5–8, 754; 10:8, 60, 702; 10:20–37, 107; 10:23, 357; 10:27, 235; 10:28, 782, 833; 10:29, 48, 152; 10:30, 48, 152, 155; 10:32, 33, 581; 10:32–33, 235, 239; 10:33, 827; 10:34–39, 605; 11:1, 754; 11:9, 370; 11:19, 356; 11:21–24, 782, 818, 828; 11:23, 112; 11:24, 818; 11:25, 113; 11:256, 364; 11:25ff, 250; 11:27, 205, 237, 252, 260, 307; 11:28, 282, 605; 12:8, 113; 12:15–21, 375; 12:18, 114; 12:23, 368; 12:24, 388, 519; 12:28, 114, 514; 12:30, 620; 12:31, 32, 519; 12:32, 769; 12:36, 817; 12:36, 37, 588, 589, 817; 12:37, 588; 12:38–42, 461; 12:39–40, 465; 12:40, 357; 12:46–49, 297; 12:50, 391; 13, 753; 13:1–38, 160; 13:24–43, 735; 13:25–40, 493; 13:26–40, 735; 13:30, 663, 804; 13:31, 663; 13:33, 664; 13:40, 804; 13:41, 42, 804, 838; 13:42, 830; 13:43, 837; 13:47, 735; 13:52, 179, 696; 13:54, 58, 374; 13:55, 288, 297; 13:56, 289; 13:57, 370, 371; 14:13–16, 375; 14:33, 114; 15:24, 374, 539; 16:1–4, 461; 16:4, 375; 16:12, 279; 16:13–14, 369; 16:13–19, 761; 16:13–23, 357; 16:15, 18, 720; 16:15–17, 707; 16:15–20, 235; 16:16, 45, 761; 16:17, 761; 16:17–19, 357; 16:18, 528, 695, 719, 750, 751, 756; 16:19, 754; 16:21, 241; 16:26, 279; 16:27, 838; 16:28, 357, 358; 17:1–8, 250, 358; 17:2, 794; 17:10, 368; 17:20, 600; 18, 373, 610; 18:1, 562; 18:2–60, 629; 18:3, 578; 18:4, 189; 18:8, 833; 18:10–35, 107; 18:15–17, 580; 18:17, 695; 18:19–20, 47; 18:20, 48, 137, 726, 738, 741; 18:21, 761; 19:3–9, 349; 19:15–22, 197; 19:26, 52; 19:28, 613, 754, 813; 20:1–16, 611; 20:17, 18; 20:18, 357; 20:28, 272, 420, 449; 21:11, 234; 21:33–43, 710; 21:33–44, 373; 21:42, 709; 22:1–14, 621; 22:2–14, 373; 22:13, 828; 22:23, 165; 22:29, 788; 22:30, 795, 836; 22:31, 787; 22:32, 784; 22:37, 629; 22:43, 553; 23:2, 3, 736; 23:9, 364; 23:15, 33, 833; 23:20, 23, 750; 23:33, 821; 23:37–39, 62; 24, 799, 802; 24:1–51, 371; 24:5, 801; 24:5, 24, 802; 24:6, 803; 24:6–14, 808; 24:7, 8, 803; 24:8–9, 371; 24:9, 191; 24:9, 10, 801; 24:11, 12, 801; 24:12, 37–39, 801; 24:14, 746, 800; 24:21, 799; 24:25–27, 685; 24:27, 39, 44, 804; 24:27–29, 803; 24:30, 488, 796; 24:32–34, 804; 24:35, 820; 24:36, 264, 770; 24:40–41, 810; 24:42, 804; 24:42–44, 799; 24:43, 804; 24:44, 357, 778; 25, 162, 817; 25:3–8, 536; 25:6, 362; 25:13, 774; 25:21–23, 837; 25:31, 488; 25:31, 32, 811–19; 25:32, 788; 25:34, 492; 25:34, 41, 819, 828; 25:34–40, 612, 819, 824; 25:37, 817; 25:37, 46, 586; 25:41, 827, 832; 25:46, 768, 809; 26:12, 280; 26:24, 39, 42, 364; 26:26, 696; 26:28, 390, 403, 422; 26:29, 809; 26:31, 753; 26:38, 279, 391; 26:39, 56, 391; 26:39–42, 107, 714; 26:42, 774; 26:53-54, 263; 26:54–56, 19; 26:63, 250; 26:64, 362; 27:3, 351, 353; 27:12–14, 391; 27:19, 353; 27:23, 392; 27:23–24, 353; 27:32, 392; 27:34, 393; 27:40, 250; 27:44, 250; 27:46, 394; 27:50, 280; 27:51–53, 453; 27:52, 342, 789; 27:52–53, 467; 27:61, 470; 27:62–66, 470; 28:1, 469; 28:1–5, 241; 28:2–4, 132; 28:8–10, 469; 28:12–15, 470; 28:16–20, 237, 753; 28:17, 795; 28:18, 113, 464, 490, 707; 28:18–20, 469, 753; 28:19, 115, 127, 342, 459, 514, 517, 686, 747, 850; 28:19, 20, 9, 753; 28:19–20, 757; 28:19b, 849; 28:20, 113, 241, 372, 489, 492, 543, 696, 706, 745, 750, 757; 28:41–44, 675; dating, 284; genealogy of Joseph, 294; narrative of Joseph, husband of Mary, 287–88; nativity narrative, 293; Passion Story, 387
Maximus of Turin, 220, 335, 342, 572, 576
Maximus the Confessor, xxii, 31, 150, 190, 207, 269, 311, 359, 395, 617, 710
Mediator. See Offices of Christ
Melanchthon, 6, 223, 224, 533, 561, 579, 584, 596, 597, 604, 609, 719, 851–52
Melchizedek, 291, 366, 367, 382–83, 745
Mercy, 28, 68, 73–75, 382; death of Jesus and atonement, 401–2; endtime and, 768; of God, 28, 52, 62, 63, 68, 73–74, 202; God’s demonstration in history, 202; grace and, 593; refusal of and eternal punishment, 827; restraint of the lawless one and, 802
Messiah, 18, 215, 217, 220, 222, 227, 236, 240, 243, 359–62, 364, 545; admission, by Jesus, 250, 357, 362; apocalypticism and, 769; Christ the King and, 490; coming of Immanuel: language of virginity, Almah, Parthenos, 286–87; crucifixion and, 395; Davidic descent, 293–95; fulfillment of prophecy and, 263, 266, 270, 280, 285, 286–87, 294, 300–301, 319–20, 327, 340, 342–43, 356, 362, 363, 368, 374, 389, 391, 395, 463, 505, 701; importance of concept, 359; Jesus’ resistance to being called, 355; millennialism and, 805–11; reign, 494; resurrection as confirming Jesus’ identity as, 463; suffering as necessary, 388; theories of Jesus’ rejection of title, 361; three offices linked with descent and ascent, 255–56; work of Christ, 365–83 (see also Offices of Christ)
Metaphoricals (Tropici), 525
Methodius, 84, 97, 137, 138, 159, 296, 344–45, 536, 708, 762, 789, 810
Micah, 287; 3:8, 530; 4:1, 768; 4:7, 158; 4:8–9, 360; 5:2, 297, 360; 6:7, 414; 6:8, 66; 7:18–19, 590; 7:18–20, 800
Millennialism, 805–11
Ministry, 193–94
Ministry of Jesus, 29, 235, 256, 257, 263, 285, 306, 325–26, 327, 337–64; as Anointed One (the Messiah), 359–64; as anticipation of endtime, 462; childhood narratives: circumcision, flight, obedience, growth, 337–41; death and completion, 397; descent of Spirit enabling, 342–43; earthly, dying, glorified, 366; endtime and proleptic consciousness, 462; guidance of Spirit in, 343; identification with sinners and, 344; of intercession, 380; Jesus’ baptism: its meaning, 341–45; kingdom not of this world, 361; messianic expectation during, 361–62; names and titles, 362–64; need for suffering, death, and resurrection, 357–59; need to be tempted and, 345–50; Old Testament expectations, 360; as pointing to its end, 461; as prophet, priest, and king, 364, 366, 367, 368, 369–72, 377–83, 392, 394, 408, 490–92, 542; resurrection and, 458, 477–78; sinlessness and, 351–55; as “Son of Man,” 355–57; Suffering Servant, 356, 362, 364, 380, 388; summarized by Matthew, 376; teaching ministry, 367, 372–74; transfiguration and, 358–59. See also Offices of Christ
Miracles, 53, 636, 638, 789; of creation, 476; death of Jesus and, 397, 789; Holy Spirit and, 544; by Jesus, 311, 325, 361, 372, 374–77, 467, 789; miraculous births of OT, 286; 19th century controversy, 376; Paul and, 638; of Pentecost, 549, 551; raising of Enoch, Elijah, and Lazarus, 466–67, 789; virginal conception and birth, 285. See also Resurrection
Modalism, 109, 114, 524
Monarchianism, 260
Monasticism, 176
Monica, St., 859
Monophysites, 314
Monothelitism, 184, 314
Montanism, 524
Moralism, 218–19
Mortification, 666
Moses, 29, 57, 110, 185, 190, 202, 345, 358, 366, 367, 368, 370, 371, 382, 484, 518, 535, 587, 697, 761, 782, 789, 794, 818
Naturalism, 333, 448, 477, 479–81, 495, 518
Nature and cosmos: animal instinct and God’s design, 85; awareness of God in, 89; beauty and existence of God, 97–98; causal law and, 99; cosmological arguments, 84, 91–94; created as good, 138–42; created order, 125–28; creation of time and space, 142; critics of outdated mythology of “above” and “below,” 486–87; destruction, by flood and fire, 821; disturbances and signs of apocalypse, 803; divine imprint on nature and history, 160–61; divine preservation and, 148; emergence of mind (intelligence) in nature, 86–88; Ephrem’s argument, 86; error of omnicausality, 147; God’s design, 85–86; God’s distinctive provisions for creation, 153–55; as God’s first act, 127; God’s love for, 127; God’s order (and creation), 84–85, 130–31, 132; God’s wisdom in creation, 135; human dominion and stewardship, 138; intelligibility and constancy, 146; miracles and natural law, 376–77; natural appetite in brute beasts, 315; natural laws, 88, 146, 153, 285; one universe and, 87; original cause and, 92; Paley’s argument, 86; providence and, 143–66 (see also Providence); as system of causes and effects, 92; as transitory, 821; triune God and, 108; virginal conception and birth, 285 Nature of God: divine sufficiency, 40–41; list of characteristics, 39; living God, 39, 45–46; majesty of God (omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent), 46–54; unity of, 3, 39, 40, 41–45, 46, 47, 54, 107, 109, 128, 214, 244, 253, 498, 514, 521–22, 523. See also specific characteristics
Nehemiah: 1:1–4, 202; 7:2, 598; 9:6, 128; 9:6–8, 134; 9:20, 21, 70; 9:30, 532
Nestorianism, 184, 291, 295–96, 313, 314, 851
New Israel, 283
Newman, John Henry, 5, 94, 96, 152, 170, 219,255, 257, 264, 300, 303, 307, 346, 347, 348, 366, 379, 389, 391, 396, 463, 855
Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, 503, 527, 720, 743, 769, 811
Nicene Creed, 9, 137, 173, 228–30, 257, 450, 521, 618, 721, 815, 851, 852
Niebuhr, H. Richard, 8, 320, 507, 568, 605, 619
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 90, 140, 178, 199, 200, 205, 305, 347, 404, 435, 507, 672, 673
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 99, 219, 333, 451, 815
Noah, 17, 347, 454, 535, 585, 668, 682, 737, 789, 801; flood, 159
Novatian, xxii, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 33, 36, 40, 45, 112, 224, 233, 236, 398, 467, 763
Numbers: 1:7, 25, 26, 530; 4:9, 536; 5:8, 413; 6:15, 536; 6:22–26, 382; 6:25, 25, 834; 11:24, 110; 11:29, 515; 11:33, 56; 12:1, 697; 12:5, 797; 14:21, 22, 141; 16, 17; 16:22, 530; 20:24, 781; 22–24, 553; 22:28, 553; 27:18, 536, 625
Obedience: Adam and Eve and, 409, 641, 778, 830; to circumcise the heart, 338; circumcision of Jesus and, 337–38; fallen reason and, 205; graphic on Christ’s, 410; Jesus, atonement and, 408, 409–11, 590; Jesus’, to law, 408; Jesus’, unto death, 389, 395, 409, 410–11, 428, 758; Jesus’ subjection to parents, 340–41; of the Son to the Father, 259–60, 277
