1. Which of the women did you identify with most closely: Micheline, Hannah or Lily?
  2. How do you think Hannah and Lily’s relationship changed over the course of the story?
  3. Where do you think Hannah and Lily wind up in five years? Ten?
  4. What was the most difficult choice each woman faced in the book? Did you agree with her choice?
  5. Lily and Hannah were both shaken from their lives from the war and thrust into new experiences that changed and challenged them. Can you describe a similar time in your own life?
  6. Can you see any parallels between the themes in the book and our lives today?
  7. How did Lily’s role as a parent influence her decisions?
  8. How was Hannah affected by her past?
  9. What do you think drove Micheline’s determination?
  10. Did you find the ending of the book surprising? Satisfying?
  11. Is there anything else about story that you would have liked to learn?
  12. Did you learn any history from the book that you had not previously known?