There was no way Subaru could call it a sight for sore eyes. It was like something straight out of a nightmare.
“Didn’t wanna show ya this if I didn’t have to.”
Unlike Subaru’s obvious astonishment, Garfiel reacted with only a slightly bitter comment, showing no sign that he was amazed. This wasn’t something worth gaping over for him. As Subaru slowly overcame his initial surprise, a realization dawned on him: He had probably met one of the people in this group face-to-face already.
“…The moment we got here, I was teleported to the forest out of the blue…”
It had occurred right after the magical relocation Subaru experienced upon arriving at the Sanctuary.
The crystal had reacted to the barrier, and the power of the stone had sent Subaru flying into the woods. It must have been one of the perfect copies of Ryuzu that had led the stranded Subaru to the tomb. Once he reunited with Emilia, Otto, and the others, Ram had admonished him to conceal the fact that he had encountered the elven girl.
Until that very moment, Subaru had shoved the girl into a corner of his memory. However, given this unexpected reunion, he understood for the first time that it had been a mistake to overlook that first encounter.
As the doll-like girl—no, girls—stood in silence, it was evident that they were identical beings.
“Don’t tell me these are…clones? Copies…? Is that even possible…?”
Seeing the girls easily evoked those words in the back of Subaru’s brain.
They were terms deeply associated with stories that had science-fictional themes, but they were a poor fit for his new world, a place dominated by swords and spells. In the first place, who could have reproduced that kind of technology—?
“—Sorry to interrupt ya thoughts, but it’s time.”
Giving the confused Subaru a shove on the shoulder, Garfiel reoriented himself toward the forest. The impending pressure was making the hair on Subaru’s back stand up as he glanced back and forth between the forest and the girls.
“Garfiel! Don’t tell me your plan is—”
“Crush her with numbers. Reid always fights head-on, y’know!”
Bringing both fists together in front of his chest, Garfiel revealed that his plan followed the doctrine of “simple is best.” There was no hidden twist, but there was no argument that it wasn’t the most suitable choice. Of course, it was an operation that accepted there would be casualties.
“Don’t get bent out o’ shape worryin’ over them. They ain’t like the old hag. This lot is totally empty on the inside. Still, they should be able to follow orders, no problem. We’ll make an openin’ and take that bastard’s damn head!”
There was no time to lodge any complaint about the operation nor to ask the girls—the copies—what they thought.
“…As for you, lemme say sorry in advance.”
That was all Garfiel said in the final moments before Subaru was thrust into the heart of a new battlefield.
Not comprehending the meaning of the words, the powerless Subaru was relegated to the rear. Garfiel stood at the head of the formation with the twenty-odd copies lined up behind him while Subaru brought up the rear.
With their formation decided, an eerie moment of tranquility settled into place, filled only with his breathing and the beating of his heart.
Slowly, the menace showed itself as it trespassed upon the world.
The forest was being slain before his eyes. Swallowed by a shadow of immense mass, the trees lost their shape like something dissolving into water, leaving no trace behind as the very concepts of tree and forest were contaminated by shadow.
This was heresy. This was violation. This was a slaughter.
The Witch blotting out the world with her love noticed Subaru standing in the path of her advance.
And then—
“—I love you.”
Subaru was beset by an unending revulsion; his instincts kept clamorously ringing an alarm bell to shout Danger! After uttering that lone phrase, the Witch leaped over Garfiel and the Ryuzu brigade, whispering her love to no one but Subaru.
In that instant, the Witch directed all her interest and concern onto Subaru and Subaru alone—
Garfiel, who was their only hope for victory, raised a great howl.
A moment later, the ground exploded. Kicking up plumes of dust, Garfiel leaped up like he had been launched from a slingshot.
Garfiel’s mouth was open wide, fangs bared as he hurtled toward the shadow. As Subaru watched, he saw Garfield’s entire body swell up as his clothing ripped from the inside, unable to endure the expansion of his flesh. His entire body became covered in golden fur, and his hands and feet transformed into bestial claws—Garfiel the great tiger, the ferocious beast Subaru was hard-pressed to forgive, had reared his head.
