mabon coven ritual
Harvest Divination
Culturally, the autumn has been a time of new beginnings for several centuries. It’s when the new school year starts, and for those of us who still remember network television, it was when new TV shows would premiere after a summer of reruns. In September, the vacations end and the mundane world kicks into overdrive, and it’s a pace that usually doesn’t let up until after Yule and the secular new year.
At Mabon, my coven honors this change by doing some personal harvesting, while also doing a bit of divination to see what is to come in the near future. For this ritual you’ll need several flat stones and a big pot filled with loose soil. The stones should be big enough to comfortably write on, and for the writing you’ll need a quality marker. (My wife likes glitter-infused Sharpie markers, but anything will work.) The type of stones you’ll need for this rite can easily be found at most craft stores and also outdoors if you’re willing to do some serious scavenging.
In this ritual you’re going to have everyone in the coven dig into the dirt and pull a rock up out of the earth. Upon each stone will be one word indicating potential outcomes for this coming fall. The words on the rock will reveal what you’re likely to harvest (bring into your life this fall), and knowing this ahead of time will give everyone in the coven time to prepare and be aware of the potential possibilities soon to arise.
A week or so before the ritual, you’ll want to make sure you have one stone for every coven member (and maybe an extra or two just in case). Upon each stone there should be one written word. Keep the words simple but pertinent for the individuals in the coven. Words you could write on the stones include success, money, love, opportunity, travel, abundance, family, magick, change, relationship, growth, caution, and danger. (They don’t all have to imply good news.) Once you’ve written something on each stone, place them all on your altar or in a spot where they can absorb some moon and sunlight.
The day of your ritual, place all the stones in your container of earth. I like to do this with my eyes closed so I have no idea where any of the stones are in the dirt. Before you place the stones in the dirt, ask the Goddess and God to bless your work.
Lady of the Autumn, Lord of the Harvest, bless this my coven’s work, and may each stone be grasped by the hand it was meant for! So mote it be!
Once all the stones have been placed in the earth, move your container to the site of your ritual space. It’s best to keep the dirt here fairly loose, so the stones aren’t too hard to get out of the soil. Keep your dirt damp but not overly wet; nobody wants to go fishing in the mud. Our coven brings a pitcher and bowl of water into our ritual space so people can clean up after getting their hands dirty. (Alternatively, you could have people dig into the soil with a spoon, but getting your hands dirty is much more fun!)
Instead of cakes for cakes and ale, I’ve included apple slices, cut in ritual with an athame or white-handled knife. It just adds a little something different to the ritual, and apples are usually in season just about everywhere by the fall equinox. The apple can either be cut on a cutting board during the ritual or can be pre-cut and then cut ceremonially during the rite.
Ritual Roles
• High Priestess
• High Priest
• Four quarter callers
• Circle caster
Materials Needed
• Standard altar setup
• Pot full of loose soil
• One flat stone for each coven member, written upon (see above)
• Athames (for the High Priestess and High Priest)
• An apple (or apples, depending on the size of your coven and apples) and a knife sharp enough to cut one
• Small cutting board for the apples
• Ale
The Ritual: Harvest Divination
Start with everyone gathered in a circle around the altar. When all are quiet and focused, the High Priestess should start the ritual.
High Priestess: This night of the Autumn Equinox we gather once more as a chosen family. Tonight we will receive the blessings of the earth and peer into our futures to see what the autumn and winter have in store. In perfect love and perfect trust, this coven meets once more. Witches all, be welcome.
High Priest: Close your eyes for a moment and let your muscles relax. Now take a deep breath and hold it for a moment (maybe twenty seconds or so) and now release that air. As the air escapes from your nose and mouth, imagine all the tension you carry with you, as well as your problems, moving out and through you. Continue to breathe, letting go of any mundane concerns every time you exhale. As you breathe, begin to live only in this moment, with your thoughts turning to ritual and the love of this coven. When you feel refreshed, open your eyes and return to us all here. By the power of this world, we are cleansed and ready for this rite.
The High Priestess picks up her athame and then sets a dish of water upon the pentacle. She places her athame into the water to cleanse it.
High Priestess: Great Mother, Goddess of the Harvest and Lady of the Autumn, I ask that you bless and cleanse this water before us. May it charge and sanctify this space and serve as a reminder of your love for us. Blessed be!
The High Priestess moves the dish of water off the pentacle and replaces it with a bowl of salt. She then sticks her athame into the salt to cleanse it.
High Priestess: Great Mother, I ask that you bless and cleanse this salt before us. May it charge and sanctify this space and serve to protect us from all harm. Blessed be!
