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BOO WAS MOVED FROM the ER to a private room for further observation. As promised, Lessa did not leave her side except for a few minutes to check on Gee and Sarah.
Sitting at Boo’s bedside, Lessa sipped a cup of tea while absent mindedly picking at a blueberry muffin Bryan brought her. She contemplated the sleeping woman whose bedside she gladly kept watch over. This person had obviously captured the heart of one of her daughters. Her other, not-so-smitten daughter, now owed the two-time hero an apology.
Lessa’s phone vibrated.
“Hi, Mom. Where are you?”
“I’m with Boo. She asked for you a couple of times. And about Max. She’s sleeping now. The doctors think it’s a post-concussion headache. They said it’s normal to have severe headaches and dizziness for several weeks after a concussion.”
“Thanks for being there with her. How’s Gee?”
“She’s fine. They will keep her in the hospital until her regular pediatrician can stop by. The x-ray showed a broken bone in her ankle. Nothing requiring surgery, thankfully. She’ll have a boot and be on crutches the rest of the summer. While she’s grounded.”
“We’re in the air now and should be there soon. Gabriela is with me. Chief will pick us up at the airport. Said she had a couple hours of comp time coming. Now, will you please tell me what the heck is going on? I want the whole story. Don’t spare me any details.”
Lessa relayed to Jamie as much as she knew from talking to Bryan, Chief, Sarah, and Gee. Gee swore Boo jumped twenty feet down off the cliff, fought off a den of poisonous snakes, and saved her from certain death. Chief’s version was slightly less dramatic and a lot less exaggerated. However, the basic facts were the same—Fred and Boo found and rescued the girls while everyone else was off searching in the opposite direction.
“Wow,” Jamie said, taking it all in. “Do you think Sarah might lay off Boo now?”
“I would bet she will. Your big sister is very protective of you.” Lessa did not tell Jamie of her plan to have a mother-daughter heart-to-heart with Sarah the minute they were all safely home. Lessa did not like having her daughters at odds and was impatient with Sarah’s irrational concerns about Boo. As far as Lessa was concerned, Boo was part of the family.
“What we need to do is add Boo to our health insurance plan as soon as possible. Throwing herself in front of trucks and off cliffs to save our family has turned into a full time job.” Jamie shook her head with frustration that her family seemed to be in need of saving on a regular basis and Boo was being harmed in the process. “We should be there by nine. Love you, Mom.”
CHIEF MET JAMIE AND Gabriela at the small Crestwood airstrip. She was dressed in a deep navy sheriff’s department T-shirt and khaki cargo shorts that showed off her toned butt. In the rush home, Jamie had forgotten until now that Gabriela and Chief hooked up during Gabriela’s last visit to Crestwood.
“Thanks. I really appreciate this.” Jamie hugged Chief, holding on for an extra second to steady her nerves.
“Of course.” Chief looked to Gabriela, containing her smile, “It’s good to see you, Gabriela. I wish the circumstances were different, but I’m glad you’re here.” Looking back to Jamie, Chief added, “We have Fred at the police station right now. I didn’t have time to drop her back at your house. Shon said they would pick her up later after they found out what you need. I’m pretty sure Fred is being treated quite well at the station, especially since Boo gave her all the credit for tracking down the girls. We may have to deputize them both.”
“I’m sure Fred is enjoying the attention. Any updates for me? I talked with Mom before we landed.”
“Let’s drive you two over to the hospital. I’ll fill you in on the way. Gabriela, if you need anything while you’re here, please do not hesitate to contact me,” Chief spoke in a matter of fact tone, almost covering up the sparks of attraction crackling in the air.
On the short drive from the airstrip to the hospital, Chief recounted the story of the rescue, adding a couple of new details but leaving out the part about Sarah confronting and threatening Boo. That would have to come out later.
At the hospital, Jamie walked directly to Boo’s room, finding her sleeping. Lessa pulled her daughter into a comforting embrace. Jamie then sent her mother home to eat and sleep. Lessa stopped long enough in the hallway to warmly greet Gabriela and invite her to the house.
Jamie laid her hand over Boo’s, leaning over the raised bed rail carefully to kiss Boo’s forehead.
Gabriela watched from the doorway, recognizing the tenderness in this gesture for what it was—the beginning of a great love story. She was pleased by her friend’s good fortune but then checked herself, remembering Boo was most likely a married woman. Hopefully her friend would not suffer unrequited love at the end of this seemingly fairy tale romance, complete with a dashing hero and daring rescues.
Jamie joined Gabriela in the doorway to the room. “Mom said that Boo was awake earlier but still had a headache. I want to be here when she wakes up again, so I’m going to find Gee and Sarah now while she’s sleeping. Would you mind hanging out here for a few minutes? Can I bring you anything?”
“I’m good. Go.”
The room was cool and dark. Gabriela could barely make out Boo’s facial features and the rest of Boo’s body was covered by a sheet, with her right ankle sticking out, elevated on a pillow. Gabriela stood beside the bed, studying the woman who had captured Jamie’s heart. She could see the appeal.
Gabriela reached out to cover Boo’s hand with hers and spoke to her in a low voice, “Porbrecita, we’re here now. Todo estará bien.”
To Gabriela’s surprise, Boo squeezed her fingers but did not open her eyes.
“María?” Boo’s voice was hoarse, “María, sabía que me encontrarías. I’ve been waiting for you. Te amo.” Boo relaxed into a serene look as she drifted back to sleep.
Not sure what to do, Gabriela remained standing next to the bed, holding Boo’s hand until Jamie returned twenty minutes later.
“Jamie, who’s María? Is she the possible wife you told me about? When I said something to Boo in Spanish, she thought I was María.”
