
Aum Sookshmathanaye Namaha!


Those Who Worship Shiva

The Perennial Philosophy is primarily concerned with the one divine Reality substantial to the manifold world of things and lives and minds. But the nature of this one Reality is such that it cannot be directly and immediately apprehended except by those who have chosen to fulfill certain conditions, making themselves loving, pure in heart, and pure in spirit. . . . But in every age there have been some men and women who have chosen to fulfill the conditions upon which alone, as a matter of brute empirical fact, such immediate knowledge can be had. And of these, a few have left accounts of the reality they were thus able to apprehend, and have tried to relate in one comprehensive system of thought the given facts of this experience with the given facts of their other experiences. To such firsthand exponents of the Perennial Philosophy those who knew them have generally given the name of “saint” or “prophet,” “sage” or “enlightened one.”



The devotees of Shiva who are described here belong to this class of beings.