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Achille 10, 88, 229, 288-90, 309
Achilles 6, 7, 206
Acton, Sir John 232
Addington, Henry 115
Africa 4, 269, 270, 280, 298, 299
Africaine 152-3
Agamemnon 280
Aigle 19, 229
Albarracin, Pedro 293
Albion Steam Mill 67
Aldred, Ebenezer xiv
Alexander the Great 237
Algésiras 229, 257, 258
Amazon 55, 290
American War of Independence 20, 23
Amphion 120
Argonauta 293, 310
Argonaute 305
Atkinson, Master Thomas 138-9
Atlas Maritimo de España 86-7
Aurora 232
Austen, Francis 119-20, 150
Austen, Jane 5, 140, 172
Austerlitz, Battle of, 84
Authentic Narrative (Beatty) 271
Badcock, William 25, 201
Bahama 304, 306-7, 310, 311
Ball, Sir Alexander 84, 151, 152, 155, 234-5
Barbados 80-1
Barbaro, Sánchez 12
Barham, Lord 24, 59, 68-9, 70, 72-, 79, 89, 185, 187, 188
Battle of the Saints 180, 181
Bayntun, Captain Henry 51, 86, 87, 131, 132, 133-7, 147, 155, 228, 279, 280, 309
Beatty, John 88
Beatty, William 254, 255, 256, 264, 265, 267-8, 271, 274, 282
Beaufort, Captain Francis 70
Beaver 121
Beckford, William 252
Beechey, Sir William 171
Belleisle 10, 51, 90, 160, 162-3, 204, 215, 225, 226, 228-9, 230, 257, 262, 289, 292, 293, 305, 306
Bellerophon 87, 89, 93, 282
Berry, Captain Sir Edward 95, 96, 280
Berwick 10, 311
Bickerton, Sir Richard 88
Blackwood, Henry 50-1, 91, 92, 128, 149, 155-6, 233, 294, 297, 304, 312
Blake, William xix-xxi
‘Blind Sailor, The’ 39-40
British officer’s individual encouragement to excel promotes 184-9
definition of 157
18th Century idea of hero clashes with 164-71
Nelson’s 190-201, 203-4
19th Century idea of hero promotes 169-75
Trafalgar, presence at 157, 161-4, 190-201, 203-6
Bonaparte, Napoleon 73, 190, 285
aggression 33
Army, gives priority to 84
Dumanoir, opinion of 282
forbids Villeneuve to inform his captains of French Grand Strategy 45
Grand Strategy 45, 75, 76, 77, 81, 85
Louvre, gathers masterpieces inside 19
‘manoeuvre sur la derrière’, adopts 75
on France making war in the name of principles 30
rise to power 23
systematises military 34
Villeneuve, relationship with 45, 47, 85, 86
Waterloo 314
Boreas 233
Boscawen, Admiral 177
Boswell, James 68
Boulton, Matthew 67
Britannia 198, 275, 280, 281, 298, 304
British Admiralty 20-1, 23, 54, 59, 79, 84, 88, 89, 112, 131, 137, 147, 181, 186, 202, 232, 256
British Treasury 21-2, 42
Brothers, Richard xiii
Brown, John 50
Bucentaure 4, 19, 46, 85-6, 93, 94, 241, 242, 244-5, 268, 269, 277-8, 304
Bulkeley, Richard xvi, 266
Bullen, Captain Charles 275
Burke, Edmund 39, 45-6, 108, 123, 174-5, 239, 251, 265-6, 266, 270, 314
Byng, Admiral John 168, 169, 170, 177
Byron, Lord 236
Ça Ira 101, 105
Calder, Sir Robert 85, 86, 92, 185-6, 187, 188-9
Canopus 90, 119, 120
Cape Finisterre 79, 85, 185
Cape St Vincent, Battle of 72, 79, 104, 183, 185, 190, 236
Captain 183
Carter, Rear Admiral Richard 57-8
Caunant, Jeannette 289
Centaur 138
Chevalier, Henry 274
chivalry, British officers sense of 122-7
Christian Knights 28
Churruca, Don Cosme 93-4, 95, 277
Cicero 285
Cisneros, Bernardo Hidalgo 17, 270
Claret, Charles 34
Cobbett, William 70-1
Codrington, Captain Edward 51, 188, 280, 281, 304, 306-7
Coleridge, Bernard 99
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 51-2, 61-2, 84, 115-16, 130, 150-1, 194, 234, 236, 238, 243
Colley, Linda 174
Collingwood, Edward 262
Collingwood, Lord, 89, 240, 288
burial in St Paul’s 276
Cadiz blockade 86, 87
complains Nelson is signalling too much 129
