Almost five months later
As the Hawk moved into a hover above the landing pad, Tane thrust the side door open.
Cam was waiting for them, wearing a sleek, green, strapless dress that made her look like a knockout. It hit at midthigh, showing off her long legs.
Hemi leaped off behind Tane. “Babe, you look edible.” He moved toward her.
Cam held up a hand and touched a finger to Hemi’s armor-covered chest. “Hemi Rahia, you are sweaty and dirty, do not touch me.”
Tane’s brother grinned. “Aw, baby.”
“After your shower.” Her gaze skewered Tane. “You’re late. You were supposed to be back hours ago.”
“I know. We ran into some problems.”
Since defeating the Gizzida, life had changed dramatically.
He glanced to the right. The grassy hill nearby was covered in trees, and nestled under them, were several wooden cottages, their windows gleaming in the sunshine.
Several more were under construction. Noah’s tech team and the Enclave maintenance workers were busy expanding the power and water supply from the Enclave to support the above-ground residences.
One of the first places built had been his and Selena’s. Many still lived in the Enclave, not quite trusting that the Gizzida were truly gone, but he’d known his Selena needed the trees, the sky, the sun, and the wind.
But even as the human survivors had slowly come out of hiding, it became apparent that several hybrid alien creatures had survived.
Squad Three had become monster hunters.
They spent most of their days hunting down any creatures that were spotted. Other squads, including Squad Nine, were busy dismantling the Gizzida tech and ships. Hawks did daily trips between the Enclave and the new settlement at Sydney Airport. A few other squads, like Hell Squad, were tasked with law enforcement. Several survivor camps and townships weren’t too keen to follow rules—and those that were mistreating people, or acting inappropriately, got visits from the squads.
He glanced downhill to the field where crops had been planted in long rows. Selena had happily joined Old Man Hamish and the new farming team. With the addition of her skills, they had healthy, lush crops.
Cam snapped her fingers in front of his face. “Go. Clean up and change. We have a wedding to get to.”
With his squad, they all headed back to the cottages. Selena had decorated their place in her usual style. Lights were strung up on the wall and plants were everywhere. Every week, he made sure he went out and cut flowers for her, which she lovingly arranged in a vase and put in the middle of their wooden table. Manu and Hemi had helped Tane make the table and Selena loved the natural wood.
He quickly showered off the mission and got dressed.
He met the rest of the berserkers outside the cottages. They were all wearing the same white shirts, with the sleeves rolled up, and gray suit pants. Cam had been on a mission, sending people out to scavenge from some of the shops in Sydney to make sure they were all decked out.
Cam appeared, pinning sprigs of green on their shirts.
She patted Tane’s shoulder. “Ready to get married?”
“Yeah.” He wasn’t nervous. He wanted to make it official, and make Selena his wife.
They headed down the hill. In the center of the green field above the Enclave, chairs had been set up in front of an arch covered with flowers.
Guests were already seated and several musicians were playing. He strode down the center aisle with Hemi and Manu.
In the crowd, he spotted Marcus and Elle. Hell Squad’s leader was rubbing his wife’s burgeoning belly and they were both smiling.
In the row behind them sat Santha, smiling as she watched Cruz chasing their young, speedy toddler around, while their other daughter, Bryony, ran beside him, laughing.
“Monster.” Cruz snatched the giggling toddler off her feet and little Kari squealed with glee.
Behind Santha sat the rest of Hell Squad. Shaw was talking with Gabe, and a heavily pregnant and overdue Emerson. The doctor had been complaining a lot, having expected her twins to arrive early. Reed sat with his wife Natalya tucked close to his side, nuzzling her cheek. The scientist survivor looked radiant in a pink dress.
Squad Nine sat on the other side of the aisle. Roth caught Tane’s gaze and jerked his chin up. Beside him, Avery—in a one-shouldered, blue dress—winked. Taylor was kissing Devlin, the pair looking like they should be on the cover of a pre-invasion magazine. Sienna sat in Theron’s lap, laughing. The big man was smiling down at her, playing with the hem of her flirty dress.
Tane passed Noah and Laura. The tech team leader whispered something in the redhead’s ear which made her shake her head and grin. Mac and Niko sat with them. Niko had one arm draped around his woman’s shoulders and his other paint-stained hand resting on her flat stomach. The man had recently taken great pleasure in announcing they were pregnant.
Next was Holmes and Liberty. Holmes was bouncing his drooling daughter on his knee. The tiny thing was decked out in a dress spotted with large flowers and a tiny bow strapped around her near-bald head.
