Chapter Thirty-Six

Laura was barely able to stop herself from snatching a rib off the platter while Cassidy cut them with the electric knife. Cassidy laughed at her.

“I know what you’re thinking. Don’t do it.”

Laura knew she was playing with fire, but she simply couldn’t resist. She moved closer, moving her eyebrows teasingly.

“You have no idea what I’m thinking.”

Cassidy paused in mid-cut, a smile on her face. “You’re coveting my ribs…among other body parts.”

Laura laughed. “Oh, I love your modesty!” Laura met her gaze. “You’re right. I can’t wait…to taste…your ribs.”

Cassidy leaned closer. “Are you flirting with me?”

“Of course not. I don’t flirt.”

“Because I think you are.”

“You’re delusional,” Laura said with a smile as she swiped a rib. “I was simply distracting you.” She took a bite and moaned. “Oh my God. It’s like…melts in your mouth.”

“I see someone couldn’t wait,” Tanya said as she came out of the house, dressed in dry clothes. She, too, took a rib off the platter.

“Hey…both of you, stay away from my ribs!” Cassidy said with a laugh as she slid the platter away from them.

“Wow,” Tanya murmured as she chewed. “Fabulous. You’re pretty good at this.”

Cassidy grinned as she met Laura’s eyes. “I’m very good.”

Laura laughed. “Again…your modesty—you’re far too humble.”

Tanya laughed too. “I don’t think you’re going to win with this one, Cassidy.”

“Met my match, huh?”

“I believe you have.”

Laura felt her heart flutter as Cassidy stared into her eyes. A slow—sweet—smile appeared on Cassidy’s face, but she said nothing else. Laura finally broke the contact and took a step away, only to have her eyes collide with Tanya’s. She gave Laura a very subtle wink.

“Let’s set the table,” Tanya offered. “Eat out here, right?”

“Unless you think it’s too warm,” Cassidy said. “We can eat inside then.”

“This is fine by me,” Laura said, looking to Tanya for confirmation.

“Yes. It’s cool enough with the ceiling fan.”

Within twenty minutes, the four of them were seated, and they all held their wineglasses up in a toast.

“To good friends,” Cassidy said. “It’s been an awesome day.”

“Yes, it has,” Tanya agreed. “Cheers.”

“Cheers,” Laura echoed, her gaze drifting across the table to Cassidy. Yes, it had been an awesome day. She was so thankful to have been included. Cassidy smiled at her.

“Okay…now you can have a rib.”

Laura took not only another rib but also a piece of chicken—a thigh. Tanya’s potato salad looked delicious and creamy and Cassidy had a pot of beans that she’d been slow cooking all day. Her plate was full, but she managed to squeeze in a spoonful of broccoli florets, just because she felt she needed to. That, of course, didn’t mean that she would eat them. She had to save room for dessert…something chocolate and decadent.

However, when she finally pushed her plate away—her stomach full to the brim—she thought she would surely burst if she attempted dessert. The first thing Cassidy put on the table was ice cream…vanilla. Tempting, but Laura would politely refuse. But then here it came…a plate full of chocolate squares. Creamy chocolate squares.

“Double chocolate coconut fudge brownies,” Cassidy announced. “I won’t tell you how much butter and cream cheese is in there, but after one bite, you won’t care.”

“They look sinful,” Tanya said. “I’m going to want the recipe, aren’t I?”

“You are.”

“I should skip the ice cream,” Laura said. She pointed her finger at Cassidy. “You’re going to make me fat!”

“So you keep saying.” Cassidy scooped ice cream on her piece anyway, smiling as she slid it to her. “Enjoy it and don’t worry about the calories.”

Tanya was the first to take a bite, and her mumbled “oh my God” made Laura snatch up her fork too. Oh my God indeed. She closed her eyes as she savored the taste. Judging by her moan, she would have sworn her mouth just had an orgasm. When she opened her eyes, Cassidy was watching her.

“I have no words,” she murmured as she took another bite. “You should be ashamed of yourself for making this!”

Cassidy laughed. “Consider me reprimanded.”

