The Map of the Road Ahead

Four classic questions encompass the classic teaching the person of Christ:

  1. Quis (who)?
  2. Quid (what)?
  3. Quomodo (how)?
  4. Ad quid (why)?

Who assumed humanity in the incarnation?

What nature did the eternal Son assume?

How are deity and humanity united in one person?

Why did the Son become flesh?

Modern journalism quotes this sequence as the essence of good reporting (who, what, how, and why), unaware that it derives from classic Christian teaching, which itself sought to report the best of good news.

The answers to these four questions may be summed up in advance: (1) the divine Logos assumed, (2) human nature, (3) so as personally to unite deity and humanity in Christ, (4) for the redemption of humanity (Athanasius, Incarn. of the Word, 3–30; Pohle-Preuss, DT 4:5; Bellarmine, De Christo 1.1). This is a high altitude map of the spectacular territory we are now to traverse on foot, traditionally called “the Person of Christ.”