Duff, relationship with 148
on naval intelligence 90
breaks through middle of Spanish fleet 183
calculates pre-battle will not signify 162
courage 160, 215
first battle between division and rear of Combined Fleet 217, 219, 228-9, 244, 279-80
flagship alone amongst enemy 160
heroism 215
leads southerly column 157
Nelson gives complete command of lee division 196
Nelson orders line to attack 197
Nelson, opinion of 242, 243
Nelson’s death, reaction to 293
personality 187-8
prize money, capture and release of 299, 304, 308
recalls ships chasing prizes 283
reflections on effectiveness of battle strategy 242
relationship with captains 187-8, 275
reluctance to criticise officers post-battle 275
Santa Ana, fight with 219, 220, 221-2, 224-5, 226
storm, reaction to 300-1, 304, 308, 309
suggested to take over command of fleet after death of Nelson 270
Combined Fleet 186
approach to battle 160, 241
Cadiz, Duff watches in 148, 198
casualties, Trafalgar 9-10, 220-1, 287-8, 302, 303
Churruca forsees Villeneuve’s tactical mistakes 94-5
Council of War 8-9
deficiency of guns 162, 248
despair at beginning of battle 9-10
first shots fired 162
lack of sailors 10, 87
low morale 230
moment of contact with British 161, 217-19, 229
mutual contempt between French and Spanish officers 8-9
number of ships 8
poor state of 8
ships surrender 265, 268-9
tactical failures 48
view British with fear and contempt 11
Congreve, Colonel William 247
Conqueror 198, 268, 269, 288, 292
Cook, James 17
Cook, Thomas 49, 230, 298
Cooke, John 88, 89
Copenhagen, Battle of xi, 190, 291
Corbett, Captain Robert 152-3, 195-6
Cornwallis, Admiral 24, 74, 87-8
Council of War, Cadiz 8-9
Dalrymple, William 294, 295, 300
Davies, Lieutenant Will 88
Davison, Alexander 81
de Alava, Vice-Admiral don Ignacio Maria 17
de Coulomb, Marquis 67
de Quincey, Thomas 315, 316
Death of Nelson (Devis) 273-5
Death of Wolfe (West) 253, 272
Decrès, Denis 15, 47, 77, 85
Defence 289, 304
Defiance 229
Devis, Arthur William 273
Digby, Henry 5, 269
Dolphin xvi, 266
Donegal 90, 311
Douglas, Captain 175
Drake, Francis 116
Dreadnought 186, 198, 304
Duff, Captain George 148, 155, 229, 230, 294-7, 302
Duff, Norwich 155, 294-6, 297
Duff, Sophia 294, 295-7
Dumanoir, Admiral Pierre le Pelley 95, 277-8, 282-3
Edward III, King 124
Egypt 78
appreciation of Navy within 70-2
consensual tax culture 40-1
drinking culture 38
Fremantle’s love of 206
gambling culture 36-7
grieves for Nelson 314-15
growth and success of 35-43
hero, need of xvii-xviii
literacy of population 37
Nelson’s vision and love of xvii, xix-xx, 127, 206
19th Century idea of hero 70
orderliness of reflected in Navy 69-70
violence, culture of 36, 39-40
English Civil War xi, xii
Entreprenante 289, 309, 312
Euryalus 49, 50, 290, 294, 297, 300, 301, 304
Ferrol 80, 81, 85
Fielding, Henry 170
Flynn, Tom 144
Foote, Captain Edward 232
Formidable 10, 19, 277, 282, 283
Foudroyant 95, 96, 121
Fougueux 19, 157, 215, 222, 225, 229, 257, 262, 264, 302
France 34-5, 43
Fremantle, Betsey 101-2, 103-5, 312-13
Fremantle, Thomas 25, 201
ambition 312-13
books 105-6
Brest blockade 100
Calder, friendship with 85
class 102
England, love of 206
family life 103-5
Henry Rice, argument with 106-14
honour 116, 117-18
Nelson, relationship with 99, 206, 313
personality 100-1, 102, 103, 108, 110, 111, 114, 116, 117-18, 312, 313
prizes 103
Tenerife, wounded at 103-4
Trafalgar, action at 130, 205, 236-7, 279
