Essential Oils

Essential oils are a concentrated base substance derived from plants and contain the essence of a particular cutting. There are a number of ways to extract a plant’s oil, including distillation and cold press. Once the process is complete, the fragrant oil ends up being stronger than the plant they were born into. 

Plant essence has been used medically throughout history. Today, they are used in aromatherapy, which is a holistic practice that uses therapeutic application through scent.

Synthetic oils mimic the scent of real essential oils. These are not suitable for those who suffer from allergies or use for holistic manifestation. Essential oils are sacred in magic; use them to purify space and to bring a positive outcome, according to their properties, with all types of spells, from love to banishing. This is all due to their concentrated essence. 

Before using any essential oils, do a patch test to determine if you are sensitive to its composition. Place a drop in your inner arm or back. If redness or any type of irritation develops, wash the area thoroughly and make a note that that particular oil is not safe for you to use.

I use many essential oils, especially in the bath because they are quick-acting and go straight to the intent I want to manifest. If you don’t have a bathtub, you can still use essential oils just as effectively with the bucket method. 

Add a few drops of oil of your choosing to a white bucket. Take the bucket with you into the bathroom and leave it outside the shower. Take a shower as normal, then bring the bucket in with you, fill it up with warm water, and turn off the faucet. Then stand there naked, visualizing what you need from the Universe. Hold the bucket over your head and gently let the water run all over you. 

Many grocery stores carry a small range of essential oils in the pharmacy product aisle, outer aisles, or the hygiene section. Some stores only carry the most popular oils, such as lavender and eucalyptus, or a mixed blend for relaxing and the like.

Blended Essential Oils

There are essential oils blended by aromatherapy oil distributers for specific holistic practice. You can use them effectively according to their essences for physical ailments.

If you can’t find a particular essential oil in your grocery store, here is a list of blended essential oils to substitute with energy similar: Aphrodisiac, Calmness, Concentration, Meditation, Memory Boost, Rejuvenating, Relaxation, Sleep, Spiritual Enlightenment, Stress Relief.


Healing, Money

The scent of allspice is enough to awaken your senses. These little berries are gentle and yet powerful.

Burn a few drops on your oil burner for money.

Add it to your bath to heal the physical and spiritual bodies. It will help you understand and come to terms with your past and the demons you still hold deep inside.


Love, Protection, Money

Basil is an essence I cannot go without. I use a few drops in my magical baths and on the oil burner.

Add a few drops into a mop bucket to give the house that wonderful love, protection, and money essence and to refresh the energies within. Basil brings goodness and protects what we hold dear from those who want to take it away.


Calm, Happiness

This oil is refreshing and yet warm and comforting. Use a few drops in your bath to relax after a hard day at work.

Use bergamot in your oil burner to bring happiness within the home.

Sprinkle a few drops on the bed of the one who wakes up with an unhappy disposition.


Spirituality, Fertility

Cassia is gentle but strong like cinnamon.

Add cassia in your oil burner as a meditating tool.

Rub your bed sheets lightly the night you are most fertile to help the conception of the child you’ve been dreaming about. 

Cassia essential oil is excellent for those who work with animals; it helps them understand their pain and sorrows.


Money, Blessings, Cleansing

This woody masculine fragrance is magnetic and useful for the attraction of money if the oil is burned in your place of business. Add it to wallets for the same attraction. 

Keep your crystals in cedar boxes and add a few drops of cedar before you close the lid. It will keep the cleansed crystals safe from other energies.

Bless your home with a few drops of cedar at the front door.


Peace, Healing

Chamomile is not only good as a tea to calm the emotions but is also good to calm the ambiance and heal discord. Add a few drops to the bath to relax from a heated argument.

Chamomile is great for those who suffer endless despair; it will help them calm their mind and spirit and enable them to think and look ahead with a positive attitude. It takes away the stress that caused the despair in the first place. 

Chamomile also aids sleep if rubbed on the pillows or if you take a bath with a few drops added before going to bed. 


Love, Success, Attraction, the Fruition of Dreams

The essential oil cinnamon scent is like no other. Its attraction property is one of the strongest I have come across besides jasmine as it attracts our wishes like a magnet. But be warned, this is a powerful essence and may turn your stomach if you use it strongly. 

