
chapter 14

imbolc coven ritual

Preparing the Temple

I’ve always looked at February as a time for spring cleaning. I realize that it’s not truly spring at Imbolc in many places in the Northern Hemisphere, but it’s an idea I have trouble letting go of. Even when I lived in Michigan and Imbolc usually meant freezing temperatures and lots of snow, I still tried to clean up both my house and my altars and the room I generally practiced the Craft in.

It usually takes our coven about two years to go through a candle set aside to honor one of the four elements. Because of that, every two years at Imbolc, we bless and consecrate new candles for our temple and strive to put a little bit of our own personal energies into them. I doubt most covens have rites to dedicate new quarter candles, but it makes sense to me, and I think the idea plays very well into the idea of light returning at Imbolc.

For this ritual you’ll need five candles, one each for earth, air, fire, and water and a fifth for the element of spirit, which my coven keeps on its working altar. You’ll also need a statue or an object representative of the goddess Brigid. Though this ritual is not all about her exclusively, I find it hard to leave her out of Imbolc rites since she’s such a significant part of them. In our circle, we lay a statue of the goddess on a soft towel and place that in a basket, resulting in an easy-to-make version of Brigid’s bed. Creating a bed for Brigid to lie upon is a very old tradition and a way to pay your respects to the goddess (or to the saint, in some cases).

My coven’s call to spirit at the start of most rituals is more like an opening blessing than a call to an element or a deity. We look at it as a summary of our beliefs as Witches in the broadest strokes possible. This opening rite can easily be added to all of the other rituals in this book if desired.

Every coven has their own preferences when it comes to cakes and ale, but Imbolc has long been connected to the lactating of sheep. Because of that, I’ve been known to use milk (and cookies!) in my cakes and ale rites at Imbolc. In my coven, we begin most rituals with a ceremonial hand washing as a way for coveners to cleanse themselves. If you choose to do this, you’ll need a very large bowl and a pitcher. I usually scent the water for the hand washing with a few drops of rose or ylang-ylang oil. The person carrying the bowl in the ritual is advised to wrap a small towel around one of their arms so coveners can dry their hands with it.

Materials Needed

• Regular altar setup

• A Brigid statue (or an item representing her; corn dollies work well here and are traditional)

• A bed for Brigid and something for her to lie on, such as a blanket or some straw (I suggest a basket)

• Five new candles

• Cakes and ale

• Pitcher of water

• Bowl

• Towel

Ritual Roles

• High Priestess

• High Priest

• Quarter callers

• Circle casters

The Ritual: Preparing the Temple

The rite should begin with the altar in the middle of the circle, with the coven standing around it in a circle. The candles to be blessed should be either on the altar or perhaps under it, depending on space limitations.

Statement of Intent/Cleansing

High Priestess: We gather this night to celebrate the sacred festival of Imbolc. We welcome the return of the light and the Lady Brigid, goddess of healing and forge. This evening we prepare the coven for the warmer and longer days to come. Long may the light of our circle shine! Blessed be!

High Priest: And now in order to prepare for our rites, we shall cleanse all those gathered here.

The High Priestess and High Priest take the pitcher and bowl (generally placed somewhere other than on the main working altar) and move around the circle, pouring water over the hands of each covener. Most coveners will probably touch their head and heart with the water on their hands, but people can do as they wish. The person pouring the water should say something like “We cleanse and bless you in the names of the Lord and the Lady!” or “In the name of Brigid, I cleanse and bless you this night of Imbolc.” This is generally followed by a “Blessed be!” once the covener has touched the water to their face or chest. The phrase is then repeated by the covener.

When the last covener has been reached, the High Priestess or the High Priest should take both the pitcher and the bowl and pour water over the other’s hands, and then exchange roles. When everyone has been cleansed, the pitcher and bowl should be placed out of the way of the rite.

High Priestess: All have been readied for our rite this night. Hail Imbolc!

