Chapter Ten

When the doorbell chimed, Diane, stretched out on one end of the long sofa that she shared with her husband, asked, “Expecting company?”

Charles’s long legs took most of the length, but he was quite comfortable with the way her soft legs rested on his thighs.

“Nope. You?” He grinned, looking up from the real estate section of the Sunday newspaper.

“Very funny. Honey, you’re not going to wait for that poor little man to answer the door, are you?”

He chuckled, “You bet I am. Sheldon guards his duties and doesn’t take kindly to any fool who gets in his way.” Diane was clearly horrified and was about to tell him so when Heather Gregory-Montgomery rushed into the family room as fast as her petite, very pregnant frame could make it. Her shoulder-length black braids framed a flawless golden-brown skin. She was followed by her tall, dark-brown-skinned husband, Quinn.

“What is going on?” she demanded in no uncertain terms. “I swore Charles said you two got married, but he hung up so fast I thought I heard wrong. Well?”

“Hello, doll face, Montgomery.” Charles’s eyes were twinkling as he came to his feet after exchanging a quick glance with his bride. He gave Heather a kiss before offering Quinn his hand. “Come in. Have a sit-down.”

Heather and Diane exchanged a hug. Diane affectionately patted her stomach. “How’re you feeling, girlfriend?”

“Forget about me! What’s going on?”

Diane glanced at her husband. “When did you speak to Heather?”

“This morning, when you were in the shower.” He placed a possessive arm around Diane’s waist. “I forgot to mention it.”

Diane blushed when she realized what had interrupted his telephone call. He’d been on the phone when she’d returned to the bedroom, wearing his short terrycloth robe. The robe hung off one shoulder, leaving much of her chest exposed. Charles had taken one look at her soft breasts and replaced the receiver. He’d then pulled her back down onto the bed, refusing her food unless she made love with him yet again.

Diane was beaming as she held out her left hand. Both women squealed like teenagers, laughing and hugging each other all the while.

“Congratulations, man.” Quinn smiled, shaking Charles’s hand.

The two women were still laughing. Finally, Heather launched herself into Charles’s arms. He received a hug and kiss in return.

“Oh, I am so happy for you two!” Heather beamed.

“Time to come clean, doll face. Did you put her up to following me on the cruise?”

Diane and Heather exchanged a look before Heather shrugged, “Maybe, maybe not. Hot damn!”

“A man likes to do his own choosing, ladies,” Quinn said, with an I-told-you-so smile across his dark handsome face.

“That’s right!” Charles nodded.

“Huh!” both women said at the same time.

“Where’s Cindy?” Diane asked, referring to Quinn’s teenage daughter from a previous marriage.

“She’s spending the weekend in Wilberforce, touring the black colleges,” Quinn said with a proud smile. “I can hardly believe my baby will be off to college next year.”

“Our baby, sugar,” Heather reminded him.

“Wilberforce?” Diane yelled, “As in Central State?”

“You got it, roommate!”

Both women giggled, shouting in unison “For God! For Central! For State!” like two former cheerleaders. Their husbands rolled their eyes, but both grinned indulgently.

“It’s not definite, but I am keeping my fingers crossed,” j Heather confessed. “I must say, I’ve never seen either of you so pleased with yourselves. Married! Now, tell me all the details!”

Quinn grinned roguishly at his wife as he helped her into j the leather loveseat. “Sweetheart, there might be a few details that they won’t want to share.” He took the cushion next to hers, his arm resting casually around her shoulders.

“Soooo, when was the wedding?” Heather prompted.

“On Wednesday evening, in St. Thomas. We stayed until yesterday and managed to squeeze in a short honeymoon.” Diane, seated beside her husband, blushed. “Charles was wonderful. He arranged everything. The chapel was really beautiful. It overlooked the bay.”

“How romantic! I just knew you two were meant for each other.” Heather couldn’t be more pleased, her two dearest friends were happily married.

“Yeah,” Charles murmured, brushing his lips against his wife’s ever so briefly.