“What exactly did she say?” Jamie’s heart sank before she caught the self-pity and straightened up her shoulders.
Gabriela recounted the short, mostly one-sided conversation to Jamie, watching as her friend managed her emotions at the news of Boo declaring love for another woman.
“She might be disappointed when she finds out it was me and not María standing here holding her hand.”
“If I know Boo, she’ll be very gracious and happy to make your acquaintance. I want to stay here. Go on over to my parents’ house and rest. Max is there. He will be thrilled to see his Godma Gabby. There are plenty of people around to take you wherever you want to go or take you out to the farm. You have my code.”
“Update me.” Gabriela gave her friend a loving squeeze and kiss on the cheek.
Jamie returned to Boo’s bedside, lightly stroked Boo’s hair. She resolved out loud, “We will find your María Garcia. Soon.”
DANI POSTED A SHORT story on the Crestwood newspaper’s website by six in the morning. The non-sensational story contained a few basic facts about the events of the early morning search and rescue. She obtained permission to include a photo of Fred, portraying her as the hero of the story. Dani thought it made good reading for residents of Crestwood and provided something of mild interest for Jamie’s fans.
A few major news outlets quickly picked up the story and re-posted it. The picture of Fred sent it viral within a couple of hours. It seemed that everyone loves a good dog story, especially when coupled with celebrity and the rescue of a child.
A paparazzi who was in Fairfield for a big rock concert the night before, decided it was worth the drive to Crestwood to see if he could sniff out anything juicier on this trip than a couple of drunk kids crashing the stage and throwing up during the final song of the night. A new picture of the heroic dog might sell.
As the paparazzi drove into the hospital parking lot mid-morning, he spotted Jamie in the front seat of a car pulling around to the back of the hospital grounds. Grabbing his camera, he skirted the perimeter of the building to shoot a picture of Jamie as she emerged from the car and rushed into the hospital through the service entrance. It looked like she had been up all night. The photo was dramatic enough to sell. He added a pithy caption and uploaded it to some possible news sites to see if they were interested. A quick payment later, he was back in the car looking for breakfast in this small, sleepy town. He might do some more digging later, but at least his trip was paid for.
JAMIE WAS NEARLY ASLEEP in the dark hospital room, still holding Boo’s hand, when Shon’s voice startled her awake. She stepped just outside the room to avoid waking Boo as she talked to Shon.
Shon handed Jamie some comfortable clothes to change into since those in her luggage were what she called her big city work clothes. They had also cancelled Jamie’s scheduled meetings and talked with her agent.
“Your agent,” Shon said the title with more than a little disdain in their voice, “wants you to call. Just a heads up, Dani’s story with the picture of Fred went viral. Then, just a few minutes ago, a picture of you coming into the hospital this morning was posted. I have the photographer’s name from the credit and will report it to Chief and hospital security. Just wanted you to be aware, someone was out there watching for you.”
“Ugh. I’ll keep an eye out. Let everyone else know, too. Would you mind picking up Fred at the police station before you head back to the office? And Gabriela is at my parent’s. She might need a ride somewhere. Unless Chief is taking care of that.”
Shon raised an eyebrow at the last comment, then left for Lessa and Philip’s house to check in before retrieving Fred and heading out of town.
From the doorway, Jamie looked back in the room, making sure Boo was still asleep. She fished the work cell phone out of her bag and pressed the speed dial for her agent.
“I suppose you saw the news this morning?” Jamie inquired as soon as her agent answered.
“Yes. How’s Gee?”
“Good. We’re all still at the hospital. Shon called and cancelled my appointments. We can re-schedule later.”
“Jamie, is there something you want to tell me?” This was her agent’s line of invitation when he expected bad news.
“No, it’s just a family thing.”
“Okay. The voice-over gig is on a timeline so you will probably be cut from that. I’ll try to save the commercial. They have more lead time. Keep me informed of your schedule. And try to stay away from the paparazzi. If they smell blood, they’ll swarm.”
The gruesome visual was all too true.
Jamie returned to Boo’s room to find her awake, attempting to sit up. Jamie rushed to the bed to steady the patient.
“No, don’t sit up. Let’s call the nurse first to make sure it’s okay.”
The nurse who responded to the call light adjusted the bed slowly, raising Boo’s upper body into a near sitting position. Boo drank some water and juice. She tried to assure both the nurse and Jamie that her head felt better and she was much less dizzy, but the room still looked wavy from her seated position.
The room was dark except for the light from the hallway, which illuminated the fresh damage to Boo’s body—a few scratches and scrapes, and a swollen ankle.
“I can’t leave you for a minute, can I?” Jamie’s expression was a mixture of affection and deep concern.
“I’m sorry. You didn’t need to come back. I heard Gee will be okay. I’m fine. Everyone is taking such good care of me. Your mother was right here with me.”
“You’re fine? Really? You don’t look fine. You looked like something the dog dragged in—literally.”
“Fred is an amazing puppy. I’m glad she found the kids as quickly as she did.” Boo paused for a moment, her face lighting up. “I had a dream María was here. It seemed so real. I could feel her hand on mine.” There were tears in Boo’s eyes.
“Someone was here but I’m afraid it was not María. It was my friend, Gabriela. She came home with me and stayed with you for a few minutes while I checked on Gee. She said you called her María, that you knew she would find you, you were waiting for her, and you love her.”
“Okay...” Boo wiped away a fallen tear, “hopefully Gabriela was not offended by my declaration of love. I usually don’t say that to someone until I’ve known them for a while. Like, at least the second date.”
“Good to know.” Jamie made a mental note.
“When can I meet Gabriela, for real?”
“As soon as you feel better and we take you home, then we’ll make a proper introduction. I’m sure you’ll still te amo her. Everyone does.”