Call to Spirit/The All

In my coven, we begin many of our rites with a call to the element/concept of spirit, or the “all.” We see it as the magickal energy that holds the universe together and the original source of all that is a part of the universe. We generally welcome it in with a prayer shared by the High Priestess or High Priest and recited by the rest of the coven. At the start of the prayer, a central candle is lit on the altar. We often use this candle to light every other candle in ritual, including the ones at the quarters, by utilizing a taper or a much smaller candle.

High Priest: From thee, spirit, all things come and all things proceed.

Thou art the first source, the beginning, the all of the universe,
For thou art the source of both life and death.
This world and that which also lies beyond.
Earth, air, fire, and water are encompassed within thee,
As are our Lady and Lord and all that lies in between.
And now in their names, we begin our rite.
Blessed be this place, this time, and all who are now with us.

Casting the Circle/Lighting the Temple/Calling the Quarters

The circle caster should cast the circle beginning in the east and moving clockwise, using their sword, athame, or wand to do so.

Circle Caster: I conjure thee, O circle of power, that thou may serve as a gathering place for truth, love, and joy. By our will, your walls shall keep out all evil and negativity and serve as an entryway between the worlds where we might walk with the gods. Wherefore do I bless thee and consecrate thee in the names of the Lord and the Lady. So mote it be!

The quarters should be summoned beginning in the east and proceeding clockwise. In this instance, candles are lit at each of the four quarters, candles that will be retired during the ritual.

East Quarter Caller: I call to the spirits of the east, spirits of air, and the winds that turn the seasons. Spirits who rule the realm of intuition and inspiration, yours is the creative soul of nature. Join us tonight as we celebrate new beginnings and the coming of spring. Blessed be!

South Quarter Caller: I call to the spirits of the south, spirits of fire, and the light that guides our way. Spirits who rule the ecstasy of the spirit, yours is the cup of the wine of life. Join us in our circle tonight as we celebrate the return of the light and the coming of spring. Blessed be!

West Quarter Caller: I call to the spirits of the west, spirits of water, and the gifts that give us life. Spirits who give the blessings of rain to the parched and hungry land, yours is the promise of life renewed. Join us tonight as we celebrate the rain and the coming of spring. Blessed be!

North Quarter Caller: I call to the spirits of the north, spirits of earth, you from which all things proceed and to which all things return. Spirits who are the beauty of the green earth, yours is the peace and serenity for which we long. Join us tonight as we celebrate the growing green and the coming of spring. Blessed be!

Calls to the God and the Goddess

High Priest: This night of Imbolc, we call to the Great God. Lord of the Sun, Horned One of the wild places, join us in our circle! Let us feel and see your growing power. Stand with us tonight as we renew the light of this coven. Be with us as we work our will! Hail and welcome!

Candles can be lit for the Goddess and God as desired by the coven. If they are lit, this ritual provides a great opportunity to replace them if needed.

High Priestess: This night of Imbolc, we call to the Great Goddess. Mistress of the Waters, Lady of the Moon, and Mother of all, join us in our circle! Let us feel the awakening earth in the ground beneath our feet and upon the breeze that touches our cheeks. Be with us as we renew the light of this coven and help guide us ever forward in your name. Hail and welcome!

Welcoming of Brigid

In our coven, we usually have our main devotional statue of Brigid already placed in a basket to signify Brigid’s bed. Alternatively, she can be ceremonially placed in her bed at this time if she’s sitting on the altar.

High Priest: Once more, we welcome the goddess Brigid to her rightful place in this temple. Tonight, upon her night, we honor her once more. We present her to you so that you might know her and honor her mysteries. For the last year she has watched over us and she will continue to do so on this turn of the wheel.

High Priestess: Great Brigid, join us in our rites this night and in the nights to come! We salute you, unconquerable goddess! When the invaders came and drove out the old gods, it was you who stood by your folk. You donned a different cloak but remained our goddess, a goddess of the people and the earth. We are honored to have you as a part of our rites! Hail and welcome!

Brigid’s bed is carried around the coven so that everyone might pay homage to the image of the goddess. After she has traveled the length of the circle, she is put in a place of honor upon the altar or in other sacred space used by the coven.