Roaring as he went, the savage tiger’s speed exceeded all normal bounds.
Given how his beastly movements were unchanged, it was apparent that Garfiel had nullified the effect of the barrier somehow. Accordingly, with neither hesitation nor sorrow, he brought his fangs down to bite into the pitch-black dress and rip it apa—
—Instantly, shadows stretched away from the Witch’s feet, coiling around the leaping great tiger.
The shadows bound the great tiger’s limbs, stealing away his momentum and trapping the growling creature. As dark tendrils sank into animal limbs as thick as Subaru’s hips, the sound of tearing flesh rang out, accompanied by the spurting of a bloody mist.
There was a scream. The raging great tiger heaved as the shadows tightened their hold and cruelly tore into his body.
While Subaru could only watch helplessly with wide eyes, the Ryuzu copies that Garfiel had summoned and left on standby began to join the battle.
Letting out unemotional voices devoid of intelligence, the young girls sprinted toward the shadow all at once. Moving with surprising swiftness, they pursued the great tiger held captive by the shadow, drawing closer to the Witch all the while.
A pair of copies leaped in with arms spread wide as if inviting the Witch into their embrace. Just before they could close the distance, shadows burst outward in the shape of spears, impaling them in the abdomen and hoisting them aloft.
Two girls with identical faces, impaled through their abdomens, were lined up at the same height as Garfiel, his four limbs still bound. The shadow swayed their bodies back and forth as if to mock him.
It was excessively vicious. However, the Witch’s overconfidence had caused her to make a mistake.
There was barely any warning before the change occurred—but it was the change itself that was grand and terrible.
The two impaled Ryuzus began emitting a pale light, and a second later, scattered in every direction like an explosion.
Their battered bodies transformed into particles of light, blowing away the shadow surrounding them. For a single moment, this breathed life back into the world steeped in shadowy darkness and started a chain reaction.
Following the two who had been blown away, the remaining copies shouted at the Witch all at once, launching a suicide charge against her.
It had already been demonstrated that an all-out charge with no thought for survival would prove effective. In response, the Witch didn’t hesitate to direct all her shadows to meet the girls rushing at her.
The shadows welled up, dividing into groups to crush the girls trying to overwhelm the Witch with sheer numbers. There were five razor-edged shadows for each of the girls, a mass of about one hundred raging limbs dancing madly as they fell upon the girls who tried to take evasive action.
The shadows impaled and rent skulls and bodies alike as they sliced the girls to death.
Leaping all at the same moment, the remaining copies launched a simultaneous attack from numerous directions. Now that their little schemes had all been defeated by brute force, the Ryuzus used their last option, transforming into pale light and exploding one after another in a staggered, rhythmical fashion—which temporarily thinned the shadows spawned by the Witch, prying clear a path to the pitch-black dress behind. That was when—
The fierce beast that had been riddled with wounds flew into the gap that had been wrenched open.
Escaping the shadow bindings during the replica suicide attack, the ferocious beast crouched low to the ground, and immediately following the pale blue explosions of light, a roar seemed to break through that dazzling glow as the claws of a wild animal swung at the Witch.
The great tiger became a torrential gale that surged forward as the Witch bundled a few remaining shadows to form a blocking wall. However, the great tiger swung an arm toward the bulwark of shadows, pulling a silhouette forward with its front paw—slamming the last of the replicas home, pulverizing the wall and his own arm. Then fang and claw pierced the veil of pale light, sinking deep into the dress of shadow.
—He got her, thought Subaru. The setup had been so perfect that he was certain of the final outcome.
Without any regrets, the twenty-one Ryuzu replicas had expended themselves in a self-destructive suicide charge.
Against a blow delivered at such a high cost, even the Witch of Jealousy had to be—
“—I love you.”
The firm belief to which Subaru clung was rebuffed and smashed to pieces, along with Garfiel, who turned to bloody mist.
