Robert Lee Brewer is the author of Solving the World’s Problems (Press 53) and the Writer’s Digest Guide to Poetic Forms. For more than a decade, he’s edited the annual Writer’s Market and Poet’s Market books and recently took over Guide to Literary Agents. He maintains the Poetic Asides blog on WritersDigest.com and writes the Poetic Asides column for Writer’s Digest magazine. In other words, he has an awesome job that also involves programming online writing conferences, speaking nationally at writing and publishing events, judging writing contests, and more. And he’s a former Poet Laureate of the Blogosphere and one of the few poets on the planet to be name-dropped in both O, The Oprah Magazine and Poetry magazine.

Beyond all those professional shenanigans, he’s married to the poet Tammy Foster Brewer, who helps him chase around their five amazing kids. He used to call them his little poets, but more than half of them are teenagers now and nearly as tall as he is and would prefer he write bestselling novels instead of poetry. Time flies.

He shows up here and there on social media—and can usually be found with a public profile as “Robert Lee Brewer.” For instance, you can follow him on Twitter @RobertLeeBrewer and on Instagram at www.instagram.com/robertleebrewer.