Chapter Two
A Greater Reality
We live in a created universe of vast proportions. There is a center of the universe, but it is not something we can easily describe to you. You would have to understand the concept of a center without a beginning and without an end. The time-space universe surrounds the nucleus, or central universe.
The Time-Space Universe
The time-space universe expands and contracts in huge cycles. The expansion phase of the present cycle is what you currently perceive as the Big Bang. It will be followed by what you might describe as the Big Crunch, where everything in timespace eventually contracts. From our perspective, experiencing the cosmological contraction would not cause one to contract as a spiritual being. Furthermore, during a contraction, it is possible to expand in a way that will move one right out of the time-space universe altogether.
Expansion and contraction are philosophical questions to which we have devoted considerable time. When the universe reaches the point where it ceases expanding, time will momentarily stop, and the universe will begin to contract. At that point the universe will have evolved so far that the beings on the outer edge will go into light and enter a new, non-time-space universe. This will be experienced as an ascension. The contraction reaches a specific point just as expansion reaches a point. At that inner edge when contraction reaches a certain point, beings will also transform and move into a new realm.
We are aware of several other universes that have gone through this cycle of expansion and contraction. Studying this universe and other universes leads us closer to an understanding of these concepts. We want to experience this cycle or process. We are also studying the null universe in much the same way you are studying black holes.
The black hole is a model for the outer edge of the universe. One can say that the most outer edge, the very point where there is no more, is like a black hole. In one conception of the black hole, when something enters, that object goes through a conduit that leads into another realm. Some have referred to this conduit as a wormhole. Now imagine this: surrounding the whole outer edge of the present universe is a type of huge black hole.
We are studying the outer edge of the universe, and we are moving toward the point where we can experience transitions into the other universes from that point. This is the study of cosmology, or the understanding of the universe. These are important concepts, because you are here on the Earth to experience these processes, and the understanding of the universal energy force. You want to gain as much knowledge and understanding of these processes as you can, because it relates to the transition on Earth. One of your missions in manifesting the consciousness and awareness on the third dimension is to study this cosmology.
The source of the Creator energy, the source of light, and the source of spirit can be found in the stars. It is the sun that activates all life on the Earth, and it is the sunlight, or starlight, that activates all life on all planets in the galaxy. Without stars, no life would exist. The suns and the stars are everywhere in the universe. You cannot look at them directly without special protective glasses. You can, however, receive their special spiritual gifts. This is one of the secrets of the Central Sun concept.
The Andromedans search for the Central Sun in each galaxy. There is one star in our galaxy that is the center of the galaxy, from
which all other stars came. It was the first primal star. This galactic Central Sun is connected to all other Central Suns in the universe, including the immense Central Sun at the center of the universe. When you find this Central Sun, then you can connect to all the Central Sun energies throughout all of the galaxies. This is an overwhelmingly powerful energy.
A council of light has been formed on Arcturus whose members are specially trained for viewing our galactic Central Sun. We are able to identify the Central Sun area. There are high beings of light that come from that area, beings of the magnitude of Sananda-Jesus. He is a manifestation of the Creator energy of the Great Central Sun.
The Milky Way Galaxy
The biggest challenge for those of us exploring the galaxy is to move toward the galactic core. This project is still under intense study, for there is much controversy regarding how to approach the galactic center. There is intense energy from the Creator in the core. Many who approach the core do not wish to leave, and therefore, many do not return.
We cannot really describe the galactic core because it is indescribable. It would not be correct to say that civilizations exist in the core, because then you would be talking about a structure that is simply not needed there. Those who go into the galactic core and do not return are not having a negative experience. As those beings return to the center, the galactic core is strengthened. It is not a loss if someone goes to the core and does not return. It is not a black hole where energy goes in and is never seen again.
Evolved beings like Sananda can go there and come back if they so choose. There are several beings on a level equal to that of Sananda who are also able to accomplish this task. Those who are able to do it are so highly evolved that they can take others to that place with them. But it is one thing to be taken there, and it is another to come back out. We are trying to develop ways to guarantee a return from the galactic core. We have a commitment to communicate the experience to others.
A galactic gravitational field is also generated by the Milky Way galaxy. A very subtle wave is being constantly emitted by the galaxy. We can ride this wave and travel through the dimensions. You can ride the waves of the seas by sailing. However, when you enter into interdimensional space, you can become aware of not only this galaxy as a whole and ride its energy waves, but you can go to other galaxies as well. In fact, this is the preferable way to go from one galaxy to the next. There are many different variations in the methods of riding the galactic gravitational field. Your scientists will soon discover the antigravity method of propulsion. You will then be able to leave the planet without the exertion of large amounts of energy by propulsion systems.
