This book wouldn’t exist without all the poets who have poemed along with me at the Poetic Asides blog for more than a decade now. All the poems that spring from each prompt still surprise and delight me. Thank you, all!

In a more direct and specific way, I want to thank Pam Wissman for suggesting this project in the first place. Also, I’m indebted to the great care of my editor, Amy Jones, as well as the killer design—inside and out—of Jason Williams. Y’all totally nailed it!

Finally, I want to thank my wife, Tammy, who has been here since the beginning, encouraging me when I didn’t know what to expect and supporting me through the thick and thin ever since. She really is my compass at times.

Of course, there are others to thank (didn’t forget you, Mom), but only so much space. If you’re wondering if I’m thinking of you, there’s a very good chance that I am. Thank you!