Oecumenius, 116, 162–63, 180, 280, 344, 380, 406, 408–9, 418, 442, 449, 460, 573, 579, 590, 600, 624, 648, 652, 768, 769, 801, 831, 832, 835, 836, 838
Offices of Christ, 359, 365–83; death of Jesus and completion, 397; doing good and, 372; Hebraic offices and, 226, 365; intercession, 380–81, 488–89; as king (governance), 366, 367, 368, 369, 377, 392, 394, 490–92, 542; Mediatorial office, 67, 109, 216, 224–25, 227, 230, 255, 256, 258, 267, 271, 272–73, 275, 278, 291, 293, 300, 301, 310, 311, 312, 314, 315, 316, 337, 346, 363, 365, 368, 370, 378, 380, 382, 395, 398, 402, 414, 415, 431, 489, 491, 602, 816; ministry of reconciliation, 403; oil of anointing, 368; as priest, 366, 367, 368, 377–83, 408, 490; as prophet, 366, 367, 368, 369–72, 490; reconciliation and, 687–88; sacrifice and, 378–80; sequential correlation, 226; summary of the work, 366–67; teaching apostolic tradition and, 365; teaching ministry, 366, 367, 372–74, 488–89; three linked with descent and ascent, 255–56; three ministries as organizing principle, 366; three ministries of Mediatorial office, 366–67; three tasks of (prophet, priest, and king), 225, 226, 344, 364, 365–67, 382; training of apostles, 372
Omnipotence, 24, 40, 46, 51–53, 79, 92, 112, 436; “Almighty” God, 51; ascribed to Christ, 241, 311; creation of order and, 85; divine self-constraint and, 52; of God, 40, 46, 51–53, 79, 85, 92, 112, 146, 241, 436, 557; as Holy Spirit, 114, 513; ordered power vs. absolute power, 53; providence and, 146
Omnipresence, 24, 43, 44, 46–48, 59, 63; of God, 43, 44, 46–48, 59, 63, 776; of the Holy Spirit, 110, 513, 514; of One Spirit, 516
Omniscience, 24, 46, 48–49, 50, 52, 59, 60, 92; all time as now, 825; ascribed to Christ, 241; creation and, 148; divine foreknowing, 49–51; divine plan leads to the cross, 403; endtime and, 768; of God, 46, 48–49, 50, 52, 59, 60, 85, 92, 113, 146, 241, 768; God’s wisdom, 79, 135, 146, 148; of Holy Spirit, 114, 513; Jesus as foreknowing, 113; natural order and, 85; voluntary constraint of by the Son, 264, 311
Origen, xxi, xxii, xxvi, 20, 24, 180, 185, 186, 334, 611, 857; Ag. Celsus, xix, 5, 15, 20, 24, 47, 50, 52, 67, 68, 82, 90, 91, 96, 110, 128, 136, 138, 145, 151, 161, 176, 186, 190, 218, 340, 388, 392, 486, 530, 553, 653, 714, 715, 757, 800; Ante-Nicene Exegesis, 605, 606; as authority of classic consensus, 843; Canticles, 342; Comm. on 1 Cor., 5, 188, 670, 725; Comm. on Jer., 341, 541; Comm. on John, 112, 257, 342, 354, 369, 447, 484, 576; Comm. on Matt., 236, 280, 289, 294, 358, 359, 394, 395, 578, 600, 620, 705, 801, 803, 827; Comm. on Rom., 5, 51, 162, 164, 223, 289, 300, 305, 326, 338, 366, 402, 404, 407, 408, 409, 425, 455, 457, 459, 503, 523, 545, 568, 571, 577, 585, 587, 593, 594, 595, 599, 601, 608, 611, 618, 623, 624, 642, 645, 646, 654, 666, 672, 685, 694, 707, 710–11, 737, 742, 778; descent into hades as article of faith, 450; Dialogue with Heraclides, 464; Epis. to Eph., 626; Exhortation to Martyrdom, 582, 774; On First Principles, 15, 16, 31, 42, 46, 53, 58, 59, 60, 64, 65, 89, 92, 110, 118, 135, 136, 149, 158, 161, 182, 186, 199, 201, 220, 268, 286, 306, 311, 346, 354, 360, 406, 417, 418, 468, 492, 502, 521, 533, 538, 541, 544, 545, 551, 552, 554, 555, 567, 604, 617, 654, 671, 677, 737, 755, 756, 776, 790, 792, 818; Frag. 106 on John, 203; Frag. on Luke, 350; Homily, 56; Hom. on Ezek., 630; Hom. on Gen., 151, 550, 666; Hom. on Jer., 582; Hom. on Josh., 342; Hom. on Lev., 339, 341, 546, 797; Hom. on Luke, 239, 287, 294, 311, 340, 342, 350, 553, 633, 685; Hom. on Num., 178, 530, 681; Hom. on Psalms, 580; Letter to Gregory, 190; millennial views, 806; on Paul’s struggle in Romans 7, 684; On Prayer, 271, 380, 442, 681; premillennialism and, 810; on the risen body, 467; Song of Songs, 70, 697; on the soul, 784; textual and literary criticism by, 319 Orthodoxy, 170–71; “centered orthodoxy,” 747; examples of secular, 170; postmodern, 171–72; sacred doctrine, 171; teaching, 507. See also Classical consensual Christianity
Paganism, 538
Palmer, Phoebe, 98, 219, 479, 567, 664, 669, 674, 857
Pannenberg, Wolfhart, 166, 174, 306, 325, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, 488, 604
Pantheism, 49, 57, 58, 138, 146
Paraclete. See Holy Spirit
Paradise, 784, 785
Pardon (of sin), 563, 565, 566, 570, 572, 576, 584, 587, 588–89, 592–93, 596, 597, 605, 607, 610, 611, 614, 616, 622, 627, 641, 645, 646, 653, 659, 661, 663, 664, 665, 676, 762; unpardonable sin, 520. See also Justification
Parousia, 494, 538, 539, 548, 625, 701, 772, 796, 796–97, 799, 804, 807, 808, 810–11, 812. See also Endtime
Passion of Christ, 388–98, 487; in the Gospels, 387; priestly office and, 490
Patripassianism, 277
Paul and Pauline tradition, xix, 275; apostolate, 755; Apostolic Benediction, 115–16, 523; on apostolic tradition, 176; appeal to conscience, 852; on Athenians, xix; on baptism, 631, 632; baptism of Paul, 741; baptism of Ephesians, 547; birth of Jesus, 288, 289; call to holiness by, 65; Christ as law, 371; Christos used in, 359–60; Christ’s body as the church, 739–40; Christ’s descent, 455; on consistency of teaching, 204; consolation for the faithful, 159; on consummation of redemption, 566; conversion experience, 145, 244, 476, 535, 571, 755; on creation of humanity, 89; on crucifixion, 393; dating, 328; death of Paul, 666, 780; on defining God, 22; on deity of Jesus, 240, 243, 310; on disciplining his body, 648–49; distinction between Pauline letters and apostolic testimony, 755; earliest testimony on ascension, 484; elders of Ephesus and, 557; empathic imagination, 198; endtime and, 460, 769, 770; explaining revelation, 203; faith, hope, and love, 639–40; Felix and, 572; on fruit of the Spirit, 639; on genderless nature of Christ, 642; Gentiles and, 89, 539, 755, 761; on God’s act of love, 73; on God’s guidance, 158; on God’s omniscience, 48; on God the Creator, 136; on “gospel of God,” 223; as guardian of orthodoxy, 855; on hazards of searching for God, 193; on heavenly realms, 487; Hellenistic influence, 332; “his own Son,” 247; on holiness and perfection, 683–84; on Holy Spirit, 507; Holy Spirit and preaching the Word, 329, 518; on the Holy Spirit and Scripture, 553; on humility, 257–58; idolatry at Lystra and, 241; impenitents in the church and, 734; on incarnation, 267–68; on integrity, 191; Jerusalem kerygma and, 415; Jesus as God’s “own Son,” 113; “Jesus is Lord” (Kurios Iesous), 243; on Jesus’ recapitulation of humanity, 281; justification in, 586, 608; kerygma, core of Pauline preaching, 221; on knowing from the heart, 8; language, 255; on the law, 66; life in Christ, 652; on Lord’s Supper, 390; on love (from 1 Corinthians), 639–40; on marriage, 349; “mother churches” and, 757; on a new covenant, 532; on obedience of faith, 190; oral tradition and sinlessness of Jesus, 353–54; personal (hypostatic) union in, 300–301; on preexistence, 254; on providence, 163; on reason and good sense, 196–97; on reconciliation, 407; on repentance, 574–75, 577; required to speak hard truths, 646; on resurrection, 479; on resurrection, omission of women from account, 479; on resurrection of the body, 792, 793, 794; return of Christ, timing, 798; on revealed and natural theology, 5, 6; on revelations made possible by grace, 172; on righteousness, 67; on risen Lord, 465, 466; salvation through grace, 612; on sexual difference, 704, 705; “shipwrecked” faith, 610; on Son of God, 248; on soul after death, 785; speaking in varied languages and, 551; teaching apostolic tradition and, 181, 184; teaching of spiritual gifts, 634; teaching the gospel, xix; vision of the new creation, 137; on wages of sin, 418; on why Christ taught first to the Jews, 374; on willingness to suffer, 191; as witness to resurrection, 319, 469. See also specific letters of Paul
Pearson, J., 29, 42, 52, 222, 241, 251, 253, 291, 294, 358, 359, 368, 370, 378, 388, 398, 403, 452, 485, 489, 743, 788, 816
Pelagians, 429, 676, 694, 844
Penitence, 65, 66
Pentecost, 107, 487–88, 501, 529, 532, 533, 534, 543, 544, 545–52, 631, 666, 686, 701, 753, 756, 824; baptism and, 701; beyond Babel and, 550–51; charismata, 547; descent of the Spirit at, 667; Feast of Firstfruits and, 545–46; fire as symbol, 544; tongues, 544, 547, 548–49, 551. See also Apostles
Perfection: after resurrection, 794–95; angelic, 672; believers and, 677; continual increase of love and, 677–78; defined, 668, 672; Donatist and puritanical demands for, 719; as fitting conclusion, 523, 543; God only attains, 671, 678; of grace (perfecting grace), 672–73, 676, 677, 678; Greek words for, 669; Hebrew words for, 668; immaturity and, 663–64; language of perfecting grace, 669; not required for Lord’s Table, 737; one thousand as, 806; perfect sacrifice, 667–68; rejection of doctrine of static sinless, 674; sinless, 674; spiritual, 659, 668, 671, 674, 678, 683–84, 749, 789, 853
Perichoresis, 310–11
Perpetua, St., 215, 859
Personal union of God and man in Christ, 299–316, 824; church and, 712–13; Jesus as mediator and, 365; Jesus as prophet and, 370; John of Damascus’ four classes of Christ’s identity, 308–9; koinopoiesis, 309; logic of intrapersonal permeation (perichoresis), 309–12; rejected options of Christ’s nature, 313; salvation and, 316, 402. See also Union with Christ
Person of the Holy Spirit, 513–25
