“How long do we wait?”

“You just arrived back. His orders give him up to six standard months. The idea was to let him hang himself. Besides, we still don’t have a report from our contact at the Institute.”

“That could be a problem. You may not.”

“Definitely a possibility, since they clearly know at least one of our contacts. But better one we’re allowed than none.”

“And you stand for that?”

“You have a better idea? Besides our current operation to force them into the open?”

“You should have sent Wright after them the way he did the Halstanis. Either way, we would have gained something.”

“You are rather impatient. Remember, the Emperor and the Senate both frown on blowing up our own colonies. Or have you forgotten that small fact? Besides, Wright was never trained in espionage. Subtle as an old-style cruiser, and he’s certainly bound to make mistakes. They don’t forgive easily.”

“Do we really know that?”

“No.” He paused. “But do you have any other explanations for the disappearances? And our inability to plant anyone they don’t want planted?”

“Perhaps you picked the wrong people?”

“Wrong people…perhaps. Speaking of which, how did you lose the other half of your team? Again, I might add?”

“Wright shot him.”

“No. Better to claim they shot him. Wright was probably looking for you.”

“You know me too well.”

“All too well, my friend. All too well. And how will you report the incident?”

“As you suggested. Reconnaissance disrupted by unknown agents, presumably attached to the underground rebel force associated with the Institute. You’ll have to explain the need for reconnaissance.”

“Unfortunately…unfortunately. Is there any way our contact could be persuaded to goad Wright into action? His actions are always so drastic we could probably recoup everything.”

“I’ve suggested that, but no response. And what happens if Wright goes over to the rebels?”

“Then we can move. Claim he was either killed or reconditioned, and that he was destroyed uncovering the rebellion. Get rid of him and them.”

“Why bother?”

“You’re asking that?”

“Outside of the personal thing, I meant. It would be years before the Institute would be a threat, if ever.”

“I wish that were true.”

“Then the rumors are true.”

“It’s time for you to file your report. And make sure it’s filed correctly, especially this time.”

“Don’t I always?”