A few words of Inupiaq, the language of the Inupiat, appear in Ghost Light. Their definitions and pronunciations are given below, along with some English slang common in Chukchi.
aaka – (AH-kuh) mother
aana (AH-nah) — old woman, grandmother
aarigaa (AH-dee-GAH) – is good
alipaa! (AH-la-PAH) — It’s cold!
angatkuq (AHNG-ut-cook) — shaman
aqaa (uh-KAH) - it stinks
arii (ah-DEE) — exclamation of irritation, impatience, or pain
atiqluk (ah-TEAK-luck) — woman’s hooded overshirt, often of flowered fabric, with a large pouch in front
Kay-Chuck — nickname for Chukchi’s public radio station, KCHK.
bunnik – (BUN-uck) daughter
kikituq (KEY-key-tuck)—shaman’s power object, often in the form of a whale-headed dog
kinnuk (KIN-ook) — crazy
naluaqmiiyaaq (nuh-LOCK-me-ock) — almost white
naluaqmiu, naluaqmiut (nuh-LOCK-me) – white person, white people
qanichaq (KUN-ee-CHUCK) — Arctic entry
quyaanna (kwee-AHN-uh) – thank you
ulu (OO-loo) — traditional Inupiat woman’s knife, shaped like a wedge of pie with the cutting edge on the rim
voice out — speak for
yoi (yoy)—expression of admiration or envy, often sarcastic