Chapter Six
The Human Subconscious
We want to work with you on the very important subject of the human subconscious and the relationship of the subconscious to the ascension process. The subconscious activates the ascension codes that reside within your DNA. The subconscious can be defined in your terms as a computer in this sense. Certain functions are “programmed,” and therefore the outcome can be predicted. It is important for you to understand the control that you can have if you work through the laws of the subconscious mind.
You do not yet comprehend the vastness of your subconscious. You may think that you have a handle on it, but your handle is but a small one. Your subconscious extends into other dimensions. Your subconscious does relate to your other coexisting lifetimes. Your culture, however, has closed off that aspect of your subconscious. Therefore, you have been denied, through cultural training, the ability to go into those realms. This is all changing now, as we come to the transformation of the ascension.
You are awakening to your starseed connection. All of these things are helping you to open to the vastness of your existence. Do not believe for a moment that it is confined as you may think, or that you are living a simple life and following simple patterns. You are simultaneously living multi-layers, and you can come into a heightened, transforming awareness of yourselves by activating your subconscious to open to all realms. You can even open to the fifth-dimensional realm.
Yes, you are transforming at this moment. This transformation is indicated by your energy alignments and by your directing yourselves spiritually. You are preparing. You have been working on your subconscious in preparation for the ascension for at least three to four years. Many of you have worked on this through readings, group discussions, and by your connecting with us and other ascended masters. These are all inputs into your subconscious.
The subconscious is helping to manifest your ascension. We already see changes in your structures. We see your openings and your reaching out. You have new links into the fifth dimension. You have been programming your computer subconscious, and it is time to heighten the input. When we are working with the subconscious, we will use terms now as if it were a computer. It is time to increase your personal programming so that you will be closer to manifesting this outcome, the outcome being the entry into the fifth dimension.
As we see how close you are to a transformation, we ask you if you sense your closeness to us. If you sense your changes, and if you sense that you have been reprogramming so much these past several years, then you are getting ready for the “payoff.” We think that it is important for you to improve and increase your personal programming even though you have been working so hard and focusing your energy on the ascension. You will need to increase your work — increase your mental, emotional, and spiritual activity. You have to make up for several incarnations in some cases. We will increase our work with you at the same time.
We have purified our subconscious minds. Once a core group among our race committed themselves to the transformation of Arcturus and of our people, it became easy to embark on the purification of the Arcturians. This was successfully completed many eons ago.
Let us bring in the blue light again from the Arcturians. Observe this blue light from the star Arcturus and let this blue light come into your subconscious. This is a new variation of light, for we have worked before with the golden light in your subconscious mind. Now the blue light will coat your subconscious mind. In this position, you have the ability to inject an infusion of light into the subconscious of the human race. You are powerful starseeds. You are powerful as dimensional travelers. You are powerful because you are now in a position to implement a new program, or perspective, into the planetary subconscious. We are helping you to deploy that program by infusing blue light through your subconscious into the whole planetary subconscious of the Earth.
Computer technology is obviously important for the development of your species. We wish to recommend that people explore this link with the computer and with the subconscious mind. There have been TV programs and movies that have explored the link with the subconscious, but they have intentionally projected this relationship in a negative way. Know that exactly the opposite can happen. The computer can make more sense of the human subconscious, and help you interact with it and study it. When we want to interact with the computer, we project our thought to the computer. Telepathy is actually talking to another person. You must understand this. It is not just having a thought. You still have to direct the thought. If you wanted to send a thought to someone, you must talk to him or her in your mind.
Telepathy and the Subconscious Mind
The subconscious mind provides the medium for the transfer of thoughts in the third dimension. The human subconscious and the universal subconscious is an energy field that exists throughout your dimension. Thoughts can be sent out through subconscious wavelengths.
Sending thoughts is easier then receiving them. We are obviously more concerned with your ability to receive our thoughts. We can read your thoughts. We can read what you are sending us. This is not a problem. We do not read thoughts that you do not want to have read. Many people think that if you are telepathic then you know everything of what the person is thinking. This is true, but with telepathy comes a responsibility. Thoughts can be tagged.
Tagging thoughts can be compared to creating files on your computer. Private thoughts can be tagged like personal files in a computer. If there are thoughts that you want to hide, then you can tag them as private and then we will not interact with those thoughts. We understand your development and we do not judge you for wanting to hide certain thoughts. It is still your right. We are not in the business of finding out things about you that you do not want us to know.
You can also communicate emotion telepathically. You direct, for example, love, and then you send the love. You can send fear as well. Some of the extraterrestrials, specifically the Grays, as you refer to them, have sent thoughts of fear to many people on the Earth. Extraterrestrial beings can enter your subconscious. The Grays, for example, felt that they could enter the whole race because they were tapping into the planetary subconscious. Fortunately, you are providing a counterbalance to that energy, because you are allowing a higher frequency to be focused into the planetary subconscious — that is, an energy of light, love, expansion, and spiritual light.
Unlocking Codes through the Subconscious
We would like to return to the concept of the codes for a moment. The codes are in your mind and are telling you how to respond. One example of a simple code would be stopping at a red light. This becomes embedded in your mind. There are deeper codes that are locked within your subconscious that stop you from understanding and experiencing other multidimensional lives. These codes prevent you from experiencing your dimensional expansiveness. But you can reprogram the subconscious to unlock these codes.
