Congratulations to Ruth EJ Booth, who won the prize for best non-fiction at the 2019 British Fantasy Society’s awards for her Noise and Sparks column. She continues to deserve the prefix ‘award-winning’, and you can pick up on her thoughts on page 103 with The Elephant in the Ceremony Room.
Congratulations also go to Simon Fung, who won the 2019 Flash Fiction prize with his story, Those who live by the shawarma: I shall never look at a kebab in the same way again. Congratulations too to our runners-up, Emma Levin and Anna Ziegelgoh. This year the judges were students of English Literature at Edinburgh University, who were as sharp as tacks at their task.
Sadly we have to report on the death last year of Martyn Turner. Martyn was one of Shoreline of Infinity’s greatest fans. He was a subscriber from issue 1 and became a patreon as he felt it was important to support ventures like ours which provides opprtunities for new science fiction talents. Martyn was a regular at Event Horizon, always cheerful and a pleasure to talk to. The world needs more Martyns, not fewer.
We dedicate this issue of Shoreline of Infinity to the memory of Martyn Turner.
This issue has our usual mix of writers from all over the world, from Scotland, England, United States and Iran. But we begin with a story from a Shoreline regular, Netherlands writer Bo Balder. The title of her story, The Elephant Keeper, picks up from where we started with award-winning Ruth EJ Booth’s piece.
—Noel Chidwick,
January 2020