When Diane’s heart stopped racing and she was able to string a full sentence together, she said, “I hope you’re not upset because we decided on a private ceremony.”

“Of course not, especially if you two let us, your family j and friends, give Diane a bridal shower and the two of you a fabulous reception.” Heather’s eyes gleamed with excitement while Diane’s heart filled with dread.

“Heather, you know what the doctor said,” Quinn interrupted.

“Is something wrong?” both Diane and Charles asked simultaneously.

“No! I’m fine,” Heather said, while absently stroking her very swollen stomach. “We found out we’re having twins, so I do have to take extra care, eat right, and get enough rest.”

“That’s wonderful!” both Charles and Diane said at once.

“We’re thrilled,” Heather admitted.

“I’m the one who has to make sure she doesn’t overdo,” Quinn reminded his wife.

“Sweetheart, planning a wedding reception and a bridal shower does not require physical labor, for heaven’s sake!” Heather said.

It was all Diane could do not to show her agitation. She tried to sound carefree when she said, “We appreciate the offer, don’t we, honey, but it’s not necessary. We had a beautiful wedding.”

“My wife has been gracious enough not to mention that I was the one who rushed the wedding. When Diane said yes, I couldn’t wait to make her mine,” Charles confessed, with eyes only for Diane. She had supported him then; he would support her now. If she didn’t want the reception, it was fine with him.

Quinn asked, “What did your families say?”

“You two are the first to know,” Charles grinned.

“What a compliment! Thank you,” Heather said, her eyes suddenly filled with tears.

“Are you all right?”

“Quinn, I’m fine. Just happy.”

“Heather, we’ve put you in the middle through our entire roller coaster relationship. It’s a wonder you’re still speaking to either one of us,” Charles teased.

“That’s for sure! Both Charles and I have appreciated your support and love.”

“How could I not want my two friends to have the kind of happiness Quinn and I have?” Heather laced her fingers with her husband’s. “Enough of the mushy stuff. How many guests are you two planning on inviting to the reception?” Charles and Diane were so engrossed in each other that they missed the last.

“Chuck!” Elizabeth Alexsandrea Randol-Bennett exclaimed, as she hurried into the room. “You look fantastic!”

Everyone but Heather came to their feet to greet the tall, slender brown-skinned woman whose long black hair was beautifully arranged in a coil at her nape. She was elegantly dressed in an ivory silk blouse, ivory leather slacks, and several long strands of gold chains, mixed with a single rope of cultured pearls arranged gracefully around her neck and diamonds glimmering in her ears and on her fingers. Eliz dashed over to give her brother a hug and a kiss.

“Hi, kiddo,” Charles said, easily lifting her off the floor. He dwarfed his five-ten sister by several inches. “Where’s Bernard and the kids?”

“Having Sunday brunch with the dragon queen, where else? Heather and Quinn, it’s good to see you both! How’re you feelin’?”

“Great!” Heather laughed and exchanged an affectionate kiss on the cheek.

Elizabeth didn’t hesitate to greet Quinn with a hug. Turning back to her brother, she beamed. “Hope I’m not interrupting. I couldn’t wait to hear all about the cruise.” Her eyes were on the beautiful woman at her brother’s side.

Diane’s heart had stopped the second the lovely woman had flung herself into Charles’s arms. The family resemblance was remarkable, from the regal bone structure to the unblemished richness of their skin tones, from the dimpled cheeks down to the mischievous glint in their dark eyes.

Charles reached out to take Diane’s hand and tugged her close. “Eliz, this is Diane Rivers-Randol, my wife. We were married in St. Thomas on Wednesday evening.”

Elizabeth stared open-mouthed for a few seconds before she cocked her head to one side and stated with indignation, “Diane Rivers! I don’t think that’s very funny, big brother. Will you ever stop teasing?”

