

Michael cut his partner a sidelong glance. His usual smartass grin had given way to an expression that left little question as to how he felt about the implication that word offered.

“You were right to come to me, Leon. I only wish you’d done so sooner,” Shaw said, sitting next to the Senator before looking up at the small cluster of men. “I assure you, my son and Mr. O’Shea are the best FSS has to offer. Both have extensive experience when it comes to rescue and recovery.” Shaw gave him a slight smile that caused the muscle in Michael’s jaw to clench tight.

Leon Maddox swept a skeptical gaze over him, one that said he knew exactly who he was and exactly what he’d done, and that he was not to be trusted. “Thank you, Livingston. In the interest of foreign relations, I foolishly agreed to allow the Spanish authorities to handle the situation. I regret it.” He settled his gaze on Ben. “I understand you’re quite the tracker.”

“I’m the best,” Ben said, shooting a hostile glare at his father. “But green-lighting an off-the-books black op to find junior is a bit overkill, don’t ya think?”


“No, Livingston. The boy’s right.” Maddox looked at the man sitting next to him. “It’s a total abuse of my power and our friendship that I should even be here asking for help.” He looked up at the kid. “But I am. And I’m not ashamed to say I’ll use you and your friend here, along with whoever and whatever is necessary, to see my grandson returned,” Maddox said as he stood. He held his hand out to Ben, who shook it. Maddox turned to Michael and gave him a long quiet look. “I don’t trust you.”

“I don’t blame you.” He looked the old man in the eye.

Maddox issued a quiet bark of laughter before holding out his hand. “I want my grandson home, and I want the bastards that took him dead. Every last one of them. I want it understood that they’ve messed with the wrong man. Am I clear?”

“As a bell, sir.” He took the hand offered and gave it a firm shake before moving to the side, letting the Senator pass on his way to the elevator.

“They were visiting family friends—an old boarding school roommate of Senator Maddox’s son, Jon.” Shaw used a discreet button panel on his desk to activate the large LED screen behind his desk. “It was to be a quick trip before school started for their children—Claire, age nine, and Leo, age six.” The screen behind Shaw flipped through various family photos. The Maddox family on the steps of the Alhambra palace in Granada. Leo and Claire sitting in the stands at the Plaza de Toros Monumental. The screen flashed to a close-up of Leo. “He and his mother took an early-morning trip to Mercat Del Encants. She became distracted by a merchant, and when she turned back around, Leo was gone.” Shaw dropped his hands onto his desk.

“No ransom demands?” Michael said.

“No,” Shaw said.


His boss nodded and hit another button. Leo’s picture was replaced by surprisingly clear security footage. The camera was aimed directly at a string of high-priced booths. To the left of the screen, a well-dressed blonde strolled the aisle with a small boy in tow. The blonde was stopped in the middle of the thoroughfare by a young girl peddling scarves. The boy pulled away, eager to use his mother’s distraction to his best advantage. She turned her head for a few seconds—five at best—but it was enough. The instant her back was turned, a man swept into the frame, ball cap pulled low to hide his face, and scooped the boy into his arms. He clamped a hand over Leo’s mouth and was gone before the blonde even manages to tell the girl no thanks.

Shaw paused the feed. “That’s it. Ten seconds of tape. Less than helpful, I’m afraid.”

The guy on the screen kept his face turned away. He seemed to know that the camera was there, so it was safe to assume that whoever he was, he’d planned the abduction. Michael studied the frozen images on the screen and tried not to let the look of absolute terror on the boy’s face bother him.

“Where was their security detail?”

Shaw inclined his head and shrugged. “Jon Maddox is an up and comer—his father is pinning presidential hopes on his chest, but his wife, Sara, is … less than cooperative. She’d been expressly forbidden from taking Leo from the hotel without his detail, and she agreed not to do so.”

“But she did it anyway,” Ben said, shooting Michael a sidelong glance.

“Any chance she’s involved?” Michael said.

Shaw shook his head. “No. She’s completely beside herself. Leon said she’s been under heavy sedation since the abduction.”

Michael said nothing. He wasn’t counting anyone out—not even the old man. Leon Maddox played the part of bereaved grandfather to a T, but if he’d learned anything it was that the face most people showed the world was a lie.

“What about her?” He tipped his chin at the screen, indicating the young woman with the scarves. “Anyone talk to her? Ask her what she saw?”

“Spanish authorities haven’t been able to find her.”

“Bullshit. They can’t find one girl?” This came from Lark, who until now had been content to sit quietly. He crossed his arms over his chest, shooting a pointed look Michael’s way. “Either they don’t care or they’ve been paid not to look,” he said.

“My guess is both,” Michael said, studying the frozen video. The girl looked scared, that’s for sure, but she didn’t look surprised by what was happening. “I guess we have our square one.” Michael stood, ready to get started, but his partner had different ideas.

“I have a question,” Ben said, his clear blue eyes gone ice cold. “Why the hell do you care about some kid that got snatched from a flea market?”

“Leon Maddox is my friend.” Shaw folded his hands on his blotter and pinned his son with a glare.

“You don’t have friends; you have chess pieces.” Ben shook his head. “There’s always something in it for you. So what is it?”

“Believe it or not, Benjamin, I happen to care a great deal about what happens to Leo Maddox—”

“You care?” Ben shot to his feet. “Well, look at you … all magnanimous and shit,” he said with a laugh. “I’d like to know where your nobility was the day Mason and Emily—”

“That’s enough, Benjamin.”

Ben went still. “That’s where you’re wrong, Dad. It’ll never be enough,” he said, and Michael was sure he was seconds away from launching himself across the desk at his father. Instead, he turned and stalked his way toward the elevator. They watched him go in silence.

“Benjamin has always had a flair for the dramatic, I’m afraid,” Shaw said, turning his attention to Michael. “Despite his suspicions as to where my motives lie, it’s imperative that Leo Maddox be found. So much so that I’m willing to offer you a deal: I’m giving you one week. If you can find and bring the Maddox boy home within that time, I’ll set you free.”