“Gary Kraftsow is one of America’s leading sources on Yoga therapy. He represents the best of the generation of people who went to India in the seventies to learn Yoga. Because of his mature understanding and experience, Yoga for Wellness is a treasure. It should be included on every Yoga practitioner’s bookshelf.”

—Swami Chetanananda, Abbott, Nityananda Institute,
and author of Choose to Be Happy

Gary has done a great service to the Yoga world by putting his understanding of Viniyoga on paper. There is so much valuable information within these pages. Read it and learn!”

—Erich Schiffmann,
author of Yoga: The Spirit and Practice of Moving into Stillness

“A profound and detailed guide to yoga therapy and yoga for healing. It contains one of the most sophisticated presentations of asanas in print, showing how to adapt the Yoga poses to special individual health and energy requirements.”

—David Frawley,
author of Yoga and Ayurveda and Ayurveda and the Mind