“It’s no joke, funny face.” Charles grinned, not the least bit disturbed by her frankness. “It didn’t take long for us to realize that we loved each other... moonlight, the trade winds, and being water-locked on the Caribbean did the trick.”

“I don’t believe this! You married the woman you told me not less than two weeks ago you couldn’t stand the sight of?” Eliz said, both hands firmly planted on her hips.

“He did!” Heather declared emphatically. “Isn’t it wonderful?”

Diane was thoroughly humiliated, but having long practice in pretending, she managed to prevent herself from complete embarrassment by bursting into tears.

Charles felt his wife tremble. He noted the defensive way she lifted her chin. Tightening his hold, he encircled her waist. His voice was taut and deadly serious. “I would appreciate it, Elizabeth, if you’d let my wife know how welcome she is in our family.”

Elizabeth blinked, suddenly aware of what she had done with her infamous runaway tongue. She’d insulted her new sister-in-law and infuriated her beloved brother.

“Since we all missed the nuptials, Quinn and I have decided to give Diane a bridal shower and a wedding reception with both families. Haven’t we, honey?”

Quinn nodded. “The happy couple just have to give us the guest list.”

It was clear from her brother’s expression that if Elizabeth didn’t say something pretty quick, she would be the one not receiving an invitation to either event.

“That’s so exciting. Heather, I’d love to help.” Elizabeth turned to Diane. “I apologize. I didn’t mean to put my foot in my mouth. It happens... often. Welcome to the family. I do wish you and Chuck all happiness.” She held her hands out to Diane.

Diane smiled stiffly, clasping the other’s hands. “Thank you.”

“And you, big brother... much happiness.” She kissed him and hugged him tight, wiping at her tears. “Married! I can’t believe it!”

Close to Diane’s ear, Charles asked “You okay, baby?” She nodded smiling for him, not wanting him to know how terribly upset she really was. His sister clearly didn’t approve of her. Apparently she knew how deeply Charles had been hurt by Diane in the past. Diane hadn’t realized until now how much Charles’s family’s acceptance meant to her. She lifted her chin, telling herself to get over it. She had Charles. He was her family.

“Diane, I bet your family was as surprised as I am,” Elizabeth said.

“I haven’t had an opportunity to tell my mother.” Diane swallowed, quickly adding, “She’s traveling. I hope to hear from her soon.”

“Chuck, what about Aunt Helen and Uncle Alex? Have you told them?”

“Not yet,” Charles responded absently to his sister’s inquiry. His gaze was focused on his wife. He didn’t like what he saw. She was unhappy. Even though she hid it behind a generous smile, he saw it in her eyes.

“Why don’t we call the folks and invite them over? I’m sure Aunt Helen has some wonderful ideas about the wedding reception.” His sister moved toward the telephone on the mahogany table behind one of the twin sofas. Pausing for a moment, she went on to say, “I wonder what Mrs. Sheldon has planned for lunch? She’s the perfect housekeeper. ‘The more, the better’ is her motto.” Elizabeth was in her usual take-charge mode.

Diane felt like wringing her hands and screaming at the top of her lungs for the others to stop. She didn’t want this fuss. All she wanted was to love Charles and for the rest of the world to leave them in peace. Elizabeth was his sister, and this was her childhood home, and Charles was her only sibling. Being a part of his life was so vastly different from what she’d been expecting... the wealth... his standing in the community... his close ties to his family.

Suddenly, she was panicky that she would never fit in. How long would it be before her husband realized it as well? How long before he recognized his mistake in marrying her?

Charles nonchalantly took the phone from his sister and replaced the instrument. “Diane and I will tell the folks in good time, Sis. As far as lunch, not today. We have planned to spend what is left of the last day of our vacation alone. I’m sure you understand. Technically, we’re still on our honeymoon.”

“Enough said.” Quinn got to his feet. He helped his wife rise, even though she clearly wasn’t ready to leave. “Congratulations again, you two.” He slapped Charles on the back while Heather and Diane hugged.

“I brought you a surprise from the islands. I’ll bring it by later in the week, if that’s okay?” Diane said to Heather.

