The Four-Step Process

Step 1: Identify

Purpose: Identify your strongest self-limiting beliefs.

a. Identify your “asteroid strikes.”

b. Identify your strongest self-limiting beliefs.

c. Verify the elements you have identified.

Chapters 1–3

Step 2: Clear

Purpose: Rebalance your body’s energy system and prepare it for repatterning.

a. Crosshand breathing (two minutes)

  • In a seated position, cross your left ankle over your right.
  • Place your left hand across your chest, so that the fingers rest over the right side of your collarbone. Then cross your right hand over your left, so that the fingers of your right hand rest over the left side of your collarbone.
  • Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. As you breathe in, let your tongue touch the roof of your mouth, just behind your front teeth. As you breathe out again, let your tongue rest behind your lower front teeth. You may close your eyes or look down toward the floor to reduce visual stimuli.

b. Grounding (one minute)

  • Sit straight and relaxed. Place both hands, one on top of the other, over your solar plexus, just below the bottom of your rib cage. Feel your breath in your belly, slowly rising and falling.
  • Now close your eyes, and visualize a cable extending down from your body straight down into the earth.
  • Hold that image, breathing slowly in and out, for about one minute.

c. Optional methods

  • Use neuromuscular feedback to check your biofield’s polarity.
  • For persistent or chronic reversal or disorganization, you may also use:

Cross crawl (two minutes)

Diamond gait (at least ten minutes)

Alternate nostril breathing (ten cycles in both directions, about two or three minutes)

Chapter 4

Step 3: Repattern

Purpose: Release negative beliefs and install new empowering beliefs in their place.

a. Healing basket (three minutes)

  • Visualize a healing basket or other container of your choosing.
  • Place into it all the negative elements from step 1.
  • Over the next three minutes or so, visualize it gradually disappearing or floating away, taking all those negative elements with it.

b. Pledge of acceptance (about one minute)

  • Place your right hand over your heart and with the tips of your fingers, locate the repatterning spot (between second and third ribs).
  • While rubbing this spot in a clockwise motion, repeat your personal code to joy—a statement of self-acceptance plus your self-empowering belief—aloud or silently, five times.

c. Images from your ideal life (several minutes)

  • For the next few minutes, visualize scenes and impressions from your empowered, joyful life.

d. Options

  • Images of release
  • Images of healing journey
  • Locate the feeling (energy centers)
  • Name and directly address your executive function
  • Images of adulthood

Chapter 5

Step 4: Anchor

Purpose: Ensure that the results of the first three steps will be deep and long-lasting.

a. Anchoring hold

  • Continue scenes from your ideal life (from step 3) and apply anchoring hold (one minute).
  • Continue anchoring hold alone, mind blank, just focused on breathing (one minute).

b. Symbol of balance

  • While continuing anchoring hold, now visualize personal symbol of balance (one minute).

Additional Daily Tools

Daily Refresher

Several times daily, for the next thirty days (or as long as you like)

a. Crosshand breathing (two minutes)

b. Pledge and personal code to joy statement, aloud or silent (five times)

c. Anchoring hold, visualizing your personal symbol of balance (one minute)


Anytime you feel stressed and need to reconnect

  • Anchoring hold, visualizing your personal symbol of balance (one minute)

Crosshand Breathing

Anytime you feel distressed or that your polarity is out of balance, simply practice two or three minutes of crosshand breathing.

Chapter 6

Five Pathways to a Rich Life

  1. Eat consciously.
  2. Exercise sanely.
  3. Wrap yourself in fractals.
  4. Build a gratitude list.
  5. Make time for renewal.

Chapter 8