April always sits at the end of the lunch table. Today, Mae’s there too. I can’t hear what they’re saying, but they’re laughing and smiling. Are they talking about cats? Are they making fun of dogs?
I’m sitting next to Leni and Jules. We eat together, and play together at recess, but we’re not the kind of friends who go to each other’s houses.
“Why . . .” asks Jules. And then she takes a giant bite of her sandwich. Now we have to wait until she’s done chewing to find out more.
Jules swallows and points at me. “. . . are you wearing so much dog stuff?”
“Oh.” Leni waves her hand. “Is it okay that I’m a cat person?”
I nod. “I like cats.”
“Really?” Leni’s surprised. “But you look so doggy.”
Now I’m embarrassed. Does everyone think I look strange? Dog day is harder than I thought it would be. What would a dog do? Run away? Hide? And then I think about Sammy. Sammy would not run off. Sammy would be excited. Sammy would shout, “YAY FOR DOG DAY!” And then he’d bounce around the room and his energy would make everyone love Dog Day as much as him.
I look around. I’m not going to shout and bounce in the lunchroom. Can I be like Sammy from here? From my chair?
I count to five and then do it. “Today’s dog day. I made up a day, for my dog. For fun!”
Jules and Leni are quiet, and then Leni nods. “I get it. That is kind of fun.”
Jules slams her hands on the table. She’s smiling. “What if we make up a day too! Tomorrow can be . . .”
“CRAZY HAIR DAY!” shouts Leni. “We can wear crazy hairstyles!” She fluffs her hair.
And then we are talking and laughing so much, that I almost forget about April and Mae. When I sneak a look, they are watching us, but only Mae is smiling.
“We’ll spread the word at recess!” shouts Jules.
Leni’s super excited. “Everyone will want to do it!”
I smile and nod, but I’m not so sure about the everyone part.