Peter, St., 113, 163, 172, 182, 214, 221, 222, 236, 357, 358, 361; Ananias and, 518; on anointing of Jesus, 537; on the ascent, 455; attempt to defend Jesus in Jerusalem, 388; behavior change after resurrection of Jesus, 474; earliest preaching, 486; on exaltation, 542; as filled with the Holy Spirit, 667; first sermon, 561; historic importance, 761–62; interpretation of Pentecost, 488; Jesus on faith, 606; laying on of hands, 547; on life after death, 835; on miracles of Jesus, 376; “mother churches” and, 757; preaching of Joel’s prophecy, 532; in presence of Cornelius, 549; proclaiming Jesus as Lord and Christ, 357, 359, 528, 720; on Psalm 2, 553; questions of Petrine leadership, 761–64; on repentance, 571; as the rock, 357, 528, 695, 712, 720, 761–64, 853; before the Sanhedrin, 666; speech to people of Israel, 369–70; temptation, 831; vision of mission of the church, 744; as witness to resurrection, 457, 469, 471, 473, 481
1 Peter, 681; 1, 121; 1:1, 554; 1:2, 114, 522; 1:3, 112; 1:3, 4, 617, 641; 1:3–4, 790; 1:39, 562; 1:4, 834; 1:6, 580; 1:7, 346, 797; 1:8, 835; 1:8, 9, 835; 1:9, 533; 1:10–12, 111, 772; 1:11, 514, 799; 1:12–16, 63; 1:15, 16, 64, 658; 1:15–16, 681; 1:19, 353; 1:20, 72; 1:23, 370, 613, 614, 615, 619, 625, 649, 790; 1:23–25, 750; 1:24, 25, 719; 2:2–5, 678; 2:3, 166; 2:4, 5, 712; 2:4–8, 619; 2:5, 380, 381, 709; 2:5, 6, 543; 2:6, 362; 2:7, 709; 2:8, 742; 2:9, 381, 532, 616, 629; 2:9, 10, 696, 824; 2;10, 709; 2:10, 709; 2:16, 60; 2:21, 271, 428, 442; 2:21–22, 353; 2:21–23, 369; 2:22–24, 571; 2:23, 813; 2:24, 399; 2:25, 367, 758; 3:15, 171, 197, 208, 791; 3:16, 95; 3:16–21, 646; 3:18, 353, 420, 614, 670; 3:18, 19, 452; 3:18–19, 446, 454; 3:18–20, 450, 454; 3:18–22, 446, 483; 3:19–21, 454; 3:20, 74; 3:20, 21, 626; 4:4–6, 450; 4:6, 450, 454; 4:7, 165; 4:8, 817; 4:10, 138, 634, 635; 4:11, 637; 4:12, 346; 4:12, 13, 680; 4:13–5:9, 191; 4:17, 768; 5:1, 502, 759, 769; 5:2, 708; 5:4, 835; 5:5, 590; 5:7, 162; 5:8, 9, 724; 5:8, 9a, 606; 15–16, 64
2 Peter, 813; 1:4, 274, 316, 382, 614, 629, 652, 653, 714; 1:14, 780; 1:16, 188, 603, 797; 1:16–18, 358; 1:18, 603; 1:21, 553; 2:1, 423; 2:3–5, 801; 2:4, 832; 2:5, 17; 2:9, 768, 786; 3, 810; 3:7, 821; 3:7, 10, 12, 820; 3:8, 43, 825; 3:8, 9, 74; 3:9, 423, 424, 566, 799, 814; 3:10-12, 804; 3:11, 770, 778, 821; 3:12, 821; 3:13, 134; 3:16, 554; 3:18, 663, 664, 670, 678
Philemon and Apphia, 705
Philip, the Apostle, 236, 362, 635
Philippians: 1:1, 670, 741; 1:6, 567, 618, 798;1:10, 192; 1:11, 667, 668; 1:19, 20, 785; 1:20–23, 776; 1:23, 784, 785, 786, 823; 2, 118, 715, 758; 2:2–4, 543; 2:2–8, 553; 2:3, 260; 2:3–4, 258; 2:5, 668; 2:5–8, 260, 428; 2:5–11, 109, 117, 127, 254, 257, 275, 714; 2:6, 258; 2:6, 7, 241; 2:6–7, 286, 316; 2:6–8, 256, 300, 713; 2:6–9, 267; 2:6–11, 252, 253, 254, 316, 488; 2:7, 257, 258, 259, 277, 289, 306; 2:7b, 259; 2:8, 259, 389, 403, 446; 2:8, 9, 484; 2:9, 113, 443, 446, 486; 2:9–10, 447; 2:9–11, 244, 256; 2:10, 813; 2:10, 11, 707; 2:11, 327, 550; 2:12, 13, 572, 607, 649, 661; 2:13, 59, 149, 527; 2:27, 636; 2:30–31, 741; 3, 657; 3:3, 543; 3:8, 272; 3:9, 67, 410, 595, 610, 652, 818; 3:10, 191, 462, 614; 3:10, 11, 163; 3:12, 811; 3:12–14, 610, 683; 3:12–16, 657; 3:13–17, 677; 3:15, 669, 682, 683; 3:18, 734; 3:19, 776; 3:20, 686, 804; 3:20, 21, 794; 3:21, 113, 468; 4:3, 819; 4:6, 747; 4:12, 683; 4:18, 411; 4:22, 708; hymn in, and triune God, 117
Pietism, 176, 333
Pilate, Pontius, 215, 353, 362, 391–93, 394, 469, 470, 491, 813
Pneumatology, 501, 772; Christian teaching and orderly progression of topics, 508–9; correcting typical doctrinal offenses, 524–25; current neglect, 501–2; ideological abuse and difficulties of teaching, 507; language shortfall, 506; limits of scientific and objective investigation, 507–8; Scripture, use of in, 507–8
Pneumatomachi, 525
Polycarp of Smyrna, 80, 118, 436, 450, 564, 581, 608, 677, 743, 857
Polytheism, 30, 41–42, 45, 57, 58, 63, 65, 74, 119, 241, 275, 350
Prayer: in Christ’s name, 380; church’s intercession for salvation of humanity, 738–39; “Come O Lord,” 804; of contrition, 569; daily, Holy Spirit in, 514; as dialogue between humanity and God, 18; for Divine Illumination, 190; early Christians and, 136; early liturgy (…world without end. Amen), 839; Eucharistic, 422; God’s providence and validity, 144; Holy Spirit and, 516, 517, 544; Jesus’, of consecration, 366; Jesus’, on intercession, 489; Jesus’, to the Father, 310; Jesus at Gethsemane, 314; life, xvii; liturgy as tradition, 183; Lord’s Prayer, 493; participation in God’s knowing embrace of time, 825; personal God in, 56; Psalm 51 and, 568–69; regenerating grace and, 649; to saints, 638
Preaching: apostolic and Holy Spirit, 328, 600; of Christ in the netherworld, 454–55; by disciples, 561; earliest preaching in Acts, summarized in six points, 220–21; justification by grace, importance, 584; kerygma, core of Pauline preaching, 221; purpose, 561–62
Predestination, 150, 182–83, 334
Prodigal son, 562, 569, 593, 596, 641, 643, 712, 732, 817
Propitiation, 403, 405–6, 414, 424–25, 431
Protestant traditions: baptism and membership, 740; catholicity, 749; Christ and three offices, 359; on Christ as God and man, 314; Christ’s descent into hades as article of faith, 451; classic Christian teaching in, 749; classic definitions of incarnation, 269; confessions, 222; defining the church, 698; developments in substitutionary atonement teaching, 432–33; ecumenical councils recognized by, 850; ecumenicalism in, 725; four Last Things, 769–70; intermediate state of the soul, 784; justification in, 584; lay consent as principle, 854–55; liberalism, 96, 274–75; marks of the church, 717–18; on Mary, 295; millennialism and, 806, 807; NT canon, 177; personal accounts of conversion, 567; prayer through hours of the day, 176–77; procession of Holy Spirit and, 521; on providence, 144; reason and revelation, 180; strengths and limits, 693-94; three ministries of Christ as organizing principle, 367; triune God, 108; triune work economized in, 542; victor or dramatic motif of atonement and, 433
Protoevangelium of Genesis, 286, 293
Proverbs, 135; 1:7, 190; 1:23, 114; 1:31, 158; 2:2, 49; 3:11, 12, 644; 4:11, 163; 6:6–8, 154; 8:22–25, 135; 8:22–31, 153; 8:29–31, 143; 14:6, 192; 15:3, 48; 15:8, 74, 575; 15:32, 158; 15:33, 158; 19:22, 155; 20:9, 676; 22:28, 186, 851; 25:2, 771; 25:4, 346; 25:20, 580; 26:12, 189; 27:1, 676; 28:1, 96; 28:13, 579; 29:26, 67
Providence, 143–66; classic Christian arguments on, 145–46; Holy Spirit and, 530
Prudentius, 372, 393
Psalms, 110, 135; 1:2, 70, 587, 619; 1:3, 154; 1:5, 788; 2, 553; 2:2, 360; 2:4, 51; 2:6, 360; 2:7, 129, 342; 2:8, 360; 2:9, 492; 3:8, 562; 4:1, 56; 4:4, 629; 5:12, 155; 6:5, 785; 8, 84, 85, 89; 8:1, 9, 24; 8:1–5, 149; 8:3, 47; 8:3, 4, 135; 8:6, 492; 10:11, 30; 12:6, 346, 557; 13:1, 56; 14:1, 82, 101, 196; 14:1–3, 585; 14:3, 353; 15:1–2, 66; 16:10, 455, 781; 17:1, 56; 17:15, 781, 837; 18:18, 129; 19, 89, 135; 19:1, 6; 19:1–4, 98; 19:4, 746; 19:7, 8, 66; 19:12, 13, 674; 19:13, 158; 20:17, 30; 22:1, 394, 395; 22:7, 389; 22:9, 10, 628; 22:16–18, 395; 23:1, 24; 24:3–5, 190; 25:4, 29; 25:8, 62; 25:9, 189; 25:11, 593; 27:1, 141; 27:4, 98; 27:6, 411; 29:2, 28, 72, 619; 31:5, 69, 517; 31:8, 639; 31:15, 155; 31:21–24, 63; 31:33, 598; 32:1, 592; 32:1, 2, 580; 32:3, 4, 579; 32:5, 580; 32:18, 573; 33:6, 110, 153, 531; 33:6–9, 128; 33:9, 174; 33:11, 68; 33:13, 14, 47; 34:8, 197; 34:17, 828; 35:24–27, 768; 36:5, 6, 66; 36:6, 148; 36:9, 141; 37, 751; 37:37, 668; 38:4, 580; 38:22, 24; 39:4–6, 776; 40:5, 174; 40:6–8, 410; 40:8, 60; 41:9, 389; 42:2, 45; 44:21, 48; 44:24, 56; 45:7, 536; 46:1, 47; 46:7, 25; 46:8–11, 151; 47:7, 155; 48:7, 47; 48:10, 135; 49:15, 781; 50:2, 97; 50:12, 818; 51, 89, 568–69; 51:1, 2, 569, 590; 51:1–12, 570; 51:3, 569; 51:4, 568, 569, 830; 51:6, 569; 51:7, 569; 51:9, 10, 569; 51:10, 619; 51:10, 11, 110; 51:10–12, 649; 51:11, 708; 51:12, 60, 562; 51:12, 13, 569; 51:17, 414, 574; 53:1, 196; 53:1–3, 585; 54:24, 391; 55:9–11, 550; 59:11–16, 51; 62:12, 612; 64, 708; 65:9–13, 153; 66:10, 346; 66:18, 575; 67:1, 834; 67:4, 160, 161; 68:18, 455, 487; 68:32–35, 135; 69:4, 392; 69:20, 580; 69:21, 389; 70:10, 151; 71:6, 628; 71:22, 23, 65; 72:6, 7, 547; 72:19, 149; 73:4–18, 439; 73:23–28, 781; 74:1, 56; 76:10, 162, 768; 77:12, 70; 80, 710; 81:10, 200; 81:12, 158; 82:6, 653; 84:2, 45; 85:10–11, 405; 86:5, 62; 86:8, 10, 41; 86:15. 16, 74; 88:12, 785; 89:1–8, 207; 89:3–4, 360; 89:13, 488; 89:14, 66; 89:36–37, 395; 89:48, 777; 90, 40, 63, 128, 778; 90:2, 24, 44, 69; 90:4, 43, 809, 825; 90:7, 778; 90:10, 777; 90:12, 778; 91:1, 41; 91:11–12, 350; 92:6, 196; 92:7, 814; 93:5, 62; 94:9, 56, 85; 94:9–11, 48; 94:12, 644; 94:17, 785; 95:2, 197; 95:7, 192; 95:7–11, 553; 96:6, 75, 97, 98; 96:9, 72, 98; 97:1, 2, 66; 98:2, 176; 98:8, 9, 74; 98:9, 813; 101:2, 668; 101:3, 668; 102:25, 128; 102:26, 92; 102:26, 27, 820; 102:26–27, 68; 102:27, 43; 103, 152; 103:6–8, 202; 103:7, 29; 103:10, 814; 103:12, 590, 817; 104, 128, 135, 159; 104:1–14, 86; 104:1–35, 155; 104:10–14, 30, 530; 104:21, 152; 104:26, 154; 104:29, 531; 104:29, 30, 148; 104:30, 513, 530; 105:3, 62; 105:5, 174; 105:48, 186; 106:45, 577; 110, 553; 110:2, 492; 110:4, 382; 110:5, 129; 110:10, 639; 111:4, 56; 111:10, 190; 113–4, 134; 114:3–5, 342; 117:22, 709; 118:25–26, 362; 118:63, 824; 119, 584; 119:1–3, 681; 119:3, 29; 119:12, 41; 119:18, 19, 190; 119:37, 791; 119:58–60, 569; 119:105, 536; 119:133, 674; 119:160, 69; 121:4, 44, 46, 155; 122, 18; 126:2, 3, 174; 130:1, 571; 130:1–4, 569; 130:3, 4, 593; 130:7, 62; 133:2, 701; 135:4, 532; 135:5, 80; 135:6, 59; 135:6, 7, 153; 136:1–9, 135; 136:25, 154, 202, 530; 138:7, 147; 139, 48, 516; 139:1–4, 50; 139:17, 32; 139:3, 4, 48; 139:5, 149; 139:7, 110, 515; 139:7, 8, 516; 139:7–10, 513; 139:1316, 628; 139:14–16, 155; 139:14–17, 135; 139:23, 24, 680; 139:67–68, 680; 143:9, 143; 143:10, 60; 143:11, 148; 145:1–12, 18; 145:3, 43; 145:15, 152; 145:15, 16, 154; 145:16, 154; 146:8, 63; 147:4–5, 48; 147:5, 48; 147:8, 9, 154; 147:9, 152; 150:2, 46; creation hymns, 135
