Gary Kraftsow’s interest in the spiritual dimension of life was awakened at a very young age. His connection to Yoga and the spiritual traditions of India was strengthened through his studies at Colgate University, where he graduated with honors. At the age of nineteen, he traveled to Madras to meet T.K.V. Desikachar and T. Krishna-macharya, initiating a link to the Viniyoga tradition that was to become his lifelong dedication.

Gary has taught Yoga and has practiced Yoga therapy since 1976. In 1983 he completed a Master’s program in psychology and religion at the University of California, Santa Barbara, focusing his study on health as a paradigm for spiritual transformation. Gary is an internationally known educator in the Viniyoga lineage, conducting retreats, trainings, and seminars throughout the United States and Europe. He currently offers in-depth training programs for both teachers and therapists and has received the Viniyoga Special Diploma, recognizing his ability to train teachers and therapists in this lineage. Gary continues his studies with T.K.V. Desikachar. He lives on the island of Maui with his family.