The High Priestess sprinkles some salt into the water, using either her fingers or the blade of the athame. She then holds the mixture of salt and water aloft in thanks and praise of the Goddess.
High Priestess: Praise to our Lady!
The High Priestess sprinkles the salted water around the perimeter of the circle, on all who are in attendance, and then finally in the middle of the circle to rid the sacred space of the negative energy exhaled earlier. When she’s done, the High Priest blesses the flame and incense.
High Priest: God of the Sun, Harvest Lord, bless this flame that shall burn bright in our rite. May it guide us ever closer to you and your Lady. Blessed be!
The High Priest lights a candle and places it in the middle of the altar. When that’s done, he picks up the coven’s incense and places it and its holder upon the altar’s pentacle.
High Priest: Harvest Lord, bless this creature of air that shall charge all within this circle with your wisdom and that of your Lady. Blessed be!
He then raises the burning incense aloft and praises the God.
High Priest: Praise to our Lord!
The High Priest lights a taper from the candle lit earlier and uses it to light the incense. Once the incense is lit, the High Priest walks it around the perimeter of the circle, shares its smoke with all in attendance, and then takes it through the middle of the ritual space. When he’s finished, the circle should is cast.
Circle Casting/Calling the Quarters
Starting in the east, the circle is cast with an athame, sword, or wand.
Circle Caster: I cast and consecrate this circle in the names of the Lord and the Lady. May we now enter a time that is not a time and a place that is not a place, and walk in the realms of the Mighty Ones. This circle shall protect and transform all those within its magickal boundaries on this sacred night of autumn. The circle is cast. So mote it be
Call the quarters, beginning in the east and moving clockwise. After each quarter has been called, a candle can be lit and an invoking pentagram drawn.
East Quarter Caller: All hail the watchtower of the east, the element of air. Stand guard over our circle, and if it be your will, protect all within it from harm. Hail and be welcome!
South Quarter Caller: All hail the watchtower of the south, the element of fire. Stand guard over our circle, and if it be your will, protect all within it from harm. Hail and be welcome!
West Quarter Caller: All hail the watchtower of the west, the element of water. Stand guard over our circle, and if it be your will, protect all within it from harm. Hail and be welcome!
North Quarter Caller: All hail the watchtower of the north, the element of earth. Stand guard over our circle, and if it be your will, protect all within it from harm. Hail and be welcome!
Calling to the Goddess and God
High Priest: Great Mother, Goddess of the Grain, and Lady of the Autumn, join us in our circle tonight. Surround us with the energy of the harvest as we seek to reap that which you have sown for us, and bless us with your wisdom as we look toward the road ahead. Smile upon your children and be here with us once again in this sacred space. Hail and welcome!
High Priestess: God of the Sun, Harvest Lord, join us in our rites tonight. Let us taste and revel in your gifts as we celebrate the autumn. Share with us your patience and your love as we gather in the gifts of this season. Walk with us in this space between the worlds so we might know your mysteries. Hail and welcome!
The Working: Harvest and Divination
Before having everyone reach into the pot of earth containing the stones, ask for the blessings of the Lord and Lady upon the stones in the earth and the night’s working. Start with the High Priest placing his athame into the earth, blessing it, and calling to the Goddess.
High Priest: Lady of the Autumn, we ask that you guide our hands this night and allow us to reap what you have sown for us. Share with us the bounties, sacrifices, and opportunities to come. In your name do I bless this earth and all that lies within it. So mote it be!
The High Priestess places her athame in the soil, blessing it, as she calls to the God.
High Priestess: Harvest Lord, help us to ascertain what it is that lies in the darker days ahead. Let our eyes see with your wisdom and let our hearts be open to the possibilities that lie ahead of us. Let us receive your gifts of earth, stone, and sun this night! In your name do I bless this earth and all that lies within it. So mote it be!
Moving clockwise, take the pot of earth around the circle, allowing all to place their hands within it and draw up a stone. Instead of interpreting each stone as it’s pulled up, we think it’s best to give everyone some time with their stone to feel its energy and try to interpret its message. So go around the circle once and let everyone choose a stone before trying to figure out their various meanings. If you want to raise a little more energy while the pot of earth is moving around, the coven can softly chant this together:
Harvest night, harvest night,
Witches magick burning bright.
Earth and stone, earth and stone,
Let our future to us be known!