Psalms of Solomon: 17–18, 805
Quicunque Creed. See Athanasian Creed
Quinisext Council, 191; Synod, 177
Qui pluribus, 180
Qur’an: 3:3, 82
Rachel, 294
Rapture, 810–11
Reason, 197; arguments on God’s existence, 79-80, 84–103; capacity to believe evidences of faith, 209; causes of resistance to consensual reason in the academy, 206; certitude and, 199–209; Christianity’s social conception of evidence, 208–9; classical Christianity and, 199, 205–6; classic reasons that Christ is God, 240–42; convergence of plausibility, 200–201; deductive arguments, 103; defined, 199; Descartes on, 87; divine mysteries and, 205; doubt and hunger for certainty, 199–200; empathic listening for consistency, 198–99; evil and, 205; experimental method, 199–200; faith and, 20–21, 81–83; genius of historical reasoning, 202–3; grace and, 207; in heaven, 836; Holy Spirit and, 516; how faith reasons, 206–9; inductive arguments, 103; knowing God by negation and analogy, 31–32; limitations, 201–2, 207–8, 770–71; measuring God, 43; moral, 587; mysteries of faith and, 506; natural appetite controlled by, 315; preventing distortion with, 205–6; reasoning of revelation, 196–209; revelation and, 20, 26; scriptural teaching concerning, 196–97; six classical indicators why reason is required by revelation, 203–5; study of God and, 175, 176, 198–99; triune God and, 107–9; Word made intelligible, 180
Rebecca, 294
Reconciliation (katallage), 73, 96, 97, 230, 344,378, 394, 403, 404, 406, 407–8, 409, 412, 414, 424, 429, 430, 432, 441, 455, 539, 542, 563, 567, 575, 583, 592, 604, 643, 670, 687–88, 699, 725, 728; cosmic, 688; doctrine, 578; to family of God, 596; Holy Spirit’s ministry, 687–88; metaphors for, 433; reconciling theories, 428
Redemption, 658, 685–86, 833; atonement and, 407, 426; church unity and, 722; cosmic, 137; creation seen in light, 136–37; death on the cross as final, 440; direction of history and, 464; divine plan and, 417; economy, 528, 529, 531; endtime and, 768; ethical consequences of the gospel and, 219; the fall and, 162; from the Father, through the Son, by the Spirit, 520; good news and, 371; Holy Spirit and, 527–28, 531, 538, 556; of humanity’s curse, 399; incarnation and atonement, 270, 272–73; intent in creation, 127; Jesus the Redeemer, 20, 73, 136, 231, 345, 440; Joseph (son of Jacob) and, 158; metaphor of “buying back,” 685; modern view, secular interpretation, 686; ongoing struggle between creature and Creator, 159; as opera dei (what God does), 126; providence and, 152; purpose, 687, 820; restoration of time and, 142; resurrection and, 457; through obedience of a virgin, 293; union with living Christ and, 448; way of the cross and, 429; why the righteous suffer and, 161; as work of Christ, 225, 366
Reformation, 314, 565, 669, 698, 748, 749, 762–63, 771, 802, 806, 851–52, 853, 854; creeds accepted by, 851; lay consent as principle, 852, 854; millennial views, 806; teachers, 177; written word as primary source of theology, 176
Reformed tradition, 432, 451, 452, 565, 610, 656, 669, 670, 680, 748, 749, 850
Regeneration, 629, 641; baptism vs., 626; biblical word pictures, 614; defining, 613; grace and, 620–21; how justification differs from, 613–14; New Birth and, 616–18, 621–22; New Birth and sin, 621–22; new creation, 615–16; New Nature and, 606; receiving a new heart, 617; Spirit and new life to sinners, 612–13; theosis and, 653–54; unity of justifying, regenerating, and adopting grace, 641–42; unmerited gift, 614–15; Word and Spirit in, 618–22
Religion: Christianity and, 195; etymology, 195; expiation and history, 405–6; how Christianity differs from, 195; human propitiatory acts saturate history of religions, 405–6; life beyond death and, 773; Lordship of Christ and history, 244–45; mystery, 442; myths of virgin births, 286, 332; standard questions in universal consciousness, 195; study of God and, 194–96; as universal human phenomenon, 195. See also Christianity; Christology; Theology
Repentance, 157, 431, 493, 561–82, 671; atonement and, 431; behavioral amendment required, 575–76; Chrysostom’s five milestones, 570; clean sweep required, 569; contrition and, 572, 573–75; daily recurrence, 576–77; deathbed, 577; defining, 567–68; entering community of faith and, 700–701; evangelical, 569–70; faith and, as coordinate teachings, 579; fallen reason and, 205; false, 573; final judgment (general judgment) and, 814–15; of God, 577; Holy Spirit and, 556; joy in reversal of sin, 574; justification and, 591; metanoia, 567; mind, heart, will, and, 568; preaching and teaching, 221; Psalm 51 and, 568–69; reformation and, 570, 572; substitution of Christ for sinners, 410; suffering and, 439; true, 567, 574; without grace, 418–19
Restitution, 613
Resurrection, xvii, 121, 136, 141, 177, 216, 457–81, 788; according to Scripture, 358–59; analogy of dying seed, 793–94; annunciation and baptism and, 248–49; apostles and, 753; appearances of Jesus after, 371, 411, 443, 458–59, 468–69, 472, 473, 481, 484; of the body, 776, 791–93; body of Jesus and, 467–68, 485, 837; confirmation of messianic designation, 359, 463; as conquest of death, 781, 790–91; as consistent with God’s nature, 377; correlation with immortality, 789–90; critics, 324; death and, as single event, 459; defined, 458; as a distinct event in human history, 463; divine Sonship and, 250; earliest testimony, 479; Easter and, 297; end of history and, 769; endtime expectations and, 461, 776; events overshadowing early life of Jesus, 320; evidence of historical validity, 458, 468–72, 474–78; as evidence of history, 326–28; exaltation, 443, 445–56; eyewitnesses, 319, 326, 476, 541, 603–4, 795; final revelation and, 464, 686; first and second, 788–89, 809–10; four benefits to believers, 481; general, 546, 787–94; hallucinatory projection theory, 472–74; hidden meaning of universal history and, 458; Jesus as human and, 278; Jesus as Lord and, 244; life everlasting and, 780–83 (see also Endtime; Life everlasting); meaning for Jesus’ contemporaries, 461; meaning in general, in universal history, 459; modern mythographers, 479–81; mystery, 593; new birth as, 616–17; in Old Testament, 466–67, 789; participation in, 654; as proof of Lordship, 478–79; prophetic expectation and, 463, 789; purpose, 163, 203, 446, 448; raising of humanity and, 458–59; raising of dead distinguished from, 466–67; resuming of divine powers and, 257; as revelation of end of history, 165–66; risen, glorified body, 468, 794–96, 834, 836, 837; risen Lord and final revelation, 462; sequence of transition from proclaimer to proclaimed, 325–26; sign of Jonah and, 465; on third day, 465; triune premise, 465–66; untombed at moment of Jesus’ death, 467; as validation of Christ’s deity, 238–39; as vindication of Jesus’ earthly ministry, 327. See also Exaltation or exalted Lord
Revelation: capacity to believe evidences, 209; Christian community and, 176; consensus reception, 17; endtime and, 460, 769 (see also Endtime); fire as symbol, 535; four resources for study, 175, 176; general or common, 16, 17–18; of God, 5, 6, 15, 16–21, 24–25, 169–209, 431; God’s character and, 26; in Hebrew covenant, 16–17; history and, 496–97, 555–56; history, 57; Holy Spirit and, 514; human recipient, 19–20; Jesus and, 5–6, 16, 17, 18–19, 162, 370, 462; limits of radical skepticism and, 201–2; meaning, 16–17, 18; memory, forms for, 17; as precondition for study of God, 176; as primary premise of Christian study of God, 174–75; reason and, 203–5; as requiring scripture, tradition, experience, and reason, 168, 174–80, 199–209; risen Lord and final revelation, 462, 464; salvation and, 20; in scripture, 16, 17–18, 20–21, 26, 176; special, in history of Israel, 18; study of God and, 203; through God’s names, 24–25; unveiling and making known, 16; as window to grace, 598
Revelation, Book, 118; 1:1, 176; 1:1–8, 769; 1:2, 706; 1:3, 771; 1:4, 43, 705; 1:4–5a, 117; 1:5, 590, 680; 1:6, 824; 1:7, 796; 1:7, 8, 797; 1:8, 25, 44, 797; 1:18, 453; 2:5, 16, 576; 2:7, 518, 785, 837; 2:10, 449, 612, 724; 2:11, 776; 2:14, 837; 2:25, 811; 3:3, 19, 576; 3:7, 69, 107; 3:8, 236; 3:12, 824; 3:14, 839; 3:20, 605; 4:4, 590; 4:8, 63, 64, 110; 4:11, 128; 5:1–9, 819; 5:6, 367; 5:9, 725; 5:9–13, 551; 5:11, 132; 5:11–12, 413; 5:13, 14, 707; 6:6, 536; 6:9, 786; 6:9–11, 784; 7:2, 45; 7:4, 9, 751; 7:9, 590; 7:15, 16, 836; 7:16, 836; 8:3, 4, 786; 10:6, 128; 11:7, 801; 11:15, 494, 803; 12, 832; 12:0, 348; 12:1, 832; 12:4, 801; 12:7–9, 832; 12:10–12, 831; 12:11, 832; 12:12, 831; 12:13–18, 803; 12:50, 483; 13, 802, 808; 13:7, 801; 13:8, 72, 127, 529, 819; 14:1–4, 823; 14:3, 836; 14:13, 777, 779, 780, 784; 15:4, 63, 64; 17:6, 801; 17:14, 113, 366; 18:24, 801; 19, 163; 19:4, 824; 19:6, 51; 19:7, 699; 19:7, 8, 724; 19:7–9, 708; 19:710, 838; 19:11, 483; 19:11–16, 796; 19:16, 24, 113, 241; 20, 805, 807, 809; 20:1–3, 819; 20:2, 805, 806; 20:3–10, 348; 20:4, 786, 801, 813; 20:5, 6, 809; 20:6, 776, 788; 20:7, 8, 809; 20:11–15, 827; 20:12, 788, 818; 20:12-13, 783; 20:15, 449; 21:1, 134, 838; 21:1–4, 708, 821; 21:2, 769, 824, 834, 838; 21:2, 9, 708; 21:3, 379, 696, 709, 824; 21:4, 794; 21:5, 821; 21:6, 165; 21:8, 776; 21:8–10, 838; 21:9–11, 838; 21:14, 756; 21:15, 820; 21:22, 41; 21:23–25, 835; 21:34, 838; 22:1, 778; 22:4, 834; 22:5, 535; 22:6–13, 460; 22:11, 665; 22:12, 783; 22:13, 165, 797, 803; 22:16, 18; 22:17, 708; 22:18–19, 853; 22:20, 804; 22:20–21, 494, 702; Salutation, 117
