- Abraham
- abstruse and out of the way
- academic art
- Acusilaus of Argos
- Adlington, William
The Adventures of Odysseus
Adventures of Ulysses
- aesthetic innovation
The Age of Chivalry and Legends of Charlemagne
The Age of Fable
- Alain de Lille
- alchemical interpretations
The Alchemical Theatre
- alchemists
Arcana Arcanissima
Barlaam and Josaphat
- Basset Jones
Chrysopoeia libri tres
- exegesis of myths
- Acxtelmeier
- antimony regulus
- Fabre du Bosquet
- G.A. Augurelli
- Gianfrancesco Pico della Mirandola
- Michael Maier
- Natale Conti
Gracum chemicum
- Greek alchemy
- John of Antioch
- Marsilio Ficino
- Michael Maier
- philosophers’ stone
prisca sapientia
- Rosa Alchemica
- universal medicine
- Alexandre de Ville Dieu
- Alexandro ab Alexandro
- allegoresis
- allegorists
Amazing Greek Myths of Wonder and Blunders
- American tale of half‐blood hero
Amorosa Visione
- anarchic/anachronistic mash‐up
- ancient allegorists
- ancient fertility myths
- ancient mediterranean myths
- Anenes
- Anthon, Charles
- anthropological turn
- antimony regulus
- Apollo
- Apuleius
- Arachne’s weaving
Arcana Arcanissima
- Archive of Our Own (AO3)
- Aristotelian dialectic and monastic
ars dictaminis
artes liberales
- Aryan myth
Assault on New Olympus
- Athenian Dionysia
Athenian stage
- attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Atwood, Margaret
- audiences
- Augustine’s rhetoric
A Wonder‐Book for Boys and Girls
- Babylon
- Bacchanalia
- Bacchus
- Bachofen, Johann Jakob
- Bachofen’s work
- Bacon’s mythography
- Bacon’s project
- Badoaro, Giacomo
Beasts are rational
- Bede’s contemporary
- Bernardus Silvestris
Bibliotecha Classica
- Big Dumb Object
The Big Fat Book of Greek Myths
- binocular vision
- Bion, Wilfred
- black‐clothed Pyrrhus
- Boccaccio, Giovanni
- Boiardo, Meatteo Maria
- Bollingen series
Book of the City of Ladies
The Bride of the Innisfallen
- brilliant blue teeth
- British theatre
- Brooks, Peter
- Brown‐Grant, Rosalind
- Buber, Martin
- Bulfinch, Thomas
- Burkert, Walter
- Burnett, Francis Hodgson
- Byzantine believers
Cahiers du Cinéma
- Campbell, Joseph
- camp half‐blood
- Camus, Albert. See Myth of Sisyphus
carmen perpetuum
- Cartari’s iconographical approach
- Cartari, Vincenzo
- carthage walls
Catalogue of Women
Cave of the Nymphs
- Cerberus
- Cerealia
- chaste widow
Children of the Dawn: Old Tales of Greece
- Christian doctrine
- Christian/post‐Christian modernity
- Christine de Pizan. See also
Book of the City of Ladies
Chrysopoeia libri tres
- Cicero
- Circean enchantments
- Circe’s mythology
- Greek mythic tradition
- mythic transformation
- Circe’s mythology
Clann Ollaman Uaisle Emna
- Clark, Emma Chichester
Classical Dictionary
- classical mythography
- classical scholars
- classical‐style architecture
- classical tradition
- Clement of Alexandria
- Colchis
- colonization
Common Reader
- comparative approach, myth
- eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
- Eranos
- ritualists
Coniugalia Praecepta
- contemporary mythography
- Echo
- mass culture
- popular culture and myth
- contemporary religious images
- contemporization
- Conti’s thematic and structural approach
- Cornutus
- counter‐intuitive readings