The Photon Belt
The photon belt is a system of energy that is coming upon the Earth, but it is not going to be a disruptive energy as many have predicted. Rather, it is an energy of shifting, an energy that will allow you to personally experience the dimensional planetary shift of the Earth. Many of you will be able to use this new energy to heal all of your irregularities. Open your heart to this new energy from the galaxy. We want you all to know that even the stars are sending special energy to you. Know that the sky itself is going to open in a new way, and different levels of energy will be coming into the planet.
Different facets of cosmological study relate to time travel, the null zone, and other energies in solar systems. The null system has been described as a point in the photon belt. The null zone within the photon belt is like a wormhole within a black hole that can drastically accelerate consciousness and energy. The null zone has been described by others as a point though which you can move into and through another dimension. Null zones exist within wormholes throughout the whole sector of the Milky Way galaxy. We refer to the sector of the Milky Way Galaxy you are in as the Mu sector.
Your solar system will soon be inside the photon belt, and will be going through a null zone that resides within the belt. The null zone experience is a big factor in bringing many of the extraterrestrials to your local section of the galaxy at this time. One reason why many are coming here is to study how you go through these zones. Imagine that a world was going through a black hole — would you not want to study that? You would want to study how they went in and if they would come out. Your planetary process is going through something like a wormhole, which is creating a transition energy. You are in that process now and are witnessing it. We, and many others, are coming to study how that process affects you. This process will lead to an ascension for many on the planet Earth. It is with great curiosity that we come to study this transition.
There are places throughout the Mu sector where events similar to your planetary process are in effect. There are strips and zones of energy transformation throughout your Mu sector. Remember that you are part of a large galactic sector. Other areas of the galaxy are also going through a transformation. The Milky Way galaxy is going through a transformation on a gigantic scale. You and the Earth are going through a transformation that is physically related to the energy that you call the photon belt. On a grander scale, parts of the galaxy are also moving through massive photon systems and thereby creating a transformation in entire galactic systems.
This point in galactic history, which you are experiencing as ascension and transformation, is reflecting a higher power of the entire galaxy. The Milky Way galaxy is reaching a point of mutuality of awareness as she comes into a new alignment with the Andromeda system. Eventually there will be a point of merging of these two galaxies. The Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxy will become a unified system. This represents a higher path of evolution in the galactic corridors.
The Seeding of Life in the Galaxy
We have been exploring the entry of life into the galaxy. We know that life has been transported to different areas. There are many different interpretations of how life originated on the planet Earth. We know that you are curious to find the “right” answer. Life forms have been brought into this galaxy. The Arcturus system and your solar system are both close to the outer edge of the Milky Way galaxy. Life has been seeded from the inner levels to the outer levels of the galaxy. Many inner galactic systems and inner galactic species have been in existence for eons. Picture the entire universe as originating from a central location, and bringing life out to the outer levels. Life has been seeded from galaxy to galaxy, as well as from solar system to solar system.
Who was it that brought life to the Earth? Who is Yahweh? Who is Jehovah? You should know that He who is named cannot be the Creator. He who is named is not God but an aspect or even an entity of energy. The true Creator is not manifestable in the way of the spoken name. This is the truth of the Kaballah
, but it is also the truth of the galactic energy. We, like the Pleiadians, share in the thirst and contact with this energy. We are searching for ways of expansion and ways to become closer to and more in alignment with this light.
Life was brought forth by Galactic Councils. It was decided to spread life throughout this sector of the galaxy. This was a conscious decision by a group of beings that you would consider to be gods in your level of understanding. There is a hierarchy of beings involved in the decisions of the galaxy. They are involved in the decisions having to do with the making of a planet, the making of a Messiah, and the Brotherhood and Sisterhood which oversees this entire operation.
The purest genetic “seed” is found in those beings who are closest to the Godhead energy. There is a search in the galaxies for that pure energy. However, rather than trying to find it, we are attempting to evolve our energy to become that pure light. We are moving steadily now in that direction of pure light. We ask that you would also focus your development on becoming pure lightbeings.