Righteousness: atonement and, 403, 407–8; attesting to God’s, and evil days, 66; for believers, 410; Christ and, 589–90, 595, 677; coming kingdom and, 585–86; consequences, 404; creation and, 139; of God, 66–67, 139, 202, 371, 430, 431; God, Christ, and the law, 371, 389; in Hebrew and Greek, 584; imputed, 594–95; Jesus and, 342; Jesus as Mediator and, 226; judgment and, 586–89; justification and, 583; justified sinners may refract God’s, 677; law and, 371, 389, 584; link between imputing and imparting, 595–96; providence and divine justice, 146; punishment of sin and, 430; relative justice and, 93; revealed, 586
Risen Lord. See Resurrection
Roman Catholic church, 656, 843; baptism and membership, 740; catholicity, 749; Christ’s descent into hades as article of faith, 451; classic Christian teaching in, 749; ecumenical councils recognized by, 850; historic importance, 762; Marian tradition, 295, 296–97; NT canon, 177; personal accounts of conversion, 567; prayer through hours of day, 176–77; procession of Holy Spirit and, 521; reason and revelation, 180; split from east, 724; strengths and limits, 693–94
Romans: 1, 89; 1:1, 223; 1:1–4, 248, 254; 1:24, 288, 289; 1:3, 18, 300; 1:3, 4, 300, 553; 1:3–4, 316; 1:4, 300, 326, 366, 457, 464, 466, 497, 514, 538; 1:5, 190; 1:6, 532; 1:6, 7, 709; 1:7, 670; 1:10, 61, 833; 1:13–2:16, 17; 1:14, 515; 1:16, 533, 600, 753; 1:17, 67, 189, 586; 1:18, 89, 176, 425; 1:18–2:29, 585; 1:18–25, 67; 1:18–32, 620; 1:19, 5; 1:20, 6, 128, 136, 163, 270, 516, 738; 1:21, 205–6; 1:26, 190; 1:26, 27, 89; 1:32, 778; 2, 89; 2:1–16, 404; 2:4, 73, 424; 2:5, 617, 813; 2:5–11, 782; 2:6, 612, 783; 2:6–16, 826; 2:7, 780; 2:12–16, 818, 828; 2:13, 585; 2:13, 16, 588; 2:14, 15, 818; 2:14–16, 18; 2:15, 89, 95, 404, 568, 569, 587; 2:15, 16, 816; 2:22–24, 609; 2:29, 615; 3:14:21, 597; 3:3, 206; 3:9–20, 404; 3:10b, 12b, 20, 683; 3:12, 585, 611; 3:19, 587; 3:19–23, 585; 3:20, 573, 619; 3:21, 67, 73, 163, 683; 3;21, 738; 3:21–25, 595; 3:21–26, 420, 584; 3:21–28, 67; 3:21–31, 174; 3:22, 67; 3:22–24, 408, 607; 3:22–26, 586; 3:23, 585; 3:24, 585, 685; 3:24, 25, 589, 686; 3:25, 367, 403, 405, 414, 424, 589; 3:26, 414, 592, 593; 3:265, 591; 3:28, 196; 4, 431, 610, 674; 4:18:1:1, 820; 4:3, 585; 4:3–6, 67; 4:4, 594; 4:5, 584, 593, 594, 595, 601; 4:6, 41; 4:10–12, 338; 4:11, 338; 4:12, 338; 4:12–16, 697; 4:16, 607; 4:17, 136, 595; 4:22–24, 594–95; 4:24, 481, 606; 4:25, 420, 459; 5, 19, 403, 529, 674; 5:1, 67; 5:1, 2, 596; 5:1, 16, 593; 5:1–3, 196; 5:1–5, 624; 5:1–11, 407; 5:5, 639, 648; 5:6, 422; 5–6, 595; 5:6, 734; 5:6–8, 72, 586; 5:6–11, 402; 5:7–8, 420; 5:8, 73, 405, 410, 591, 593; 5:8–9, 424; 5:8–10, 407; 5:9, 588; 5:9–11, 249, 425; 5:10, 403, 407, 441; 5:11, 403, 687; 5:12, 774, 778; 5:12–17, 597, 774; 5:12–21, 421; 5:14, 293; 5:15, 278; 5:15–19, 458; 5:17, 66, 778; 5:17–19, 164; 5:17–21, 595; 5:19, 190, 259, 409, 587, 591, 778; 5:20–6:12, 611; 5:21, 75; 6, 440, 448, 449, 566, 652, 697, 769; 6:1–5, 163; 6:1–10, 631; 6:1–11, 420; 6:3, 4, 701; 6:4, 458, 465, 481, 538, 616, 625, 632; 6:4–7, 398; 6:11, 681; 6:11, 12, 618; 6:11–13, 666; 6:13, 616, 618, 669, 791; 6:14, 261, 617; 6:14–18, 196; 6:16, 190; 6:18, 617; 6:19, 666, 791; 6:22, 617; 6:23, 418, 617, 777; 7, 574, 684; 7:7, 573; 7:7–25, 643; 7:9–8:2, 543; 7:12, 13, 67; 7:14, 571, 599; 7:18, 673; 7:19, 620; 7:21–23, 665; 7:22, 23, 619; 7:23, 570; 7:24, 25, 571; 7:33, 724; 8:1, 73, 587, 588, 652, 817; 8:1, 2, 571; 8:1–4, 542; 8:1–7, 503; 8:1–10, 562; 8:1–11, 665, 707; 8:2, 514, 515; 8:3, 247, 249, 261, 278, 300, 410, 414, 553; 8:3, 4, 422; 8:3–4, 399; 8:4, 414; 8:5, 204; 8:5–13, 595; 8:6, 205, 617; 8:9, 514, 623, 708; 8:9–11, 494, 624, 652; 8:9–17, 305, 459, 564; 8:9a, 624; 8:9b, 624; 8:10, 654; 8:11, 114, 466, 514, 623, 651, 654, 788; 8:12–14, 666; 8:12–27, 503; 8:14, 107, 114, 518; 8:14–17, 685; 8:14–39, 164; 8:15, 26, 364, 505, 515, 642; 8:15, 16, 645, 648; 8:15–17, 694; 8:15–21, 642; 8:16, 505, 518, 543; 8:17, 642, 643, 724, 767; 8:17, 18, 191; 8:18, 19, 768; 8:18–21, 433; 8:18–27, 516, 769; 8:18–30, 16; 8:19–21, 804; 8:19–22, 137, 820; 8:19–23, 464; 8:20–23, 791; 8:21, 820; 8:22, 164; 8:22–25, 694; 8:22–27, 713; 8:23, 422, 545, 567, 711, 804, 834; 8:26, 163, 538; 8:26, 27, 544, 663, 694; 8:26–27, 381, 518; 8:27, 48; 8:28, 159, 163, 164, 494, 621; 8:29, 163, 655, 670; 8:29, 30, 616; 8:30–32, 589; 8:30–33, 591; 8:31–32, 405; 8:32, 113, 249, 405, 422; 8:33, 589; 8:33b, 34a, 588; 8:38, 785; 8:38, 39, 649; 8:39, 47; 9:1, 646, 758; 9:5, 113, 300; 9:6, 696; 9:6–13, 697; 9–11, 82, 697; 9:18, 60; 9:20, 128; 9:21–23, 737; 9:22, 814; 9:24–26, 800; 9:25, 824; 10:4, 410; 10:6–7, 455, 484; 10:7, 450; 10:9, 241, 243, 327, 647; 10:9–11, 581; 10:10, 581, 596, 605, 629; 10:13, 707; 10:14, 738; 10:15, 403; 10:17, 604, 619, 746; 10:18, 746; 10:45, 371; 11, 826; 11:1, 800; 11:1, 2, 696; 11:5, 6, 196; 11:6, 800; 11:11, 800; 11:12, 800; 11:15, 16, 687; 11:16–18, 801; 11:17, 697; 11:17, 18, 697; 11:17–24, 697; 11:25, 800; 11:25, 26, 800–801; 11:28, 800; 11:29, 697, 800; 11:33, 151, 523; 11:33, 34, 48; 11:36, 136, 523; 12, 634, 715; 12:1, 502, 655, 791; 12:1, 2, 609; 12:1–5, 596; 12:1–8, 407; 12:2, 60, 614, 663, 707, 791; 12:3, 596; 12:4, 5, 722, 825; 12:4–6, 710–11; 12:5, 723; 12:6, 634; 12:6–8, 637, 759; 12:7, 636; 12:8, 636; 12:9, 10, 636; 12:11–14, 778; 13:3, 829; 13:8–10, 674; 13:10, 261, 673; 13:11, 562; 13:14, 575; 14:6–8, 682; 14:9, 113; 14:10, 244; 14:10, 12, 816; 14:17, 491, 493, 544; 15:8, 362, 374; 15:8–9, 374; 15:13, 544, 608, 648; 15:13, 19, 625; 15:18, 114, 513; 15:23-24, 745; 15:26, 741; 15:26–28, 755; 15:29, 681; 15:31, 723; 16:5, 705; 16:7, 753; 16:13, 392; 16:16, 698; 16:17, 737; 16:25, 176, 769; 16:26, 25, 207
Rufinus, xvii, 10, 11, 171, 188, 189, 229, 284, 521, 599, 691, 791
Rule of faith (regula fidei), 9, 118, 181–82, 184, 186, 208, 222, 284, 292, 446, 503–4, 506, 633, 743, 748, 749, 757, 764, 769, 787, 824, 849–51, 852, 853, 854. See also Baptism; Creeds and creedal prototypes
Russian Catechism, 247, 248, 249, 268, 284, 300, 368, 390, 391, 423, 450, 455, 484
Ruth, 294
Sabbath day service, 183, 459
Sabellianism, 260, 521, 524
Sacraments, 320, 715, 717–18, 736
Saints: communion, 718, 823–27; as community of believers, 670; derivation, 660; as elect, 662, 692, 699, 800; examples, 682; exemplary women, 682; glorified bodies, 834, 836, 837; paradoxical uprightness, 679; Pelagian view, 676; spiritual body, 837; three traditions of the church, 692; unattainability of perfect love, 681–85; warning not to attribute divine attributes to finite creatures, 684–85
Salvation, 561–82; as analogous to light, 829; apostolic teaching and, 756; assurance, through witness of the Spirit, 645–49; benefits, 607; Christianity and, 244; church’s intercession for humanity, 738–39; conditional efficacy, 423; confession of sin and, 570, 579–82; consummation and, 769; conversion and, 577–79; conviction of sin and, 570–73; cross and, 403, 407–9, 416, 431; defined, 563–64, 566; doctrines of evil and, 437; doubters and idolaters and, 218; economy or plan, 528, 544, 657, 677; effects, 685–88; elements of personal salvation teaching, 564–65; as experience of God, 175; future questions, 772; grace and Holy Spirit, 528–29; Hebrew and Greek words for, 562, 669; history in triune view, 106–7; history, in creation, 128, 141; Holy Spirit and, 564, 739; humanity of Jesus and, 278; humanity’s need for, 223; identity of Christ and, 402; incarnation and, 270, 271; justification and, 583–622; kingdom of grace and, 493; like a sweeping act of acquittal, 588; mapping trajectory of the study of the cross, 402; miracles by Jesus as signs of God’s coming, 376; as mission of Son of God, 248, 249–50, 277, 311, 315; name of Jesus and, 287; order of (ordo salutis), 225, 563, 565–66, 641–42; outside the church, 737–38; pagan deliverance myths vs., 392; pardon and, 646; past, present, and future, 566–67; perfection, continual increase, 677–78; personal, 176, 307, 320; preaching, purpose, 561–62; premise of lostness and, 562–63, 619–20; promised to occur between suffering and death, 256; Protoevangelium of Genesis, 286; providence and, 149; reconciliation to the family of God, 596; redemptive purpose and, 529; reformation and, 570, 572; refusing, 520; religious toleration movements and, 332; reparation and, 570, 590; repentance and, 567–77; revelation and, 20; rule of faith and, 181; Savior needed for, 402; signs of God’s coming, 376; sin and temptation continue on way to, 675; Son of God and, 249–50; study of (soteriology), 225, 508, 563–64, 655; suffering and death of Jesus, purpose, 398; terms, 563; threefold anointing and biblical teachings, 367; triune God and, 522; unique conditions required for, 415–18; visibility of church and, 739–41; warnings against spirit of indifference, 739; what is meant by being saved, 562; why a union that included human nature was necessary for salvation, 316
1 Samuel: 1–3, 286; 2:7–17, 286; 2:26, 340; 10:1–5, 56; 10:10, 624; 11:6, 536; 12:7, 46; 12:22, 532; 15:1, 17, 536; 15:35, 68; 16, 537; 16:13, 368, 536, 624; 16:13–23, 110; 16:18, 297; 17:26, 45; 18:10, 831; 30:12, 465
2 Samuel: 6:14, 220; 7:13–14, 360; 23:2, 530
Sanctification, 126, 127, 407, 493, 522, 540, 590, 655–88
Sapphira, 626, 734
Sarah, 52, 286, 289, 294, 682
Satan, 158, 266, 517, 680, 831–33; as ancient Adversary, 855; Christ driving out, 367, 433, 491; coming of lawless one and, 801–2; daily combat with, 679–80; as deceiver, 831–32; desire to corrupt all flesh, 427; as Devil or Lucifer, 831; faith and resistance, 606; Holy Spirit overcoming, 514; irony of defeated demonic deception, 427; millennialism and, 805; power, 832–33; temptation of Adam and Eve, 345, 350, 831, 832; temptation of Christ and, 345–51, 831; victor or dramatic motif of atonement and, 433; way of deceiver vs. way of Son, 426–27