Speechless, all Subaru could do was watch as the golden-colored great tiger was eviscerated.
His claws should have torn the Witch’s body apart, and his fangs should have crushed her skull. The tiger’s murderous intent could have pulverized a human body with ease; not even a Witch would have been able to endure it—assuming the attack struck home.
What had robbed Garfiel of his life were shadowy blades that had slipped into his body through the wounds on his limbs. The shadows that had initially bound Garfiel used his wounds as an entryway to race around, cutting his body to shreds from within.
In other words, Garfiel’s death had been decided the moment he suffered his first injury. His life had been whittled down relentlessly.
There were no words for the cruelty of that act. The fragments of flesh that were once Garfiel were mercilessly scattered about the murky black ground. Even these were swallowed by shadow, all traces of his existence erased. The Ryuzu replicas had also been annihilated, so only Subaru and the Witch remained—no, that wasn’t right.
“—I love you.”
From the beginning, the Witch had no eyes for anyone but Subaru, rooted to where he stood.
Not Garfiel, slashed to death; not the Ryuzu replicas, slaughtered; not the people of the Sanctuary and Earlham Village, no doubt engulfed by shadow at a time unbeknownst to him; not Ram; not Otto; not Ryuzu; not Roswaal; not Patlash; not Emilia—anything and everything else was a distant afterthought.
“—I love you.”
“Shut up.”
“I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you.”
“I said, shut up…!”
As Subaru stood still, the Witch walked along a path formed of shadow, moving past the clearing to approach him.
Her contours were hazy. He couldn’t even put a finger on her height. Just as before, he could not distinguish her voice.
And yet, her clingy zeal alone touched Subaru’s heart without reservation to an abominable extent.
“I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you.”
To the immobile Subaru, the Witch whispered her love as it if was a curse.
She acted more out of place and was worse at reading people than even Subaru. Not only did her whispers of love inspire anger in him, the adoration she was offered was completely selfish.
Her love was repulsive. But in that moment, what sent Subaru into even more of a rage was—
“I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you—Subaru.”
“—You don’t get to call me that!!”
That sweet, enchanted form of address made Subaru explode in anger.
The charming voice, the sweet gesture, the feverish way in which she said it rubbed Subaru the worst way possible.
“Who gave you permission to call me that name?! Don’t screw with me! God damn it!!”
It was a form of address filled with trust, with pride, with mutual love meant for those who stood at each other’s side.
In that world, there was only one person Subaru permitted to address him by his first name imbued with such affection.
“This ain’t a joke!! That’s for one person alone. Who the hell would…? No! Letting you go for what you’ve done, forgiving even one lock of your hair or one part of a single cell of yours, is too good for you—!!”
Indignant, Subaru let his anger reign, mercilessly driving home the maelstrom of emotions swirling inside his chest.
He had no chance of victory. He had no chance of survival. Besides, that world held no reason for him to live on anymore.
Even so, he absolutely could not simply stand and watch her trample on that bond as she pleased.
“I love you I love you I love you I love you.”
Her love was relentless. That was why Subaru absolutely refused to respond to that love.
“In this world, when I heard ‘I love you’ spoken seriously to me for the first time…it gave me, an unredeemable bastard, enough power to make me think I could become a hero.”
He was a piece of garbage, twisted down, broken, and ready to flee from everything, but those words had made him believe he could face the future head-on, never giving in—to challenge it once more, over and over, however many times that it took.
Compared to that, the substance of the Witch’s love was insultingly weak.
“I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you.”
“The number one and number two spots in my heart ain’t changin’. There’s no place in there for the likes of you.”
She started it; he finished it—Subaru’s visage contorted vilely as he flatly enumerated those he loved.
“So I’ll roll up your love and toss it aside. And if I’ve gotta compare…”
He had no way to mount a physical attack. But he still had verbal attacks. Getting on other people’s nerves was a particular specialty of his.
What could he say, what should he say, that would rub the Witch the worst way? There was no one better armed to get under someone else’s skin than Subaru. So he knew.
