Suggested Reading

Malt Extract Selection

1. “American Homebrewers Association Survey of Hop Content,” Zymurgy (Spring 1986): 22. (No author given in article.)

2. Norman Farrell, “The Enchanting World of Malt Extract,” Zymurgy (Winter 1994): 34–41.

3. “Maltsters and Malt Products from around the World,” in The 1997 Brewers’ Market Guide (Eugene, Ore.: New Wine Press, Inc., 1997), 71–96, 108–110.

4. Bill Metzger, “Extracting the Essentials,” Zymurgy (Summer 1996): 36–42.

5. Charlie Papazian, “Brewing Techniques Influence Bitterness,” Zymurgy (Winter 1985): 30–31.

6. Jill Singleton, “AHA Definitive Guide, The Lowdown on Malt Extracts,” Zymurgy (Special Issue 1986): 22–23.

Malt Analysis

1. Gregory J. Noonan, “Making Sense of a Malt Analysis,” Zymurgy (Special Issue 1995): 15–16.

2. Gregory J. Noonan, “Understanding Malt Analysis Sheets—How to Become Fluent in Malt Analysis Interpretation,” in The 1997 Brewers’ Market Guide (Eugene, Ore.: New Wine Press, Inc., 1997), 115–119.

3. Gregory J. Noonan, New Brewing Lager Beer (Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1996), 7–23.

Methods for Preparation of Crystal Malt

1. Randy Mosher, The Brewers Companion (Seattle: Alephenalia Publications, 1994), 137.

2. Randy Mosher, “Roast, Roast, Roast Your Grains,” Zymurgy (Summer 1998): 42–44.

3. Charlie Papazian, The Complete Joy of Home Brewing (New York: Avon Books, 1994), 207.

Barley-Based Syrups

1. Ted Bruning, “Syrup Firms Invest for the Future,” Brewers’ Guardian (December 1993): 12–13.

2. Tim O’Rourke and David Pierpoint, “Developments in the Use of Brewing Adjuncts in Britain,” Brewers Guardian (July 1994): 17, 18, 20, 21.

3. Graham G. Stewart, “Adjuncts,” in Handbook of Brewing (New York: Marcel Dekker, 1995), 127–129.

4. Trevor Wainwright, “Using Sugar Adjuncts in Brewing,” Brewers’ Guardian (December 1993): 14, 16, 17, 29.

Hop Varieties

1. Jim Busch, “How to Master Hop Character,” Brewing Techniques (January/February 1997): 30–33.

2. Ray Daniels, “Hop Physiology and Chemistry,” Zymurgy (Special Issue 1997): 40–47.

3. George Fix, Principles of Brewing Science (Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1989), 48–58.

4. George J. Fix and Laurie A. Fix, An Analysis of Brewing Techniques (Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1997), 33–34.

5. Mark Garetz, “Hop Storage,” Brewing Techniques (January/February 1994): 26–32.

6. Mark Garetz, Using Hops (Danville, Calif.: HopTech, 1994).

7. Michael Hall, “IBU,” Zymurgy (Special Issue, 1997): 76.

8. Alfred Haunold and Gail B. Nickerson, “Factors Affecting Hop Production, Hop Quality and Brewer Preference,” Brewing Techniques (May/June 1993): 18–24.

9. Gerard W. Ch. Lemmens, “The Breeding and Parentage of Hop Varieties,” Brewers Digest (May 1998): 16–26.

10. W. C. Lemmens, “Hop Utilization,” American Brewer (Spring 1993): 29–35.

11. Michael Moir, “The Chemistry of Hop Flavours,” Brewers’ Guardian (December 1987): 7–11.

12. Don Put, “The Pursuit of Hoppiness, Part II,” Brewing Techniques (May/June 1996): 18–23.

13. Glenn Tinseth, “The Essential Oil of Hops,” Brewing Techniques (January/February 1994): 33–37.

Traditional Fermenters

1. Michael J. Lewis and Tom W. Young, Brewing (London: Chapman and Hall, 1995), 163–170.

Yeast Strain Selection

1. Patrick Weix, “Become Saccharomyces Savvy,” Zymurgy (Summer 1994): 48–49.

Yeast Cultures

1. Jim Busch, “Some Finer Points in Preparing Wort and Yeast for Fermentation,” Brewing Techniques (September/October 1995): 26–31.

2. Paul Farnsworth, “Healthy Homebrew Starter Cultures,” Zymurgy (Special Issue 1989): 10–13.

3. Paul Farnsworth, “Yeast Stock Maintenance and Starter Culture Production,” Zymurgy (Special Issue 1989): 32–35.

4. Rog Leistad, Yeast Culturing for the Homebrewers (Ann Arbor, Mich.: G. W. Kent, 1983).

5. Dave Miller, “Getting a Lift from Your Yeast,” Zymurgy (Fall 1988): 35–38.

6. Randy Mosher, The Brewer’s Companion (Seattle: Alephenalia Publications, 1994), 187–192.

7. Pierre Rajotte, First Steps in Yeast Culture, Part One (Montreal: Alliage Editeur, 1994).

Brewing Water Chemistry

1. George J. and Laurie A. Fix, An Analysis of Brewing Techniques (Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1997), 14–22.

2. Gregory J. Noonan, New Brewing Lager Beer (Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1996), 35–76.

Counterpressure Bottling

1. David Ruggiero, Jonathan Spillane, and Doug Snyder, “The Counterpressure Connection,” Zymurgy (Fall 1995): 56–63.

Handling and Selection of Kegs

1. Kirk R. Fleming, “Discover the Joys of Kegging,” Brewing Techniques (January/February 1997): 22–29.

2. Ed Westemeier, “A Bottler’s Guide to Kegging,” Zymurgy (Summer 1995): 46–53.

Brewing Real Ale

1. Jim Busch, “Cask Conditioning Ales at Home,” Brewing Techniques (November/December 1995): 30–35.

2. Dick Cantwell, Fal Allen, and Kevin Forhan, “Beer from the Stainless,” Brewing Techniques (November/December 1993): 22–28.

3. Ivor Clissold, Cellarmanship (St. Albans, England: CAMRA Books, 1997).

4. Mark Dorber, “Cellarmanship,” All About Beer (July 1997): 22–25.

5. Sal Emma, “Cask Conditioned Ale,” Brew Your Own (May 1997): 38–45.

6. Benjamin Myers, “Cellarmen: Heroes of the Real Ale Revolution,” All About Beer (May 1994): 2–22, 42–43.

Where to Find Real Ale

1. Fal Allen, “Beer Thrall,” American Brewer, no. 77 (1998): 39.

2. Ray Daniels, “Beer from the Wood,” All About Beer (July 1997): 14–17, 20.

3. Ray Daniels, “Real Ale,” Zymurgy (Spring 1997): 44–51.

4. Stan Hieronymous, “Fresh from the Cask,” All About Beer (September 1995): 12–13.

5. Stan Hieronymous and Daria Labinsky, “Real Ale on the Road,” All About Beer (July 1997): 70–71.

6. Benjamin Myers, “Cask Ale Crosses the Atlantic,” All About Beer (May 1994): 21.

Source of Suppliers

1. Brewers’ Market Guide (Eugene, Ore.: New Wine Press, Inc., 1998), 135–140, 142–144.

2. Jim Busch, “Cask Conditioning Ales at Home,” Brewing Techniques (November/December 1995): 34.

3. Dick Cantwell, Fal Allen, and Kevin Forhan, “Beer from the Stainless,” Brewing Techniques (November/December 1993): 34.

4. Jason Dunson-Todd, “Beer from the Wood,” Brewing Techniques (September 1997): 68.