
Solomon and the Queen of Sheba

or Wisdom and the Evening of a King

based on The First Book of Kings, chapters 5 through 11, and 18 and 19

In which, among other marvels, a foreign

queen and her court come to consult Wisdom

in person. She is amazed by all Solomon says,

even though he is weak with age.


Solomon, the king of Israel, had given his whole heart to wisdom.
The wisdom that existed before history even started.


He dreamed big and got very rich.


He began by honoring the promise of his father, David, and in Jerusalem built a great temple to Yhwh.


From Lebanon, he brought whole forests of cypress and cedar. For seven years they labored.


And God said to Solomon: I have heard thy prayer and I have hallowed this house, and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually.


The beauty of the Temple was proof of eternal wisdom.


And God said yes, he would live there among men.


But, Solomon asked, how can God be contained in a temple if the sky and the sky of the sky are not large enough to hold him?


Suddenly the Temple was wrapped in a thick fog.
The priests could no longer pray.


God said to Solomon, I have heard you.


And I will be there in that house with my name.
And there with my eyes will be the beauty of the world.
And its wisdom, there with my heart.


But if ye shall at all turn from me, or from my eyes, or from my heart, I’ll wipe Israel right off the map.
And the entire world will mock you before the ruins of your temple.


Solomon was deeply moved.
God had agreed to hear the prayers of anyone who came to him in this house!


All throughout Jerusalem, they held huge feasts.
In two weeks, they sacrificed 22,000 cattle and 120,000 sheep!


Wisdom came to live in Solomon’s heart.


And the news of it spread around the world.


One evening, there came into Jerusalem a queen, having traveled from foreign lands far to the south.
Her journey had been long.


It was for wisdom that she had come.


She was the most beautiful of queens.


And she came bearing lavish gifts and creatures they had never seen.
Solomon greeted the new animals one by one.


And then listened to the questions of the queen. She wanted to see everything, to learn everything, and to share everything. Down to her very own heart.


Solomon knew all the answers.
The Queen of Sheba was amazed by his wisdom.


And it came to pass that Solomon grew lonely in his palace.
And asked himself: What good is it being wise?


As he got older, his mind began to wander.
He’d given his heart for wisdom and now found himself going mad.


Every night he lost himself among dozens of foreign women.
He had 300 concubines and 700 wives.


They drew him to their ways. They prayed to other gods.
Solomon went as far as to build them temples for thei r idols.


Which enraged the God of Israel.


Thou hast not kept my covenant, which I have commanded; I will surely rend the kingdom from thee.
And raze the Temple which rests not in your heart.


Lamentation far and wide. Woe to the country whose king has become a child.
From that day on, an evening shadow lay long over Israel.