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Monday morning, Amanda looked up from her desk in the reception area of the Knight's PI office. She gave the man a once over- not quite six feet, slender side, decent looking with brown hair and gray eyes. Probably in his mid 30's. While she scoped him, he assessed her with a look of humor and intelligence.
"Did I pass?" he asked with a grin.
"For now," Amanda replied, unabashed. "What can I help you with?"
"I'd like to see Sandy-Sue Morrow, please," he requested.
Amanda's brows dropped, and she tilted her head to gaze from the corner of her eyes. "Why?" she asked flatly.
"It's a personal matter," the man replied.
"Uh, huh. So what's your name?"
The man hesitated, and Amanda said, "Listen, I can't just go tell her that some strange guy wants to see her. Give me a name and I'll see if she's available."
He sighed and said, "My name is Ryan Greer, and before you ask she doesn't know me."
"Then why do you want to see Sady... Sandy-Sue?" Amanda frowned.
From the hall, CJ asked, "Is there a problem, Amanda?"
Amanda turned with a huff. "Yeah, this guy came in asking to see Sandy-Sue Morrow."
CJ's brows rose, and she stepped into the front office. "Is there something I can help you with?"
"Not unless you're Sandy-Sue." Ryan was determined to see Sady.
"You're going to need to be more forthcoming than that," CJ said. She was just as adamant.
Ryan smiled. "I'm Sandy-Sue's cousin... step-cousin might be more accurate."
"Get out of town!" Amanda yelled. "Our girl doesn't have any family but an uncle."
"I'd be happy to explain," Ryan offered. "If I could see her."
"Take him to the conference room," CJ told Amanda. "I'll get Harry and Sady."
"What about Sandy-Sue?" Ryan asked. Amanda explained the name change to Ryan as she led him down the hall.
CJ stepped into Harry's office. "Red alert, Harry. There's a guy here claiming to be a relative of Sady. Morrow will kill us if he has an ulterior motive. We're joining him for the meeting."
Harry followed CJ, and they stopped at Sady's office. "Meeting in the conference room," CJ said. "Now." Sady looked at Harry, shrugged, and followed them.
Ryan stood when she entered, and she gave everyone a look of confusion. Ryan glanced at CJ, and she nodded.
"I'm a distant relative, Sandy... Sady. I've been searching for you for several months." Ryan held out his hand and Sady shook it reluctantly, then she plopped onto a chair.
Amanda stood with her hands on her hips. "Okay, now we need the proof or I'm gonna bounce you to the door. No one messes with our girl, understand?"
Ryan nodded and opened the folder he carried. Without a word, he spread the papers on the table for everyone to read. When Sady finished reading she looked up, stunned.
"I can't believe it," she whispered. "I didn't know my maternal grandfather was married to someone else before my grandmother."
"Don't believe it," Amanda advised. "Not until we check out his story." Turning to Ryan she said, "And we will!"
"Good," he replied to Amanda's disappointment. He turned to Sady to explain the details. "After my grandparents married, they had my mother, Dorothy. Shortly after her birth, Grandma Donna divorced Grandpa Ted, then married your grandfather, David. After two years she divorced him and went back to Grandpa Ted. Donna always was a drama queen. Needless to say, the scandal of two divorces earned her a reputation, so they moved across the country to get away from it. I'm happy to say they stay married."
Harry looked at Sady. "Do you know anything about this?"
She shook her head. "I only knew my grandfather, David, married Susan. Susan had a sister named Marge, which is how I ended up in Louisiana for a few days. My mother, Ophelia, was David and Susan's only child.."
CJ narrowed her eyes at Ryan. "What's your interest in Sady?"
"I've always liked digging into things. That's why I became an investigative journalist. When I decided to do a family tree for my parent's anniversary, I found the record of Grandma Donna's other marriage. Being the nosy person I am, I followed that family tree as well, and it led me to you." He smiled at Sady. "In a way, we're in the same boat. The only child of parents who were an only child, or with only one sibling. I guess I like knowing I have extended family, even if we aren't blood related."
Sady sat, still shocked and her co-workers didn’t speak. Ryan stood to leave.
"Listen, I've dropped a lot on you so I'll leave the paperwork, court records, and other documents for you to verify," he said as he headed to the door. "I'm staying at the 'Arbor Lights' Inn until Friday, and I left my phone number. I hope you'll call me before I leave town."