Trafalgar storm 311, 312-13
wife 101-2, 103-4, 105, 312
youth at sea 100
French Mediterranean fleet 22, 79, 84, 86
French National Convention 1792 286
French Navy:
attempt to invade Britain 73
authoritarian pattern of 45
blockaded in ports 74-5
Brest squadron 22, 28, 29, 30, 74, 84, 85, 179
Cape Finisterre 85-6
consistently defeated by British Navy 20
effect of Revolution upon 23, 30-3
18th Century strategic position 182
Grand Strategy 75-8
inbuilt sense of inferiority 224
lack of deep water ports 73-4
lack of effective central board of control 20-1
number of ships 23
officer corps, aristocratic 23, 24, 25-33, 45
poor condition of fleet 19-20, 85-6
supply system, poor 21, 22-3, 29
Toulon fleet 28, 29, 75, 78, 131
Trafalgar, casualties 302-3
Trafalgar, limps onto battlefield 34
Villeneuve breaks out of Toulon and sails to West Indies 78-81, 82, 83, 84-5 see also Combined Fleet
French Revolution xiii, 19, 23, 30-5, 43, 123, 284-7
Galissonière, Admiral de la 168-9
Galles, Admiral Morard de 31
Ganges 104, 109, 110, 111, 112
Ganteaume, Admiral 22, 75
Généreux, Le 95-6, 97, 98
George III, King 38, 72, 124
George IV, King 269
Gibraltar 61
Gillespie, Alexander 316-17
Gilly, Frederick 61
Glorious First of June, 1794 181, 249
Gloucester 140-1, 143-4
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 286
Grandallana, Don Domingo Perez de 183-4
Graves, Robert 317
Gravière, Julien de la 201
Gravina, Vice Admiral Federico Carlos 16-17, 18, 48, 79, 87, 276, 293, 303-4
Grenville, Lord 116-17
Griffiths, Captain 55
Grindall, Richard 288
Guillaume Tell 121, 233
Hamilton, Emma 5-6, 85, 118, 125, 149, 153-4, 191, 196, 203, 233, 265, 267, 271, 272
Hamilton, Sir William 272
Hardinge, Lieutenant George 120-2
Hardy, Captain Thomas 88
Nelson, friendship with xvi, 90, 203, 266-7
severe disciplinarian 139
attempts to convince Nelson to conceal his stars 91
effect upon 290, 291
Nelson’s death, presence at 266-7, 270-1, 274, 300
Nelson’s fatal wounding, presence at 254-5
remains on deck as Nelson is carried below 258, 259, 266
tactics and fighting 202, 203, 241-2, 245, 246, 259, 262
tours decks of Victory 90-1
Hargood, Captain Edward 163, 293
Harrowby, Lord 12
Harvey, Captain Eliab 91, 260
Harwood, Captain 215
Hawke, Admiral 179-80, 186, 192
Hazlitt, William 194
Hennah, Lieutenant William 230, 295-7, 300
Henry V 125-7, 164
Hermione 4, 46, 304
Achilles as servant of state, Nelson becomes 7
commercial sense of English 173-4
death of 251-3, 272-4, 314
England grieves for Nelson 314
England’s need of xvii-xviii, 191-2
English 18th Century idea of 164-6, 169-71
English 19th Century idea of 70, 171-5
humanised 267
inheritance of Achillean and Virgilian models xviii-xix, 206, 235
manliness and 172, 174-5, 192-3
Nelson’s conception of himself as a xvii
Nelson’s turbulence as a 192
Nelsonian xvii, 170-2, 180, 192
passion for suddenness and concept of 174-5
politeness and 166-8, 171, 172
Pride and Prejudice’s vision of 172-3
violence of 19th Century 215
Wordsworth imagines himself a naval 191-2
Hervey, Lord Augustus 165-6, 177
Homer xix, 120, 284-5, 317
honour 93
battle validates 118-19
Combined Fleet commanders loss of at Trafalgar 276-87
in exposure to violence 240
mutations of meaning throughout 18th Century 114-16
Nelson’s sense of 116-18, 120-2
Royal Naval officers sense of middle age concept of chivalry and 122-7
social and financial insecurity of British officers deeply connected to sense of 102-3, 106-14