Accordingly, Subaru gave a shallow, cruel laugh, turning a look of scorn toward the Witch.
“—I’d rather love Echidna and the other Witches than you.”
The instant he made the statement, the Witch’s curse-like words of love halted for the first time.
And then—
In an instant, Subaru’s field of vision and the world itself was swallowed by shadow.
“I love you. I love you. I love you. —Love me.”
Amid the darkness, he heard a voice.
Swallowed by shadow, he was upside down and shaken around.
Not only his body but the inside of his skull was being ransacked as the shadow whipped Subaru Natsuki about.
Within, as Subaru Natsuki dissolved into the shadow, he heard a whisper.
“Love me. Love me. Love me. Love me. Love me love me love me love me love me love me love me love me love me love me love me love me love me love me love me love me love me love me love me love me love me. —Love me.”
It was horrifying. He trembled in ecstasy. He shuddered in fear. He cried tears of joy. He spat blood in a rage. He cried out in exultation. His emotions were being sliced apart, bounced around, as what was right became wrong and what was wrong became right—
Subaru Natsuki’s field of vision was growing hazy. He knew his body was being dissolved. Why did he know that? Was it Subaru Natsuki who knew or was it something else?
Inside the shadow, he sensed some kind of separate presence beyond the whispers of love. —No, he did not sense them, for they were not separate at all. It was Subaru. It was Subaru Natsuki. If he was dissolved, mixed, and combined with one mass, there would be no boundary between him and others. Everything that had been swallowed would become Subaru Natsuki.
There was warmth, sadness, hatred, generosity, dejection, ecstasy, despair, relief, lamentation, satisfaction.
Yes, there was satisfaction. Amid the many despairs and many laments, there was satisfaction.
That satisfaction was a part of Subaru. If that could fill Subaru, then—
He reached a hand out toward the satisfaction—no, it was not a hand. He had no body to be found—no, that was not so. His body had been swallowed by shadow, so it was all there: his dissolved heart, his crumbling consciousness, the remains of Subaru Natsuki’s soul. There they were all gathered together. And in gathering them, he comprehended the reason why they were gathered.
There was heat. Subaru Natsuki felt heat in the midst of his return. And so to a place completely different than that false satisfaction, he extended an arm, a right arm, a right wrist. And then—
—in that darkness-colored world, a prayer-imbued handkerchief glimmered vividly.
His consciousness floated upward.
As if in struggling to reach the water’s surface in search of oxygen, he frantically clawed against the darkness, desperately moving higher, higher.
His consciousness was enshrouded in darkness. It was as if he had sunk into a swamp. His mind was immersed in weight and weariness, yet Subaru earnestly pressed on even so—
At the end of his struggling, his field of vision suddenly opened. Subaru’s mind had floated back up to the real world.
He had returned from the world of shadow alive—but that did not mean he had escaped peril by any stretch.
“Hagh…! Haa…ah?
His breathing was clumsy. There was some kind of shadow stuffed in his throat. His feet were not on the ground. Bound by shadow, his body was being held aloft at an angle. He could not move. He was not being allowed to move.
But as if clinging to it, he touched the handkerchief wrapped around his right wrist with his left hand.
“…Petra’s handkerchief.”
In that world covered by shadow, Subaru’s field of vision was dyed the color of darkness. Amid that pitch-blackness, Petra’s handkerchief alone dazzled, radiating a white light as if trying to drive off the dark.
The feelings with which Petra’s handkerchief was imbued had granted this miracle to Subaru—no, such a thought was hard to justify. Subaru had a different culprit in mind for the crafty trick that had saved him.
—Namely, the Witch of Greed who had touched that handkerchief upon the occasion of his departure, leaving words of deep import with him.
“That damn Echidna… Did she know this would happen, damn it…?”
It’s insurance. Just to be safe, he could almost hear the Witch’s face say as it floated up in the back of his mind. That one time, he was well and truly grateful for that inconsiderate, boastful Witch.
