
Chapter 47




Susan had the knife pressed into Gina’s neck and could see a drop of blood burst from the surface of the skin. She shone the torch from her mobile phone directly into her captive’s face.

‘Arghh,’ screamed Gina.

‘Not so much in control now, are you?’

‘Let me go, Susan!’

‘No, don’t tell me what to do! It’s time for me to be in control, not you! Look at it as a new experience!’

‘Susan! What are you doing? Are you mad?’ Gina was now very much back in the present moment.

‘Wrong name!’ Suddenly the person Gina believed to be Susan, ripped off her headscarf and threw her glasses down on the ground. She ruffled her hair and stared directly at Gina, still holding the knife to her neck.

‘What? Who?’ was all Gina could manage to say.

‘Patsy is the name you are searching for. Patsy Locke as you knew me. Have I changed? Physically? Take a good look.’ She removed the torch from in front of Gina’s eyes and used it to illuminate her own face.

‘Oh, God, Patsy!’ Gina was shell-shocked. Her mouth fell open and her eyes surveyed with horror the woman before her. She had been duped, and her brain struggled to make sense of the situation, further hampered by the strong LED light which Trish continued to brandish. ‘Look, we can talk about this. We need to get back to safety, away from here.’ Her voice was trembling, and fear was emanating from every pore.

‘We are going nowhere until I say so. One move and I’ll slit your throat.’

‘OK, OK, I’ll stand still. Look, I’ll hold my hands up. I’m no threat to you.’

‘Good. I like seeing you frightened. Submissive even! Did you ever think anyone would describe you like that?’

‘I’m sorry. It was a long time ago, we were only young.’

‘Yes, that’s true, but some things stay with people for a long time. The emotional scars never really heal.’

‘I’m so sorry. I was wild, my parents couldn’t control me, they gave me too much freedom. Please, let’s talk?’

‘We are talking. It’s time for you to listen to me for once.’

‘OK, OK, I’m listening,’ said Gina. The effect of her vaping had worn off now, and her normal rational character had returned. Her brain was working overtime. Was it the sherry? Or had she added something to the e-cigarette? Her mind raced through all the possible reasons, but then she realised it was pointless trying to analyse the situation. She simply had to escape from the danger before her. There would be time, at least she hoped there would be, for an examination of the events which had led up to this perilous situation.

‘Let’s go back to my house, we can talk there. Have a cup of tea, as you said. It’s dangerous here.’ Gina had no experience of hostage negotiation, but as long as they could maintain a dialogue, she felt there was hope.

‘Oh, yes, it’s dangerous. I’m glad you are afraid. I hope this is going to have a lasting effect on you. My life was ruined. I had to have years of counselling. I’ll never be well.’

‘I’m so sorry,’ wept Gina. ‘Please put down the knife.’

‘It’s too late. I’ve made my decision.’

‘No, please, no,’ Gina wept, her body shook. She was powerless.

‘No! I’ve already told you I’ll cut your throat if you don’t keep quiet!’

‘I’ll be quiet. Trust me.’

‘Ha! I’ll never trust you.’

Gina glanced past Patsy to assess the layout of their surroundings. Somehow she had to fathom an escape route. It was dark, they were by the railway line, and she was confronted by someone who was completely manic and disturbed. She needed to appease Patsy and by some means persuade her to move back along the track towards the city, where someone would see what was happening and call the police.

‘I never achieved my full potential due to your torments. You pushed me too far, and I snapped, I’d had enough. Then, as you know, I had to leave Stourford School. I could have gone to Oxford or Cambridge, I was just as clever as you, don’t forget I won a scholarship.’

‘I know you were very bright. Nobody is disputing that.’

‘Even when I left the school you weren’t satisfied, were you? You broke three of my fingers by stamping on them. Even after surgery my hand wasn't completely healed. It's always been weak.

‘What can I say but that I’m sorry?’

‘Well, it’s good to hear your apology, I’ve waited long enough.’

Gina didn’t know what else to say, she remained silent.

‘My life’s been a struggle. I’ve done well to rebuild it in any shape or form.’

‘I’m sorry, truly sorry.’

‘Are you really? Perhaps now that you’ve been cornered, you’re prepared to say you’re sorry, but I’m not sure I believe you.’

‘Please believe me. I am truly sorry.’

‘You disgust me. You’re just like those abusive carers, except that some of them are actually in prison!’

Gina was sobbing. She had a headache and was terrified. Patsy was so disturbed and was bent on retribution. This had been well planned, which was further proof that she was intelligent and determined.

‘I knew that whatever I said I would never be believed. The school was so afraid of upsetting your parents that they would hear no wrong about you. It wasn’t until I finally snapped and Susan spoke up for me that they began to listen.’

‘My parents didn’t control me enough, they let me get away with things!’

‘You knew that the school wanted your father’s money and you exploited that fact. Deep down you were cruel and evil. I can never forgive you.’

‘All I can do is apologise,’ cried Gina. ‘Let me try to make it up to you in some way?’

‘It’s too late. Don’t you see? My life is ruined and has been for so long that I thought, what the hell, what have I got to lose?’

‘Don’t say that! You’ve got so much to lose!’

‘You don’t know what my life is like!’

Gina was unsure what to say, nothing so far was placating Patsy.

‘You don’t realise how it’s so tiring, carrying my past around with me. Being constantly reminded of how I never fulfilled my potential!’

‘I’m truly sorry,’ said Gina. She was crying and her face contorted in agony. ‘Oh, God. This is awful! Please let’s get away from here?’

‘I’ve finally had enough. It’s worn me down, and now I know that I want to end it.’

Gina was struggling to cope with her ordeal. Not only was she terrified by the present danger but Patsy had bombarded her with an outpouring of heartbreaking recollections about school. The air was electric with emotion.

‘Then finally I’ll get some peace! All the time I’m trying to banish the memories and sometimes failing to stop them from breaking through!’

‘We need to talk about this! Please? Somewhere else, not here!’ Gina grabbed Patsy by her arms, the mobile fell to the ground, and they were in darkness. Suddenly the light levels increased as a beam punctuated the darkness.