Electronic Edition: ISBN 978-1-58394-778-4
Copyright © 2014 by Jun Po Denis Kelly Roshi and Keith Martin-Smith. All rights reserved. No portion of this book, except for brief review, may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the written permission of the publisher. For information contact North Atlantic Books.
Published by
North Atlantic Books
P.O. Box 12327
Berkeley, California 94712
Cover art © by Mark T. Smith (www.marktsmith.com)
Cover and book design by Claudia Smelser
The Heart of Zen: Enlightenment, Emotional Maturity, and What It Really Takes for Spiritual Liberation is sponsored by the Society for the Study of Native Arts and Sciences, a nonprofit educational corporation whose goals are to develop an educational and cross-cultural perspective linking various scientific, social, and artistic fields; to nurture a holistic view of arts, sciences, humanities, and healing; and to publish and distribute literature on the relationship of mind, body, and nature.
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The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:
Kelly, Jun Po Denis, 1942– author.
The heart of Zen : enlightenment, emotional maturity, and what it really takes for spiritual liberation / Jun Po Denis Kelly Roshi, Keith Martin-Smith.
pages cm
Summary: “Insights on Zen meditation and koan practice and edgy, passionate dialogues between teacher and student address the issues of emotional integration and maturity”— Provided by publisher.
ISBN 978-1-58394-764-7 — ISBN 978-1-58394-778-4
1. Spiritual life—Zen Buddhism. 2. Meditation—Zen Buddhism. I. Martin-Smith, Keith, 1972– author. II. Title.
BQ9286.K42 2014