Saul, 536, 831
Scholastics, 522
Schweitzer, Albert, 320, 321, 322, 496
Science: causal law and, 99; classical definition, 187; experimental method, 199–200; inquiry into God the Spirit, 507; study of God as a, 168, 187–88, 199; study of God distinguished from, 200. See also Nature and cosmos
Scots Confession, 390, 392, 424, 471, 644
Scripture: Apocrypha, 177, 850; atonement, word pictures, 408–9; atoning death in, 403; baptismal teaching and, 9; Bible as the church’s book, 170; biblical assumption that God exists, 83–84; biblical examples of sacrifice, 411–14; biblical perspective on God the Creator, 128–32; birth narratives, 285, 286, 287–88, 293, 332; Christian canon and, 756–57; Christian theology and, 21; church prefigured in OT, 697; circle of knowing and, 199; classic Christian teaching, primary source, 842; classic evidence it is God’s own address, 556; concern with idolatry and polytheism, 30; conflicting interpretations, 186; consistent and consensual, 185; as dialogue between humanity and God, 18; divine self-disclosure in, 208; earliest exegetes, 186; endtime expectation, and NT, 460–61; as foundation for tradition, reason, and experience of revelation, 168, 175, 176–87, 208–9; fulfillment of prophecy and the Messiah, 263, 266, 270, 280, 285, 286–87, 294, 300–301, 327, 340, 341, 356, 362, 363, 368, 374, 389, 391, 395, 463, 505 (see also Isaiah); as God-breathed, 552; gathering of Israel in, 800; God’s character revealed through events, 29; Gospel sayings of and about the Son of Man, 356–57; Gospel’s portrait of Jesus, 216; Gospel writers, purpose, 319; Hebrew, 176, 177, 554, 599, 696; Hellenistic influence, 332; historical criticism, 333, 334–35; historical Jesus and, 324–25, 333; Holy Spirit as conveying to the heart, 556–58, 619; Holy Spirit as guiding, 552–56; Holy Spirit in, 501–2, 507–8, 518, 530; I AM in Hebrew Scripture, 35 (see also Yahweh); justification in, 586; literal meaning, 186; living Christ in, 449; living tradition and, 185; messianic texts, 342–43; New Life, word pictures, 614; NT, bookkeeping analogy, 594–95; NT, classical exegesis on Christ as God, 240–42; NT, creation, 554; NT, dating, 328; NT, historical reasoning, 200–201; NT, idea of assurance in, 645; NT, notion of a new age, 538; NT, question of deity of Jesus, 234–35, 238; NT, surviving texts, 177; NT, transmission of apostolic teaching and, 181; NT, “unity inherent to our faith,” 172; NT canonized as Holy Writ, 175, 177, 208; ongoing study, 179; oral tradition precedes, 175; ordained ministry and, 194; OT, miraculous births, 286; OT as literary root of NT, 332; OT view of reasoning about God, 202; plain sense, and spiritual interpretation, 186; preached Word requires written Word, 175–76; against proof-texting quotes, 186–87; question of Jesus’ identity today, 234; reason, teaching concerning, 196–97; reasoning about Christ’s deity, 239–45; reconciliation of God and humanity in, 403; reliability of apostolic texts, 328; on religions other than Christianity, 195; repentance, examples, 569; revelation in, 6, 16, 17–18, 20–21, 26, 29–30; rhetoric of foreshortening, 798; roots of trinitarian reasoning, 109–11; sacrifice in the OT, 377; scriptural basis of personal (hypostatic) union, 300–302; secular historical biblical criticism, 332–33, 351; Son of Man in OT and Gospels, 355–57; as story of humanity, 20; studies, xvii; suffering as punishment, prosperity as sign of God’s favor, 439; teaching apostolic tradition and, 222; teaching on the incarnation, 267–71; teachings on distinctive person of Christ, 299; theandric premise for reading the NT, 301–2; theandric unity of canonical diversity, 330; three offices of Christ’s mediatorial work and, 367–68; tradition and, 185–87; triune God and, 108; union of God and man in Christ, 300; virgin birth established as doctrine by inclusion in, 285; as witness to God’s self-disclosure, 178; as the written Word, 177–78
Self-sufficiency of God, 39, 40–41
Sermon on the Mount, 162, 371, 574
Session and intercession, 448
Seventh-Day Adventists, 810
Sex and sexuality: accountability for, 657; celibacy, 349; Christianity’s celebration, 349; circumcision and sanctification, 337–39; circumcision of Jesus, 337–38; gender equality, 284, 291, 348, 505–6, 641, 642, 666–67; of God, 7–8, 505–6; Gregory of Nyssa on, 291; Holy Spirit and gender, 504–6; Jesus and sex, 348–49; Paul on, 704, 705; relation of Christ and church prefigurative of redeemed man-woman union, 708; risen, glorified body and, 795–96; as a spiritual gift, 635–36; virginal conception and birth and, 284
Simony, 524
Sin: absent in heaven, 836; absurdity of continued bondage to, 440; as abuse of free will, 157; Adam and, 278; after baptism, 658; all humanity as sinners, 585; as always against God, 830; atonement for, 284, 316, 344, 367, 369, 377, 378, 388, 401–43; Augustine on, as misguided love, 71; belief in Christ does not permanently eradicate, 675; blindness of humanity and, 263; blood sacrifice and, 412; cataclysmic struggle coming, 803; caused by skewed human freedom, 140, 157; Christ as ransom for, 402, 405; Christ died for our sins, 67, 72, 73, 249, 327, 343, 361, 378, 388, 412, 415, 419–22, 439, 492, 590, 592, 686; Christ treated as if a sinner, 422; church and sinners, 731–32, 734–36, 751; cleansed by the Eucharist, 540; confession, 579–82; consequences, socially transmitted in history, 438, 590; conviction, and salvation, 570–73; daily combat with, 679–80; death as penalty for, 404, 407, 418, 432, 776, 777–78; demonic order and, 433; divine-human covenant and, 134, 135; evangelical repentance and, 569–70; exclusion from kingdom of God and, 832–33; exemplary theory and, 430; expiation, 429; the fall and human falling, 128, 150, 159, 162, 205, 293, 345, 347, 417, 585, 675, 768, 777–78, 803; fallen human freedom to be redeemed, 417; final judgment and, 816; final state of the unjust, 827–31; flesh (sarx) and, 503; forgiveness, 233, 235, 241, 342, 351, 352, 394, 502, 593, 816–17; free will and, 65, 150, 158, 159, 404, 591, 673; God as detesting, 828; God set apart from, 65–66; God’s grace, mercy, and, 73; God’s love of sinners, 72, 73; God’s veto, 74; grace and saving of sinners, 724; Grotian view, 431; Holy Spirit and, 502, 516, 519–20, 665–67; imputation and, 431, 594; incarnation and atonement, 272–73; incarnation to bridge the conflict between God’s holiness and human sin, 273; inevitability, 682; infirmity of human nature, causes, 672–73; injustice of unremedied, 830–31; irony of defeated demonic deception, 427; Jesus as friend of sinners, 352, 362, 373, 380, 389, 751; Jesus as Mediator and, 226; Jesus as without, 279, 290, 343, 345, 351–55; Jesus’ baptism and, 342; joy in reversal, 574; justification and, 583–622; and law, 67, 371, 493; liberation from, 408; loss of entitlement restored by grace, 643; loss of God as consequence, 829, 830; Mary and immaculate conception, 297; modern dilution, 644–45; need for salvation and, 223; as offense against God’s holiness, 432; of omission and commission, 817; paradoxical uprightness of saints, 679; pardon, 576, 584, 587, 588–89, 592–93, 596, 597, 605, 607, 610, 611, 614, 616, 622, 627, 641, 645, 646, 653, 659, 661, 663, 664, 665, 676, 762; penalty for sin necessary, 404, 405; premise of lostness and, 562–63; priestly work of Christ and, 378; providence and, 155–59; punishment for, 439–40; purpose, 166; radical seriousness, 404; redemption from, 366; regeneration and, 612–13; remission, 595–96; repentance, 410; resurrection and victory over, 327; righteousness and punishment, 67; sacrifice of blood to cleanse, 413–14, 415; struggle against, 540; suffering and, 435; temptation and, 345–49, 646–47; tension of flesh and spirit, 679–80; threefold remedy for, 367; three perplexities about Jesus and sin, 354–55; universality, 353; unpardonable, 520; victory over, 433; way of deceiver vs. way of Son, 426–27; why God allows, 591; willed and hidden, 674, 675, 676; woman caught in adultery, 354; worldly sorrow, Godly sorrow and, 574–75. See also Evil
Sirach: 17:3, 6, 7, 155
Skepticism, 201–2
Solomon, 43, 773
Song of Songs, 708; 1:3, 286; 1:15–2:6, 70; 6:4, 98
Son of God, 26, 44, 47, 112–14, 173, 195, 215, 224, 230, 236–37, 247–64, 327; “being made in human likeness” (homoioma), 259; childhood narratives and, 340; Christ as the Word (Logos), 254–55 (see also Word [Logos]); descent and ascent of the Son, phases, 294, 341, 355, 445–56; descent, 261–62, 289, 389–90; divine attributes, 312; divine plan of sacrificial death, 403; end of history and, 769; five key arguments in classic Christian teaching on, 240–43; form of God, form of servant, 257–62; in the form of God: Morph-e Theou, 258; Greek, Monogenes, Latin unigenitum, 247; “he made himself nothing,” 256, 257, 258; Holy Spirit and work, 540–44; humbling, 255–57, 258, 260–61, 300, 339, 341, 343, 344, 356, 372, 388–89; humiliation and exaltation, 255–56; incarnation, 265–82; judging work, 812; made in human likeness, 259, 285–86; mission, 248, 249–50, 277, 311, 315, 520, 538; nature of Divine Sonship, 247–49; not adopted as Messiah at His baptism, 344–45; obedience, 259–60; obscuration of the Divine and, 262–84; offices of (see Offices of Christ); as the one Son, 248–49; power of miracle and, 311; preexistence, 247, 253–55, 263, 355; privileged use of Abba, 364; reliability of Johannine testimony, 250–52; renunciation, 257; resurrection, annunciation and baptism, 248–49; social inequalities and, 252–53; Son of the Father, Son of Mary, 249–53; Sonship and time, 249, 286; title “Only Son,” 247; transfiguration and, 358; virginal conception and birth, 283–98; voluntary constraint of divine powers by, 256, 257, 263–64, 311, 426, 443; as “way of life,” 449; whether Jesus viewed himself as, 250