Trafalgar, importance of maintaining at 114
Trafalgar, theatrical role of 162-3 224
Hood, Admiral Lord 22, 24
Hospitallers of St John of Jerusalem 28
Hoste, William 120
Howard, Luke 70
Howe, Admiral 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 186, 192, 197
Bayntun’s 135
definition of 239
18th Century understanding of 250-1
heroic 267
Nelson’s 153, 239, 241-2, 243, 303
of British officers 137-8
of Nelson’s death 251-3
Trafalgar, presence at 239, 241, 249-50, 258-9, 288, 293-7
Trafalgar, presence after the battle of 251, 258, 262-3, 264, 288-9, 297, 303, 309, 310, 310-11
violence turning into 258
Hume, David 124
Hurd, Richard 124
Hutton, William 250
Iliad 206
Inconstant 101, 104
Indomptable 225, 305
Infernet, Captain Louis Antoine Cyprian 277, 278, 279, 280, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286
Inquiry into the Cause of the Late Increase in Robbers (Fielding) 170
Intrépide 277, 278-9, 280, 281-2, 283, 284, 287, 310
Ireland 80
Jervis, Sir John 183, 185
Johnson, Dr Samuel 38, 68, 130, 168, 209, 275
Keats, Captain 191, 195, 200
Keith, Admiral 75
King Lear (Shakespeare) 314
Knight of the Bath 276
Knight, Rear-Admiral John 67, 84, 88
Knights of Malta 28, 29
L’Orient 61
Lawrence, Sit Thomas 172
Leech, Samuel 210-14, 216, 226
Leviathan 51, 52, 86, 87, 130-1, 135, 136, 228, 268, 279, 280, 301, 304, 309, 310
line of battle 175-8
Livy 285
Lloyds 122, 276
Locke, John 157
London 55
Louis XVI, King 17-18
Louis, Rear-Admiral Thomas 119, 120
battle and glory, connection with 149, 150-1
class distinctions within British Navy block flow of 147
definition of 130
18th Century views of 149-50
Nelson’s sense of 118, 125, 149, 151, 171, 184, 187-8 see also Hamilton, Emma
Trafalgar, presence in British fleet on morning of 148-9, 155
tyrant captains ruin sense of 152-3
Lucas, Captain 247, 258, 259-60
Lucas, Jean-Jacques 246
Lyrical Ballads (Wordsworth) 52, 193
Lyttelton, Lord 115
Magnificent 175
Magon, Admiral 257, 258
Malta 84, 130
Mangin, Reverend Edward 140-2, 143, 144, 145
Marine Royale 24
Marliani, Manuel 17
Mars 49, 148, 229-30, 257, 282, 294, 295, 298, 301
Marsden, William 81, 88
Martin, Able Seman James xxi, 205, 206
Masséna, Marshal 73
Mazarredo, Vice Admiral Jose de 16
Melville, Lord 59, 70
Mercedes 12
millenarian fever xi-xvi
Nelson’s relation to xvi-xviii
prophets xiii-xv
Trafalgar as millennial apocalypse xv-xvi
Miller, Captain 237
Minorca 168, 169, 177
Minto, Lord 190
Missiessy, Admiral 77
Misson, Henri 36
Monarca 229, 307, 308, 310
Moniteur 76
Mont Blanc 19
Montague, Robert 134
Moore, Captain Graham 11, 12
Morrison, Captain 88
Muster Book, The 136-7
Nagle, Luke J 112
Naiad 293, 305, 306
Naples 8, 231
Napoleonic wars 20
Nastyface, Jack 214-15
National Maritime Museum, Greenwich 144, 254
Naucratica: or Naval Dominion (Pye) 38-9, 41-2
navagation, uncertainties of 79-80
Naval Chronicle xviii, 12, 313
Nelson, Frances (wife) 272
Nelson, Horatia (daughter) 154, 155, 265, 267, 272
Nelson, Horatio 24, 58
aggression xi, 33, 231, 232
annihilation, declared purpose of 6
apocalyptic and millennial tradition, instinctive response to xvi, xvii, xx
appearance 5, 6-7, 191
archetype, fulfils nation’s need for heroic xvii-xviii, 170-1, 191-2
Bayntun, relationship with 131, 133
Blake, connections to xix-xxi
Cape St Vincent 183-4
charm 120, 126
conjuror xvi, 191, 242
contradictory qualities, ability to absorb 234-5