Dab a drop on your clothes before a job interview or a date especially if you want to see them again.

Place a few drops behind your chair at work to attract good things from your boss.

Place a single drop on one of the corners of your pillow for good dreams to come true.

Clary Sage

Visions, Peace

Use this oil when meditating and doing psychic work. Clary Sage aids with futuristic visions and brings peace to the soul.


Love, Protection, Money

Clove is another money oil and can be used in wallets.

Walk around the home and leave a few drops, thinking of your money or protection needs.

Take a bath with a few drops of clove oil to attract the love you want. 


Healing, Longevity

This woody spicy oil is healing and loving. Add a few drops to your bath or oil burner for spiritual and physical health.

Use cypress on your oil burner to evoke the Goddess or help a relationship that needs healing and love to make it through trying times. 


Healing, Protection 

All households should have this oil in their pantry or magical pantry. Eucalyptus baths are essential and should be done at least once a month to cleanse your aura, help with physical ailments, and clear your spiritual path.

Eucalyptus is also an excellent tool to have around the home for protection. Add a few drops to your mop and bucket to clear negative energy.



The smell of fennel is intoxicating, and I use it in a bath to heal the physical body from injuries or sickness. Use it to help heal the emotions of a broken heart.


Protection, Banishing, Cleansing

Make sure frankincense is always close at hand; it is an honest oil, pure and magical. This oil has the power to evoke spirit and bring what is due to the user.

Add to your bath to banish negative energy and spirits from your etheric field.

Use it as a cleansing tool by adding a few drops to a white cloth and using it to wipe doors, knobs, and kitchen counters.

Use it anywhere you feel someone has touched and you need their energy removed from your space. 

Always use frankincense on your oil burner to bring protection to your home or business from other’s negative influences.

Use a few drops on the cloth you keep your tarot cards or runes in. It cleanses them for your next psychic reading. 


Love, Health, Protection

Fresh is the word for this essential oil. It brings freshness where there was nothing but staleness.

Add this oil to the bath to bring love and health for those who seek it.

Use geranium in your oil burner to protect the home from spirit intruders, as they dislike the happy atmosphere it brings.


Health, Money, Success

Dab a few drops in your wallet or purse for financial gains.

Place a few drops of ginger on a cotton ball and place it under your pillow for your health needs.

Add ginger to your bath for your money and success needs. 


Love, Passion, Money

Jasmine is another of the attraction oils; it is powerful and just. Who would have thought that this sweet drop could have the power to do what others could not?

Use this essential oil in all your love and passion workings. Dab it on your wrist to attract the love you need; use it in your bath to enhance passion before a romantic night.

Use it on your oil burner to attract money or a new job or for a new sense of direction. 

 Jojoba Oil


Jojoba is one of the most popular carrier oils and is used to blend those expensive essential oils such as rose or sandalwood to dilute them for a cheaper option.

Jojoba is good for the bath to relax your spiritual and physical forms, not to mention it is also good for the skin. Just submerge and let this kind and gentle oil take away the stressors of the day. 


Love, All-rounder

Lavender has been used very effectively in love spells. Dab your intimates drawer with lavender oil. Take a bath with it.

Sprinkle lavender in all the corners of your home to bring in that loving energy, especially where the family gathers.

Use small amounts around babies or young children to induce a peaceful sleep. Lavender is nothing but calming and soothes the soul after a hard, long, stressful day. 


Longevity, Clearing

In your oil burner, place a few drops of lemon essential oil every Sunday to keep your home healthy and functioning. It brings fresh things to the home, new ideas, or even concepts. It also makes the habitants more than happy to be with each other. 


Repellent, Psychic Intuitiveness 

This oil is strong and makes you aware of its magical properties. It sharpens your intuitive nature. Lemongrass repels all that is evil and those who wish us harm. Take a lemongrass bath to repel what you don’t want and make use of it when conducting psychic work. 


Protective, Clearing

Use myrrh for all your protection needs. It enhances your shield of armor to protect you from negative energy. Draw a pentagram on your front door with myrrh oil. Place three drops in each corner of your child’s room to protect them from bad dreams and all entities that take advantage of our little ones. 

Place a few drops in your mop bucket and cleanse you home. As you do, say, “Be gone and leave my home.”



