
On the tree-bole a zig-zag upward rivulet

Is a dodgy bird, a midget ace,

Busy as a shrew, moth-modest as lichen.

Inchmeal medical examination

Of the tree’s skin. Snap-shot micro-scanner

And a bill of instant hypodermic.

He’s unzipping the tree-bole

For deeper scrutiny. It sticks. It jerks.

No microbe dare be, nor bubble spider.

All the trees are waiting – pale, undressed –

So he can’t dawdle. He jabs, dabs, checks essentials,

Magnet-safe on undersides, then swings

In a blur of tiny machinery

To the next patient’s foot, and trickles upward

Murmuring ‘Good, good!’ and ‘Good, good!’

Into the huge satisfying mass of work.