Official Histories
Official History – Cambrai: Miles, Captain Wilfred, History of the Great War: Military Operations France and Belgium 1917: The Battle of Cambrai, London, 1948.
Official History – Passchendaele: Edmonds, Brigadier-General Sir James E., History of the Great War: Military Operations France and Belgium 1917 Vol. II: 7th June-10th November Messines and Third Ypres (Passchendaele), London, 1948.
Official History – Somme: Miles, Captain Wilfred, History of the Great War: Military Operations France and Belgium, 1916 Vol. II: 2nd July 1916 to the End of the Battles of the Somme, London, 1938.
Official History – Togoland and Cameroons: Moberly, Brigadier-General F. J., History of the Great War: Military Operations, Togoland and the Cameroons, 1914-1916, London, 1931.
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