CJ gathered the paperwork, giving half to Harry and half to Amanda. "You know what to do." By the end of the day they verified Ryan's story. It was true, and he was the person he claimed to be.
Sady chewed her lip. "Do you think I should call him? What do I say? I've never had a cousin."
Amanda laughed. "I'll help you with that one. You call him and make arrangements to meet for dinner. I'll join you." At CJ's warning look she added, "Don't worry. I won't stick him with a bar tab."
Matt spent Monday with his mom, wondering how to keep her entertained for a whole week. When Amanda sent a text inviting them to join her for dinner, he didn't think twice. The smirk on her face when he and Ellen entered the restaurant told him Amanda wasn't just being a friendly neighbor.
Matt looked suspiciously at the man already seated at the table with Sady. Then Sady and Matt both glared at Amanda, who ignored them and welcomed Ellen. After taking her seat Amanda introduced Ryan. Satisfied that she'd thrown enough explosives into the fire, she sat back to watch with a grin. Even Ellen sensed the tension at the table, then Amanda gave her a poke and raised her wine glass. Ellen ordered a glass of wine and sat back with Amanda to watch the show.
Sady bristled while Matt questioned Ryan. Even when she kicked Matt under the table he only paused briefly, then he intensified the grilling. Ryan glanced at Amanda, wondering what he'd done to deserve the interrogation. Matt and Sady were too busy with their feud to notice the head nod and wink Amanda gave Ryan.
Ryan shook his head at Amanda with a slight smile. The look in his eyes let her know he wouldn't forget her treachery. When Matt ran out of questions, Ryan leaned back with his wine and watched Sady spit and hiss like a cat. At the evening's end she ignored Matt, said goodnight to the women, and told Ryan she was ready to leave.
Amanda prevented Matt from following them. He gave her a dirty look, then remembered his mother was there.
"Thanks a lot," he whispered sarcastically to Amanda, when Ellen left to use the restroom.
"Just looking out for your interests, Stubbles," she said innocently. "They might be cousins, but they're not related by blood if you catch my meaning."
"You're trying to ruin my week, aren't you?"
"You already did that," she snorted. "In case you don't remember you dissed our girl like she was a day-old newspaper at the bottom of the garbage can."
"I did not," Matt yelled. Then he quieted down and hissed, "I made a mistake in the heat of the moment, that's all."
"If you say so," Amanda pooh-pooed like she didn't believe it.
"Why, did she say something to you?" Matt asked.
"Oh, look, here's Ellen," Amanda announced with a wicked grin at Matt. "I'm so glad you joined us tonight."
Matt grumbled under his breath while Amanda said goodnight to Ellen. Ellen whispered to Amanda, "Thanks, it was an enlightening dinner." Amanda winked as they left.
Matt was cranky as he drove his mom back to the apartment. Ellen poked the bear. "Ryan seems like a nice young man, doesn't he? Shame on you, Matt! If you were ten, I'd wash your mouth out with soap."
SO like his father, Ellen thought during the remainder of quiet ride home. On the tenth floor, Matt gave Sady's door a sour look as they passed. Ellen decided to see how close to the edge she could push her son. Matt tossed his keys on a small table just inside his front door and went for a beer while Ellen waited for him in the living room. She handed him a photo.
"This is Shelby, and she wants to be a nurse," Ellen told him.
"Good for her. I hope she becomes one- when she grows up! Are you trying to get me arrested, Mom? How old is she, anyway, fifteen? She looks like jail bait." He threw the picture over his shoulder, but he didn't get the head slap. Instead he mumbled, "I don't need your help."
He stewed on the couch, then jumped up and said, “I have to make a phone call. Will you excuse me?" He left the room before Ellen answered.
She took his unopened can of beer and turned on his TV. A few beers later Matt hadn’t returned, so Ellen went to bed. She thought the evening turned out quite well. It was nice to have Amanda as an ally.
"Morrow, I don't trust this guy," Matt sputtered into the phone. "I know Harry had him checked out, but there's something about him I don't like. You should be more concerned. Sady's your niece, after all!"
Matt listened a few minutes, then replied, "Will you just do me a favor and run a check on him? You have more resources than the Knight's."
Matt disconnected a few minutes later with, "Thanks, John. I'll talk to you in the morning." Discovering his mom already went to bed, Matt followed suit. But unlike Ellen, he didn't sleep well.