“Thanks. I’m so happy for you two.” Heather whispered back in Diane’s ear, “Don’t worry about Eliz. She’ll come around.”

“Thanks for everything. I love you.”

Heather grinned. “Don’t get mushy on me, girl. You’ll make me cry.” She kissed her friend’s cheek. “Eliz, it’s been a pleasure.” Heather offered her hand.

“Mine as well. Take care of that little one.”

“That’s my specialty,” Quinn said with a grin, “taking care of them.”

“Give Cynthia our love,” Charles and Diane said at once, then laughed.

While Charles escorted them out, Diane was left alone with her brand new sister-in-law. The two women eyed each other warily.

Elizabeth broke the silence. “It was such a surprise to discover that my brother’s married.” She paused, then went on to say, “I just never expected the two of you... Oh, dear! I guess what I’m trying to say is that I love my brother, very much. All I want is for him to be happy.”

Diane could see that Charles’s sister was disturbed by their marriage and apparently didn’t think he could find happiness with her. Elizabeth made no bones about the fact that she didn’t like Diane.

Although Diane knew she would never do anything to deliberately hurt Charles, it was obviously what Elizabeth feared most. Diane also realized how foolish she’d been to hope that she and Charles’s sister could someday be friends and perhaps become close like real sisters. Talk about wishing for the moon.

“You made quite a few assumptions on a fifteen-minute acquaintance,” Diane said, head held high, her cool demeanor very much in place.

“I suppose I deserve that. I just wished you two had...”

“What?” Charles asked. He came over to sit down beside his wife.

“Waited to marry, at least until you returned home.” Elizabeth laughed. “I can’t get over the fact that my big brother has finally decided to settle down. After all these years of hearing you swear no one woman could satisfy you.”

“I was a fool.” Charles took his wife’s hand into his own. He played with her fingers as he would have preferred to toy with her soft mouth. He ached for the tantalizing taste of her, longed for her to plunge her tongue into his mouth, overwhelming his senses. Desire flared as he sat studying Diane’s lips.

“How did you both manage to be on the same cruise ship? Did either of you know the other was planning to take the cruise?”

“Luck. Pure luck,” Charles said, fascinated by the way Diane moistened her lips. She was wearing an orange shade of lipstick. He knew for a fact that her tangerine jumpsuit concealed a peach lace bra and panties. The large, dark tips of her breasts were veiled by two thin layers of fabric.

Charles surprised both women when he brushed his wife’s lips against his own before he said “Go home, Eliz.” Diane couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She couldn’t so much as form a protest because he’d dropped his head and trailed kisses down the side of her throat, concentrating on the most sensitive spots.

“Oh, and Sis, next time, call before you come over.” Diane gasped shocked by his callousness. He was infuriated with his sister. Judging by the hurt look on Elizabeth’s face, Diane decided it was a very short leap until Elizabeth blamed her for the discord between brother and sister. The siblings had always been very close. Elizabeth was gone before Diane could free herself from her husband’s mouth. “Charles, that was mean.”

“No, it wasn’t. It was necessary. We’re husband and wife, and I will not allow anyone to come between us, not even my well-meaning, yet meddling sister.”

“I don’t want to cause a rift between the two of you.”

“You haven’t. I’m sorry, sweet cheeks. Eliz hurt you. I didn’t like that.”

Diane slid her arms around his neck and hugged him close. “Our marriage was a shock. She spoke without thinking. Now she probably thinks she’s no longer welcome here in her family home.”

“You are my wife, Di. I won’t let anyone hurt you... not even my own sister,” he said, rising to his feet and bringing her up with him.


“Leave it. I’ll handle Eliz. Now you, Mrs. Randol, can handle me,” he said throatily, as he ushered her out of the family room and up the staircase toward their bedroom.

Oh, yeah! He might handle Elizabeth, but Diane knew who Elizabeth would blame... and it wouldn’t be her precious brother!