Our world is small.

Our life is simple.

We live in the house

my father got as a wedding gift

from my mother’s parents.

There are two rooms

and five of us.

My brother and I sleep with our father

and my sister shares a bed with our mother.

I go to two schools,

public school and Hebrew school.

I walk one hour each way,

my legs are able.

I speak two languages,

Polish and Yiddish.

My mother stays home

washing, cleaning, cooking.

I bring in water

and chop wood to heat our house.

I am a good son.

My sister, Bella,

is like her name.

She is beautiful.

She has our mother’s face.

My brother, Saul,

is too old for games.

He sits with the men

rocking and chanting prayers.

My father travels.

He is gone most of the week.

It takes many days to buy a cow.

He makes sure to be home for the Sabbath.

My mother and Bella light the candles.

Together we say prayers,

thanking the Master of the Universe

for our small world

and our simple life.