
Chapter 7




The final testimony from relatives had just been delivered by Beth Sheldon, Mrs Yalding’s daughter. Trish was relieved to see Beth’s anxiety abate once she had begun and her smart grey suit gave her a confident and professional appearance. Her shoulder length, dark brown hair shone in the spotlights from the ceiling and with her minimal makeup, she looked the picture of understated elegance. Her statement was earnest and at times her voice wavered, as she described her mother whose life had been tragically shortened when her health had deteriorated in the Stour View care home.

‘Thank you, Mrs Sheldon, please return to your seat.’

Dame Margaret waited for Beth to be seated before continuing. ‘I should like to thank the seven men and women who have spoken touchingly about their beloved relatives. It has helped us to gain an insight into the people who would otherwise have been merely a name or a photograph. In due course, we will hear more about the circumstances of their deaths and the environment they experienced in the SEKare Group of homes. Before we break for lunch, I would like to ask Counsel for Justice for SEKare to address the inquiry. Ms Overton, please begin.’

‘Thank you, Madam Chairman. I do not need to spend many minutes outlining the gravity of the events which bring us here today. Due to the extensive news coverage of the appalling crimes which have taken place, I was under no illusion as to the disturbing nature of the evidence I would need to examine when I was approached to represent the aggrieved relatives. However, it wasn’t until I actually read at first hand the accounts of the abuse and the disgraceful neglect which transpired that I began to appreciate the egregiousness and heinous nature of the transgressions. You will all hear and see evidence which may disturb you for months to come.

Gina’s voice was engaging and confident. Her upright posture and ramrod straight spine showed her true professionalism, and if she was at all nervous, she concealed it well. She wore a dark grey pinstripe suit with a white blouse. Around her neck was a thin gold chain and a matching bracelet hung down on her right wrist. A large solitaire diamond ring accompanied a broad wedding band on her ring finger, and her right hand was bare of adornment.

‘You will see during the next few weeks, that a catalogue of errors produced a pitifully unsafe environment for vulnerable people who were powerless to complain or defend themselves. The mainly elderly victims were trusting and wanted to believe the best in people. How wrong could they have been? Thankfully, today, as a society, we have been granted the advantage of new technology which enabled some suspecting relatives to have their suspicions confirmed. Before showing any disturbing video clips, we will give a warning so that anyone can leave the room if they feel they will be upset. That is all I wish to say by means of introduction.’

‘Thank you, Ms Overton. I think it is an appropriate time, to take a short refreshment break. We will resume proceedings in twenty minutes,’ said Dame Margaret.

There was a general shuffling of bodies and murmurings as people collected their belongings and left the room. Gina felt some relief that the ice was broken and the inquiry was underway. She was in her stride, and totally focused on the day ahead.



Melanie had returned to bed after phoning her workplace and was dreaming about one of her managers, Liz who was accusing her of embezzling money from a customer’s account when she became aware of her entry phone buzzing. She slowly returned to consciousness, her mind confused as to what time of the day it was and her heart began to race. Her long hair felt damp where it had lain against her neck, and a faint odour of sweat rose up as she moved her body. The buzzing continued and was beginning to rile her.

Slowly she dragged her leaden limbs to the entry phone and picked up the receiver.


‘Melanie? It’s Greg, I’ve lost my keys, I think you’ve got a key to our flat.’

‘Er, yes, I think so,’ murmured Melanie, struggling to process who Greg was.

‘Look, can you release the front door, it’s hard to hear you with the traffic?’

‘Yes, OK.’

Melanie pressed the door release and slumped back against the wall. Greg was the new boyfriend of Sandy, from across the corridor. He was a brash, thoughtless young man whom she had heard shouting and swearing on numerous occasions when they had come back late at night.

Heavy footsteps made their way up the stairs, and then a fist thumped on the door to her flat. Melanie opened the door and handed him the key which she’d retrieved from a drawer in the hall table.

‘Here’s the key,’ she said, opening the door just enough to peep around it and hand over the key.

‘Oh, thanks, babe!’ said Greg, taking the proffered keyring. ‘Shit, are you OK?’

‘Yes, I mean, no, I’m not very well.’

‘Fuck! It must have been a good night,’ laughed Greg, tactlessly.

‘Bye,’ said Melanie and closed her door. She stumbled off to the bathroom and looked at herself. She looked a complete fright, no wonder Greg had been shocked but wasn’t it just typical of him to judge her by his own standards and to think she was hungover.

‘Idiot,’ she muttered.

Melanie ran the cold tap and washed her face, pulling her hair away from her neck and wiping some cold water around it as well. She looked once again at her appearance and her face crumpled. How had she been reduced to this? Her whole body ached, a feeling of utmost despair overwhelmed. Once again she was being called to release the demons before they consumed her from within. The clarion call was resounding in her ears, and however hard she tried, the clamour circled, taunting her and challenging her resolve.