Study Other Landscape Photographers’ Work


I truly believe that studying the work of other landscape photographers you admire is one of the best things you can do for your landscape photography. Don’t just look at their photos—dissect them, break them down. For example, look at the light. See if you can figure out if they shot at sunrise or sunset. Maybe they shot in late morning or early morning light, but after sunrise. Look at what they use for their foreground. Rocks? A lake? A tree? Look at how they use leading lines. Look at their post-processing. Figure out what type of lens they used (how wide or how tight). Look at their locations. There is so much information in their images—you just have to look for it and be aware of it. It’s one of the best learning tools we have, and thanks to Instagram, we can easily follow a lot of different photographers. You’ll quickly find out which ones are taking the kind of landscape images you want to take, and learning that (which particular style of landscape photography you like) is a big help. Once you figure out which style of landscape images you want to make, you can focus on shooting that one style, and you’ll see a big leap forward in your own photography because now you’re focused on the exact type of images you want to take. As far as following landscape photographers on Instagram, if you’re looking for a place to start, here are a few of my favorites:

@maxrivephotography @LarsVanDeGoor @sofyan_adi2805 @chrisburkard @liang.dennis @danielkordan @alexstrohl @jamieout @kilianschoenberger @antonyspencer @noriegaphotography @marcadamus @capturewithdave @bernabephoto