
Chapter 33: Happy Zone



"Why are you so happy today?" Jason confronts me as we complete our last run around the stadium. He has been eyeing me ever since we started our training session an hour ago. Questions are hanging on his lips.

"Why shouldn't I be? I am back to where I belong." I extend my hands to the side and breathe the air. This stadium means so much to me. My second home. Four months ago, I nearly lost it. True to her word, Sharon spoke to my coach and head trainer. They agreed to allow me to the OTAs for a week's practice with certain limitations. Sharon had ensured there would be no going overboard. During the OTAs, apart from joining my mates in the training sessions, I was cleared for the seven on seven drills. She and Tom had worked out a plan to ease me into the pre-season training camp.

I would have liked to play more, but you can't argue with your doctor. The fresh air is exhilarating. It is exciting to be back on the ground. My leg is doing good. The athletic trainers and coaches are glad about my progress. I hope to be off the PUP (players unable to perform) list by the time the pre-season starts.

"Good for you. Is this the only reason? I have never seen you smile so much in an hour."

I ignore Jason and continue my stretching routine. He stands glaring at me. "Out with it."

"Hey, stop your interrogation, Barney." Jason's quizzical expression makes me laugh. I tell him about the names Sharon gave us during our first meeting on the interstate.

"Okay, Freddy." Jason rolls his eyes before he pulls my outstretched arm. "Stop skirting my question."

"Are you jealous of my happy mood?" I shrug him off.

"No bro, I have a right to know everything about you. You haven't told me anything about your rehab at the hospital. Emily tells me there have been daily coffee dates." Jason already has the scoop. God, what do I do about my family? They won't stop gossiping.

"Who told her?" I act surprised.

Jason crosses his arms, digging in. "She has been talking to your girlfriend? They became friends during your stay at the hospital."

"So. . . ?" I continue to fake it trying to give the impression that nothing is going on.

"So, what?" Jason pulls me to face him. Now there is no escape. He shouts at me. "Come on, man. I want everything. All the details."

"And why should I tell you?" I want to tease Jason to see how far he will go. We share everything. Well, not all. Some details are too personal.

"Because I am your best friend and your bro-in-law, Jonny boy," Jason squeezes my arm. I relent and tell him all about our meetings.

"Fantastic. What next, man?" Jason is more excited than I am at the news.

"We are going on a date today." I can't hold my excitement from bubbling out.

"Oh, is that why you are so springy today? Good for you, mate. Say hello to the doc." Jason says goodbye and I run to my car to head back home.

I get back to my house and take a shower. In front of my open wardrobe, I am dumbfounded as to what to wear. I have been on dates. But never with someone whom I want to make special in my life. It is hard to choose. I have seen Sharon check me out on the sly, but today, I want her eyes only on me. She is shy, so she won't make the first move. Today is my chance to set the ball in play and fan the embers to set her attraction ablaze.

I study my face from different angles and rub my hands on the trimmed beard. Yeh, I am like all the superstitious sports jocks. The initial plan was to keep the beard till I played my first game, but when Sharon ran her fingers on my scruff, this beard's fate was sealed and placed firmly in her hands. It will adorn my face as long as she wants it.

The beard accentuates my jawline and together with my size, completes my lumberjack avatar. I turn to Nate, "What do you think?" The kid is following me around my room as I get ready.

Nate comes near and gives a thumbs up. "Dad, where are you going?"

"Sharon and I are going to a meeting."

His eyes light up. He jumps in front of me. "Can I go? Please dad, Pretty please. I will be a good boy."

Shit. I hate to break his heart but his enthusiasm needs to be tempered down. At least till I am sure things between me and Sharon are on firmer ground.

"Sorry, bud. It is an official function. No kids allowed." I hate to lie to him. Forgive me, lord. If you help me out tonight, then I don't need to keep lying to my kid. His shoulders drop. "Ok, let us make a deal. You be a good boy during your stay with grandma and I will speak to Sharon if we can meet her some other time."

"Promise." Nate extends his fist.

I do the same and bump his hand. "Promise."

"Can I help you get ready?"

"Sure, be my guide."

