Positive Identity

Kesini Sunil

Kesini is in the seventh grade and is twelve years old. She loves to play soccer and spends a lot of time hanging out with friends. She has a younger brother and loves to be outside.

Joe wasn’t like normal kids, he had special powers. He had the power to see everyone’s emotions, and feel what they felt. He used his power to control the world around him and to make the world a better place. He once went to downtown Seattle and walked by a homeless family on the road. He looked into their emotions, and found that they were hungry and sad. Joe suddenly felt the need to help them. As Joe continued walking, he came across a food truck that served pasta, soup and salad. The smell of the food started to make Joe’s mouth water and he felt hungry. It reminded him of the homeless family, so when he went up to the truck to order some food, he asked to see the owner. As the man walked up to him, Joe looked into his emotions and found that the man loved to help charity and help the homeless.

The two talked for about thirty minutes, and he convinced the owner to go around the streets of downtown Seattle for the next three days, to give food to the homeless. The kind act resulted in many happy faces, and the food truck also received many more customers who were eager to hear more about it. Like this, Joe used his unique powers to help a great number of people do a number of things.

When he grew older, Joe started a company where people could donate money to help people in need, and Joe became a very well-known philanthropist. He dedicated his time and energy to make the world a better place for thousands of people around the world.

Joe exhibited personal power because although he could have used his powers for greed and just for himself, he used them for the good of the people. Joe was a person who always knew what the right thing to do was, and he did it well.

Vennela Panja

Vennela is in the fourth grade. She likes to help her community because it feels like she is helping herself! Her hobbies are anything artsy, swimming, biking, singing, and going outside.

Fiona was never what you would call a shy girl. She was energetic and passionate, and fully believed in her abilities. Thanks to her high opinion of herself, she had an air of confidence that made everyone like her. She knew that she was a fun person to be around, so she was always friendly and talkative with everyone that she met.

Entering her math classroom one day, Fiona saw a new student sitting next to her maple wood desk. She brightened instantly and went up to go say “Hi!”

To her surprise, the girl simply looked down and didn’t say anything. After a few minutes of trying to initiate a conversation, Fiona realized that the girl simply wasn’t going to respond. The bell soon rang, however, and Fiona was forced to end the attempt. Although she tried to focus on the teacher, Fiona couldn’t help but wonder why the new girl didn’t want to talk to her. Trying to subtly look behind her, Fiona noticed that it wasn’t just her that the new girl was avoiding. The girl couldn’t even look straight at the teacher without blushing and looking back down at the floor.

Fiona suddenly realized why the new girl wouldn’t talk with her. She was just really shy! New found determination filled Fiona, and she decided that no matter what, she would become friends with this girl.

At the end of class, Fiona turned around to face the girl before they both left the class. “It was nice to meet you, although I didn’t really get to know your name. See you again tomorrow.” Hearing this, the girl’s brown eyes moved slightly upward. “Alice.” She whispered through half closed lips. Fiona beamed at hearing this and actually began to look forward to seeing Alice tomorrow.

Every day after that, Alice began to talk to Fiona a little bit more, and soon, was even talking to other people. Alice’s self-esteem grew thanks to Fiona’s kindness and friendliness, and she was happier than ever because now she knew that she was a great person who could be liked for who she was.

Nicolas Miguel

Nico plays soccer and loves it with a passion. He is Argentinian and speaks Spanish fluently. He serves in a soup kitchen every week and enjoys public speaking but considers soccer his first love.

Sebastian was a soccer fanatic. His favorite team was the Barcelona Futbol Club (Barcelona FC). Unfortunately, Sebastian lived in a town where soccer wasn’t really popular. Sebastian didn’t like other sports like baseball or basketball, and no one else he knew liked to play soccer. Because of a lack of popularity for the sport, there weren’t a lot of soccer fields in the town. This might have discouraged a lot of kids from playing soccer, but nothing could stop Sebastian from becoming a professional soccer player, which he felt was his dream and purpose in life.

Countless hours were spent on his driveway shooting at his garage, working on skill moves, and improving his speed. Sebastian became very good with his footwork, but couldn’t show his skills to anyone because no one else plays soccer.

One day, Sebastian read in the newspaper that the Barcelona FC players were staying just outside the town and were doing a publicity event. Sebastian could barely contain his happiness, and had his father promise to take him to it.

As he waited in line to speak to the players, he thought about what he would say to these soccer legends. When he got to the front, Lionel Messi, one of the greatest soccer players in the world, smiled at him and asked him his name. Sebastian was speechless as he stared at his idol. He finally managed to introduce himself and said that he loved playing soccer, but was one of the only kids who played it in town. He also met the other players, people who he had only seen on television.

Near the end of the event, random kids were chosen to play a quick game of soccer with the team, and to Sebastian’s surprise, he was chosen. Everyone was amazed at how good Sebastian was at soccer, and they found that he was a brilliant player and could one day be as good as the Barcelona players. The manager asked Sebastian if it was alright if they watched him play and helped to train him until he was old enough to join the team. Sebastian was thrilled and accepted. He had a sense of purpose, and because he never gave up, he achieved his goal in life.

Abi Opincarne and Katie Hansen

Abi and Katie are both in ninth grade. They love to draw and explore. Abi volunteers at various animal shelters during the summer. Abi is very passionate about singing and making everyone equal. Katie’s very passionate about karate. She helps her community by teaching young kids how to defend themselves while teaching them life skills like respect, honestly, and other similar traits.

No one could say that Jennifer lived in a great neighborhood. She lived in an orphanage and didn’t go to that good of a school. She couldn’t read or write so well and wasn’t very motivated to learn. Jennifer was pessimistic about her future, and didn’t believe that she had a way to get a good job when she was older and didn’t have many friends because of her negative attitude. She constantly thought about how little she would achieve in life.

One night, she had an incredible dream. In it, she imagined herself as a plant with another plant behind her as dark blue skies above her. The plant behind her began to grow into a much bigger plant, and wrapped itself around the plant she imagined herself as.

When she woke up, she realized that this represented her becoming and joining something greater and more powerful than herself. Jennifer was filled with an intense feeling of happiness. She felt that something very important was going to happen. She skipped across the orphanage while she did her chores. Then, to her delight, a couple came in who wanted to adopt a young girl. After looking around, they spotted Jennifer, and decided that she was the one she wanted to adopt. Jennifer felt that she could cry with happiness to finally be part of a family.

As she got to know her new family, she learned that they were great people, and immediately began to love them. She was enrolled in a great school, and had a tutor to help her catch up. Jennifer’s full potential was realized, and she did great in school. She graduated from Harvard and started her own company, making millions of dollars. Her life was a great success because she changed her negative view on her future, into a positive one.