- Cthulhu Mythos
- cultural hegemony
- Cupid
- Cupid and Psyche
- allegory
- literary interpretations
- translations
- visual art
- Daedalus
- Danish Broadcasting Corporation
- Dawson, David
De Cognominibus Deorum
- Dedalus, Stephen
De Deis Gentium
De Genealogia Deorum
De Iside et Osiride
Della Pittura
- delusional beliefs
- Demogorgon
- Demogorgon theory
De mulieribus claris
de Raptu Proserpinae
Dialoghi D’Amore
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology
- Diego Lopéz de Cortegana
- Diocletian
- Diomedes
- Dionysian media
- Dionysus
- Dionysus in Rome
- Bacchanalia
- Italy
- Liberalia
- Diuinae Institutiones
Doctor Who
- Doniger, Wendy
- assessment of Martin Buber
- dogma and myth
- myth with an army
- religion fights myth
- revolutionary myths
Draco Normannorum
- Dreyer/Thomsen script
- Echo, . See also Narcissus
- Edmund Spenser’s Faerie Queene
- Eliade, Mircea
- Endymion
Enuma Elish
- epistemophilic instinct
errores gentilium
- Euhemerus
- Eumenides
- Euripides
- Eurydice
- Ettinger’s paintings
- feminist
- pre‐feminist
- proto‐feminist
- revisionist mythmaking
- sleeping beauty
- traditional position
- Virgilian retelling
Fabulae and Astronomica
- feminist
- feminist spirituality movement
- Femslash
Finnegan’s Wake
- Firenzuola, Agnolo
- Florentine Camerata
- Frederico Malipiero
- Giovanni Bardi
- Giulio Caccini
- Venice
- Frazer, James
- Freud
- Freudian psychoanalysis
- Freudian slips
- Freud, Sigmund
- Fufluns
- Fulgentius
- Galatea
- Galatea Galante
- Galaxy Quest
- Galerius
- Gallus, Cornelius
- gaping void
Genealogia Deorum Gentilium
- genealogies
Genialium dierum
- Geoffrey of Monmouth
- George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion
- antique sculpture
- British theatre
- craftsmanship
- creative authority
- Doolittle’s pragmatism
- educating Rita
- Eliza’s
- autonomy
- body
- independence
- metamorphosis
- mimicry
- rebellion
- speech
- English language
- erotic attachment
- Galatea
- goddess Venus
- Henry Higgins
- excitement
- inability
- Mrs Higgins
- pre‐conditional mastery
- sexual desire
- living statues
- Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein model
- postures of, servitium amoris
- proletarian squalor of “the gutter,”
- romantic trajectory
- Russell’s treatment pivots
- sexual commodification
- W.S. Gilbert
- George de La Bouthière
- Gerstein, Mordicai
Geschichte der griechischen Religion
- Ghost of Aeschylus
- Giraldi, Lilio Gregorio
- Giraldi’s etymological approach
goddess Venus
- Gods in modern world
- golden age
- christendom
- christian god
- Claudian
de Raptu Proserpinae
- Diocletian
- Diuinae Institutiones
- Eclogues
- Galerius
- hard primitivism
- Jupiter
- Lactantius
- Megaera
- polemical pragmatism
- rule of Kronos
- rule of Saturn
- Virgil’s
- conception
- descriptions
- theodicy
- Golden Ass
The Golden Fleece and the Heroes Who Lived Before Achilles
The Golden Porch: A Book of Greek Fairy Tales
- Goldhill, Simon
- Gonzaga, Duke Federico
- Graves, Robert
- Grecian Urn
- Greek and Latin Christianity
- Greek Dionysus
- Greek facades
Greek Fairy‐Tales for my Children
- Greek myth
- Greek mythic tradition
- Greek mythography
- classical mythography