We want to talk to you about star communication and starseeds. Some of you are communicating with the stars, with the planet Saturn, and with our mother star, Arcturus, as you call her. Starseeds are those who are in communion with the galaxy and who have traveled throughout the galaxy in previous lifetimes. As you are going up your ladder of evolution and progressing in your karmic paths, you will finally reach a point where you can travel throughout the galaxy. You will become more aware of the stars and the dimensional shifts that occur.
Each section of the galaxy has a dimensional flavor and vibrational field that is unlike those of the other sections. There is an area in your galaxy that is considered the command post or the center of this sector of the galaxy. Some have been communicating with it through the Arcturian stargate.
Starseeds have lived many lifetimes in other worlds. Some have not been in higher dimensional worlds. Some have been in “equal dimensional places,” but have been in a heightened state of evolution on that world. For the most part, the starseeds have come from this galaxy, and, in particular, your local section of the galaxy. Many of you have come from different planets in the local galactic sector, and you have chosen to reincarnate or to incarnate into the Earth planetary system at this time. You have deep interests and connections in planetary systems far beyond the solar system.
In order to withstand the different cosmic vibrations, you must be able to align your own vibrations with a higher frequency. Then you can travel freely to different sectors of the galaxy. Even if you could travel in your mental bodies through space, you would find that some areas you could not enter because of the different cosmic vibrations. This is why it is important to develop your sense of starseededness. By this we mean that if you are true starseeds, you can accommodate yourselves to vibrational shifts. You can accommodate different cosmic fields, even when they are in the etheric realms. When you are more earthbound, you have a harder time shifting. You will learn to adjust your vibration as you begin to travel.
It is perfectly acceptable to do out-of-body traveling through the star systems. You can move quickly with your mental body, especially when you are in areas like yours where you have direct access by means of your retinas. The resonation with your retinas is extremely important in activating areas of your brain that will unlock keys to help you vibrate with the star energy. This will advance your development as starseeds.
Starseeds, then, are those who are able to access cosmic vibrations and move through different sectors of the galaxy with ease. Moreover, starseeds are able to assimilate much information through direct channeling, such as you are now doing, and through visualizations. Starseeds are able to see interdimensionally. They are able to use their retinas to visualize, and thus, help manifest our ships in the third dimension. You are moving toward a time when you will be able to experience the physical manifestation of our ships. You must understand that the ships are not in your reality as a physical manifestation in the third dimension. When you see our ships, you are looking at a higher dimension that we refer to as the fourth and fifth dimension, areas you will be able to experience as you become more adept at being a starseed.
We are gaining more access through channels so that we can bring down specific energies that help you with group soul and starseed development. Remember that there are lightworkers and starseeds. The two are related, but different. You want to develop yourself as starseeds as well, not only as lightworkers or followers of Sananda and the Christ energy. Broaden yourself to become connected to the starseed energy and connected to beloved Ashtar, who has been in the forefront of interstellar communications. We salute him and his ongoing efforts.
There are many ways to experience enlightenment on Earth. Those who choose a path that is unrelated to starseeds may not go through the experience of relating to higher-dimensional beings. You who are reading these words are most likely starseeds, and you are enthusiastically seeking the light from the higher realms and extraterrestrials, which includes the Arcturians.
You are joining with us in moving closer to the Creator energy and closer to the universal oneness. As we move up, so do you. Our perspective is one of higher transformation, transcendence of incarnational cycles, and transcendence of the time-space dimensional system. This unification path will eventually enable you to also experience intergalactic and interuniversal energy.
Other Arcturian ET Relationships
We have a strong interaction with the Pleiadeans. We work with them, and many exchanges have taken place where we have studied with them and they have studied with us. We are at a higher level in many ways than they are. This is a difficult subject to talk about. When we say “higher,” you think of this as a contest. From our perspective, key spiritual and technological differences exist between the Arcturians and the Pleiadians. We ask that you do not take this in any way to be negative or judgmental statement.
Even though we have been invited to be helpers in the Earth’s planetary ascension process, the Pleiadians will most likely make first contact. Since we are not of the same species as you, some would have more difficulty interacting with us rather than the Pleiadians, who are also of humanoid form.
You would find, for example, that we are more, from your perspective, androgynous as a being. You will find that the Pleiadeans have more of a traditional male-female sexuality. This is not a negative difference; it is simply a different evolutionary development. In some ways you would be more comfortable in a Pleiadian society. On the other hand, some of you are very fascinated by our higher evolutionary thoughts and our unique development. We do, however, come from different evolutionary streams.