prudence, lack of in Trafalgar tactics 242-4
cosmic and divine, relationship to xvi
deep distrust of affected 18th Century society 192
egotism 154
England, vision of xvii, xix-xx, 127
fame 190-2
Fremantle, relationship with 99-100, 101, 105, 206
friendship, importance of xx-xxi
grace and humanity 153, 241, 251, 303
great machine, sees fleet as 67
great machine, sees himself as part of 67
Hardy, relationship with 139, 266-7, 270-1
Henry V, quotes 125-7
hero humanised 267
hero, concept of himself as xvi-xvii
heroic, view of 125-7, 170-1, 190
honour, concept and importance of 108, 116-18, 120-2, 126-7
humanity 153, 230, 239, 241, 251, 303
lack of thought for crew’s safety 6
love life and concept of love see love and Hamilton, Emma
love of captains ‘band of brothers’ 118, 125, 151, 171, 184, 187-8
love of decoration and medals 126
malaria xvi
mediaeval, entranced with 125-7
method of battle xi, xx-xxi, 33, 121-2, 192-201, 206, 217, 220
naivety 154
Navy regrets singling out at expense of other officers xviii
Nile, injury at 247
prize money, pursuit of 12
prophetic and visionary fire, led on by xvii
reliance on Royal Navy systems 33
requests Pasco go ashore 88
Spanish quality of sailor, criticises 14-15
spirit of Achilles alive within 6, 7, 206
St Paul’s crypt 276
style of personal leadership 224
Toulon blockade 74, 78
Troubridge, relationship with 231, 233-5, 236
Villeneuve, chases to West Indies and back to Cadiz 78-81, 82, 83, 84, 130
violence, appetite for destructive xvii, 190, 230, 232-3, 234-5, 236, 262
virtues 70
wife, treatment of 272
Wordsworth and 192-4
allows captains independence of action 44-5, 53
basis of tactics 172-84
battle agitation 92
codicil to his Will 153-5
death 18, 153-6, 246, 251-3, 254-7, 264-5, 266-8, 270-5, 290, 293, 300, 312-13, 316
death, paintings of 251-3, 272-4
forgets to wear his sword 90
Hardy fails to persuade to conceal stars on coat 91
humanity to crew 241
hungry for battle 96
instructions to captains 44-5, 50, 196, 197
loyalty to Calder over Admiralty 187-8
method of command 128-9
near miss 203
‘Nelson Touch’ 196, 244
nervous spasms 5
orders men given wine before battle 7
orders surgeons knives are warmed before battle 239
prays for humanity after battle 230
puts himself in bloody crux of battle 237
report on state of ships prior to 89-90
respect for enemy 48
sends Austen and Louis into Gibraltar 119-20
signals to fleet 3-4, 5, 128-9, 160, 183, 215
tactics 162, 183-5, 196-201, 217, 217-18, 240, 242, 260, 277, 279, 281
Trafalgar prayer 153
Neptune xxi, 25, 91, 92, 98-9, 104, 112, 130, 162, 201, 205, 229, 245, 268, 279, 304, 312
Neptuno 304
Nereide 152
Newcastle, Duke of 166, 170
Nicolas, Lieutenant Paul 51, 162-4, 204, 292-3
Nicolas, Sir Nicholas Harris 128
Nile, Battle of xi, 22-3, 95, 103, 104, 119, 151, 190, 231, 247, 291, 293, 299
definition of 275
French post-Revolutionairy sense of 284-7
officer class 24, 26, 28, 43, 45
Northesk, Rear-Admiral the Earl of 88, 275-6, 280
Observation on some Points of Seamanship (Griffiths) 150
Olaeta, Don Ignacio de 270
Orde, Sir John 79
Orion 51, 188, 280, 281, 304, 306-7, 310
Owen, John 215
Owen, Wilfred 317
Padfield, Miles 201
Pakenham, Thomas 249
Parker, Captain 290-1
Parsons, George 95
Pasco, Lieutenant John 88, 127-8, 265
Pasley, Admiral Sir Thomas 196-7
Peace of Amiens 23, 106
Peasant’s Revolt xii
Pellew, Captain Israel 288
Pemberton, Charles 204, 216-17
Penthièvre, Duc de 27-8
Perrée, Admiral 95