Candle Blessing

High Priest: As the days grow longer, this is now the time to renew our temple and prepare it for the rites and rituals yet to come. That this temple room may ever be a space of love, joy, and truth, we must replace the candles that give us light in the darkness. As these candles represent not just the power of the elements but also the power of this coven, together we should charge and bless them.

High Priestess: Before we bless the candles that shall light this temple, we must properly prepare and cleanse them for use in ritual. To do that, we call upon the powers of the elements and the tools of our Craft.

Before the candles can be blessed, burning incense and salted water should be prepared. As in many of the other rituals in this book, the blessing of the salted water and the lit incense can be done at the beginning of the ritual. But for this particular rite, I decided to move it to the middle of the ritual. In ritual, most everything is flexible, and you should do what makes the most sense to you.

The High Priestess begins this part of the ritual by lighting the incense, using the flame of the spirit candle in the middle of the altar. What type of incense you use here is up to you. For cleansing, I prefer sandalwood, lavender, and copal.

High Priestess: I light this incense using the power of our sacred flame. May this creature of air and fire bless, consecrate, and cleanse the light we add to this temple space. So mote it be!

The High Priestess sets the incense down, and the High Priest picks up his athame and scoops three measures of salt into the water, mixing them together.

High Priest: May this creature of earth and water bless, consecrate, and cleanse the light we add to this temple space. So mote it be!

The candles being blessed should now either all be placed on the coven’s pentacle to be cleansed or be cleansed one at a time. In this ritual, I’ve chosen to cleanse the four quarter candles all at once upon the pentacle.

High Priestess: I cleanse these candles with the powers of water and earth. I remove from them all negativity and darkness. May their light shine brightly in this coven!

The High Priestess sprinkles the candles with the salted water.

High Priest: I cleanse these candles with the powers of air and fire. I remove from them all negativity and darkness. May their light shine brightly in this coven!

The High Priest carries each candle through the incense smoke.

High Priest: Before these candles can be placed around our circle, they must all represent the chosen of this coven. In order that we should mark these candles as our own, I offer you a chance to add a Witch mark to the bottom of each candle. May your movements be precise and quick and help us make these candles ours.

When I mark a candle, I tend to use a pin or needle. Some like to use their athame or a white-handled knife, which is traditionally the tool dedicated to the task of cutting during ritual. Marks on the candle should be small: a rune, a symbol, and no more. Pass each candle around the circle and let each member of the coven mark it. When everyone is done, return the candles to the pentacle on the altar.

High Priestess: Four candles, four quarters. Four directions, four points of light. These candles each represent a different element and a different emotion. In the east is air and knowledge, to the south is fire and desire. The west brings us water and the mysteries of initiation, and the north gives us earth and strength.

High Priest: So far this night we have cleansed and marked our candles, but now is the time to put a bit of our will into each one. When the eastern candle comes to you, share with it the knowledge you hope to gain in our rites over the coming years. The candle in the south is a place to put your Craft desires, and with the western sentinel, share your wonder of the mysteries that are our Lady and Lord. Finally, to the north, lend a bit of strength to our guardian and this coven. So mote it be!

When the candles have all gone around the circle, they should return to the altar and from there should be picked up by each of the four quarter callers. Starting in the east, have each of the quarter callers, one by one, take a taper and use it to transfer the flame currently burning to the newly consecrated candle. Once the flame is transferred to the new candle, the old candle should be blown out. As they transfer the light, each quarter caller should call out a salute to that element.

East Quarter Caller: May our light and that of the gods ever shine in the east.

Coven: Hail the east!

South Quarter Caller: May our light and that of the gods ever shine in the south.

Coven: Hail the south!

West Quarter Caller: May our light and that of the gods ever shine in the west.

Coven: Hail the west!

North Quarter Caller: May our light and that of the gods ever shine in the north.

Coven: Hail the north!

The old candles should be gathered up and placed in a secure place. Our coven is lucky enough to have a ritual space with several altars, but even a basket will work just fine.

High Priest: While these candles will no longer bring the elements to us, they may still be of service to this coven. I place them here upon this shrine that they may continue to add their light to our rites. So mote it be!