Holmes nodded, and Tane nodded back.
Finn and Lia sat in the front row with Fluffy. The bird saw Tane and took flight, landing on his arm. He stroked the gyr’s sleek feathers. The bird had claimed Tane, and he had a hell of a time keeping the damn animal out of his and Selena’s bed.
“She’s on her way. Go sit with Finn.”
The gyr flew back to the Hawk pilot.
Finally, Tane stood at the front with Manu and Hemi. Manu stepped into the center of the fragrant-smelling arch. He was going to conduct the ceremony.
Hemi stood beside Tane. “Ready, bro?”
The music changed.
Tane looked up and saw Claudia coming down the aisle in a green dress like Cam’s. The Hell Squad soldier held a clutch of colorful flowers.
Shaw stood, put his fingers in his mouth, and whistled. Claudia blew a kiss at her man.
Cam came next, and Hemi made a deep sound.
“Devour your woman after my wedding,” Tane said.
Then he saw Selena.
His chest swelled. She was beautiful—pure and light.
She wore an ethereal dress in silver-white. It cupped her slender torso, nipped in at her waist, then fell around her legs to her bare feet in a swirl of fabric.
It also clung to her small baby bump.
Love, joy, excitement, contentment, it all twisted inside him. He was about to claim his woman and celebrate their love. A love that saved him from a life of holding back and staying in the shadows.
And now, with the child they’d made, they’d live in a world that they’d saved.
She drew closer and he drank her in. A beautiful pink bloom rested behind her ear, bright against her pale hair and a larger bunch of colorful flowers was clutched in her hands.
She smiled at him.
Tane closed the last two steps between them, pulled her into his arms, and kissed her.
Laughter broke out from the guests.
“A-hem,” Manu said. “Let’s get the wedding finished, first.”

Selena decided there was nothing better than dancing with Tane under the stars.
Dancing with her husband.
Just saying husband gave her a thrill.
She rubbed her cheek against his shirt. Okay, they weren’t really dancing, they were just swaying. Tane had told her that he didn’t dance, and despite her friends trying to teach her, Selena had no rhythm.
“Happy?” he asked.
“Completely.” She looked up at the sky.
The reception was outside. All around them, their friends sat at tables, eating, drinking, and laughing.
The berserkers had set up poles earlier that day, and lights were strung between them. Huge urns filled with flowers rested on the tables. Hamish had done them for her. She was apparently one of the few people he liked.
Nearby, Hemi and Cam were dancing, too, along with Marin and Ash. The couples crashed into each other, Cam and Marin dissolving into laughter. On the other side of the dance floor, Ari was trying to teach Nate some dance moves, but the big man just kept trying to kiss her. Her laughter was light and happy.
Manu and Kate stood at the edge of the dance floor, talking with Marcus and Elle. There was a teenage couple with them—the girl wore a pretty dress, and her boyfriend kept a protective arm around her. Leo and Clare had been rescued by Hell Squad from the ruins of Sydney. The pair had shaken off everything they’d suffered, and looked happy and healthy.
Levi and Chrissy appeared out of the darkness—her hair was mussed, and Levi had red lipstick smeared on his mouth. A young boy ran over to them, and Levi ruffled the boy’s hair. It was young Max, who Chrissy had helped rescue from the Gizzida. The three of them started dancing together.
Indy was sitting with Griff, a cocktail in her hand. The tattooed comms officer looked gorgeous in a tiny, silver dress. They were talking with Gabe, who was not hiding the fact that he was hovering over Emerson.
Poor Emerson—despite looking lush and vibrant in a cute red dress—looked uncomfortable. Selena knew that the doctor was ready for her babies to arrive.
She touched her own belly and felt the pulse of energy from her child. You’re safe and loved, baby. She looked at her husband. You’ll always be protected.
Tane lowered his head and kissed her. “Glad you’re mine, Butterfly.”
“Me too.”
“You’re my reason to breathe, to live, to love.”
“Tane.” She leaned into him.
They danced for another song, and then Hemi appeared.
“Mind if I steal my little bro for a Rahia brothers drink?”
She smiled. “Go.”
As they moved toward the bar, she turned and spotted a couple standing in the darkness at the edge of the reception.
The man had a scarred face—it was covered in patches of blue-gray skin and scar tissue. He lifted his head, saw her, and nodded. A smile stretched his scarred lips.
Selena smiled back.
Gaz’da had survived his transformation. He was scarred, and partly transformed back to his prior species that he didn’t remember. He still had some health issues, but the medical team was helping him.