Philibert, Lieutenant 292
Pickle 289
Pitt, William xiii, xiv, xv, 30, 38, 40-1, 42, 43, 59, 68, 69-70, 174
Plutarch 285
Pluton 229
politeness, 18th Century idea of 166-9, 171, 172, 192
Polyphemus 219, 220
Pompée 10
Pope, Alexander 115, 206
Popham, Sir Home 128-9
Powys, Caroline Lybbe 167
Prelude (Wordsworth) 237, 291-2
Pride and Prejudice (Austen) 172-3
Prince 198, 288, 289
Prince of Wales 186, 187-8
Principe de Asturias 18
Prowse, Captain 155
Purísima Concepción 17
Pye, Henry James 38-9, 41-2
Quebec 133-4, 135
raking fire 220, 223
Ram, Lieutenant William 227
Rayo 305, 311
Redoutable 241, 244, 246, 247, 254, 258, 259, 260, 262-3, 264, 272, 278, 302, 303, 304
Revelation xii
Revenge 88, 214-15, 310
Rice, Henry 106-7, 109-14, 118
Riou, Captain 55
Robinson, Hercules 49-50
Rochefort 75, 79, 85
Rochefoucauld, Duc de 37
Rodney, Admiral 179, 180, 181, 183, 186, 192, 197
Romantic Battle 182-3, 316-17
Rosily, Admiral 47
Rotheram, Edward 275
Rousseau, Jean Jacques 193, 285, 286
Royal Academy 252, 273
Royal Arsenal, Woolwich 247
Royal George 179
Royal Navy 10, 12, 20, 21-2, 23-5, 26, 33, 43, 46, 69, 120, 146, 150, 154, 185
appreciation of within Britain 70-2
bourgeois capitalist philosophy of 44-6, 313
Channel Fleet 74, 84, 86, 87, 99
chivalry, officers’ sense of 122-7
class distinctions 54-5, 140-7, 214-15, 216
fleet as a great machine 66-9, 131-2
funding 21-2, 41-3, 58-9
homesickness within 99
humanity 137-8
liberation of individual to win promotion and place 45-6, 184-5
line of battle 175-85
love within 147-56
Mediterranean fleet 54, 74, 78, 101, 103, 121, 191
number of ships 23, 72
officer class 23, 24-5, 26, 102-3
officer status anxiety 107-9, 110, 114
officers’ attachment to men 137
officers’ knowledge of ships and seafaring 132-3
orderliness of ships 53-7, 58, 59-63, 69, 72-3, 131-2, 133-4, 178, 201-2
penalties 79
punishments 135, 138-41
quality of sailors 15-16
self-image 57-8
self-sacrificial style of command 224-5
state of fleet before Trafalgar 89-90
strategic position, 18th Century 182
superiority of guns 162, 176-7
supply system 21-2, 29-30, 58-9, 69, 72-3
swiftness of attack, new tactical insistence on 178-82
Trafalgar, tension and anxiety on morning of 90-1
tyrant captains 152-3
yearning for beautiful machine founded on anxiety 58-60
zeal, importance of 43-5
Royal Sovereign 157, 160, 215, 217, 219-20, 221, 221, 222, 223, 225-6, 245, 275-6, 282, 293, 300, 301
Rudiments of Genteel Behaviour, The (Nivelon) 165
Rules of Discipline and Good Government to be Observed on Board His Majesty’s Ships of War, The 108
Ruskin, John 315-16
Sackville, Lord 37
Saint-André, André Jeanbon 12, 31-2
Salvador del Mundo 17
San Agustín 280, 310
San Francisco de Asís 305
San Juan 94
San Juan Nepocumeno 93
San Justo 225, 229
San Leandro 225, 229
Santa Ana 17, 219-20, 221, 221, 223, 225, 226, 236, 245, 304, 305
Santísima Trinidad 4, 10, 17, 201, 227, 241, 269, 270, 287-8, 310, 311
Sassoon, Siegfried 317
Scorpion 120-1
Scott, Reverend Dr Alexander 265, 266, 268, 270, 274
Scott, John 202-3, 227, 254
Seahorse 230, 232
Senhouse, Lieutenant Humphrey 198, 199-200, 284, 292
Servaux, Pierre 222-3, 224
Seven Years War 20, 53, 179, 251
Shakespeare, William 126
beautiful order of 66
danger of 146-7
decks, differences of danger upon 223
delicacy of 240-1
guns 64, 175-7, 202-3, 219, 248-9
hull 63, 64-5
keel 64
log 136
Muster Book, The 136-7
Quarterdeck 148, 155, 294
rig 65-6
stern 64
