SABETHA, YOUR SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGEMENT keeps me driven to succeed and push myself to hit new highs. I'm so grateful I can finally start paying you back professionally. Fingers crossed it's as beneficial for you and you've been for me.
Jess, again thank you for all your help bringing this book to light, and making sure it's of the best quality possible.
Malcolm, thank you for your honest feedback on the series progression. I thrive off of feedback, and without it I'd struggle to improve as an author.
K.K., you're unwavering love and enthusiasm acts as a daily reminder to me to be grateful. You're why I take time every day to reflect on what I'm appreciative of.
You, my readers, thank you for the support and trust. I know the change of main character mid series caught many of you off guard, but I'm grateful that you've trusted me enough to continue with the series, knowing it will all tie together soon.