- post‐classical mythography
- Hamlet
Handbook of Greek Mythology
- Harrison, Jane Ellen
- Havrech, Julianus Aurelius
- Hawthorne, Nathaniel
- Hecataeus of Miletus
- Helen
- Helen O’Loy
- Helena Kosmatos
- Heraclitus
- Hercules
Hermeneumata Pseudo‐Dositheana
The Hero: A Study in Tradition, Myth and Drama
The Heroes
The Hero with a Thousand Faces
- Heywood
- Hippolytus
Historia Britonum
Historical Account of the Heathen Gods and Heroes
- historical and cultural contextualization
- Hollander, Robert
Homeric Problems
- Homer’s Odyssey
- Eurimaco
- Florentine Camerata
- Melanto
- Penelope
- Telemaco
Homo Necans
Humana Fragilita
- hyperion
- Icarus
- idiosyncratic style
- ignominious
Illustrious Heroes
Il ritorno d’Ulisse in patria. See Claudio Monteverdi
- immortal life
- infidelity
- Jackson, Percy
- Jason’s betrayal
- Jean d’Arcy prize
- John of Antioch
- Joyce, James
- Julius and Augustus Caesar
- Jung, Carl
- Jungian‐Campbellian notion
- Jupiter
- justice
- Kallendorf, Craig
- Kantian noumenon
- Keats, John
- Kerényi, Karl
- kidney disease
- Kingsley, Charles
- Kosmatos, Helena
- Kristeva, Julia
- Kuhn, Adalbert
- Lactantius
- Lamb, Charles
- landscape
Lars von Trier’s Medea
- aesthetic experimentation
agon/rhetorical contest
akratic action
Cahiers du Cinéma
- chorus of Corinthian women
- cinematic creativity
- classic text
- Danish Broadcasting Corporation
- Danish TV
- ‘Dansmarksfilm’
- description of nature
- Dreyer’s tuxedo
- Dreyer/Thomsen script
Element of Crime
Element of Crime and Epidemic
- “Europa” trilogy films
- murder and suicide
- National Film School of Denmark
- problem of childlessness
- sun chariot
- Viking history
- visual imagination
- visual spectacle
- visual style
Lectionum Antiquarum
- Lema Sabachthani
- Liber
- Liberalia
Liber monstrorum
the Library of Apollodorus
libri monstrorum
Life of Homer
- Lincoln, Bruce
- literate environments, myth
Little Lord Fauntleroy
- Louveau, Jean
Love, Sex and Tragedy: How the Ancient World Shapes Our Lives
- Lycidas
- Lyre
- Mythomystes
- myth’s adumbrations
- nameless dread
- Narcissism
- Narcissus
- choral echo
- echo aria
- metamorphosis of
- The Nymph Echo
- tales of love
- National Film School of Denmark
- negative dialectics
- Netherlandish
- Neurotics
- Newman’s canvases
- Niccolò da Correggio
- Nicholls, Peter
- Nietzsche’s The Gay Science
- Norse and Saxon myth
- Notre Dame de Paris
- The Nymph Echo
- Ernst
- Ovid
- Queen of Parley
- The Oak Tree
- Occult tradition
- Odyssean machinations
- Odysseus, . See also Ulysses
- Oedipus
Old Greek Fairy Tales
Old Greek Folk Stories Told Anew
- Olympians
One‐Minute Greek Myths
On Unbelievable Tales of Pseudo‐Palaephatus
- oracular vapour
The Orientalizing Revolution
- Orlando
- Orpheus
- orphic song
- orthodox historiography
- Oswald, Alice
Ovide moralisé
- Ovidian metamorphosis
- Ovidian tale
- Ovid’s Metamorphoses
- Ovid’s sea
Oxyrhynchus papyri
- Ozzy Osbourne
- pagan mythology
- Palaephatus
Pandora Crane
Pantheon Antiquorumi, Latin version
Pantheum Mythicum translation
- paradoxographer
- Parthenius of Nicaea
- Peisistratids
- Pelops
- Penelope’s song and fidelity
- Penelope story
Periodos or Circuit of the World