When everyone has pulled their stone from the earth, instruct them to place it between both their hands and to feel the stone’s energy there. Let everyone take a few moments to interpret that power and energy and piece together what their personal message might be. When everyone has spent a minute or two with their stone, go around the circle and give anyone who wants to share what was on their stone an opportunity to do so. There’s no need to make anyone feel like they have to talk; many Witches prefer to keep such portents of the future to themselves. As a coven, we try to piece together the various messages received by everyone in the circle.
If there are more rocks than people, the coven can also pick a stone at the end of the ritual. If this is done, place the pot of earth in a central location and have everyone stand around it, then instruct everyone to begin pushing energy into the earth.
High Priestess: And now, as a coven, we shall harvest what is left in the fertile earth. May what we find here guide us in wisdom in the months ahead. So that this stone represents all of us, let us all place our energy into this container. We shall tone and push our energy into this earth.
The High Priestess begins the toning (“Ohhhhhhhhh”), with everyone slowing moving their hands closer and closer to the soil. When she feels as if enough energy has been summoned, the High Priestess should indicate to someone that they should pull up a stone, or she can do it herself. In our coven, our High Priestess will often just ask, “And who will draw a stone for us this night?” and wait for a volunteer. The moment a hand dives into the soil, the toning should stop and the coven should let out a big “So mote it be!”
Place the coven stone upon the altar’s pentacle and have everyone take a moment to interpret its message. Often the stone that’s picked will let the coven know if it’s due to grow (or contract) in the coming months. After everyone is satisfied with the readings of the stones, allow them to get the dirt off their hands for cakes and ale.
Cakes and Ale
High Priestess: The days grow shorter and the nights colder, but we know that the Lord and Lady continue to walk with us. For they have blessed this world, and the signs of their blessings are everywhere.
The High Priestess picks up the apple.
High Priestess: And here in the simple apple we see their blessings most clearly, for the apple is the fruit of the Witch. Behold the sign of our faith!
The apple is cut in half through its middle.
High Priestess: Here in the center is the five-pointed star of the Witch. The gods love and provide.
The apple is now cut into pieces and shared with all who are gathered. We like sharing the fruits of the harvest with the words “May you never hunger” or “May all your hungers be satisfied.” As the apple slices go around the circle, the High Priest picks up the cup of wine/juice from the altar and holds it in the air.
High Priest: The cup of the gods is ever overflowing with the gifts of the harvest. Earth, vine, field, and sun all gather in this cup so that we might enjoy life and the blessings of the Mighty Ones. Lord and Lady, we thank you.
The cup is shared with all in the circle. Like the apples, we often share our drinks with the phrases “May you never thirst” or “May all your thirsts be quenched.” Be sure to leave some apple pieces and drink for the gods and the fair folk in your libation bowl to be taken outside later.
High Priestess: And now our feasting is at an end and the time has come to end our rite until next we meet.
Goodbyes to the Goddess and God
High Priestess: Great Goddess, Lady of the Autumn, we thank you for being in our circle tonight and being a part of our lives. Hold us close in the long nights to come and may we ever grow closer to you and your wisdom. Blessed be!
High Priest: Harvest Lord, God of the Sun, we thank you for being in our circle and shining down upon us this turn of the wheel. We are grateful for your gifts and your sacrifice in the autumn. Be ever with those who honor you. Blessed be!
Dismissing the Quarters/Releasing the Circle
Starting in the north and moving widdershins, dismiss the watchtowers. Banishing pentagrams can be drawn, and candles should be extinguished if lit.
North Quarter Caller: All hail the watchtower of the north, the element of earth. You have stood guard over our circle, and we thank you for your watch. Hail and farewell!
West Quarter Caller: All hail the watchtower of the west, the element of water. You have stood guard over our circle, and we thank you for your watch. Hail and farewell!
South Quarter Caller: All hail the watchtower of the south, the element of fire. You have stood guard over our circle, and we thank you for your watch. Hail and farewell!
East Quarter Caller: All hail the watchtower of the east, the element of air. You have stood guard over our circle, and we thank you for your watch. Hail and farewell!
Starting in the east and moving deosil, the circle caster releases the circle with an athame, sword, or wand.
Circle Caster: I cast this circle in the names of the Lord and the Lady. Within we stood in the realms of the Mighty Ones and were transformed by the circle’s power. And now I release the power we have gathered here and declare that all is once more as it was. Our autumn circle is open but our fellowship never broken. So mote it be!
The High Priest takes the candle lit earlier and picks it up while everyone else in the coven holds hands.
High Priest: The autumn has come, the wheel has turned, but still we stand, Witches all united in perfect love and perfect trust. Until next we meet, hide away our secrets and may the gods preserve the Craft!
The candle is blown out.