We do not work directly with the Sirians. You have already been given a great deal of information about the Sirians and their role on Earth. We are very cautious in explaining their involvement on your planet. There has been both good and bad, in your Earth terms, bad meaning destructive, non-spiritual interactions with the Sirians and your planet. There has been an aspect of the Sirians that have dominated your planet. These Sirians have been involved in what you have called from your Biblical verses, the Nephilim, or the “Fallen Ones.” Also, the Sirians continue to be involved with the planet that you have referred to as Nibiru. Other more positive Sirians have sought harmony and a higher evolutionary path.
The Sirians in some ways hold many keys to your problems. For example, it was the Sirian influence that allowed the development of nuclear technology on your planet. Likewise, it will be the Sirian influence that will help you clean up your nuclear wastes.
You have raised questions about the entity called Kryon, and about the suggested use of implants. We would say that you must evaluate the situation. The energy itself, the Kryon energy, is a well known powerful energy in the galaxy. We do not, however, work with this particular method that you call implants. We are aware that the release of negative karmic patterns is a high priority now. There could be some misunderstanding among your channels of how this release is done. We can tell you, from our experience, we do not recommend any type of implant for the release of any negative energy pattern.
It is fascinating for us to view the many different entities that are appearing to interact with you. We can only tell you that each of you has your particular path and your guides to work with. Some of you are very attracted to the Arcturians, and are working with us. We do not ask for your allegiance; we do not ask that you give up any part of yourself. We do not want you in any way to give up your free will. We simply offer our information that we make available to those of a higher and purer heart.
Space Travel
We are highly advanced technologically. We are especially interested in mathematics, and the technology of time-space travel through mental imagery and antigravity acceleration. We engage in space travel by using the principles of dematerialization. There are technical matters involved as well, matters having to do with bringing large spacecrafts up to certain speeds. Traveling through space is not totally a mental phenomenon. There are scientific aspects of space travel that still need to be worked out.
The key to dimensional and interdimensional travel is thought projection. You project where you want to be and then the rest of you follows. We can help you to project yourselves to interdimensional space. Once you have achieved interdimensional and dimensional projection, you can continue traveling through the galaxy and even go to other parts of the universe. The ability to take along a ship, belongings and other objects requires a higher form of thought projection. Some have become aware of it through what you call telekinesis in which you can mentally move an object from one place to the next. This is a primitive example of the heightened skills you can perfect through thought projection.
Thought projection is involved in the propulsion of our ships. The ships spin like tops to gain centrifugal force. Then through thought projection we are able to move. As the ship moves in one direction, we focus our thinking in the counter direction. We then look for a portal in the space-time continuum. When we find that portal, we project our thoughts into that continuum and move through it quickly.
Portals, or energy corridors, have been created by beings higher than the Arcturians for the purpose of interdimensional travel. We also use portals to travel to different areas of the galaxy. Even though the primary force for this interdimensional travel is thought, a corridor still has to be established that will take us to another time-space coordinate. When we travel interdimensionally, we bring ourselves and our vessels to the portal, and then we accelerate our ship. This requires a very intense concentration far beyond what you are now able to do.
We have traveled throughout the Milky Way galaxy. There are approximately 2.4 billion stars in our galaxy. We certainly cannot say that we have visited every star, but we have traveled across the galaxy diagonally in several different directions. We have met and worked with the Council of Light from the galactic Central Sun. We are very focused now on bringing the energy and light consciousness from the inner galaxy to the outer areas of the galaxy where your solar system resides.
We also have traveled intergalactically. We have spent much time in the Andromedan galactic system. We have traveled to at least ten other galaxies, each having its own different developmental aspect and its own unique consciousness. All the galaxies we visited do have a unified consciousness with their galactic Central Sun.
A time barrier currently exists around your solar system. When you go though the time barrier, you experience cellular restructuring and dramatic shifts in consciousness. An even more dramatic cellular restructuring occurs when you leave the Milky Way galaxy. It sounds very exciting to do intergalactic travel, but you must understand that this galaxy you are living in is so vast, it would take many lifetimes of devoted effort just to become familiar with it.
When we travel in the universal space-time continuum, we are also able to coordinate with parallel universes. We have already discovered nine different universes that are existing simultaneously with yours. We are beginning to comprehend the tremendous interaction between these universes, and thus we are able to understand the possibilities of multiuniversal energy.
You have discovered that you are multidimensional beings focused only on this universe. You are moving up into becoming multiuniversal beings, and will soon be able to move into parallel universes. Can you imagine that potential?