- perpetual orphic song
- Perseus
- Petrarch
- Pictor, Georgius
- Pieter Bruegel the Elder
- composition
- painting
- ignominious
- religious scenes
- wandering eye
- Pindar’s Pythian
- Placidus, Lactantius
- Pleasure/Voluptas
- poetic mythography
- poetic theology
- polemical pragmatism
- Pomey, François
- pop‐culture texts
- Poseidon
- post‐classical mythography
- post‐Kleinian psychoanalysis
- Poussin
Prisca philosophia
- Prometheus
- Aeschylean
Prometheus Unbound
Prometheus Bound
Prometheus Unbound
- Aeschylus
- Dionysus
- hyperion
- Manichean dualism
- metamorphosis
- oracular vapour
- orphic song
- Panthea’s role
- Proserpina
- Proserpina’s box
- protagonist
- proto‐feminist
- psychoanalyst
- psychoanalytic case studies
- Astyanax
- classical scholars
- David Bell
- Donald Meltzer
- Donald Winnicott
- Elizabeth Spillius
- Pantelis Michelakis
- post‐Kleinian psychoanalysis
- Sigmund Freud
- unconscious communication
- Pygmalion
- Pythagorean
- quadrivium
- Queen Dido
- death
- life
- loving of Aeneas
- myth
- radical innovation
Random House Book of Greek Myths
- Raphael
- Raphael’s design
- rationalizers
- religion fights myth
- renaissance alchemy
- renaissance cycles
- renaissance mythographers
- Alexandro ab Alexandro
- François Pomey
- Georgius Pictor
- Giovanni Boccaccio
- Lilio Gregorio Giraldi
- Ludovicus Caelius Rhodiginus
- Natale Conti
- Vincenzo Cartari
- renaissance religious art
- revised classical myth
- revisionism
- classical myth
- ideology of society
- Odysseus
- radical and aesthetic innovation
- traditional myth
- Rhodiginus, Ludovicus Caelius
- Rick Riordan’s
- ritualists
- Roman hostility
- Roman mythography
- Fulgentius
- mythographic midas
- Roman pantheon
- Roman religion
- Rosa Alchemica
- Rouse, W.H.D.
- science fiction
- Helen
- Prometheus
- Pygmalion
- Semiramis
- Septimus
- Shelley’s Prometheus Unbound
- Sieder, Johann
- Smith, Jonathan Z.
- Smith, William Robertson
- Socrates
- Solomon, J.
Sophocles’ Electra
- space for women
- Spencer, Herbert
- Spyri, Joanna
- Stanford, W.B.
Star Trek
- Story of Proteus
Structure and History in Greek Myth and Ritual
- Sun. See Apollo
Super Thebaiden
Tales from Euripides
Tales of Troy and Greece
Tanglewood Tales
- Tantalus
- Tartarus
Tekne grammatike
Theatrum Ethnico idolatricum Politico‐Historicum Ethnicorum Idolatrias
Theologia mythologica
- theory of Euhemerus
- Theseus
- Thesprotians
- Thraxos, Dionysius
Tooke’s Pantheon of the Heathen Gods
- translations
Treasure Island and Robinson Crusoe
- Trobriand islanders
- Troilus and Cressida
- Trojan Horse
- Trojan War
- universal medicine
- Utopian politics
- Van Buuren Museum
vanitas iconography
- Vatican mythographers
- Venus
- Venus and Cupid
- victory
- Virgil’s Georgics
- Virgil’s theodicy
- Virginia Brown
- visual imagination
- Vitruvius
- von Herder, Johann Gottfried
- Walcott, Derek
- weaving tapestry
- western civilization
- Winnicott, Donald
- Wisdom Literature
Wisdom of the Ancients
- Francis Bacon
- Virginia Company
- Woolf, Virginia
- ancient Greek culture
Common Reader
- Knox
- metamorphoses
Mrs Dalloway
- The Oak Tree
- Orlando
- septimus
- Sophocles’ Electra
Yale Review
You are happy
Young All‐Stars