Our coven works entirely by candlelight, and as a result, we have a few candles that we light before ritual starts. Those have almost always been old quarter candles. As many of those have died in the last year, our now decommissioned quarter candles will take their place.

High Priestess: And now we come to the center, the place from which all hope springs. Before we can dedicate our new spirit candle, it must be cleansed and readied.

The new center candle is placed upon the pentacle and sprinkled with salted water by the High Priestess before being cleansed with the incense by the High Priest.

High Priestess: May the light brought to us from spirit ever shine upon this coven and those who walk the path of the Witch. Connected to all are we, and that connection is symbolized and made manifest here upon the altar. Ever-shining light, renew yourself this night of Imbolc.

The High Priestess uses a taper to transfer the light of spirit from the old candle to the new one. When the light has been established in the new candle, the old one is blown out. The old candle is moved to another place in the temple space if it remains usable. I’m always weirdly sad when we have to decommission a spirit candle, which we generally then offer a place of honor in our ritual room.

High Priest: And for your service these last two years, O candle, I shall set you in this place of honor so that your light may continue to be a part of this coven. So mote it be!

The Great Rite/Cakes and Ale

The High Priest picks up their athame or wand, and the High Priestess picks up the coven’s chalice.

High Priest: This world and all that has been given to us is sacred.

High Priestess: As Witches, we honor that gift by thanking that which made it possible.

High Priest: The athame is to the sun and sky,

High Priestess: As the cup is to the land and sea.

Both: And when they are united, all is born.

The High Priest plunges the athame into the chalice and then uses it to bless the bread for cakes and ale, preferably with a drop or two of liquid still upon its blade.

High Priest: In the names of the Lord and the Lady, we bless this bread.

The High Priest touches the athame/wand to either the bread or the plate it is being served upon.

High Priestess: In the names of the Lord and the Lady, we bless this drink.

The High Priestess picks up her athame and touches the lip of the cup with it. The drink is then passed around first, with the bread following.

Goodbyes to the Lady and Lord

High Priestess: We thank the Great Lady, goddess of the skies and seas, for joining us tonight in our rites. Look over us as the light grows and change manifests itself in our lives. With love and devotion, we walk this road with you. Blessed be!

High Priest: We thank the Eternal Lord, god of the earth and the wild places, for joining us tonight in our rites. We will feel your touch with our every step upon this world. With love and devotion, we walk this road with you. Blessed be!

Dismissing the Quarters/Releasing the Circle

Starting in the north and proceeding counterclockwise, the elements are dismissed. Each of the newly installed candles should be blown out at “Hail and farewell!”

North Quarter Caller: Spirits of the north, spirits of earth, thank you for being with us this sacred night. We thank you for all of your gifts: the green grass, the fertile soil, and new life. And now we say to you, hail and farewell!

West Quarter Caller: Spirits of the west, spirits of water, we thank you for being with us this sacred night. We thank you for all of your gifts: the rains that make all possible and the ocean that calls to us. And now we say to you, hail and farewell!

South Quarter Caller: Spirits of the south, spirits of fire, we thank you for being with us this sacred night. We thank you for all of your gifts: for the longer days, the return of the light, and the passions that burn within us. And now we say to you, hail and farewell!

East Quarter Caller: Spirits of the east, spirits of air, we thank you for being with us this sacred night. We thank you for all of your gifts: for the winds that turn the seasons and the ability to feel joy and happiness. And now we say to you, hail and farewell!

Beginning in the east, the circle caster releases the circle using the athame, sword, or wand, moving deosil.

Circle Caster: I conjured thee, O circle of power, to serve as a meeting place of truth, love, and joy. By our will, we shaped your walls to keep out all evil and negativity, and you have served us well in that purpose. We have journeyed between the worlds and walked with the gods. All is now as it once was, and all that has joined us this night has been dismissed in the names of the Lord and the Lady. So mote it be!

High Priestess: We have journeyed to the boundary between winter and spring. There we have prepared our coven for the rites to come and met with our lady Brigid. The earth stirs and prepares to wake! And now I say to you, merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again, and may the gods preserve the Craft!