Trafalgar, damage to 298-9
very nearly unsinkable 248
Shovell, Sir Cloudesley 24
Simond, Louis 37
Sirius 155
Smith, Adam 44, 45, 250-1
Smith, John 269-70
Southampton 175
Southcott, Joanna xiv-xv, xvii
Southey, Robert xiv, xvi-xvii
backward 13-14, 34-5
conservative 13-14, 43
disease, prevalence of 15
Spanish Armada 57
Spanish Royal Navy 17
aristocratic officer class 24, 26, 28, 43, 45
attacked by British ships seeking prize money 11-12
considered secondary to army 18
crucifixes hung on ships 160
disease, prevalence in fleet of 15
lack of good men 14-17, 18
pay 87
ships in poor condition 15
Trafalgar, casualties 220-1, 287-8
Trafalgar, Churruca speaks to men on morning of 93-4
Trafalgar, first contact with British 220-1, 221
unavailability of skilled labour 16-17 see also Combined Fleet
Spartiate 88
Spencer 90
Spencer, Lady 6
Spithead mutiny 180-1, 231, 290
St Paul’s Cathedral 276
St Vincent, Earl 44, 54, 55, 59, 103, 116, 125, 137, 173-4, 183, 231, 232-3
Stanhope, Lord 114-15
Steele, Sir Richard 164-5
Stroehling, PE 124
Superbe 90
Swiftsure 10, 19, 229, 298, 302-3, 310
Sykes, John 237
Telford, Thomas 70
Téméraire 91, 92, 98, 246, 260-1, 262, 264, 268, 282
Tenerife 103
Terpsichore 137
Thanksgiving Odes 314-15
Theory of Moral Sentiments (Smith) 44
Thunderer 60, 304
Toland, John 165
Tonnant 229, 257, 292
Touches, Auguste Gicquel des 278, 279, 280, 281-2, 283, 287
Toulon 23, 29, 74, 78, 79, 99, 145, 194, 195, 277
aggression of English fleet xi, 224, 258
average age of sailors 53
battle for trade 42
battle shock 291-2
British approach to battle 3-8, 46-8, 49-52, 96-9, 130-1, 157, 158, 159, 160
British liberation of individual energies to ensure victory 45-6, 184-5
British rescue French and Spanish sailors in post-battle storm 289-90, 303, 309, 310, 311
British sailors request to leave fleet prior to 87-9
British shipboard orderliness 53-7, 58, 59-63, 69, 72-3, 131-2, 133-4, 178, 201-2
British tactics 91, 162, 183-5, 196-201, 217, 217-18, 240, 242, 260, 277, 279, 281
British victory won before battle begins 9, 23
casualties 9-10, 20, 220-1, 225-6, 227, 229, 230, 239, 263, 268, 287-8, 302-3, 306-7, 309
closeness of battle 219-20
Combined Fleet approach to battle 4, 46-8, 93-4, 157, 158, 159, 160
Combined Fleet first shot 155
Combined Fleet tactical mistakes 94-5, 276-9, 282-3
Combined Fleet, authoritarian pattern of 24-34, 45-6
Combined Fleet, problems within 8-10, 20, 94
density of gunfire 163, 209-10
desertions 53
devastation of Spanish ships 287
Dumanoir’s failure to come to aid of fleet 277-9, 282-3
early fighting 203
end of battle 289-91, 298
first minute devastates Spaniards 220-1
French and Spanish fear of British 11-12
French navy, weakness of 23, 34, 35 see also French Navy
honour as a concept comes to identify 116, 127
horrifying nature of 204, 209-10, 226-8, 257-8, 291-3
humanity within 251, 258, 264, 288-9, 297, 303, 309, 310, 310-11
intimacy of 219, 244
Intrépide’s suicide mission 277-84, 287
last stage of 261
moment of contact 161, 162
Nelson’s signals to fleet 3-4, 5, 128-9, 160, 183, 215
Neslon’s tactics 162, 183-5, 196-201, 217, 217-18, 240, 260, 277, 279, 281
noise of gunfire 209-10
Northesk’s reluctance to engage 275-6
officers required to stand under fire 162-3
pressed men 53
prisoner exchanges 312
prize money 264, 269-70, 299-300, 302, 304, 306, 307, 308, 309, 312
Quarterdeck as killing zone 148
Romantic Battle 316-17
satisfaction of image to 19th Century mind 314