We work through different combinations and pick three sets. Nate and I then finalize one. We settle on a dark red t-shirt under a black leather jacket, paired with blue jeans. Then I go about setting my hair, looking smug in the mirror. Time to entice my Tigress.

Nate sits on the bed watching me and making faces. After I get ready and we pick up his night bag we head to Mom's place. Nate grills me on the way. God, the kid is persistent and perceptive.

"Dad, do you meet her at the hospital? Can I come next time?"

"Hm, but my sessions at the hospital are over and we discussed this before. Hospitals are not great places for kids to go every day." I keep my eyes on the road.

"Why are you going to her meeting?"

"Because she asked me to."

"Why did she not ask me to come?"

"She would have, but the meeting is for grown-ups."

"If you are going to a meeting, then why are you dressed like this." He wiggles his finger at me. He goes on without waiting for my response.

"You are going on a date. Is she now your girlfriend dad?"

What should I say to this kid? If I give him a teeny-weeny bit of information, he will go all around town announcing it to everyone. God forgot to put a pause or mute button inside my kid.

"Well, it is not a date. Sharon is taking me to meet the kids you met at the theater the other day." Oops. This is a costly slip. He catches on in an instant.

"Then why can't I go?" Nate gives me his best pout and pleading eyes. I nearly give in but I have plans for the night. After a while, he gets back to his point. "Dad, you like her, don't you?"

"Officer Nate, will you stop the interrogation?" I pat him on the head.

"You like her and she is your girlfriend. I can tell even if you won't admit it." Nate pushes my hand away.

"You act far more mature than your age Nate. Can you slow down and be my little kid for a little longer? Say, for another twenty years or so?"

"Why won't you admit it, dad?" The kid is determined to get me to fess up.

I hate to pour cold water on his excitement. It is still early days. "Hey champ, life is not so simple. I am still not sure she likes me in that way."

He does not say a word for some time, staring at the road ahead. After a while, he pats my leg, "Dad, you don't have to worry about me. I like her very much."

I nod and ruffle his hair. Was I wrong in not telling him my true feelings? My heart is clear about wanting her and what this meeting means. But I need to get Nate to slow down until I can help Sharon sort her feelings about us. This is a casual meeting and Nate is hounding me with questions about Sharon. What will he do if I tell him how desperate I am to make her a permanent fixture in our lives?

"Enjoy your night out. Say hello to her." Mom almost blows my cover in front of Nate, but he pays no attention. He's engrossed in petting Notty, Mom's dog.

I drive off, using the GPS to reach my destination. The locality is simple. Sharon lives in an apartment block. She asked me to wait outside. I respect her boundary and inform her of my arrival. The wait has me on edge. Even if this is not a date, I am eager to see my girl's pad. Hold your thoughts Jonny boy, this girl can't be rushed.

She is out of the door within five minutes. She's wearing a simple peach coat over blue jeans. Her shoulder-length curls bounce as she walks towards me. My fingers twitch at the thought of running through those curls. Will today be our lucky day? The ten suckers might be developing a fetish for her hair.

I step out and open the door for her. Before she gets in, I pull her in a hug and tuck a strand of hair behind her ears. "You always look amazing. Simple and beautiful." From the seat of my truck, I pick the red carnations I brought for her. A huge bunch of fifty. One for each day since she walked back into my life at the stadium. The flower lady said red carnations mean 'My heart aches for you.' I hope Sharon catches the significance.

Sharon's eyes light up at the sight of the flowers. "So, you are christening this as a date?" She takes a deep breath. Her eyes close as she rubs them to her cheeks and I am ready to fall to my knees.

"No, Dr. Sharon. I don't go on dates with doctors. I have a more exotic palate. Like this beautiful Tigress, I am working on, to seduce." I lean in to kiss her.

"Better be careful with what you wish for. This Tigress might be a maneater" She smiles and pushes my lips away with her finger and climbs into the SUV.

We drive for about thirty minutes until we reach the community hall next to the local church. On the way, we chat about her workday. I like how she holds the flowers close to her chest throughout the ride.

The church and the surrounding buildings are all white. The roof over the bell tower is red. The garden is well-maintained, dotted with maple trees. The red and the greens make the entire location beautiful. I am excited to be inside another part of her world.