* * *

Despite telling them that they didn’t have to help with the cleanup, both Tanya and Laura helped load the outdoor dishwasher while she put the leftovers away. Not a single rib remained and only two pieces of chicken were left. She had to admit, it was fun cooking for people who actually liked to eat. Like Laura. She wasn’t shy in the least about taking second helpings.

“You can give me the recipe on Monday, but I’m taking two brownies home with me now.”

“Take some for the boys too,” she offered. She glanced over at Laura. “Your mother would probably like one too.”

“Trust me, if one of those made it into the house, my mother wouldn’t be the one eating it.”

Tanya laughed. “I feel the same way. I’ll probably hide them from the boys.” Tanya walked over to her and hugged her. “I like her. A lot,” she whispered into her ear before pulling away. “Thank you for a great day, Cassidy.”

“Glad you came.”

Tanya then walked over to Laura and hugged her too. “So nice getting to know you, Laura. I hope we get to see you again.”

“Thank you. I enjoyed your company. It was a fun day.”

Tanya looked over at Derrick, who was patiently waiting. “Ready?”

“I should go too,” Laura said. “It’s getting late.”

“Stay,” Cassidy said without thinking. “I mean…have a nightcap with me.”

“Yes, stay,” Tanya said. “Don’t leave on our account.” She linked arms with Derrick. “See you Monday.”

“Be careful,” she called as they walked around the side of the house and disappeared.

She turned to Laura, suddenly feeling nervous. They’d spent the entire day together, yet they’d only had a few moments alone. They’d chatted like friends, they’d teased and played…and they’d flirted. And now here they were—alone—and she felt a little out of her element. She was used to being in control. With Laura, she never felt in control.

“I like them,” Laura said, breaking the silence. “Tanya is very nice.”

“She is.”

“She said you introduced her to Derrick.”

Cassidy nodded. “Derrick and I were buddies in college.” She walked over toward the pool, feeling Laura following her. The shadows were heavier here, the pool lights softer now as she’d switched from dark blue to red and yellow, giving the water a mild orange tint. It was…romantic. She turned to Laura, searching her eyes in the muted light. Yes, Laura was nervous too. What was she thinking? Was she thinking—like Cassidy was—that this was a dangerous situation they found themselves in? Was she wishing she’d gone home when Cassidy had asked her to stay? Or was she ready to explore this attraction that had sprung up between them? No. She’d already told Cassidy—in so many words—that she wasn’t interested. Yet…sometimes, Cassidy didn’t get that feeling at all. Sometimes, when Laura looked at her, Cassidy got a completely different feeling.

Like now.

She took a step closer. They were surrounded by the night and she could almost feel it touching her, touching them. She imagined she could hear Laura’s heartbeat, see her heart beat. The air around them seemed to sizzle as she took another step closer.

“Don’t…don’t do it,” Laura whispered.

Cassidy held her gaze steady. “Do what?”

“Don’t you dare kiss me.”

“No? I’ve thought of little else all day.” All week, really, if she was being honest with herself. “You have too.”

Laura shook her head. “No.”

Cassidy smiled. “Liar,” she whispered, seeing Laura’s answering smile.

Both of their smiles faded, however, as their eyes held. Again, Laura tried to protest.

“We can’t do this. We both know we…we shouldn’t do this.”

“We both know we’re going to do this,” she murmured as her gaze lowered to Laura’s mouth.

She didn’t know who moved first. She assumed it was her, but then Laura’s mouth was meeting hers with a gentle urgency, a gentle desperation. Twin moans broke the silence around them, and Cassidy felt her knees tremble. She felt weak. She felt light-headed. God…she felt faint. She deepened the kiss, moving closer to Laura. Her head began to spin and she was afraid she’d fall.

But Laura stepped away from her, her eyes wide. She backed up slowly, her own legs appearing a bit wobbly as she took several steps away before turning and hurrying past the shrubs and around the house.

Cassidy reached out a shaking hand and grasped the back of a chair before lowering herself into it. She still stared at the spot where Laura had been. Where Laura had been kissing her.

“What the hell just happened?” she whispered to the night.