I have so many people to thank, not least my wonderful editor Cara Chimirri who has been absolutely amazing, and the team at HQ Digital. Huge thanks especially to Anna Sikorska for another fantastic cover design, to my excellent copy editor Dushi Horti and proof-reader Helen Williams, and to Alexia Thomaidis who works so hard to spread the word.
Thank you to my brilliant agent Kate Nash, her fantastic team, and her fabulous writers, for all their support.
Sending big thanks, as always, to my lovely friends Karen Clarke and Joanne Duncan for their endless support and feedback.
I’ve been so lucky to have so much support on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram from so many lovely friends, readers, and writers. I would like to say a huge thank you to you all. I wouldn’t have got this far without you, and I wish I had space to name everyone. I hope you know who you are.
As ever, I’m so grateful to all my lovely readers, and to the blogging community for all their support and brilliant reviews. Thanks too to the lovely Diane Jeffrey for all her support.
Thank you so much to my family and friends for listening to me go on about writing, and for being there for me. Again, you know who you are. I love you all.
Special thanks go to my daughter-in-law, Lucy, who once again bravely read an early draft of my novel, and to my sons Liam, Daniel, and Luke who tirelessly support me. Thanks to my mum who still tells everyone she meets that her daughter is a writer, and to Cheryl and my dad who I desperately wish were here to share the excitement of my third novel.
And last, but never least, a very special thank you to my husband, Kev – I couldn’t do this without you.