If not for that light, Subaru would surely have been engulfed by the shadow, vanishing without a trace.
What was happening inside that shadow? —It was a blender. The shadow was dissolving Subaru’s very being. It was melting him and mixing him into something else: everything that had been swallowed by shadow.
—Mixed with all the many, many things that had been swallowed whole by the Witch’s shadow.
Becoming one with those who had been melted before him had exposed Subaru to a great many emotions. Coursing into him were sensations, feelings, memories, knowledge that was not his own. It became natural to be instantly aware of those things as they let themselves in, carving into his body, his mind, and his soul.
He’d escaped by a hair’s breadth. He’d escaped with his life with only fractions of a second to spare. Being engulfed by that shadow was not death. Subaru Natsuki would be stirred into something else, erased through becoming part of a heterogeneous whole.
That was an intolerable defeat, one from which even Return by Death could not bring him back.
Had it not been for Echidna’s aid, Subaru would have come to an end, unable to slip out of the shadow’s embrace. It was because he could feel that in his bones that he wanted to call the Witch right back to thank her.
But delaying the inevitable with Echidna’s aid had gone as far as it could.
Slowly, Subaru’s body was being engulfed by the shadow once more. As if his lower body was sinking into the ground, as if his extremities were being meticulously digested bit by bit, the Witch’s shadow was consuming Subaru.
He was gradually losing himself. Not only was the sense of loss frightening but the relief.
There was relief. There was joy that he would be swallowed, dissipated, and erased, his fate arriving at its end.
Accordingly, he was certain in his belief. He could not die from being engulfed by shadow. He would continue to be “loved”—forever.
“Damn…it all…”
The light created by the Witch had bought him tens of seconds, but that postponement would not save Subaru’s life.
It was only a brief matter of time until he was pulled in and erased. Just what did Echidna want there?
“That…shitty Witch…!”
The instant he arrived at his conclusion, Subaru cast aside his gratitude from the moment just prior, tearing at the light with his left hand.
The single saving grace was the light that had saved Subaru, brushing aside the shadow engulfing him—and it was here that Echidna’s desire rested.
Echidna had a goal. Echidna had left in Subaru’s hands the means to accomplish it.
It was a lifeline. A lifeline not for saving Subaru but to let him take his own life.
As if sensing his tragic resolve, the light changed shape, transforming into a radiant dagger.
She had no doubt thought it would be difficult to accomplish with nothing but a single handkerchief. Her polite consideration brought tears to his eyes.
It was just, though they were tears, what coursed out were tears of blood.
He closed his eyes, let out his breath—and with that impetus, he thrust the dagger of light toward his own throat.
Though the sharpness of the blade of light was unclear, it penetrated his windpipe with ease. Blood coursed backward into the fatal wound, and as it flowed from his throat down to his lungs, his consciousness began to drown.
—The protective charm of light was not a weapon. Echidna had put it in his hands so that he could take his own life.
That was what the postponement of tens of seconds was for, so that he might realize, so that he might carry it out, so that he might Return by Death.
Echidna had most likely anticipated that the Witch of Jealousy would appear outside of the tomb. The reason why remained unclear to Subaru, but he had to pay for it with his life.
For the first time, Subaru’s suicide caused the Witch of Jealousy to shout something other than her love.
However, drowning in his own blood, already having let go of his consciousness, Subaru did not comprehend the words.
But he stretched his hand toward the face of the Witch covered in shadow as if it was the natural thing to do. It seemed right.
The dagger of light fell away, and the fingers of the final vestiges of light touched the shadowy veil.
The veil came apart, and the half of the Witch’s face hidden by the shadow was exposed to him.
She had purple eyes that were like gemstones. She had shimmering silver hair that was like moonlight. And she had a lovely and familiar face—
Seeing that face twisted in grief, he felt not so much surprise as pain within his chest. Sadness had impaled his chest.
With his throat filled with blood, he could not form proper words.
Nonetheless, to the one before his eyes, the sad girl who spilled countless tears, he made a declaration…
“I will—”
—I will save you.