I personally have to be careful with this oil. Its magical property and scent is strong enough to knock me out if I’m not careful when I use it. I suggest you use it sparingly. 

Nutmeg is excellent for any money, wealth, financial, or love abundance you may need. Visualize the need you seek and let this oil do what it does best: create abundance. 

Add a few drops to your mop bucket and as you mop, concentrate on your abundance needs for your home or business.

Dab two drops on a handkerchief and carry its essence with you at all time. Place nutmeg under your pillow to keep the energy flowing through the night.


Happiness, Strength 

This is a happy oil. Its fresh and motivating scent awakens your endorphins to a happy place where you can find the strength to do all the things you have wanted to do but have been unable to accomplish.

Take a bath with this tantalizing fragrance and let the orange essence blend with your own to activate your dreams so you can go out and get them.

Burn it in your oil burner to keep the happiness within your home.

Sprinkle a few drops on your back and front porches to bring happiness. 


Love, Passion, Fertility

Make the most of this oil, which is used in matters of love and fertility. In a small red drawstring bag, place a few cotton balls and add a few drops of patchouli for a passionate night. Use the same method for love. Substitute the red drawstring bag for an orange one to help with conception.


Dream Visions

Peppermint not only is therapeutic for a few physical ailments, but also has its place in the magical world. Place one drop on your pillow to start then increase to two drops. This will enhance your ability to dream and retain those dreams in the morning.

This sweet minty oil is also excellent to burn when making plans to manifest those dreams you think are unthinkable. 

Rosemary (The multi-tasker )

Everything you can think of

If you can’t find a particular oil, use rosemary as your backup. You can burn this oil for health to banishing or anything else you need.

Sprinkle a few drops in your mop bucket to cleanse the home and bring in loving energies.

Use a few drops in your child’s room to protect her or him from all that you can’t see.

Place a few drops on your clothes before you go out on a date or if you want to attract “the one.”

Use rosemary as a study tool, especially for children. Take it to work to keep you alert on daunting tasks. If you can’t use your oil burner, place a few drops on a hanky or tissue and smell it a few times a day to keep you focused. 



Pure rose essential oil is not cheap, but if you find it with jojoba carrier oil, it will be more affordable. It will still have all of its magical properties. This oil is sweet and passive, calming as it soothes the emotions in our hearts. It lifts the spirit and brings blessings to the home.

Add a few drops in your bath to find your spiritual health and patience when you have none. In troubled times, use this oil to find inner strength to help you through hard times, as it gives hope and purpose. 

Rose is feminine and nurturing. Add a few drops to your clothes or burn it in your oil burner when you are around your children, especially teenagers; it helps them be more open around you. For many centuries, roses have been associated with love. It is used in magic to bring love, to keep love, and to heal from love. Use this oil wisely; it will never let you down once you set your mind on the intent you want to bring forth. 


Spirituality, Psychic Workings, Wishes

Sandalwood is not as costly as rose, but well worth the expense as it lasts for a long time in your magical cabinet. Use sandalwood for divination or with people who are seeking spiritual enlightenment because it calms the mind so it can focus on their particular issues.

Take as many baths as you can with this oil and make your wishes in a meditative state.

Spread sandalwood around your home, a few drops here and there, to make each member of the family more intuitive and aware of their chosen paths to become successful in life.


Love, Understanding 

When you study, burn spearmint in your oil burner. It will keep you alert so you can remain focused, and it enables you to absorb all the information you are given. 

Add a few drops to your mop bucket to keep loving energies within your home so no one will steal them. 



This oil is great for physical healing. It gets to the root of the problem while connecting to the spiritual reason why the physical is not communicating with your higher self. 

Place three drops under your pillow to obtain that sense of knowing that, with every breath you take, you are healing emotionally and physically. Thyme helps you remember that you can become a stronger and more positive individual by dealing with past demons that hinder your spiritual growth.


Stress, Allure 

This essential oil is sweet and alluring. It takes away the stressors of your life and helps you deal with uncomfortable situations with ease and calm. 

Burn ylang-ylang in your oil burner to bring forth a stress-free environment.

Place a few drops in your bath to attract the one you want to share your life with, and let those magical energies embed themselves in every single orifice of your body to cause and manifest your desire intent.