sense of order in British fleet on morning of 66-7
size of British fleet 72
Spanish lack of seamen on board ship 18
state of British fleet on eve of 89-90
storm following 300-12
technological parity of fleets 10
three phases of 217-19
Victory, role in see Victory victory won by British at Toulon and the Nile 23
Villeneuve strikes his flag 268-9
Villeneuve’s tactics see Villeneuve
violence of 219-20 see also violence
Virgilian and Homeric inheritance at play at xix
Treatise on Practical Navigation and Seamanship, A (Nichelson) 131-3
Troubridge, Sir Thomas 230-6
Truguet, Vice-Admiral Laurent Jean-François 27
Turner, JMW 71-2, 245-6, 263, 269
Tyler, Captain 257
Ulm, Battle of 84
Uriarte, Don Fransico de 270
Ushant 79, 86, 87
Vanguard 235
Vernon, Admiral Edward 58, 177
Victory 5, 45, 50, 85, 88, 89, 108, 119, 127, 144, 156
chases Villeneuve to Caribbean 81
construction 65-6
punishments on 138
TRAFALGAR 290, 293
anxiety level of men on morning of battle 90-1
approach to battle 157, 160, 239-40
battle around 221
Bucentaure, battle with 244-5, 251, 260, 268
careful maintenance 241
carronades 244-5
casualties 227, 239-40, 245-6, 264, 269
damage sustained 202, 203, 227, 239-40, 254, 264
last stage of battle 261
Nelson carried below so as not to dishearten men 256-7
Nelson describes plan to Captains on 196
Nelson plans for great damage to before a shot can be fired 240
Nelson’s relationship with 265
paintings of 269
prepares to collide with Combined fleet 241-2
Redoubtable, battle with 246-7, 258-60, 262-3
return to England 312
storm, damage sustained in 298, 301
surgeons 227, 239
Villeneuve, Pierre-Charles-Jean-Baptiste-Silvestre:
background and class 28-9
Cape Finisterre 86, 87
Caribbean, leaves Nelson behind in 80, 81, 131
Churruca criticises tactics of 94-5, 277
complains of state of French Navy 19
Council of War, presence at 9
despairs at state of Spanish allies 15
Dumanoir, relationship with 277-8
Grand Strategy, first informed of 77
Grand Strategy, role in 75, 84-5
Napoleon forbids informing his captains of French Grand Strategy 45
Napoleon, relationship with 45, 47, 85, 86
personality 92
portraits 285
Toulon, breaks out of 78, 79
Trafalgar tactics 46, 48, 94-5, 120, 197, 268-9, 276-8
Trafalgar, surrenders 268-9
Vincent, John 144-5, 147, 155
biblical xii
British culture of xi, 230, 237-8
definition of 209
ending of 258
heroism, relation to 215
honour in exposure to 224-5, 240
millennial apocalyptic xii-xiii
Nelson’s instinct for devastation and 190, 232-3, 262
Trafalgar, presence at 209-38, 244-5, 257-8, 270, 272, 288, 289-91, 292-3
Troubridge’s nature of 231-2, 233, 235-6
Wordsworth views as divine virtue 314-15
Virgil xviii, xix, 57, 235, 284-5, 317
Voltaire 169
Walker, Henry 307-8
Walpole, Horace 36, 37-8, 106, 167, 180
Walpole, Robert 36, 40
as foundation of beauty 314-17
change in attitudes towards after First World 317
Waterloo, Battle of 263, 314
Wealth of Nations (Smith) 44
Wellington, Duke of 76, 172, 251
Wemyss, John 88-9
West Indies 78, 80, 133
West, Benjamin 124, 251, 252, 253, 272, 273
Wharton, Lieutenant 87
Wilkes, John 142-3
Wolfe, General 251, 252, 253, 272
Wordsworth, Dorothy 70
Wordsworth, William 52, 70, 115, 191-2, 193-4, 237, 291-2, 314-15
Wyatt, James 124
‘Young Sea Officer’s Sheet Anchor, The’ 26
Yule, Lieutenant John 91
Bayntun’s 134
definition of 3
French Revolutionary 19
Nelson’s 44
Royal Navy encourages individual 43-6