From our perspective, the codes were locked by those beings that wanted to control the Earth and by those forces that wanted to subvert the people of Earth. You could say that the codes are locked, but you also could say that it is programmed in you to ignore the codes. That is the same as locking, is it not? You still cannot get in.
You can access the higher dimensional realms by unlocking these same codes. You can hear certain words, and when they are said with the right intention, they will serve to remind you to open to this higher energy. The opening of the codes must be done through the subconscious mind, and that is why many prayers use repetition. Repeated prayers or affirmations can unlock these codes in your subconscious mind.
We like some of the words that have been given to you for unlocking the codes, such as Kadosh, Kadosh, Adonai Tsevaot
. We have heard these words before through Metatron. It is not necessary to understand the meaning of each word. He granted the power of those words to be associated with the opening of light within your subconscious. You can receive this light through your subconscious mind. You have been receiving light externally, so to speak, through your crown chakra. With this information we are giving you now, you can unlock the codes, and you can receive light from within. Your subconscious can provide an inner light for you. Feel that inner light coming up now.
Our healing chambers work to organize your thought patterns in a way that brings a sense of harmony and peace to you. We have found it most effective to work with you first through your thoughts, and then we will send emotional energy in the healing chambers. Once your codes are unlocked, you have all the apparatus to work with all the frequencies in the galaxy and in the universe. It is not really a matter of teaching you, because you already have this ability. It is more a matter of unlocking the codes to allow this interface. We send you the inner light, and we will assist you in activating your subconscious to bring in light from within. This is your next step.
Cleansing the Subconscious
The subconscious contains many dense energy patterns that have been placed there. The negative aliens, the animalistic evolutionary process you have come through, and the culture itself have all contributed to the negative aspects of your subconscious. To move you to the next realm, it is clear that you must purify your subconscious minds. The subconscious is a beautiful aspect, but it has been polluted from the sources that we have mentioned. The beauty of your subconscious is that it can be purified.
If you ask, we will send you a purifying, golden light that will activate a cleansing. Your affirmation should be: “I cleanse my subconscious.” That is all you need to say when using the golden rays from the Arcturians. You carry with you the wounds and emotional scars from other incarnations, and from your current lifetime, as well. We are not telling you that you will be totally cleansed from these wounds and scars. But we are saying that we can help to cleanse your subconscious. Then we will be able to work with you in an even more accelerated way. Nothing can prevent you from moving to higher consciousness once your subconscious has been properly aligned and cleansed of negative patterns.
Your subconscious mind will help you to focus on and practice all activities and thoughts that promote your transformation into the fifth dimension. We have a beautiful affirmation for you: “All thoughts and patterns that are not serving a higher purpose are hereby discarded and removed.” Your subconscious mind will then open to experience interdimensional energy, communications, and even travel, as well. This is a very important affirmation, for this opening needs to be activated now in your subconscious mind. You will then be able to move yourselves into this higher realm.
This subconscious cleansing purification should be practiced regularly for seven days. Each day you should spend, at least, twenty minutes to a half an hour cleansing the subconscious. Just like you practice juice fasts for digestive cleansing, now you must do a cleansing for the subconscious. When you cleanse your body, you do not give up your body. Cleansing removes “dirt.” It does not remove the good parts.
Call in the golden light from the Arcturians, and use the affirmations that we have stated. Do this for seven days. You should become aware of a lightness about you, and of a blue glow or blue halo around you. This is simply a sign of a cleansed subconscious mind.
It is our observation that you are very susceptible to damaging your subconscious. This is not being said judgmentally. You are living in a very difficult time, in an evolutionary time that is still connected with a great deal of animalistic, subconscious energy. Being here on Earth, you will need to work on subconscious cleansing continually. But after the initial seven-day cleansing, you will not need to work on this as intently, perhaps two or three minutes each day. You should also continue to reinforce the thought that you will now be open to interdimensional energy, communication, and travel.
It is true that many lightworkers are lost and unconscious because there has not been a cleansing of their subconscious. These lightworkers have not actively worked at releasing their accumulated negative patterns and thoughtforms. Many young people, however, are now coming into this energy. It is true that there are more people who need to be activated because so many are still asleep.
You need to increase messages to your subconscious mind, increase the light, increase the unlocking of the codes, and increase your connections with us. It is really a time of great acceleration. You have been in training to increase your energy. You have been preparing for this. You must not waste this opportunity. You are close to making a big leap, a big move. You have successfully placed parts of yourself into the fifth dimension. You can envision it as a lake, and you are “popping up” to the surface.
You are accomplishing something extremely important when then you program your subconscious to allow a higher spiritual light to come in, and also to send out love, light, and expansion into the world. Our mission is to assist in the spiritual and dimensional transformation of the planet and of the whole human race. We are asking you to increase your work and increase the directions to your subconscious mind. You must work to unlock even more. It may seem like a lot to ask, but you have the foundation to do this. It will not be difficult for you.
We send love to you. Know that this love that we send you is placed into your subconscious now.