T his Collection helps you step back and take a breath before diving into the coming month. It offers a bird’s-eye view of the things you have to do, as well as your available time. If each Bullet Journal is another volume in the story of your life, then the Monthly Log marks a new chapter. They’re small but significant milestones punctuating the year. Setting them up allows us to regularly check in with ourselves so that we can maintain/regain context, motivation, and focus.
The Monthly Log is set up on a spread of facing pages. The left page will be your Calendar page; the right page will be your Tasks page. The Topic of this Collection is the name of the month, and we add it to both pages of the spread (this page ).
Calendar Page
On the Calendar page, list the dates of that month down the left edge of the page, followed by the first letter of the corresponding day of the week (this page ). Remember to leave some room in the left margin so you can add Signifiers later, if needed. Signifiers will allow you to quickly scan your Calendar page to find anything particularly noteworthy.
Feel free to use this page like a traditional calendar, by slotting in your Events and Tasks ahead of time. That said, nothing is set in stone, so I prefer to log Events only after they happen. That way, the Monthly Log’s Calendar page acts like a timeline.
This timeline is something your future self will often be grateful for, as it can provide a lot of clarity and context—it shows you exactly what you focused on in a given month by highlighting precisely when it actually happened.
TIP: Keep your entries as short as possible, as the Monthly Log is designed for reference only.
TIP: For some added clarity, you can add lines dividing the weeks.