Someone else was helping his recovery as well. The woman beside him went up on her toes to kiss him. Gaz’da wrapped an arm around Alyssa and closed his eyes, happiness on his features.
Selena’s heart did a double rap against her ribs. She was happy for them. They’d both come through so much, and had earned their chance at happiness.
Suddenly, a sharp, feminine cry cut through the party.
Swiveling, Selena saw Emerson doubled over, clutching her belly. Gabe’s normally bronze skin turned pale.
Selena rushed over. “Emerson?”
“The babies are coming,” the woman panted.
“We’ll get you to the infirmary.”
Emerson cried out. “No time. They’re coming now! I’ve been having contractions all day, but I thought they were just Braxton-Hicks. I’ve been having loads of them the last few weeks.” She moaned. “I’m a doctor, I should have known.” The last word turned into a wail as a contraction hit.
Selena sucked in a breath. “Gabe, grab that jacket off the chair. Spread it out and lay her on it.”
The man obeyed, looking freaked out.
Tane appeared at Selena’s side and Emerson moaned again.
“The babies are coming,” Selena said to Tane.
“Oh, hell.”
“Call the infirmary and get someone here.”
“On it,” her husband replied.
“Lean her against you,” she told Gabe. “Touch her, talk to her.”
The Hell Squad soldier settled on the ground, pulling Emerson close to his body. He stroked his woman’s hair, murmuring to her.
Selena pressed her hands to Emerson’s large belly. She let her pulse of warmth go from her hands into Emerson.
“Oh.” The doctor relaxed a little. “That is magic.”
The birth went fast. Emerson had several more contractions, panting and groaning. “I need to push.”
Selena moved the woman’s legs. “Push.”
The first baby slid into the world, bawling.
“Doc, you sure know how to do things with style.” Norah dropped a bag down and knelt beside Selena.
“Norah,” Emerson panted, “I—” She groaned again, clenching Gabe’s hand.
Gabe—badass, enhanced super-soldier—winced, his face sheet white.
Selena held the baby while Norah dealt with cutting the cord. Tane held out someone’s jacket and Selena placed the baby in the fabric.
She clutched the tiny infant close. “Look at you, cutie. Your mama is busy right now, but soon you can snuggle.”
The baby stopped crying, looking up with her with steel-blue eyes. Selena’s heart bumped in her chest. Soon, she’d be holding her own baby—her and Tane’s child—like this.
A moment later, Emerson bore down and groaned. The second baby arrived, slightly smaller, but just as noisy. Norah dealt with the cord and checked the baby over. “Big and healthy, Doc.”
Tane held out a pretty, silk shawl and Norah placed the baby in it.
Selena grinned. “They’re beautiful, Emerson.” She pressed the baby she held to Emerson’s chest.
“God.” Emerson laughed. “Look, Gabe.”
Tane handed the other baby to Gabe. The big man looked stunned and stared at his child.
“You have two perfect sons,” Selena said.
“Sons,” Gabe said, his voice a shaky rumble. He pressed his lips to Emerson’s temple.
Their friends gathered around.
“Congratulations, Gabe,” Marcus said. “Emerson.”
“This is Zeke.” Gabe stroked his baby’s cheek.
Selena’s heart squeezed. He’d named his son for his lost brother.
“And baby Marcus,” Emerson said.
Marcus looked shocked, while Elle beamed.
“Zeke and Marcus.” Tane slid an arm around Selena. “Nice work, Emerson.” He lowered his voice. “Nice work, Butterfly.”
“Thanks. I’ve never been this happy, Tane.” She lifted her face, and suddenly three butterflies appeared, landing on her bare shoulder.
Tane shook his head. “If our kid inherits your abilities, we’ll end up with a house full of animals.”
“I’m going to make you happy every day for the rest of our lives,” he said.
“I know.” Under the stars, Selena kissed her tough, rugged husband, their baby snug in her belly between them.
She knew he’d make her happy—and sad, angry, content, thrilled, desired—because that was the glorious chaos of life. Selena couldn’t wait for every minute of her amazing, colorful, bold life to come. One always filled with love, hope, and light.

I hope you enjoyed Selena and Tane’s story!
Thank you SO much for joining me on all the Hell Squad adventures. This is a series of my heart and all these strong, tough characters are so very real to me, and I know that so many Hell Squad readers feel the same. I absolutely loved writing this final instalment and giving them all an ending they so deserved.
For more action-packed adventure, read on for a preview of Among Galactic Ruins (Phoenix Adventures) which stars an intrepid astro-archeologist heading out on a dangerous treasure hunt with a lethal man by her side.

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