Chapter 43

Other Mario Lemieux Grievances


One thing you can say about Mario Lemieux: When he gets cranky, he's not too concerned about who knows it.

For example, we all remember the 2011 game between the Islanders and Penguins that turned into a gong show, featuring several line brawls and accusations of goon tactics on the part of New York. Lemieux decided to share some feedback, releasing a statement ripping into the league and its leadership, calling the events “unacceptable and embarrassing” and hinting that he could leave the sport entirely if things didn't improve.

Many applauded his stance, while others were critical or even accused him of hypocrisy. But those critics may want to brace themselves, because sources in Pittsburgh tell me that the Islanders game was just one of a long list of things that are severely ticking Mario off: