Safety Second


The Skywayman finishes with a night stunt,
a flaming tailspin, but Fox
demands a mock-up. Safer, they say.

Safety second is my motto.

What are they paying me for? I invented
the wing walk, I switch from plane
to plane

with a thousand feet of wind

singing between my body and the ground.
Pa called me his danger-loving boy.
Here I fly for the cameras:

red filters turn day to night,

New York and Chicago are stages,
buildings fold
when stagehands pull a few ropes,

shut the hinges, false front

after false front. If we’re not shooting,
I loop, spin, wing walk over LA.
Dry grass, empty lots, unpaved streets

in dead subdivisions

stretch not far from the homes of the stars.
In Texas I nailed houses,
watched speculators go under,

boom towns collapse into

ghost towns. Pilots inventory high disasters:
nosedives, tailspins, graveyard spirals,
doomsday spirals, crack-ups.

If prosperity turns out to be an illusion,

Wall Street will need new lingo
for an international bust-up.
Call it a bubble, a stumble, a dive?

Call it a Great Crash.