The instant he stated it, Subaru Natsuki lost his life.
When he straddled “death,” the first piece of reality to arrive was the bitter taste of dust.
Coughing violently, he spat out foreign substances tasting of dirt along with his saliva. After that, Subaru sat up and confirmed that he had been lying on a floor in a cold, dark room.
The stone walls were very faintly glowing blue, and it was tranquil enough to rattle your nerves—he was inside the tomb.
“I’ve re…turned…”
With a raspy voice, opening and closing his hands right before his eyes, Subaru made the result of Return by Death sink in.
His memory from just before was still fresh, both from having been swallowed by shadow and having ended his own life. —So, too, the violent pain in his throat.
“Not the first time I’ve killed myself, is it…?”
The sharp sensation boring into his throat, the feeling of it being gouged out—this made Subaru breathe hard.
There was the suffering of drowning in his own blood and the sense of loss from his consciousness slipping away. No matter how many times he’d tasted death, the horror never dulled. No matter how many times or instances he felt death, it never got easier.
He was afraid of death. Death was terrifying. It was painful, agonizing, yet even so—
“Even so, coming back…beats the hell out of ending with everything lost…!”
He’d chosen to come back. In that place, he’d chosen death without hesitation.
This way, Subaru could still fight. He could resist. He could fight to win his future.
“But I can’t get all mushy about death all the same… I still have things I have to do.”
Gazing anew at those things he had to do, Subaru tried to calm the sound of his heart as he checked around. Having returned to the tomb, there was a silver-haired girl lying right at Subaru’s side.
This was the tomb, the starting point of Return by Death—where Emilia was continuing her nightmare about her past.
He had to shake her slender shoulder and awaken her from that nightmare. Tell her she didn’t have to go through those terrible thoughts anymore, gently embrace her—those were the first things Subaru ought to do.
Hence, as Emilia gasped in anguish, Subaru gently stretched a hand out toward her—
“…The hell?”
There was a tiny tremble in his fingers as he tried to touch Emilia with them.
Wondering what was up, he tried to stop the shaking in his fingers. However, though Subaru was aware of the trembling, his fingertips disregarded his will; if anything, the trembling increased. And that was not all.
A strange clattering sound was echoing off the stone walls. The annoying sound and the trembling fingers left Subaru confused as to what in the world was going on, but belatedly he realized.
The clattering was coming from Subaru’s teeth. Without his teeth pressed together, his jaw was trembling, causing the miserable rattling.
It was as if Subaru was hesitating out of cowardice. His fingers continued to tremble, and his teeth kept clacking.
—The cause behind that trembling was the face he had seen on the other side of that shadowy veil.
“Why am I shaking…? Don’t tell me I’m afraid of…”
He had seen the Witch’s face in the moment just prior to Return by Death—and it was the same face as Emilia’s. After straddling death to come back, he had dragged along a fear of the Witch that stuck with him.
Enough fear to make his soul forget a very basic thing… Emilia was not the Witch of Jealousy.
“A stupid trick like that… Come on, I know better than that, damn it…!”
Subaru didn’t know what had brought on the sudden revival play. However, he did have an idea of why the Witch had taken that form. There was one possibility he could think of.
The Witch had probably manifested in the Sanctuary through taking possession of Emilia’s body.
Petelgeuse, an Archbishop of the Seven Deadly Sins, had been an evil spirit able to possess the bodies of others. Knowing of that madman, Subaru could easily accept the possibility that the Witch could take over other people’s bodies as well.
What had convinced him the most was that it perfectly explained everything Garfiel’s demeanor had implied.
For the plan to use the barrier, Garfiel had been absolutely certain the Witch had a physical body. Subaru’s memory was also fresh that he had said he was “sorry in advance” just prior to the decisive battle against the Witch.
In other words, Garfiel had seen the Witch possess Emilia. That was why he hadn’t given a clear answer as to whether Emilia was dead or alive and why he’d apologized to Subaru for striking down both the Witch and Emilia-turned-avatar.