Son of Man, 236, 237, 240, 250, 310, 312, 327, 355–57, 362, 364, 388; descent theme and, 257; endtime and, 461; Gospel sayings of and about, 356–57; in Johannine sources, 355; “must be lifted up,” 484; Pontius Pilate and, 392; as ransom for humanity, 421; resurrection as confirming identity as Anointed, 463; secret revealed, 355–56; Suffering Servant, 356, 362, 364, 380, 388, 414; title, highlighting both descent and ascent, 355
Soteriology. See Salvation
Soul: baptism and, 536; creation, 775; divine-human permeation likened to body-soul interface, 304–5; as eternal, 775, 780–81, 836; glorified state, 795; grace and beauty, 654–55; the Holy Spirit and, 516–17, 611; human, 58, 304–5; idealization, 791; intermediate state, 782–86; of Jesus, 279, 280; judgment and, 776; koimeterion (intermediate place), 786; as life force, 775–76; loss of body, suffering and, 777; manifested in history as human personality, 88; particular judgment, 783; puzzle of human, 201
Spirit. See Holy Spirit
Stephen, St., 370, 488, 635, 666
Subjectivism, 497
Subordinationism, 260
Suffering: agony in Gethsemane, 391; Christ’s death and human, 439–40; as consequence of sin, 404; cup as metaphor, 391; divine economy and, 145; as educative, 441–42; empathic, 452–53; experiencing faith, hope, and love amid, 647–48; God’s, for humanity, 441, 442; of humanity, 433–36, 441, 591; innocent, 438–39; of Jesus, 164, 256, 259, 277, 280, 344, 357–58, 360, 369, 387–90, 398–99, 436; meaning of daily, 435–37; mystery of human, and the cross, 440–42; as punishment, 437–38, 440; sin as cause, 404, 435; social nature, 438; Son of Man as suffering Servant of Isaiah, 356, 362, 364, 380, 388; suffering for others, 164; surveying the human predicament, 437–39; who suffers, God, man, or God-man, 311–12; why it exists, 157; willingness to endure, for truth, 191
Synecdoche, 734
Synods: Dort, 186; Laodicea, 177, 194, 756; Trullo, 852
Synoptics, 251
Systematic theology, xxiii, xxix, 6, 330; cohesive movement of Christian teaching and, 508–9; credo and, 8–9; defined, 172, 330, 842; division of theology study and, 206; goal, 206; modern trends in, xxvii. See also Classical consensual Christianity
Tabitha, 467
Tatian, 108, 136, 145, 319, 793, 832
Temple: believer as, of God, 658; Christ as, 379-80; church as, of the Spirit, 709; human body as, 652, 685, 791; of Judaism, 379, 723
Temptation: antinomian, 596; belief does not permanently eradicate, 675; divine sonship and, 250; dynamics of seduction, 347–48, 619; of Eve, 345, 350, 831; following assurance, 646–47; Holy Spirit and resistance to, 647; humanity of Jesus and, 345–47; of hypocrisy, 567; involuntary or unconscious, 674–75; of Jesus, 345–50, 831; Satan and, 831; tension of flesh and spirit, 679–80; three archetypal forms, 349–50; three stages, 347
Teresa of Avila, 7, 8, 42, 43, 47, 65, 70, 71, 72, 74, 98, 197, 354, 567, 633, 675–76, 857
Tertullian, xvii, xxi, xxii, 5, 24, 26, 27, 108, 186, 281, 284, 582, 764, 861; Ag. Hermogenes, 41, 51, 128, 129, 132, 153; Ag. Marcion, 5, 26, 35, 54, 61, 63, 68, 69, 75, 128, 130, 135, 138, 140, 157, 174, 175, 220, 233, 235, 270, 334, 358, 361, 425, 478, 533, 576, 607, 653, 677, 710, 743, 744, 755, 803, 826; Ag. Praxeas, 24, 26, 27, 43, 57, 87, 108, 117, 118, 131, 186, 235, 239, 250, 359, 446, 504, 521, 528, 538, 545, 756, 831; Ag. Valentinians, 535, 538; An Answer to the Jews, 63, 392; Apology, 6, 197, 270, 454, 516, 578, 680, 710, 792; Apostolic Constitutions, 177; On Baptism, 342, 344, 349, 391, 534, 535, 631, 633, 849; On Bodily Patience, 391; Chaplet, 89; On Chastity, 562; Of the Crown, 831; descent into hades as article of faith, 450; On Fasting, 340; On the Flesh of Christ, 132, 277, 293, 294, 337, 356, 388; On Idolatry, 64, 135; To the Martyrs, 698; On Modesty, 118, 712; On Patience, 190, 441, 644; on Paul’s struggle in Romans 7, 684; On Prayer, 60, 163, 594; Prescription Against Heresies, 116, 177, 180, 181, 182, 184, 191, 554, 555, 744, 754, 755, 756, 757, 763, 831, 849, 850, 857; On Repentance, 567, 569, 570, 571, 572, 573, 576, 579; On Resurrection of the Flesh, 58, 66, 338, 478, 686, 787, 788, 793; Scorpiace, 838; On the Soul and the Resurrection, 45, 58, 182, 305, 451, 454, 680, 767, 784, 785; Soul’s Testimony, 90, 91; Spectacles, 831; structure of classical Christology and, 226; Treatise on the Soul, 153; On Veiling of Virgins, 222, 528, 566, 678
Theandric (divine-human) union, 224, 226, 299–316, 702; ascended body of Christ and, 485; the church and, 712–13; historical Jesus and, 322–25, 326–28, 498; modest proposal for Christological reform and, 495–98; risen Christ and, 445; study of incarnate Lord and, 323. See also Personal union of God and man in Christ
Theanthropos (God-man), 302, 321, 323, 324
Theodicy, 66, 436, 437, 440, 442, 591, 680
Theodore of Mopsuestia, 6, 207, 236, 239, 342, 345, 406, 457, 469, 484, 491, 514, 517, 528, 531, 604, 615, 625, 686, 695, 774, 832
Theodoret, xxii, 8, 19, 40, 157, 256, 266, 307, 329, 345, 346, 374, 378, 382, 397, 445, 459, 460, 479, 489, 494, 514, 532, 551, 573, 583, 595, 598, 623, 625, 638, 642, 660, 671, 684, 697, 724, 772, 778, 798
Theology, 169–209; as academic discipline, 168, 170, 194–96, 331–35, 436; as anthropology, 564; a balanced reliance on reason and, 205–6; Bible and, 21; causes of resistance to consensual reason in the academy, 206; central concerns, 199; central hypothesis, 175; Christianity and the religions, 195; Christianity as the true religion, 195–96; Christianity’s social conception of evidence, 208–9; as Christian theology, 5–6, 213; church tradition as authoritative source, 168, 181–85; convergence of plausibility, 200–201; definition and origins of term, 5–6, 20, 21; disciplined mind and, 191–92; division of study and, 206; dogmatics and, 7; emergent from Christian community, 170, 197; empathic listening for consistency, 198–99; Enlightenment and history of Jesus, 321; in general lay ministries and ordained ministries, 193–94; genius of historical reasoning, 202–3; Gestalt and, 200, 319; hazards of searching for God, 193; how faith reasons, 206–9; joy of studying, 15–16, 193; language study and, 198; liberal studies, abandonment of the theandric premise, 321; limits of radical skepticism, 201–2; meaning of universal history and, 459; modern chauvinism and, 198, 457; modern historical criticism, 760; natural theology, 5, 6–7; as necessary to faith, 168; orthodoxy, 170–71; orthodoxy, postmodern, 171–72; possibility of human inquiry, 169–70; postulates of Christian, 15–16; pre-Christian, 6; presentation of evidence in, 188–89; purpose, 6, 8; quadrilateral method, 176, 180; reason and, 196–97; reasoning of revelation, 196–209; reasoning out of a community, 197; reformed, 424; revealed theology, 5, 6–7; revelation as precondition for, 176; revelation requires scripture, tradition, experience, and reason, 168, 174–80; sacrifice defined, 411; as a science, 168, 187–89; social conception of evidence, 208–9; study of religion and, 194–96; symbolic or confessional, 6–7; systematic, 6; teaching one faith to many cultures, 172–73; temperament needed for, 168, 189–94; theological habit of mind for, 192–93; theological method, 167–68, 188; unity of apostolic classic consensus, 173–74; what good purposes does reason show in the study of God, 203–5; what it is, 4–5; willingness to suffer for the truth, 191; women contributors, 7. See also Christology; Historical Jesus; Systematic theology
Theophilus of Antioch, 80, 208; as authority of classic consensus, 846; To Autolycus, 28, 40, 51, 66, 90, 126, 127, 130, 135, 145, 153, 180, 360, 383, 532, 552, 553–54, 578; Sermon on the Mystical Supper, 389
Theosis, 653–54
Theotokos, 295, 296
Thérèse of Lisieux, 567, 676, 680
1 Thessalonians: 1:1, 694; 1:3, 818; 1:5, 647; 1:9, 45, 833; 1:10, 189; 2:7, 754; 2:10, 682, 683; 2:11, 683; 2:14, 705; 2:19, 797; 3:10, 669; 3:13, 671; 4:3, 677; 4:3, 4, 657; 4:135:10, 798; 4:13–16, 461; 4:13–18, 460; 4:14, 786; 4:15, 554; 4:15, 16, 17, 810; 4:16, 166, 784; 4:17, 784; 5:1, 2, 804; 5:3, 801; 5:7, 554; 5:10, 420, 784; 5:14, 580; 5:16–18, 668; 5:19, 519; 5:19–21, 638; 5:21, 183, 201; 5:23, 658, 662, 670, 671; 5:23, 24, 69, 681; 5:27, 705, 706
2 Thessalonians: 1:3, 610, 611; 1:7, 780, 797; 1:7–10, 798; 1:8, 9, 785; 1:9, 776, 830; 2, 769; 2:1, 695; 2:1, 2, 8, 810; 2:1–3, 803; 2:1–12, 798; 2:2, 798; 2:3, 802; 2:3, 4, 802; 2:3–12, 802, 808; 2:6, 7, 802; 2:7, 811; 2:8, 797, 801-2; 2:9, 10, 802; 2:10, 829; 2:11, 801; 2:13, 114, 522, 657; 2:15, 176, 554; 2:16, 113; 3:2, 197; 3:3, 69; 3:6, 580; 3:6–15, 737
Thomas, Gospel, 850
Thomas, St., 113, 238, 469, 473, 745
Time: created order and, 825–26; creation and, 126, 142; eternity and, 142; “everlasting,” 142; God’s radical simultaneity and, 825–26; preexistence before creation, 126, 826; preexistence of the Son, 247, 253–55; Son of God and, 249
1 Timothy: 1:4, 182; 1:5, 19, 95; 1:13, 520; 1:19, 519, 610, 620, 709, 740; 1:20, 741; 2:1, 381; 2:4, 738, 831; 2:5, 277, 300, 363, 368, 398; 2:5, 6, 109; 2:5–6, 273, 414; 2:6, 189, 421, 423; 2:11, 779; 2:11–15, 293; 3:1, 8, 759; 3:1–3, 349; 3:2, 758; 3:2–7, 759; 3:15, 699, 709, 750, 754; 3:15, 16, 606; 3:16, 19, 254, 269, 286, 300, 306, 307; 3:16, 17, 552; 3:20, 109; 4:1, 480, 518, 552; 4:1–3, 349; 4:2, 95; 4:7–8, 769; 4:14, 759; 5:4, 195; 5:9, 741; 5:23, 636; 5:24, 812; 6:9, 833; 6:11, 404, 617, 747; 6:12, 206, 724, 769; 6:14, 797; 6:14–15, 492; 6:15, 367; 6:16, 24, 780; 6:16a, 22; 6:16b, 22; 6:19, 833; 6:20, 714, 855; 6:20, 21, 181
