The editors would like to thank CJR’s agent, the indispensible Deirdre Mullane, who came up with the idea of a Best Business Writing series then tirelessly shepherded the process of obtaining rights to all the works, no small job. We also, of course, thank our contributors, who did the real work and did it brilliantly. And we gratefully acknowledge the support of Nicholas Lemann, dean of the Columbia Journalism School; Victor Navasky, chairman of the Columbia Journalism Review; Peter Osnos, the magazine’s vice chairman; its board, Stephen Adler, Neil Barsky (chairman), Nathan S. Collier, Wade Greene, Joan Konner, Kenneth Lerer, Steve Lipin, Michael Oreskes, Randall Rothenberg, Emily Bell, Sheila Coronel, Howard W. French, and Michael Schudson; and major funders: the Maria Moors Cabot Fund, the Commonwealth Fund, the Harnisch Foundation, Kingsford Capital Management, Peter Lowy, Gary Lutin, the MacArthur Foundation, the Martin & Brown Foundation, Omidyar Network, Open Society Foundations, James Ottaway Jr., the Saul and Janice Poliak Center for the Study of First Amendment Issues, Rockefeller Family & Associates, M&T Weiner Foundation, the Schumann Foundation, and Ted Weschler.
Dean Starkman would like to thank Stanley and Regina Starkman and Alex and Julian. Ryan Chittum thanks Anna, Clara, and Nina.