It added up. It explained everything. That was it. Wasn’t it nothing more than that? It had nothing to do with Emilia. It wasn’t any knock against her. There was no reason to be afraid of—
—Quit it with the bald-faced lying, his inner self coldly spat.
Bald-faced lying. His inner self’s words made Subaru aware that he was deceiving himself. He was not afraid of Emilia. That was the truth. But that was one thing. His fear of the Witch was in another dimension.
—Subaru’s Return by Death was through the power of the Witch of Jealousy.
That was Subaru’s opinion, and Echidna’s had affirmed his own. And understanding this meant that the Witch of Jealousy possessed the power to roll back time.
Therefore, it was not unthinkable for her to employ the same power with which she made him Return by Death to go back in time herself.
Subaru couldn’t firmly declare that she wouldn’t or couldn’t. The possibility terrified him.
There was no answer to that question. —In its place, there was an answer lying right at his side.
Touching Emilia and making her awaken would make everything become clear.
If Emilia opened her eyes, smiling softly as she always did, all those things would become a needless worry.
But if that wish was not to be granted—
Whether he sought to save her or sought to be saved himself, he no longer could tell even that.
But he thought that the fact that his voice called her name and the finger touching her cheek did not shake was miracle enough for him.
Her pale cheek transferred enough warmth to his fingertip that he thought it would melt. Her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and light came to rest in her downcast eyes. Her purple eyes blinked several times as they beheld Subaru in them.
And then—
When he heard her whispered voice, something heavy dissolved inside of Subaru.
One word, hearing that single call, let Subaru make the fear up to the moment before into a thing of the past. Everything about it was different from the false love that had been showered upon him.
“This is… Until now, I’ve been…”
Subaru let out a long, long breath. Slightly perplexed by the lack of a reply, Emilia slowly sat up, knitting her brows as she looked around the room in which they were.
Awakening from her nightmare, her comprehension was belated. However, she gradually caught up to reality.
That tiny voice probably trickled out from remembering something about the dream she saw.
He knew that Emilia would immediately descend into a panic. He had already seen Emilia’s heart crushed by her past three times over. He had to offer her gentle comforting.
For the sake of that, without hurting her in any way, he had to call out to her, to tell her it was all right—
And yet, in spite of Subaru having prepared to do just that, Emilia engaged in an action completely contrary to his expectations.
Her panicked eyes had already regained their calm; her lips, on the verge of trembling, were now pursed with a strong will. To a surprised Subaru, Emilia proceeded to gently reach out with her hand as she spoke.
“Why do you have such a pained look on your face?”
Hgh, went the broken breath that trickled out of him.
Subaru was frozen in surprise as Emilia’s finger gently stroked his cheek. Her white fingertip gently wiped the corner of his eye, pulling down the dam holding back the tears welling up, letting them fall freely.
There were tears. Only then did Subaru realize that he’d been on the verge of completely breaking down.
“Ah, uh, I?”
Once he realized the fact, it only took him a moment to crumble.
The tremors that hit him were in a totally different dimension from what had afflicted his fingers and teeth from moments before. The trembling robbed him of his body’s internal strength, and Subaru, who had been on his knees, lost his balance, sinking onto his rear.
“It’s all right, it’s all right, Subaru. I’m here, I’m right here…”
As his crumpling body leaned forward, a delicate touch embraced him from the front.
Emilia’s temperature was hot enough that he could feel it through the thin fabric of his clothing. A gentle beating came through the chest where he laid his head; he could tell that relief was filling the cracks of his broken heart.
Relief. —Yes, this was beyond all doubt relief: that Emilia had remained herself, that the Witch had not stolen her body away.
And pathetic as it was, Subaru’s body had chosen quivering and crying as its way of expressing that relief.
“I’m so sorry, making you worry like that. It’s all right, it’s all right…”
As Subaru trembled and cowered, Emilia gently consoled him, calling out to him over and over as if pitying him.
Ever so quietly, Emilia continued to console Subaru in that fashion.