2 Timothy, 8, 207; 1:1–14, 753; 1:3, 17; 1:5, 558; 1:6, 637; 1:9, 127, 825; 1:9–10, 790; 1:10, 778, 781; 1:12, 581, 683; 1:12–14, 756; 1:13, 208; 1:13, 14, 181; 1:14, 625, 758, 759; 2:2, 184, 759; 2:3, 4, 191; 2:9, 191, 751; 2:10, 562; 2:13, 52; 2:15, 194; 2:22, 243; 2:24–26, 171; 3:1, 769; 3:1–5, 801; 3:1–6, 808; 3:10, 694; 3:12, 612; 3:12, 13, 540; 3:14, 15, 181; 3:15, 649; 3:16, 541; 4:1, 8, 797; 4:6, 8, 780; 4:6–8, 683; 4:7, 664; 4:8, 784, 803, 813; 4:14, 837; 4:18, 707; 4:20, 636
Titus, 759; 1:2,127, 765; 1:3,113; 1:5, 7, 759; 1:5–9, 759; 1:6, 349; 1:10, 348; 1:13, 189; 1:15, 707; 2:7, 8, 191; 2:11, 423, 563, 594; 2:11, 12, 567; 2:12, 680; 2:12, 13, 778; 2:13, 113, 260, 803; 2:14, 424, 609, 660, 681, 682, 708; 3:3, 522; 3:4–6, 624; 3:5, 114, 492, 543, 591, 607, 614, 618, 627; 3:5, 6, 534; 3:5–7, 627; 3:7, 641; 3:10, 737; 3:11, 207
Tradition: apostolic, 181–83, 855–56; church tradition as authoritative source, 181–85; experience vs., 179; heresies and, 182; as history of exegesis of Scripture, 177; holy unwritten, examples, 185, 394; humanly devised, resisted by NT, 181–82; liturgy as, 183; living tradition, 184–85; oral (pre-Scripture), 175–76, 178, 185–86, 247, 248, 253, 254, 284, 319, 353–54, 356, 455; as passing along of the written word, 175; as requirement for revelation, 168, 175, 176; as requirement for revelation, the written Word remembered, 178–79; scripture and, 185–87; sign of the cross, 394
Transcendence, 54
Transfiguration, 250, 358–59, 370, 603, 754, 786, 794, 797
Trinity. See Triune God
Tritheism, 106, 121, 525
Triumphalism, 724
Triune God, xviii, 105–22, 405, 521, 702; Apostles’ Creed and, 8–9; Arianism and, 109; ascription of Lordship and, 222; baptismal teaching and, 9, 115, 119; baptism of Jesus and, 342; church unity and, 722; classical consensus on cohesion of OT and NT witness, 109–11; classic models regarding the church, 692; conception of Jesus and, 283; contemplation of triune mystery, 119–20; Council of Nicaea and, 115, 118–19; Creator and creation and, 126–27, 135–38; creeds and creedal prototypes and, 9; death of Jesus and, 399; deciding about Jesus, 107–8; descent and ascent of the Son motifs and, 257; economy, 542; enigma of time and trinity, 277; God the Father, 107–9, 112; God the Son, 107–9, 112–15; historical unfolding of triune teaching, 118–19; Holy Spirit and, 520–25, 542–43, 652–53; Holy Spirit in the early church, 503–4; incarnation and, 277; inseparable, distinguishable, coeternal, 520–21; intercession and, 381; intrinsic equality, 252; Jesus and purpose of creation, 135–38; justification and, 589; modalism and, 109, 114; mystery, 523, 524, 593, 839; Nicene Creed and, 173; NT unfolding of triune teaching, 111; oikonomia and, 145, 403; opera dei and, 126; oral tradition and, 118; personal union of God and man in Christ, 299–316; plural forms of speech for God, 110–11; providence and, 144; redemption and, 531; referring to, 3–4; resurrection and, 465–66; salvation and, 522; salvation history in, 106–7; scriptural roots of triune reasoning, 109–20; “shield of the Holy Trinity,” 121; subordination of Son and, 260; teaching, 26; theandric union and, 299–316; threefold blessing and triune premise, 382; as “three persons,” 506; trinity, English word, 108; trinity as summary digest of NT teaching, 115–18; triune structure of Christian teaching, 120–22; tri-unity, three-in-one-ness, 108–9; unity of God, one not three, 42; unity of the church and, 722; voluntary constraint of divine powers by the Son issue, 264
Truthfulness, 69, 241, 514, 515, 541, 552
Uncreated and underived, 16, 39, 40–41, 113, 125, 241, 521
Union with Christ, 651–88; theodicy and growth in grace, 680; theosis and, 653–54
Unity of the church, 720, 721–28
Universal sufficiency, 423
University: academy’s prevailing myth of Jesus, 331–35; creation, 5, 20; distortion of quest for historical Jesus and, 322–23; early, Christian, 5; German liberal tradition in, 321, 333; historical biblical criticism, 334–35; modern portraiture of Jesus and, 333; myth of tolerance and, 331–32; philosophy, truncation, 332; psychology, truncation, 332; Renaissance, 332; secularized proselytism in, 334–35; truncated, 332–33
Ursinus, Zacharius, 220, 222, 223, 224, 241, 269, 285, 303, 313, 361, 365, 368, 369, 377, 392, 397, 399, 418, 421, 453, 467, 484, 488, 490, 514, 518, 522, 555, 566, 645, 718, 719, 735, 741, 744, 745, 783, 833
Vincent of Lérins, xix, xxii, xxiv, 176, 666, 744, 749, 811, 845, 855; Commonitory, xviii, xxii, 170, 173, 181, 182, 183, 186, 200, 305, 552, 558, 601, 743, 747, 755, 855–56; theological method, xviii, xxiv, 168
Virginal conception and birth, 283–98; history of religions and, 286, 332; Holy Family as source of birth narratives, 289–90; Jesus’ humanity and historicity and, 291–92; John’s prologue: “not of natural descent,” 288; limits of alternatives, 285, 290–91; Luke’s narrative, 287; Marian tradition and, 296–97; Mark’s “son of Mary,” 288; Mary, Mother of the Savior, 295–98; Matthew’s narrative, 287–88; natural birth of supernatural conception, 283–84; Paul’s witness to the unique descent of Jesus, 288; rejection of Nestorian formula, 295–96; theotokos and East-West ecumenical consensus, 295; virginal conception, 266, 268, 283–87; virgin birth as an article of faith and liturgical event, 284–85; virgin birth established in ecumenical doctrine by inclusion in Scripture, 285; the Word and, 292
Vivification, 666
Water, 343–44, 357, 368, 396, 397, 454, 483, 534–35, 624, 626, 631, 700
Wesley, John, 6, 177, 334; A Clear and Concise Demonstration of Divine Inspiration of Holy Scriptures, 556; On Eternity, 44; ethical consequences of the gospel and, 219; Of Evil Angels, 132; Explanatory Notes Upon the NT, 456, 594, 617; “God’s Love for Fallen Man,” 273; On the Holy Spirit, 114; John Wesley, 663; Journals, 567; Larger Minutes, 661, 680; Letters, to Thomas Church, 148; Letters, William Law, 680; Letter to C. Middleton, 749; New Birth, 140, 150, 617; Omnipresence of God, 47; Original Sin, 140; Plain Account of Christian Perfection, 674; on providence, 144; Sermons, 28, 371; “Unity of the Divine Being,” 42; Works of Rev. John Wesley, 8, 52, 53, 54, 64, 65, 67, 71, 94, 96, 114, 116, 131, 132, 135, 137, 141, 150, 153, 159, 163, 164, 169, 179, 191, 193, 194, 204, 206, 208, 243, 273, 338, 371, 404, 575, 584, 590, 597, 604, 605, 611, 612, 614, 625, 627, 641, 645, 646, 661, 664, 665, 669, 676, 678, 682, 726, 733, 749, 795
Westminster: Catechism, 141, 591; Confession, 53, 75, 125, 133, 143, 178, 314, 424, 432, 485, 567, 580, 603, 607, 610, 641, 642, 646, 647, 682, 684, 738, 779, 798, 824; Larger Catechism, 22
Will: choice as definitive of personal existence, 60; Christ’s death and free will, 439; convergence of divine and human, 61–62; death and end of probation, 774–75; discerning the will of God, 59; distinction between brute appetite and free will, 315; divine and human in the Son, 314–16; divine concurrence and human freedom, 149–50; divine permission of choices leading to evil outcomes, 155–56; divine will, 59–62, 143, 146, 162, 315 (see also Providence); evil and, 150; fate and, 147; freedom and moral claim, 95; free will (human freedom), 20, 27, 60, 65, 128, 140, 157, 158, 159, 160, 162, 163–64, 305, 315, 338, 404, 417, 423, 437, 591, 673, 714, 814–15, 829; God’s omnipotence and human free will, 53, 59; in heaven, 836–37; hidden purpose and, 165; history as providential narrative, 159; mystery of God’s foreknowing and free will, 49, 50; new will, grace and, 616; primordial and consequent will of God, 60–61; providential permission, hindrance, overruling, and limiting of human freedom, 157–59; sin and, 140, 150; two kinds of free will, 346; whether Christ’s sacrifice was voluntary, 419; why evil and suffering exist, 157; why the righteous suffer, 161–62
Wisdom: of God, 79, 135, 146, 148; of the Holy Spirit, 515
Wisdom (Apocrypha): 1:13, 778; 2:24, 831; 3:1, 4, 781; 3:7, 814; 7:14, 655; 7:17–20, 530; 8:7, 640
Wollebius, Johnannes, 149, 378, 380, 395, 396, 398, 409, 423, 446, 740, 788, 795, 801, 813, 818, 821
Women. See Sex and sexuality; specific women
Word (Logos): apostles as witnesses to, 319; Christ as the “living Word,” 449; descent theme and, 257; enhupostatos logo, 306; of God, 253; Holy Spirit and, 254, 545; Jesus as, 6, 18, 19, 47, 112, 113, 116–17, 136, 162, 207, 231, 248, 249, 268, 306, 316, 364, 387; Logos Christianity, 254–55; preaching and reception, 717–18; preexistence of Jesus and, 253–55, 258, 285, 714; purpose of Jesus’ death and, 387; reception, through the Spirit, as continuous event, 509; self-emptying, 257; that becomes flesh (sarx), 255, 316, 360, 498; tongues of Pentecost and, 548; virginal conception and, 292
Works of supererogation, 609
Yahweh, 3–4, 24, 25, 35, 36, 40, 41, 52, 57, 69, 102, 133, 190, 202, 237, 238, 240, 244, 254, 337, 364, 369, 382–83, 413, 515, 519, 532, 535, 577, 628, 677, 709, 753, 795; Yahwist account in Genesis, 128–29, 135; YHWH, 45–46
Zacharias, 667, 684
Zechariah: 3:4, 589–90; 4:6, 564, 572; 7:51, 617; 8:1–9, 800; 9:9, 283, 327, 360, 362; 9:910, 360, 389; 11:12, 389; 12:10, 514, 536, 800; 13:1, 800; 13:7, 391; 13:9, 346; 14, 769; 14:9, 805
Zechariah of the NT, 289
Zephaniah: 3:5, 62; 3:10, 488; 3:19, 20, 800
Zorah, 286