I’ve often heard that writing your second book for publication can be a difficult task. Fortunately, I had a wonderful group of people offering encouragement that kept me going. To my editor, Rachel Stark, you are a superstar! Thank you for pushing me to make this book even better. I’m so proud of what we’ve accomplished together! Huge thanks to Adrienne Szpyrka for guiding me through the early days of drafting this book. And thank you to everyone at Sky Pony Press for believing in this book.
Many thanks to my fantastic agent, Suzie Townsend, and to Sara Stricker for the support. I love working with you and the rest of the team at New Leaf. (I miss you, Jackie!)
To the following ladies, thank you for the friendship: Christina Ferko, Melissa Blanco, Robin Lucas, and Jessica Wilde. You guys are the best!
Finally, much love to my family.