CSV stands for comma-separated values. It's a very popular data format for public data. A CSV file is a text file that emulates a table. It usually contains one header row with the names of the columns, and one or more data rows containing value fields. Rows are separated by line breaks, and the comma-separated fields in each row form columns. It maps perfectly to an HTML table. This is a simple CSV file containing the population and land area of seven continents (Data/sample.csv):
"North America",579024000,24490000
"South America",422535000,17840000
There are no types in CVS. Quotes are used to contain text that might contain the delimiter. They are not necessary if the fields don't contain a comma.
CSV is also used to refer to similar files that don't use a comma as a delimiter. These files are more accurately called delimiter-separated value (DSV) files. The most common delimiters are tabs (TSV), vertical bars (|), and semicolons.
CSVs may become corrupt and unreadable, but it's text and you can fix it. Missing or unescaped commas are the most common problems.